Chereads / Rick and The Loud House / Chapter 25 - Chapter 25: The Loudest Mission: Rickshank Rickdemption

Chapter 25 - Chapter 25: The Loudest Mission: Rickshank Rickdemption

Rick could do nothing but scowl as he floated through the halls of the Galactic Federation President's residency on the gromflomite's home planet of Gromflom Prime. Which to Rick, looked like a black version of the white house. He was currently strapped to a floating, black panel which followed behind two winged gromflomite guards. Soon, he entered the President's seafoam green office. Along with other Federation workers, Rick soon spotted Tammy, now wearing dark blue Galactic Federation uniform. He casted a hateful glare at her which she then returned. "Ah, Rick. Just the man I wanted to see." The Galactic Federation President greeted. The President was a wingless gromflomite who was slightly more overweight than the other gromflomites. He also had wrinkles on his face, showing his age.

"Ah Mr. President. Just the last person I wanted to see." Rick snarked. "The hell did you want with me?"

The President gave a slight huff though still tried keep a pleasant attitude. "I simply wanted to talk. You've committed quite a few crimes against the Federation and I'm not sure why. A while back, you had freed that gaseous life form from our captivity. You did realise how much of potential threat it was, right?"

Rick rolled his eyes. "Look, that whole incident? Complete accident. I killed it before it could go back to its own dimension." Rick noted that the federation knew exactly how dangerous Fart was.

The President gave a sigh of relief. "That's a relief. Still, that did end up costing us a lot. We only have so much blemflarck you know. Speaking of which, a while before that incident, you had smuggled some Megaseeds from Dimension 35-C. You do realise we needed those seeds to power our portals right?"

"Oh, so taking over other planets wasn't enough, you needed to take over other dimensions too?" Rick snapped.

"You say that like it's a problem. We only seek to bring some control and order to this insane universe. And as a man of science, shouldn't you be trying to make the universe a better place as well? Why don't we work together? Our knowledge of interdimensional travel is limited. If you tell us the formula to that portal gun of yours, we'll dismiss all of your crimes and let you join us in bringing peace to the galaxy. How does that sound?"

Rick narrowed his eyes at the President. "You think we don't have lying, bullshit politicians on Earth? Was using that bitch over there to trick my friends and family part of your little peace crusade? There's no way I'm helping you take over other dimensions." Rick noticed that Tammy was slightly taken aback by his jibe at her.

The President leaned back in his chair. "Ah well. I suppose it was worth a try. No matter. We have other methods of extracting that information."

"You do realise I'm gonna escape that shitty prison of yours right?" Rick stated.

The President chuckled. "Oh please. The Galactic Federation prison is THE most secure prison in the universe. Not a single person has ever escaped from it. Why, it's so secure, we keep our most sensitive information stored there. We even have our financial system set up there, alone!"

There was a pause for a moment as what the President just said started to sink into Rick's head. "You really have your whole financial system there, huh?"

The President's eyes widened for a moment before he regained his composure. "It's not as if it matters. It won't be long until you're dead anyway. Cornvelius Daniel." A wingless gromflomite wearing a suit then stepped forward.


"Anyway, that's how I escaped from space prison! Oh, scary place." Rick finished telling the tale of his escape to the rest of the Loud family, who were all sat around a table at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet.

Lisa gave Rick a look of admiration. "I didn't expect a genius of your caliber to be stuck there for long. If only I could've witnessed your escape myself."

Rick rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on. Who wants to watch a mad scientist use handmade sci-fi tools to take out highly trained alien guards when we can sit here and be a family at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet?"

Lynn Sr. gave Rick a concerned look. "You know, it's great to have you back and all, Dad, but wouldn't you rather celebrate at home?"

"Emotionally speaking, son, Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet is my home." Rick argued.

Lori raised an eyebrow at Rick. "You literally just got out of prison. Wouldn't you rather-"

"Lori, stand up and fold yourself twelve times." Rick ordered, interrupting her.

"Sure." Lori then stood up and grunted as she somehow managed to fold herself six times before falling over.

Rick folded his arms, looking insulted. "Six folds, huh? W-W-What, have you guys got me in a Series 9000? You cheap insect fucks didn't think I was worth your best equipment?"

All of the Loud family then faded away while Cornvelius Daniel appeared, sitting at a nearby table. He chuckled as he got up to sit with Rick. "Man, I told the money bugs. I said, you know who this guy is, right? You want me to get intel out of the smartest mammal in the galaxy, you better give me a decent brainalyzer."

"Well, you might as well order some nachos or some baguettes or something, because I don't see the need to leave this part of my brain."

Cornvelius Daniel raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I think you do. Eventually, you're either gonna relax your cerebellum."

"Jean Juan's."

"Or the Series 9000 is going to turn it into mush." Cornvelius Daniel picked up his mug of coffee, only for a butt to appear in it and fart in his face.

"Relaxed enough?" Rick laughed.

"I admire you, Rick-" The butt farted again, causing Rick to laugh at Cornvelius Daniel's expense. Everytime he tried to speak, the butt kept farting while Rick kept laughing. "When I-Rick, here's-"


Outside of Rick's mind, Rick was strapped to a table in a lab, unconscious with some kind of purple laser aimed at his head coming from the brainalyzer. Opposite him, Cornvelius Daniel was sat down, wearing a helmet that was connecting him to Rick's mind. The gromflomite captain watched as Rick grinned while Cornvelius Daniel looked uncomfortable. He turned to the gromflomite worker at the computer. "What's going on?"

The gromflomite worker stared at the computer screen. "It's hard to tell. He may have manifested some sort of butt."

"He can do that?"

"He is the smartest man in the universe."


Lynn Sr. sighed as he got out his ship that he had just flown home in. It had been a week since the Galactic Federation had taken over the world, changing everyone's lives, mostly for the worse. While the prospect of aliens coming to live on Earth and bringing their technology with them excited people at first, it quickly turned into a nightmare. None of the aliens had any idea about how humans worked and barely cared to learn, only going by the poorly informed videos that the Federation had released. As a result, humans were treated as second-class citizens on their own planet. While the aliens were free to do as they wanted to humans, humans still had to follow the strict laws that the Federation had laid out for them. Upon entering his house, Lynn Sr. was greeted by his wife. "Hi, honey. How was work?"

"Terrible!" Lynn Sr. bemoaned. "I finally achieved my dream of owning a restaurant and all I can serve are these stupid pills!"

Rita patted her husband's back to comfort him. "I know honey, I know. But think about it like this, at least you still have a job." Due to being unable to work on any alien's teeth (or whatever qualified as them), Rita was deemed unfit to be a dentist.

The two entered the dining room where all of the siblings were sat at the table, trying to eat from their plates full of pills. The only ones that weren't there were Lori, who had holed herself up in her room and Luna, who had yet to come home. Everyone was slowly eating their pills, apart from Lynn, who sat cross armed with a scowl on her face. "How are everyone's pills?" Asked C.O.N.R.o.Y.. A robotic personal servant that had been assigned to the family by the Federation. It floated towards Lynn.

"This sucks! I'm sick of eating these stupid pills all the time! This is-gak!" Extendable arms then came out of C.O.N.R.o.Y. as they grabbed Lynn's head and force-fed her the pills. After managing to swallow them, she looked at the robot nervously. "Th-Thank you, C.O.N.R.o.Y.."

Everyone then heard the front door open as Luna then entered the room, a wide-eyed, disturbed look on her face. "Luna? What's wrong?"

"Dudes, whatever you do, don't flash the horns at any of these aliens. They take it as permission to drink all your blood."

Everyone gasped in shock, especially Rita. "Oh God, Luna, don't tell me one of your friends..."

Luna shook her head. "I saw it on a video from Blurtfeed. Still, I'm worried guys. I haven't seen Sam in days! Who knows what happened to her!"

Lincoln shared Luna's sentiments. He had also seen quite a few disturbing videos from Blurtfeed. It didn't help that that was one of the only couple of websites that Lincoln could watch videos on now since the Federation had taken complete control of the internet, constantly monitoring everything that people post on it. Not only that but recently, a few people in Royal Woods had gone missing, including Ronnie Anne and her family. Ever since they had gone missing after being evicted from their own home, Lincoln had been beside himself with worry. Especially since he was suddenly unable to call or text Ronnie Anne since she had disappeared.

"I must admit, even I find some of these alien cultures somewhat disturbing." Lisa then admitted. "I had recently discovered that some alien species consume their young for being weak or insubordinate."

Everyone then looked at Lisa in disgust. Leni sighed. "I wish Grandpa Rick was still here. He'd know how to fix all this." Lincoln couldn't help but agree.


Later on, Lincoln snuck downstairs as he slowly crept over to the front door.

"What are you doing?"

"Gah!" Lincoln jumped before turning around to face Lucy.

"Are you trying to sneak out?" Lucy asked.

"Look, I know this seems dangerous but I have to know what happened to Ronnie Anne. Who knows what could have happened to her. I need to find out."

Lucy was silent for a moment. "Sigh. Just...please stay safe Lincoln. I won't tell anyone. I know you can handle yourself."

Lincoln nodded. "Don't worry. I promise I won't get myself into any danger." With that, Lincoln opened the door and stepped out of the house.

Luckily, it was starting to get late so the streets were empty. Most people nowadays have been staying inside in an effort to try and avoid the aliens anyway. Lincoln turned to the audience as he walked down the street. "Things haven't been...great since the Galactic Federation took over the world. But...well at least..." Lincoln sighed. He had a habit of talking to an imaginary audience in order to help himself focus and concentrate on what he should do. Lately though, it hasn't been working. Maybe he should just quit doing it. His family didn't mind it but he was aware of how to others, it made him look slightly crazy whenever he did it. Lincoln was still finding it hard to believe that the Federation had taken over the entire world. Though he had heard rumours that the Federation have yet to take over states such as Oregon and Los Angeles though he wasn't sure if he could really believe those rumours.


Lincoln looked around, wondering if he had just imagined that noise.


Was someone trying to get his attention? He looked around again but couldn't see anyone.


Lincoln then realised that the noise was coming from a nearby manhole. Without really thinking, Lincoln approached the manhole. "Uh, hello?"

Lincoln then yelped as an arm reached out from underneath the manhole and pulled him under it. Before he could scream for help, a hand slapped over his mouth. "Lincoln! Shh!" Ronnie Anne whispered harshly.

Lincoln looked at Ronnie Anne in surprise. Her clothes were torn and looked filthy. "Ronnie Anne? What are-"

Ronnie Anne put a finger over her mouth. "Shh." She then gestured for Lincoln to follow her as she climbed down the ladder, into the sewer.

Lincoln followed her down. Upon reaching the sewer, he suddenly found himself pulled into a hug by his other grandpa, Albert. "Lincoln! I'm so glad you're okay! Is the rest of the family safe?"

Lincoln looked at his Pop-Pop in surprise as he let him go. "Pop-Pop? What are you...woah." Lincoln looked to see the walkways of the sewer lined up with wooden shacks made of planks and whatever else could be salvaged from the surface. Along with that, Lincoln could see a few familiar faces of people who had also gone missing recently. Like Ronnie Anne, their clothes were torn and filthy as well.

Mr. Grouse was still in the middle of making his shack as he hammered in some nails. He then put a hand to his aching back, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Ooh wee, you need any help there, Mr. Grouse?" Mr. Poopybutthole offered.

Mr. Grouse gave Mr. Poopybutthole a grateful smile as he handed him the hammer. "Ah did you say your name was again?"

"Why, it's Mr. Poopybutthole!"

Mr. Grouse raised an eyebrow at Mr. Poopybutthole. "Huh. Bet you were popular in high school with that name, eh?"

"Ooh wee, I sure was!"

Meanwhile, Carol was slowly and nervously walking down the walkway, not wanting to get her clothes any dirtier than they already were. "Move it, Carol! Some of us have places to be!" Scoots shouted as she drove up behind her.

Carol quickly stepped aside. "Eep! Sorry Scoots." Scoots said nothing as she simply drove past her.

"Rafo! Rafo, where are you?!" Darcy shouted as she ran around, trying to find her plush toy giraffe.

"Is this Rafo?"

Darcy jumped before turning around to see Maggie holding Rafo. Darcy squealed as she took back her plush toy. "Thanks, Maggie!"

Maggie gave a slight smile as she watched Darcy go off and play. That smile then turned into a scowl as she noticed Lincoln, Ronnie Anne and Albert watching her. "What are you looking at?"

"Yo, little Loud!" Lincoln then heard Sam as she ran up towards him. "Is Luna around?"

Ronnie Anne shook her head. "Sorry. Lincoln's all I saw out there."

"Dang it!" Sam sighed in disappointment. " she okay at least?"

"She's fine but she's worried sick about you." Lincoln explained.

Sam winced. "Ugh. I wanna tell her I'm okay but I can't. The stupid Federation monitor all our calls and texts. If we used our phones, they might find out about us."

"That reminds me." Lincoln said. "What are you guys all doing down here anyway?"

"Isn't it, like, obvious? We don't want to live in their messed up society." Maggie explained.

"She actually started all of this." Ronnie Anne whispered to Lincoln. "Said she was prepared for something like this happening."

"I'm not letting those galactic freaks tell me what to do!" Scoots ranted.

Carol scowled. "After what they did, there's no way I want anything to do with the Federation."

Darcy shyly tapped her fingers together. "My mommy and daddy said that the aliens were bad people and that we should stay away from them."

"Ooh wee, me and my wife have committed numerous crimes against the Federation so we're kinda wanted criminals now." Mr. Poopybutthole said cheerfully.

" guys would rather live in the sewer?" Lincoln then asked.

"Anything's better than up there." Ronnie Anne said plainly. "Besides, we'll be fine. We've been stealing stuff from the surface to help us out. Plus, there's actual food down here."

"Hey, we might not even have to live here that long." Albert added as he picked up a spear that he had handcrafted himself. "We've also been preparing to take back the surface one day."

"Ooh wee, you know that's kind of a loooong shot right?" Mr. Poopybutthole pointed out.

Albert shrugged. "Hey, as long as we keep bringing people down here, we'll get there eventually."

Ronnie Anne scratched the back of her head awkwardly. "I was kind of hoping I'd find the rest of your family up there. Sorry about this but you can't go back up. We can't risk the Federation finding out about us."

Lincoln sighed, looking downcast. "Well that sucks but...I understand."

Ronnie Anne gave Lincoln a sympathetic look. "Sorry. You can always stay with us until we can find your family."

Lincoln then perked up. "Sure. So Bobby and your mom are down here too, right?"

Ronnie Anne looked away. "'s not just them you'll be living with now."

"What do you mean?"

Ronnie Anne grabbed Lincoln's hand as she guided him further into the sewer. "Here, I'll show you."

After walking for a bit, the two eventually came to a shack much bigger than the other ones. Ronnie Anne took a deep breath before opening the door. Upon entering, Bobby and Maria immediately approached the two. "Bro, you're here! Is Lori here too?" Bobby asked.

"Sorry, Bobby." Ronnie Anne apologised. "I could only find Lincoln."

"Gosh dang it!" Bobby slumped. "Is Lori okay at least?"

"She's...whoa." Lincoln's attention diverted as he quickly spotted the rest of the people living with Ronnie Anne.

"Hector, you were supposed to help us organise our belongings this morning!" An elderly woman holding a cooking pot snapped. She was a short, round woman with tan skin and short black hair, rolled into a bun. She wore a navy blue dress, with a white collar, as well as having white on the end of the sleeves, a greenish blue apron, and black shoes. Next to her, a toddler was imitating her every move. He had two front teeth, a strand of red hair and thick, black eyebrows. He wore a white shirt, red shorts and black shoes.

"I was helping people with their shacks." Hector argued. He was a short, round, elderly man with tan skin, black eyebrows, a thick, bushy gray mustache, and gray hair at the sides of his head. He wore a tan shirt with an asparagus green jacket that has patches on the elbows, olive green pants, and black shoes.

"You were out gossiping!"

Hector put his hands on his hips. "I do not gossip! By the way, did you hear that Mrs. Poopybutthole might be pregnant?"

"Ugh!" The woman spat before walking off.

Barking could then be heard as a parrot with a body mostly made up of red feathers along with light orange head feathers flew by, carrying a toy bone. "Too slow!" The parrot squacked as he flew off with a large, pudgy mastiff with yellow fur chasing after him along with the toddler, now imitating the dog.

"Sergio! Give Lalo back his toy!" The elderly woman snapped.

"Carl! Did you use all my hair product again?!" A teenage girl the same age as Bobby shouted. She was a plus-sized girl with two pairs of eyelashes and long black hair, with some strands styled into a ponytail. However, he hair was currently all frizzy. She wore golden circular earrings, magenta lipstick, a light seafoam dress with a white collar, two orange bracelets on each wrist, pink socks, and brown boots. "You know we don't have enough of those any more!"

A young boy around Lana and Lola's age slid towards her on his knees, striking a pose with a confident smirk on his face. He had a missing tooth, thick, black eyebrows and wore a red hoodie, navy blue pants and white shoes. "This kind of handsome doesn't happen on its own." He bragged, referring to his black hair that was styled as a faux hawk. Annoyed, the girl grabbed Carl and began rubbing his hair against hers. "STOP IT! YOU'RE SMOOSHING THE FLAIR!" He cried out.

The two were then distracted by a flash from a camera. The person who just took their photo was their mother. A tall woman with tan skin, long black hair, orange earrings, and two sets of yellow pearl bracelets on her wrists. She wore a pink dress with a greenish blue pattern on the top and light brown flats. She was currently overflowing with joy. "I love seeing my babies play so sweetly. Even during such hard times!" She exclaimed with tears in her eyes running off to go cry, along with the toddler now imitating her. Carl and his sister glanced at each other before the girl put Carl down and both of them cleaned up their hair, walking away.

"I'm Super CJ!" A boy around Lynn's age exclaimed as he struck a superhero pose. He was portly teenage boy with black scruffy hair. He wore a yellow shirt, a black bow tie with red outlines, dark blue shorts, white socks, blue shoes with green laces and a short red cape. Despite his age, he was very short in stature. CJ then started making airplane noises as he ran around imitating an airplane along with the toddler now imitating him.

A man with short black hair, with some of the strands standing up and thick, black eyebrows passed by CJ. He wore black glasses that have a square frame, a cream long sleeved shirt, a light green sweater, a red necktie, brown pants, a black belt with a yellow buckle and dark brown shoes. He was currently reading a book. "Ok, Super CJ, just watch where you're going." He said before immediately bumping into a wall. "Oof! Huh, whoopsie."

"Squack! Nerd alert!" The parrot squacked as he flew by.

After all that chaos, CJ was the first to notice Ronnie Anne and Lincoln. "Ronnie Anne!" Everyone then stopped what they were doing as they went over to see Ronnie Anne and Lincoln.

"Everyone, this is Lincoln." Ronnie Anne said, gesturing to Lincoln.

"Your boyfriend!" The tall woman exclaimed, snapping a photo of the two.

"Frida!" Ronnie Anne moaned. She then turned to Lincoln. "Anyway, this is my mom's brother, Carlos, his wife, Frida, their kids Carlota, CJ, Carl, and Carlitos and my Grandma Rosa and Grandpa Hector." The order she introduced her cousins in was by age.

Rosa approached Lincoln. "Lincoln, you must be famished!" She then gasped as she took a good look at Lincoln. "You're all bones and skin! Oh, I'd offer you some food but..."

"There isn't enough." Maria interjected. "We need to ration out what we eat now."

"But it never feels like enough!" A frustrated Rosa exclaimed. "I can't believe that Federation. What were they thinking, replacing all the food with these horrid pills?!"

"According to the Federation, they believe that cooking is exhausting and drains our planet of resources." Carlos explained.

Rosa scowled. "Ridiculous! Have they even tried any of our food? I bet if they tried some of my cooking, they'd reconsider that!"

Lincoln turned to Ronnie Anne. "So, what are all your family doing here in Royal Woods?"

Everyone then went silent as a dour feeling spread across the shack. "It's...not a pleasant story." Ronnie Anne admitted.

"A week ago, the Federation took over Great Lakes City." Carlos explained. "However, a lot of people rebelled against the Federation's rule. There were a lot of protests. Enough so that they got the Federation's attention. They responded to all of this"

"THEY DESTROYED EVERYTHING!" Rosa suddenly wailed. "There is no Great Lakes City any more! The Federation completely destroyed it!" Maria went over to comfort her mother as she started to sob.

Lincoln stared at Rosa in shock. "W-What?"

"We lost everything." Hector then said. "Our city. Our apartment. My bodega!"

"We were lucky to make it out alive." Carlos continued. "We don't know how many other people did. We came here to Royal Woods because we didn't know where else to go."

Lincoln could barely believe what he just heard. How could the Federation do something like that? After hearing that, Lincoln was sure that the Federation was filled with nothing but monsters. This situation was even more horrifying considering that this is the first he'd heard of the Federation destoying any kind of city. It showed just how good the Federation were at covering things up. Especially with their complete control of the internet and the media.

"I-It's not all bad." Frida then said, despite almost being on the verge of tears herself. "At least we all still have each other. W-We all have to stay positive."

Carlota nodded. "Mom's right, guys. We can't let this keep getting us down."

Rosa started to calm down. "You're right, dear, you're right. Why don't we all do something to take our minds off this, hmm?"

CJ then ran over to pick up a pirate hat and two fake swords before running back over to Lincoln. "Hey, Lincoln, wanna play pirates?"

Lincoln smirked. "Oh, you're on." He took one of the swords from CJ. "Let's do this! En garde!" As the two began to play fight, everyone else went back to what they were doing beforehand, apart from Ronnie Anne, who started to look downcast. She still had a lot on her mind.


Rick and Cornvelius Daniel were still at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet with Rick refusing to let his mind wander anywhere else. "I can see why you chose this family-friendly restaurant to represent your cerebellum." Cornvelius Daniel said as he gestured to the restaurant. "So safe, so comfortable, so Jean Juan's. But admit it, Rick. You're going crazy, cooped up in here. Let's go visit some memories."

"Oh, any particular ones?" Rick asked sarcastically. "You want to see my first boner, or should we go straight to the moment I discovered interdimensional travel?" Cornvelius Daniel started to make an odd squealing noise. This amused Rick. "Ooh, your little flappy doodles are twitching. Does that mean you're aroused, or did you just get a signal that one of your buddies found a grape?"

"It's arousal." Cornvelius Daniel admitted. "Yes, I'd like very much to visit the memory of you inventing your portal gun."

"Yeah, well, tough titties." Suddenly, the building started to rumble as cracks appeared on the restaurant's walls and windows.

"There's no tougher titty than a psychotic break, Rick."

Rick gave Cornvelius Daniel a defiant look. "Well, that depends on who breaks first. Me or the titty?"

Cornvelius Daniel got up and walked over to the window. Outside, he could see Rick wearing a bathrobe, talking on the phone, a woman and a boy standing in front of a portal and a couple of baseball players, playing a game. "Someone special you remember?" Cornvelius Daniel asked, pointing to the woman. "Is that your memory of her out there, between where you were on 9/11 and your favorite sports blooper?"

Rick got up and walked towards the window. A pained look appeared on his face as he watched the portal flash before disappearing, along with the woman and the boy. "If we stay here." Cornvelius Daniel poked Rick's forehead. "You'll die, along with all your memories. If you take me where I want to go she'll be there too, won't she?"

Rick started to look downcast. "The day I invented the portal gun is the day I lost her."

"Oh, that sounds cool. I can get what I want and you can say goodbye."

Rick sighed. "Fine, but I'm driving."


It was late at night. While everyone in the Loud House was asleep, Leni was in the garage, futilely searching for something to help her find Rick. When the family had returned home, they had discovered that Rick at some point had all of his spare portal guns self-destruct, likely to make sure the Federation didn't get their hands on them. The Federation had raided Rick's garage anyway, taking anything they could, though the siblings doubted that they had taken everything considering how many secrets Rick's garage held. Leni also realised this as she searched around, looking for some kind of secret. "What are you doing?"

Leni yelped before turning around to see Lori. She had a tired look on her face with dark bags under her eyes. "I'll ask again. What are you doing?"

"I'm, like, trying to find something to help us get Grandpa Rick out of prison. He's got to have something here right?"

Lori sighed. "Don't you get it, Leni? Rick is not a good person. We're better off without him."

"But the Galactic Refrigeration are awful!" Leni argued. "They, like, said I was 43 now. I don't want to be 43!"

Lori put her hands on Leni's shoulders. "Leni, I know you don't understand but Rick is literally emotionally abusive. He was only nice to us enough to the point that we wouldn't tell our parents and get him kicked out. But I know that the only thing he cares about is himself. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this was all a part of some big plan to make himself look like a hero so he can get away with doing whatever he wants."

Leni scowled. The way Lori spoke made her feel like she was speaking down to her. "There's more stuff in my head than just air, you know? I know Grandpa Rick's not bad deep down. Why would he have helped us out all those times? Or hang out with us?"

Lori sighed in disappointment. "You still don't get it, do you? Fine. I'll have to show you then." She then grabbed a nearby shovel before storming off into the rainy night.

Leni followed after her, into the backyard. "Lori?" Lori then went over the spot where the other versions of their siblings and Rick were buried and started digging. "What are you doing?!"

"What's it look like?" Lori snapped. "I'm digging up that other Rick so I can get his portal gun."

"But, like, how do you know that's where Rick was buried?"

Lori narrowed her eyes as she tried to recall who was buried where. "I mean, I think this was where that Rick was buried-OH GOD IT'S LANA!"


"Where are we going?" Cornvelius Daniel asked as Rick drove him down the streets of Royal Woods.

"To the day it all began and ended." Rick responded. "The moment that changed everything."

Rick then pulled the car into a McDonalds drive-thru. "Welcome to McDonalds. Can I take your order?" An employee asked through the speaker.

"Yeah, I'd like to get a 10-piece McNugget and a bunch of the Szechuan sauce. Like, as much as you're allowed to give me." Rick turned to Cornvelius Daniel to explain himself. "In 1998, they had this promotion for the Disney film 'Mulan', where they-where they-they created a new sauce for the McNuggets called Szechuan sauce, and it's delicious! And then they got rid of it, and now it's gone. This is the only place we're gonna be able to try it, is in my memory."

"Rick, you're doing this bit while your brain is melting." Cornvelius Daniel pointed out.

"Ok. All right, all right."


After getting his order, Rick drove over to a house. Cornvelius Daniel got out, along with Rick and looked into the garage. "Is that..."

"Me." Rick answered as they watched a younger version of Rick experiment with a larger portal gun than the one Rick usually has. Back then, Rick's hair was shorter and less spiky and his skin was lighter than it was now. "I used to wear blue pants." The younger Rick fired two small, blue portals at the wall. He then threw a ball into one of the them, only for a pile of ash to come out the other, causing the young Rick to look downcast.

"When'd you make the leap to interdimensional travel?" Cornvelius Daniel asked as the car behind them faded away.

"I didn't." Rick responded. "I did."

A portal then appeared in the garage as an alternate version of Rick stepped out of it, causing the younger Rick to gape in shock. He had the same hairstyle as the younger Rick but had the usual grey skin tone that was common in Ricks and also wore a black jacket. "Well, well, well. If it isn't us. You know the worst part about inventing teleportation? Suddenly, you're able to travel the whole galaxy, and the first thing you learn is, you're the last guy to invent teleportation. Fortunately, you're about to invent something much more powerful." Cornvelius Daniel started to squeal in excitement.

"What?" The younger Rick asked. The other Rick responded by showing him his portal gun.


After two more errors, Lori finally dug up the grave that had Rick in it while Leni was covering her mouth, trying not to puke. The Rick that had been buried was nothing more than a skeleton now. Lori dug into the other Rick's coat pocket until she found his portal gun, which had somehow remained intact after the explosion that had killed that Rick. "W-What are you going to do?" Leni asked.

"I'm going to show you exactly why Rick isn't a good person." Lori responded.

"My goodness, children." Lori and Leni turned around to see that C.O.N.R.o.Y. had spotted them. C.O.N.R.o.Y. then changed form, going from floating to sprouting four legs with electrified arms coming out of it. "Relinquish the illegal technology to the nearest Federation representative. And then we'll all play balderdash."

Suddenly, C.O.N.R.o.Y. started to short circuit before collapsing onto the floor. Lisa then stepped out from behind it, holding some kind of advanced taser. "You have my gratitude for the distraction. I was waiting for an opportunity to do that." Lisa then started to drag the broken robot back into the house.

Lori decided to just let Lisa handle C.O.N.R.o.Y. as she then fired a portal and gestured Leni to follow her. Upon exiting the portal, the two found themselves in what looked like a ghost town, filled with broken buildings, overgrown plantation and rotting piles of flesh. "Where are we?" Leni asked nervously.

"Home." Lori responded.


If Ronnie Anne was completely honest, she found her extended family really overbearing. Ever since they started living together, she hadn't found a moment of peace. Not even now as she laid in bed along with her mother, having forced to share a bed due to a lack of them. Ronnie Anne found it extremely hard to go to sleep with her mother's snoring. Once she started tossing and turning on top of her, Ronnie Anne decided to try sleeping somewhere else as she went over to lie on a worn out couch that they had managed to salvage. She exhaled. "Finally, some peace and quiet." After she said that, she then heard some spaceships from the surface zoom by. Once they were gone, she sighed and fluffed her pillow to try and get back to sleep, only to hear some meowing outside. She got up and went outside to see a black cat outside the shack. Ronnie Anne waved her arms at it. "Go on! Shoo!"

Mr. Poopybutthole then ran by and picked up the cat. "Ooh, sorry about that. He's mine."

Ronnie Anne sighed as Mr. Poopybutthole went back to his shack before going back in and making her way back to the couch. Only to find Lalo lying on it now. Ronnie Anne gripped her fists in irritation. "Really, Lalo?" She then took the pillow from underneath him. She went over to where Bobby was sleeping. He was also snoring and was sleeping with his butt in the air. She then tried the closet, only for all the stuff that both the Santiagos and Casagrandes had taken with them to fall out on top of her. Frustrated, she then stormed out of the shack.

After hearing a bunch of noise, Lincoln went outside to see Ronnie Anne curled up to herself just outside the shack. "Are you okay, Ronnie Anne?"

Ronnie Anne groaned in frustration. "I'm just sick of living like this. I used to have my own room. I could do my own thing. Now, I can't even use the bathroom without an audience."

Lincoln went to sit next to her. "I know things seem rough but maybe things will go back to normal if the Federation ever goes away."

Ronnie Anne scoffed. "Doubt it. Great Lakes City is gone now, remember? They're gonna have to live in Royal Woods with us now. Besides, even if none of this happened, I probably would have ended up moving in with them anyway. I overheard my mom talking about it."

"Is that so bad? Your family seems pretty awesome to me."

"Ugh. You don't get it."

Lincoln raised an eyebrow. "Really? You're not the only one living with a large family you know. Even if they can be a little overbearing at times, we all still love each other."

"I love my family too! It's just..." Ronnie Anne was struggling to think of an argument.

"I understand how you feel. But why not try to give them more of a chance? Having a big family can actually be pretty fun sometimes."

Ronnie Anne sighed. "Sorry. You're right. It's's been really hard to adjust to everything that's been happening."

"Believe me, I know how you feel. Just more than a year ago, I wasn't sure if aliens even existed. Now I go on adventures around the universe almost every week. Even if it's a big change, you get used to it eventually."

Ronnie Anne smiled. "Thanks for hearing me out anyway. I'm really glad you're here, you know."

"No prob-" Lincoln suddenly blushed as Ronnie gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"D-Don't tell anyone I did that." Ronnie Anne stuttered, also now blushing before going back into the shack.


Cornvelius Daniel had decided to have a little taste of the Szechuan sauce that Rick had been talking up while he and Rick continued watching the memory. "Imagine doing anything you want, then hopping to a timeline where you never did it." The alternate Rick said. "Imagine going anywhere, anytime, with nobody able to stop you."

The younger Rick looked away. "Sounds lonely."

The alternate Rick narrowed his eyes. "Lonely? Dude, you have yourself. Your infinite selves. It's a nonstop party where all the guests are the only person we like. You think it's cool being the smartest man on Earth, but once we give you this technology, you become the smartest thing in every conceivable universe. The infinite Rick. A God!"

The younger Rick turned away with a smile on his face. "Eh, pass."

"Excuse me? Bro, Ricks don't pass on this. Who do you think you are?"

The younger Rick shrugged. "A different kind of Rick, I guess."

"Well, we'll see how long that lasts." The alternate Rick said before firing a portal and leaving.

After he left, a brunette-haired woman entered the garage. "I heard sci-fi noises. Did you make a breakthrough?"

"Sort of." The younger Rick said as he clasped hands with his wife. "I just took a long look at myself and I don't think this science thing is gonna pay off.

"Well, why don't I get Lynn and we'll go out for pizza?"

"That, Laura, is the last great idea that will ever be had in this garage.


Lori and Leni stared in horror at their old home. Or at least what was left of it after it had been burnt down. There didn't appear to be any signs of their original parents or Lily. Both of them started to wander around. Leni appeared to be in a daze as she looked around her old home.

Meanwhile, Lori had wondered into the dining room with their old dining table somehow remaining intact. She then noticed a note on the table. She quickly grabbed it and read it out aloud to herself. "To whoever reads this note, we are no longer here. Me, Lynn, Lily and my dad, Albert, have been rescued by a royal family from another dimension and taken to a place called Mewni-wait what?!" Lori reread that sentence again to make sure she hadn't just imagined it. Rescued by a royal family and taken to a place called Mewni? Were her parents going insane at the time they wrote this or did that actually happen? Did Rick ever take any of them to somewhere called Mewni at some point? She mentally kicked herself for not keeping track of the places her siblings have been to with Rick. She decided to keep reading. "Rick, if you are reading this, you are dead to us. We can only hope that you at least had the decency to take our children to a safe place. We never want to see you again. Rita." Lori's arms slumped upon finishing the note as she now found herself in a dilemma. Her real parents may possibly still be alive, along with Lily and her other grandpa. But what now? What would happen if she showed her other siblings the note? Would they want to go back to them? After managing to rebuild their lives as if this whole incident never happened? What was Mewni even like? Would it be worth abandoning everyone else to go back to their parents? Would their parents be willing to leave Mewni? What if Mewni wasn't even real and this was just the insane writings of their parents before they died? The biggest question though was if it would even be worth showing this to her siblings anyway since they would likely need Rick's help to even find this Mewni. It was a difficult decision but Lori decided for now to just crumple up the note and put it in her pocket.

Lori then went into what was left of the kitchen to see Leni still staring around in shock. "We actually used to live here?" She mumbled to herself.

"Do you see now, Leni?" Lori asked. "You see why I know that Rick isn't a good person? If it wasn't for Rick, literally none of this would have happened."

Leni frowned in thought. "But...wasn't this all, like, an accident?"

Lori pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "You're still making excuses for him."

"But it's true!" Leni argued. "Grandpa Rick didn't do any of this on purpose. It was all an accident!"

"An accident that destroyed the world!" Lori snapped.

"But he tried to make up for it! Don't you think you're grabbing a judge?" Leni yelled back as the argument started to get more heated.

Lori gave her a dumbfounded look. "Huh?"

"No wait, what's that word for when someone never forgives someone?"

"You mean holding a grudge?"

"Yeah, that. Is it right to keep being mad at him? He did try to make everything normal again."

"Do you call what's happening to us now normal? Thanks to Rick, our planet has been taken over by some weird space government!"

"How do you know that's Rick's fault?"

"I just do! Okay?!"

Suddenly, a portal opened up with three Guard Ricks from the citadel stepping out of it, aiming their guns at Lori and Leni. Lori yelped as she raised her arms. "W-What do you want from us?!"

One of the Ricks approached them. "We detected a compromised portal gun. Hand it over." Lori nervously gave the Guard Rick the portal gun. "Now, where is your Rick?"

"The Galactic Refrigeration have him!" Leni blurted out.

Guard Rick raised an eyebrow. "I'm assuming you're talking about the Galactic Federation, right?" Leni nodded. Guard Rick rolled his eyes. "Lenis... Well, we can't risk Citadel secrets falling into the Federation's hands. After we've identified who your Rick is, we'll dispatch SEAL team Ricks immediately to break into the prison holding your Rick."

Leni smiled. "You're going to rescue him?"

"No, we're going to assassinate him."

"...does that, like, mean you're going to save his butt?"


Young Rick honked the horn of his car as he reversed out of the garage. "Come on guys, let's get moving already!" Laura then came into the garage along with a young Lynn Sr.. Cornvelius Daniel noticed Rick cover his eyes before a portal appeared in the ceiling of the garage, dropping some kind of bomb that started beeping before enveloping the entire garage in a giant, purple explosion. The force of it flipping the younger Rick's car over. After recovering from the blast, the younger Rick reached his hand out. "NOOOOOOO!"

Rick dropped to his knees, staring at the scene in horror while Cornvelius Daniel frowned. "You know, this sauce is okay but I wouldn't say it's anything all that special. I mean, I certainly wouldn't go into a restaurant and start screaming on the floor over it anyway."

A moment later, they watched as the younger Rick started to construct something, using what was left of his tools from the garage. "Carry the three, add a two. I got it. I fucking got it." The younger Rick yelled as held up a portal gun. He grinned as he fired a portal and ran into it."

"Whoa. I-Is that it, the portal gun?" Cornvelius Daniel asked.

"Yeah." Rick admitted, looking downcast with his hands in his coat pockets. "That's the three lines of math that separates my life as a man from my life as an unfeeling ghost."

"Awesome-possum." Cornvelius Daniel replied cheerfully before getting out a device resembling a mobile phone, using it to type out the code. "Mission Control, you getting this?"

"Holy shit, yes! Yes, we got it!" A gromflomite worker cheered from the lab."

He put the device away before turning to Rick. "Yeah! Thanks, Rick. I'll try to remember to shut off the brainalyzer. Actually, I think it shuts off automatically once your brain is liquid. Don't know, don't care." He then spoke to his colleagues using a device in his suit collar. "Pull me out." There was no response. "Hey, pull me out! Can you hear me?"

"Nope. They cannot." Rick said, starting to grin.

"Why not?"

"Because the code you just uploaded wasn't actually my portal gun formula, it was a virus giving me full control over the brainalyzer."

Cornvelius Daniel started to get nervous. "What are you talking about? This is a memory. Y-You can't alter details of a memory."

"True, but you can alter anything you want about a totally fabricated origin story." Rick smirked as the world around them folded away as the two reappeared in Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet.

Cornvelius Daniel was now panicking as he tried in vain to communicate with his colleagues. "It's a trap! Abort! I'm still in Jean Juan's! Repeat! We never left Jean Juan's!"

"Mission accomplished, boys." Rick said, talking into his watch. "Pull me out."

"Roger that." A gromflomite worker responded.

Rick then started to glow. "Ok, have fun in what's left of my brain. I'm gonna transfer to yours. Oh, there's not enough room for all my genius, so I'm leaving you with my fear of wicker furniture, my desire to play the trumpet, my tentative plans to purchase a hat and six years of improv workshops. Comedy comes in threes."

Cornvelius Daniel grabbed Rick's arm and tried to talk through his watch. "It's a trap! Abort! We never left his-" The watch turned into a butt and farted into his face. Rick laughed as he floated upwards before disappearing. "Nooooo!"


Cornvelius Daniel's body woke up. Now being controlled by Rick's consciousness. He stood up and took the helmet off. "Another day, another dollar. Am I a great insect creature or whaaat?!"

The gromflomite captain approached him. "Congratulations, Agent. You'll be highly commended for this."

"Always wait for permission to feel accomplishment. That's my motto."

The gromflomite captain scratched his chin. "One thing still perplexes me. Why would Rick Sanchez turn himself in?"

Rick shrugged as he made his way to the exit. "How should I know? I'm just a dumbass bug. I'm just gonna go take a dump. Is it cool if I use the level-nine bathroom? W-W-What's the level-nine master access code again?"

"Oh, that's easy." A gromflomite worker responded. "8-3-"

Before he could continue, a group of armoured Ricks burst in through the ceiling. "Yeah! SEAL Team Rick's in the house!" The SEAL team then started firing at all of the gromflomites while Rick went to hide behind the brainalyzer.

A Rick with a mohawk approached Rick's body. "Hi, Rick." He then shot him in the head. "Bye, Rick."

Rick then put the helmet back on before aiming the brainalyzer at the mohawked Rick, using it on him. Another Rick noticed and shot the gromflomite dead. "E-99, y-you okay?"

Rick responded by shooting at all of the SEAL team Ricks, killing each of them. "I'm bummed I didn't get to give that insect dick a test-drive."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" The last Rick pleaded as he laid down on the floor bleeding. "T-The Council of Ricks sent us. We have your Lori and Leni. They're prisoners on the Citadel."

Rick glowered at the other Rick. They're seriously doing this now? Well then, he supposed he might as well take out two birds with one stone. "Great!" He then shot the other Rick in the head.

An alarm then went off. "Security breach in room 6755." Said a voice from the speaker system.

"Lovely. Not only is my plan screwed up, I also forgot how to improvise." Rick then grabbed one of the ropes that the SEAL team had come down on and pulled himself up to get into the ship that they had come here with.


Lori and Leni, now handcuffed, looked around in awe upon arriving at the Citadel of Ricks along with the Guard Ricks. "Ok, this is really weird." Lori remarked as she looked at all the other alternate versions of her, her siblings and Rick while the Guard Ricks guided them towards the council hall.

"Totes." Leni said before giving one of her alternate versions the stinkeye. "Ew! I would never wear that dress!"

"So let me get this straight." Lori started. "In order to hide from your versions of the government, you started your own government?"

"That would be correct." A Guard Rick replied.

"You don't think that's a little hypocritical?"

The Guard Rick scoffed. "Getting called hypocritical doesn't mean that much coming from a Lori."

Lori scowled. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means shut up. No one here needs to hear you bitching the whole way." This got a chuckle from the other Ricks.

Lori glared at the Guard Rick. "You Ricks are the worst.

Guard Rick grinned. "Well hey, if you hate Ricks so much, you won't have to worry about your own anymore. SEAL Team Ricks turned his unibrow into two brows. With a bullet." The Guard Ricks laughed while Leni gasped in fear and Lori had an unsure expression on her face.


"Sir, Rick E-99 is returning from the mission alone." A worker Rick informed his Commander in Chief Rick from the Citadel communications centre. The worker Rick was watching the ship approaching the Citadel from his computer. "Apparently, SEAL Team Ricks suffered heavy casualties."

"Bring him in." The Commander in Chief Rick ordered.

"He says he'll only talk to a Rick with higher clearance."

Commander in Chief Rick rolled his eyes. "La-di-da. Give me that." The Commander in Chief Rick picked up the communication device to talk to the other Rick. "E-99, this is the commander in chief of the Citadel's militia."

Rick had taken the brainalyzer onto the ship with him as he had now connected it to the ship's communication device. He put on the helmet. "G-Good enough."

He activated the brainalyzer, transferring his mind into the Commander in Chief Rick's. Rick put down the communication device. "He's a spy. Blow him up. I'm gonna go take a shit."


Upon reaching the council hall, Lori and Leni were immediately put on trial in front of the council of Ricks. Riq IV listed their charges. "Operating an unregistered portal gun, conspiring with a traitorous Rick. How do you plead?"

"Literally, how is this a fair trial? Our lawyer is a Luan!" Lori asked, gesturing to the Luan who had her hair styled into a bun, wearing a black blazer and a white button down shirt.

"It's not fair, you have no rights and she's not a lawyer. We just keep her here because she's fun." Riq IV responded. "Look at her go." Lawyer Luan then laughed as she did a little dance. "We'll be lenient if you renounce your Rick. What say you, Leni."

Leni looked at the council in confusion. "But, like, how can I announce him if he's not here?"

Riq IV groaned in annoyance. "Goddamn, dumbass Lenis." He muttered to himself before speaking up. "I mean, do you reject your Rick? Like, not consider him a family member any more."

Leni frowned. "No way! I'd never do that! He's our family!"

Riq IV sighed. "Probably shouldn't have expected anything intelligent to come out of a Leni."

The other council members chuckled at this as Leni started to look downcast. "Hey, leave her alone!" Lori snapped.

Riq IV shrugged. "What? I'm just stating a universal truth. Lenis are dumb."

Leni scowled. "My Rick said I wasn't dumb."

Riq IV rolled his eyes. "Please, he probably only said that to spare your feelings."

"But, like, if that's true, doesn't that mean he at least cares about us?" Leni asked.

"Look, I don't really care what your Rick thinks. He was a terrorist and now he's dead."

"You really think he's dead?" Lori asked, stepping forward. "I know Rick. It'd take a lot more than that to stop him. And once he finds about what you've done to us, he's going to come for all of you!" The council responded by muttering amongst themselves.


Rick whistled as he entered the teleportation room. It was a large, circular room with a giant vat of some kind of green energy in the centre of it. One of the worker Ricks noticed Rick approach him. "Hey, whoa, whoa! What are you doing in here? This area's for teleporting the entire Citadel to somewhere else using only buttons and dials."

"Yeah, well, it's a bad idea to have it designed that way then, isn't it?" Rick said as he pushed the other Rick aside and pressed a couple buttons on his computer. An odd whirring sound started to come from the green energy before the citadel disappeared. It then reappeared right in the middle of the Galactic Federation prison, causing mass destruction for both the prison and the Citadel. Rick smirked as an alarm went off and all the Ricks started to panic. "What the fuck? We just teleported into a Galactic Federal prison!"

"I'm gonna go take a shit." Rick said before walking off.


Apart from one council member, who had gone to check what had happened, the council of Ricks looked around in fear, along with Lori and Leni, as the Citadel started to fall apart around them. "Looks like there's no order in this court!" Lawyer Luan joked, despite the situation. "Get it? Ha ha, ok, I'm leaving now."

Lawyer Luan then quickly ran off as the Citadel soon found itself under attack by both the Galactic Federation's prisoners and the gromflomites. Outside the citadel, ships from both the Federation and the Citadel engaged in an all out war. The missing council member then came back. "The Citadel's been teleported to Federation space. It's doomed! This has to be L-137, you guys. What are we gonna do?! You know he's coming for us."

The council members began muttering amongst themselves in fear. "All right, calm down!" Riq IV snapped. He then grabbed hold of Leni. "We have his Leni as a hostage. Obviously, I get her. You guys play Rick, Laser, Scissors for the Lori."

The other than played Rick, Laser, Scissors. All of them got scissors, apart from one who was holding a remote. "W-W-What the hell is that?" One of the councilmen asked.

The Rick holding the remote smirked. "Payback." He pressed the button on the remote which then sealed the doors behind him shut before taking off his robe, revealing the battle gear he was wearing. He then got out a laser gun and fired at the councilmembers.

Leni smiled with joy. "Grandpa Rick!"

Rick shook his hair, getting it back to his usual spiky style. "Duh."

"You're alive!"

Rick noticed Lori staring at him with a mixed expression on her face. Rick sighed before tossing her a laser gun. "Lori, take this. You're gonna need it later."

Rick then started to approach the one other remaining council member besides Riq IV, who was trying to escape through the window. "Hold on, hold on. Whoa!" He pleaded before Rick fired an electrifying shot at him.

"That's enough, Rick!"

Rick turned to Riq IV, who was holding a gun to Leni's head. "What-What's this supposed to accomplish? We have infinite grandkids. You're trying to use Disney bucks at a Caesar's Palace here."

Lori looked at Rick in shock. "What?! No, you can't let Leni die!"

"What?!" Leni screeched.

Riq IV grinned. "You're a rogue Rick. Irrational, passionate. You love your grandkids. You came to rescue them."

"I came to kill you, bro. I can easily just get her replaced." Rick said, aiming his gun at Riq IV.

Leni stared at Rick in horror as her face started to go pale. "But...but..."

"Why not shoot through her?" Riq IV asked.

"Twenty yards, nine-gauge plasma pistol." Rick explained. "My first shot would liquify her insides and injure you, second shot adds recoil. The risk to me is minimized if I wait for you to shoot her, which I'm encouraging you to do." Leni started hyperventilating. This was it. She was actually going to die. "Or let her go, which I will reward with a quicker death."

"Because you love her!" Riq IV sang.

"Because it's incentive for you to give me my cleanest shot, which will be your least painful death." Rick explained. "But if you want to die slower than that, I'm super into it. All you got to do to get that started is kill the girl."

"Rick, how could you?!" Leni sobbed with tears streaming down her face.

"Pretty easily, sweetie."

Rick then heard a gun activate. He glanced to the left, seeing Lori aim her gun at him. "Don't you DARE try to shoot my sister!"

"Lori, I know you're too stupid to get this, but you're really fuckin' this up right now."

"Shut up!" Lori shouted. "Just drop the gun or I will literally turn you into a human cheese grater!"

"I wasn't gonna let her die, you fuckin' moron!" Rick snapped.

"Ha!" Riq IV laughed while Leni exhaled in relief.

"The point is he thought I was going to."

"I totally did, by the way." Riq IV added. "You're a fucking moron, Lori."

"You're a serious fuckin' idiot, Lori! You're the worst! For once, could you just not be such a stupid bitch?"

As Rick ranted, Lori started growling in anger. She then screamed with rage as she shot Rick in the head, killing him. "WHO'S THE STUPID BITCH NOW, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"

Leni stared at the scene in disbelief while Riq IV started laughing, letting go of Leni. "That was amazing, Lori. Oh my God. Wow. Ok, let's wrap this-"

Riq IV was then shot in the head by none other than Rick. Rick then stood up, smiling. "Good job, Lori."

Leni stared, dumbfounded. "Like...what just happened?"

Lori had a neutral look on her face as she took a note off of the side of the gun she was holding and showed it to Leni. The note read 'Fake gun. Shoot me in standoff'. "Sorry Leni. I had to play along."

Rick put his arms around both of them. "Yep. Oldest Rick trick in the book. Uh, sorry if I scared you for a minute there, Leni."

"I-It's okay." Leni stuttered.

Rick then turned to Lori. "Oh and Lori, I know you're still upset over what happened with Tammy but I swear to you, I have never had anything to do with her. If we ever find her again, we'll both get some answers out of her. How does that sound."

Lori thought about it for a moment before nodding. "Ok. Um, do you mind if I spoke to Leni in private for a moment?"

Rick shrugged. "Sure." He then walked away to give the two girls privacy.

"You know Leni, maybe you were right." Lori admitted. "So much has been happening lately. I guess it was just easier to blame it all on Rick." Lori then noticed that Leni still seemed a little shaken up. "Are you okay, Leni?"

"Y-Yeah, it's just...I guess I can see your point too now." Leni admitted. Lori frowned. She knew her issues with Rick weren't quite resolved yet. Maybe not today but at some point, she needed to have a serious conversation with Rick.

"You done?" Rick asked. "Because there's one more thing we need to do before we go home."

"What's that?" Lori asked.

"What else? Destroy the Galactic Federation."


Rick, Lori and Leni ran through the Citadel, which had now turned into a battlefield between the gromflomites and the Ricks, before eventually entering a section of the Galactic Federation prison. "And that is how you get level-nine access without a password." Rick remarked.

The three eventually reached a room with a large computer and a lone gromflomite guarding it. The winged gromflomite aimed his gun at them. "Freeze!"

Rick shot the gromflomite dead. "Employee of the month, ladies and gentlemen." Rick then started to get to work on the computer.

"So, how exactly are you going to take out the Federation?" Lori asked.

"Well Lori, watch closely as Grandpa topples an empire by changing a one to a zero." Rick said as the worth of one blemflarck went down to zero, rendering all blemflarcks worthless.

"So, was this literally your plan all along?" Lori asked.

"As much as I'd to take that much credit, this probably wouldn't have happened if the Galactic Federation's President didn't tell me that his only access to the Federation's financial system was right here." Rick admitted.

"Wow...that is actually really dumb."

"I know, right? What a dumbass!"


The Galactic Federation's President was doing some paperwork when a Federation worker ran into his office. "Mr. President, the blemflarck's value just dropped to nothing."

"What do you mean?" The President asked.

"I mean, our single centralized galactic currency just went from being worth one of itself to zero of itself."

The other workers erupted into panicked murmuring before the President stood up. "Calm down, people. Deploy the galactic militia and declare martial law."

"Yes, sir." The Federation commander saluted. An unsure look then appeared on his face. "Uh, what should I pay them with?"

"Their payment is the honour they'll feel to serve their-" The other gromflomite worker paused. "Wait. Who's paying me to yell at this guy?"

"I can answer that. For money." Another worker offered.

As everyone started arguing with each other, the President could only stare as the situation started to sink in. He had failed. The entire Federation, as well as gromflomite society itself, was about to crumble, all because he made one fatal mistake. All because he underestimated Rick Sanchez. What an absolute joke. He almost wanted to laugh. "Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen!" Everyone's attention was now on him as he sat back down. "There's a solution here you're not seeing." The President then got out a gun and shot himself in the head.

The other gromflomites stared at the President's corpse. "Give me your jacket!" All of them then started to brawl with each other.


The effect of the government's collapse was soon felt on Earth as Lynn Sr. crawled along on the floor, trying to avoid the massive brawl as he made his way out of the restaurant.

Meanwhile, Albert poked his head out from a manhole before climbing out, holding a shotgun as he fired at a couple gromflomite soldiers. "No longer will the insects have domain over surface world!" He cried as everyone else then climbed out of the sewer, joining the fight in order to drive away the Federation.

Lincoln, who was holding onto a handcrafted spear, had also joined the fight. Eventually, he found his father being cornered by an aggressive, tentacled alien. "P-Please don't eat me!" Lynn Sr. pleaded.

Before the alien could attack, a spear suddenly went through him. As he fell to the ground, Lynn Sr. then saw his son behind him. "Dad!"

"Lincoln!" Lynn Sr. then got up and wrapped his arms around his son. "Thank goodness you're okay! Come on, we need to get home."


Rita and the other sisters stared out of the window as many ships started to leave the planet. They then heard the front door open as a panting Lincoln and Lynn Sr. entered the living room. "Oh thank goodness, you're both okay." Rita then noticed the spear with green goo on the end it that Lincoln was holding. "Um, what is that?"

Lincoln tossed the spear aside. "Nothing."

A portal then opened up as Rick, Lori and Leni stepped out of it. "Dad?!" Lynn Sr. exclaimed in surprise. "What happened?"

"Long story short, you'll never have to hear about the Galactic Federation ever again." Rick replied.

"What are Lori and Leni doing with you?" Rita asked.

"They helped me out." Rick responded. "Your kids are heroes. Couldn't have taken down the Federation without them."

The siblings all looked at Lori and Leni with admiration. "Whoa! Way to stick it to the man, Lori!" Luna praised.

Lori laughed nervously. "Eheh. It was no big deal."

"I have a lot of questions to ask..." Rita then sighed. "But honestly, I'm just glad this nightmare is over with."

Rick shrugged. "Well hey, if anyone needs me, I'll be in the garage."


Rick entered his garage, rolling his eyes at the state it was in now. "Of course." Rick then went over to a table with a couple dead flies as he arranged them in an order that caused the garage to transform, changing it back to the way it used to be. All of the siblings then came into the garage. "So, is the Federation really gone now?" Lincoln asked.

"Of course it is, Lincoln." Rick said as he started to go on another long rant. "It's over! I've destroyed both the Galactic Federation and the Citadel of Ricks. They both crossed me so I made both of them go away. Forever. There's not gonna be any season long arcs leading up to some stupid final battle because both of my biggest threats are gone. It's over. From now on, it's smooth sailing. Everything's gonna be real light hearted from here on out because nothing can touch us now. Nothing depressing is gonna happen. No one's gonna leave us. And there won't be any dumb memes that completely destroy my reputation. Do you know why? Because I don't actually care that much about that Mulan Szechuan teriyaki dipping sauce, kids. It's just average. The joke isn't funny any more because people took it too far and did stupid shit that made me look bad. So I'm ending that meme, right here and now. Just like how I ended the Federation and the Citadel."

There was a moment of silence before Lori spoke. "Great. I'm gonna go to bed now."

As the siblings started to leave, Lincoln lingered behind. He wondered if this really was the last they'd see of the Federation or the Citadel. He didn't know why but he couldn't shake the feeling that this wouldn't be the last big threat his family would face. "Hey, Lincoln." Lynn then greeted, giving him a friendly smile.

"Huh? Oh, hey Lynn."

"Man, I'm so glad that dumb Federation is gone. Those guys sucked."

Lincoln nodded. "Yeah, me too."

Lynn grinned. "So, how about we celebrate with a little bit of sparring?"

Lincoln groaned. He really did not enjoy sparring with Lynn. It more often than not left him full of bruises. "Um, maybe some other time."

"Oh come on." Lynn moaned. "When's the last time we even hung out? Come on. It'll help you man up a bit."

Lincoln shook his head. "Sorry, Lynn. I'm not really in the mood. Maybe some other time." With that, Lincoln left while Lynn sighed in disappointment.


The Galactic Federation may be down, but it wasn't completely out. Not all of it's members joined for monetary reasons. It's new leader, Tammy Guetermann, walked down the hallway of the Federation's new secret base on Gromflom Prime before reaching the lab where a large number of gromflomites were working on something. "Is it ready?" She asked.

"Yes. We can bring it online now." A gromflomite worker responded.

"Do it."

The gromflomites moved aside as the thing they were talking about was brought online. The thing in question was Birdperson, with most of his body having been replaced with mechanical parts, leaving only parts of his face, chest and thigh intact. He also still had his brain, which was visible behind the glass around his head. He opened his eyes, one of them now completely red, as he spoke. "I am Phoenixperson."

A mildly disapproving look appeared on Tammy's face. "Phoenixperson? Is that what we settled on? I thought we all agreed on Cyberbird."

"You said you didn't care what he was called as long as we brought him back." The gromflomite worker argued.

"Yeah, but Phoenixperson?" Tammy facepalmed. "Fine, fuck it. Who cares?" Tammy then went over behind him and put her arms around him before the now rocket powered Phoenixperson, flew out of the base. Tammy wasn't quite sure why she had brought back Phoenixperson. She supposed a part of her held some affection for him after living with him for a few months. She had made a lot of sacrifices in order to reach her goal. Including her friendships. After everything she had lost, she might as well try and keep something positive since there was no going back now


For once in his life, Evil Lincoln could count himself lucky that he had been exploring different universes as the attack happened. As he stared at what was left of the Citadel, he couldn't help but chuckle. As far as he was concerned, they all got exactly what they deserved. Still, it wouldn't be long until the Citadel was rebuilt. And when that happened, he could finally start the biggest plan he had ever made. He was the man with the plan after all.