Chereads / Rick and The Loud House / Chapter 21 - Chapter 21: Interdimensional Cable 2: Along Came A Sister

Chapter 21 - Chapter 21: Interdimensional Cable 2: Along Came A Sister

Lincoln, along with all the other students in his class, were standing around a tank with a spider in it, all trying to get its attention. "Hey, Frank! Over here, buddy!" Lincoln tried shouting over everyone else to get the spider's attention.

"Now, before we pack up, I need a volunteer to look after Frank this weekend while I'm out of town." Mrs. Johnson explained.

Everyone turned to Mrs. Johnson and started shouting and waving their hands, trying to get her to pick them. "Come on, please, Mrs. Johnson! Me! Me!" Lincoln shouted.


"Yes!" Lincoln pumped his fists while the rest of the class groaned in disappointment.

"Now, Lincoln, this is a major responsibility. Frank needs to be fed twice and under no circumstances should he be let out of his cage." Mrs. Johnson explained. She then smiled as she leaned against her desk. "Unlike me this weekend..." She chuckled.

The kids all awkwardly glanced at one another before the school bell rang. As everyone then quickly left, Lincoln picked up the tank. "Well, see ya Monday, Mrs. Johnson."


Lincoln carried the tank as he walked home alongside both Clyde and Ronnie Anne. "This is gonna be the best weekend ever!" Lincoln exclaimed.

"I'm not sure your sister, Leni, will think so." Clyde argued. "Remember last Halloween?" The previous Halloween, Clyde had come to the Loud house dressed as a spider. Upon opening the door to Clyde, Leni responded to him by screaming, spraying bug spray everywhere and running out of the house, trampling Clyde in the process. "She hid in her room for three weeks."

Lincoln stopped walking for a moment. "If I had to worry about my sisters every time I wanted to do something, I'd never do anything. Besides, I have a plan. Stealth mode."

"Now, I'm worried." Clyde remarked.

As they continued walking, Ronnie Anne sighed in disappointment as she stared at Frank. "This sucks. I really wanted to take Frank home."

"Yeah. Me too." Clyde admitted. His face then brightened up. "Say, Lincoln. You don't mind if we hang around your place for a while right?" Both he and Ronnie Anne looked at Lincoln expectantly.

"Um...that's fine...I guess." Lincoln said hesitantly. While he had nothing against Clyde visiting, he was a little unsure about bringing back Ronnie Anne. She wasn't exactly the careful type and her recklessness might endanger Frank. Thinking about it, he wasn't sure where he stood with Ronnie Anne these days. After the Valentines day incident, he was suddenly all for being in a relationship with her. Him being teased for it felt extremely insignificant compared to what had happened. Since then though, neither were really sure how to go about this as neither of them had been in this kind of relationship before. With how much Ronnie Anne hated mushy stuff, they mostly just treated each other like friends. Though that wasn't Lincoln's only problem. He was also still somewhat intimidated by her. He didn't tell Ronnie Anne any of this though, in case he ended up upsetting or angering her.

Upon reaching Lincoln's home, he and Clyde quietly crept upstairs while Ronnie Anne glanced at the living room out of curiosity. Rick was lazily lying on the couch, watching TV. Strangely, the TV was showing an arena where a man with a green mohawk and wearing wrestling gear was staring down a car in the background while two commentators were addressing the audience. Their names appeared to be Michael McLick and Randy Dicknose. "Man vs. Car." Randy announced. "The newest hit show where it pits a man" It cut to the man flexing for the camera in a gym. "vs. a car." It then cut to the car in a garage, beeping. "Tonight's episode Jenkins fights... a regular old car. Here we go." It then transitioned back to the arena where Jenkins was attempting to punch and grapple the car with very little affect. "Here we go. He's pushin' his way through, he's trying to fight that car. The car seems to have the upper hand-Oh, he just got some push-back there." The car then ran over the man. It's tires ripping him apart. "Oh, he just got ran over and chewed up by the tires." It then cut back to the commentators. "I guess that's another one for the car." Randy then started laughing before muttering to himself. "I mean, wouldn't the cars always win...?"

Rick chuckled to himself while Ronnie Anne stared at the TV in confusion. "That's weird..." She then shook her head and followed Lincoln and Clyde upstairs.

"There you go, buddy." Lincoln said as he placed the tank on his drawers.

At that moment, Ronnie Anne entered the room. "Dude, your grandpa watches some hardcore stuff. I just saw him watch a show with a guy wrestling a car!"

Clyde raised an eyebrow. "A guy wrestling a car? What kinda show is that?"

"Dunno, but the car totally mauled that guy!" Ronnie Anne explained. Clyde winced in response.

Lincoln sighed. "Grandpa Rick installed this cable that could air any show in the multiverse so that's probably where it came from."

Clyde and Ronnie Anne stared at Lincoln in disbelief. "That sounds awesome! How come you never told us about that?" Ronnie Anne asked.

Lincoln shrugged. "It was kinda funny when he first got it but after a while, it started to get kinda boring."

Ronnie Anne then noticed Frank and started to get a closer look at him before Lincoln stepped in front of her. "Uh, maybe we should give Frank some space for a while."


Lincoln was looking nervous. "Um..."

Lincoln was then interrupted (to his relief) by someone knocking on the door. Lana came in, holding one of Lola's dolls. "Can I borrow the big kid scissors?" She then gasped as she noticed Frank. "Hey, what's that?" She pushed past Lincoln to give the spider a closer look. "Oh-ho! He's so creepy! Can I play with him? Can I?"

Lincoln waved his hands. "No, no. Frank stays in the cage."

"Tank." Clyde corrected.

"Right." Lincoln then frowned. "Wait, then why did Mrs. Johnson call it a-" He shook his head. "Never mind. Point is, he's staying in."

"Aw..." Lana moaned.

An angry Lola then entered the room. "Lana, give me back my dolly!" She then gasped and squealed at the site of the spider. "He's so adorable!"

Both of the twins then turned to Lincoln and asked. "Has Leni seen this?"

Lincoln frowned. "No. And we want to keep it that way, don't we? So, shh."

Lisa then entered the room. "Excuse me, some of us are trying to solve for Y." She then gasped upon noticing Frank. "Is that an Aphonopelma chalcodes?"

"'s a tarantula." Lincoln explained. "My class calls him Frank."

Lisa went to give the spider a closer look, along with the twins. "Fascinating specimen." She turned to Lincoln. "Has Leni seen this?"

"No! That's why I'm trying to keep him a..."


A couple minutes later, all of his sisters apart from Leni were standing around the tank, ogling the spider. Lincoln slumped. "...secret."

"Has Leni seen it?" Luna asked.

"Guys, for the last time! Leni's not gonna see-"

"See what?" Leni asked as she opened the door.

Everyone quickly jumped in front of the tank, hiding the spider from her view. "NOTHING!"

Leni then gasped before grinning. "Oh my gosh! Are you planning a surprise party for me?! Wait! Don't tell me. I wanna be surprised."

Leni then shut the door, causing everyone to sigh in relief. "That was close." Lori remarked.

"You think it might help if there was something to distract Leni or something?" Clyde suggested.

Lori clicked her fingers. "I've an idea."


"Lori, what's going on?" Leni asked as Lori brought her into the living room.

"Me and the others are a little busy upstairs so we're going to need you downstairs for now." Lori explained.

Leni gasped. "Is this part of the surprise party?"

"Uh. Maybe." Lori lied. Leni squealed in response. Lori then had Leni sat next to Rick before she went over to whisper to him. "There's a spider in the house so we need you to distract Leni for a while."

Rick groaned and grumbled to himself, knowing Lori wouldn't take no for an answer. As Lori went back upstairs, Leni asked. "Hey, what's this?"

On TV was an alien that looked like the same species as Mr. Poopybutthole. He had long, stretchy arms and was wearing an orange jacket with lots of pockets on it. He was in some kind of office. "Hey, I'm Stealy. Follow me on my adventure through this office." The title 'The Adventures Of Stealy' then came up along with a jingle. Stealy was then shown walking around the office, stealing office equipment. "Alright, here we go. We're gonna just steal a couple of things."

He then entered another room where a business man was doing some work. "Excuse me. Can I help you?"

Stealy ignored him as he kept stealing some stuff. "Starting with common office objects."

"Hey, hey, hey! That's my stuff!"

"Such as staplers and pins and all sorts of things like-such as that."

The business man stood up and picked up his phone. "That's it. I'm calling security."

Stealy then quickly used chloroform to knock the man out before stealing him as well. It then transitioned to Stealy walking down the street while carrying the man with his jingle playing before cutting to Stealy in his safe room, full of stolen items. He is stood in front of a table. "All right, ok, we're in the quiet safe room where none of the people whose stuff I stole can get to us. Now, let's look at all the stuff we got." He got out a bag of chips and placed them on the table. "We got a bag of Bobbish. That's eight brapples." He then got out some kind of flesh looking object. "We got a plumbus. That's six and a half brapples." He then got out a couple crushed party cups. "We got, uh, a-crushed party cups. Fifteen and a half brapples."

Leni stared at the TV in confusion. "Um, like, what's a plumbus?"

"Huh. Never had to explain what a plumbus is before. Here, let me see if I can find something on here about it." Rick said before flipping through channels.

He soon found a show that was talking about plumbuses. "Today on 'How they do it'... Plumbuses." The narrator spoke as a plumbus was shown on screen. It then showed videos of plumbuses in people's houses. "Everyone has a plumbus in their home." It then cut to aliens in a factory making the plumbus. The narrator explained how it was done though Leni was struggling to follow what was happening onscreen. "First, they take the dinglebop and they smooth it out with a bunch of schleem. The schleem is then repurposed for later batches. They take the dinglebop and they push it through the grumbo, where the fleeb is rubbed against it. It's important that the fleeb is rubbed because the fleeb has all of the fleeb juice. Then a schlami shows up and he rubs it and spits on it. They cut the fleeb. There's several hizards in the way. The blamfs rub against the chumbles. And the ploobis and grumbo are shaved away. That leaves you with a regular, old plumbus."

"I always wondered how, uh, plumbuses got made." Rick remarked.


As Lori came back into Lincoln's room, everyone looked at her expectantly. "Rick's going to keep her busy for a while."

Lincoln sighed in relief. "That takes care of that at least." He turned back towards Frank. "Frank?" His eyes then widened as Frank was no where in site. He started to search around his drawers. "Frank? Where'd you go? Frank, come out! This isn't funny!" He turned to Ronnie Anne. "Ronnie Anne, what did you do with Frank?"

Ronnie Anne gave Lincoln an offended look. "Me? I didn't do anything!"

Clyde rubbed his arm sheepishly. "Sorry, Lincoln. He looked a little sluggish so I thought he'd like to stretch his legs for a minute." He facepalmed. "Knew I shouldn't have taken my eyes off him."

Lincoln started to panic as his sisters all rambled amongst themselves about both Clyde's blunder and where Frank might have gone. "Oh crud. Guys, we've gotta find him!"

After searching around Lincoln's room for a minute, everyone then spread out around the house, trying to find Frank. Upon entering the living room, it didn't take too long for Lincoln to find Frank. He gasped upon seeing the spider perfectly still on the back of Leni's neck. Unsure of what to do, he just stood there and watched her as she and Rick were now watching some kind of comedy show where a comedian was on stage in some kind of club. "Welcome back to 'funny songs'. It's all improvised. It's very funny. I need a volunteer from the audience."

A man raised his hand. The spotline shone on him as someone came to give him a microphone. He stood up. "Um, longtime fan of the show. Uh-"

"What do you do? What is your profession?" The comedian interrupted.

"I am a tax attorney."

"Okay, here we go. Hit-hit the music." As the music played, the comedian then started dancing and singing poorly as the audience laughed in response.

I'm a tax attorney oh, geez, oh

Forget about everybody else,

Forget about Jesus Christ,

Forget about Muhammed,

Forget about...all those religions!

Ba da ba ba da ba bop! The end.

"Oh man. Oh, that was so-so funny. Thank you." The man said as the audience applauded.

"You're welcome." The comedian then frowned as he looked to the side. "Hey, um, security guards, take him out. Get him out of here."

"What?" The man asked as two bodyguards grabbed him.

"Get the orthodontist out of here."

"No! Why?!" One of the bodyguards then punched him in the face.

"Take him out of the audience. Kill him." The comedian ordered as the bodyguards started beating on the man. "Sick him." A wolf then ran in and started attacking the man. "Demons, suck his life out." Two demon spirits appeared to do just that. "I don't give a shit."

By now, the rest of the siblings, along with Clyde and Ronnie Anne, had joined Lincoln in staring at Frank, unsure of what to do. "I'm gonna go make a smoothie." Leni suddenly announced. Rick gave a neutral grunt in response as Leni stood up and turned around to come face to face with everyone's nervous faces. "What's going on?" She then gasped. "Oh right! My surprise party!" She gave them a wink. "Don't worry. I won't tell me!" She continued making her way to the kitchen as everyone followed after her. Leni then turned to face them. "See? I know nothing. Just making a smoothie." She turned around and opened the fridge. Everyone then noticed the spider was missing from Leni's back and started muttering to themselves about where the spider could have gone. After putting the ingredients into the blender, Leni then remembered. "Oh, I need milk."

She opened the fridge again. Everyone then gasped as Frank was on top of the milk. Lisa then ran forward and slammed the fridge shut. "Wait! You're lactose intolerant!"

"No, I'm not. I'm tolerant of everyone, whether they lack toes or not." Leni said honestly before opening the fridge again.

"NOOOO!" Everyone screamed before they noticed the spider was no longer on the milk. "Huh?" Everyone sighed in relief as Leni poured the milk into the blender.

"Eee, pider!" Lily mumbled before everyone noticed the spider scurrying across the floor. Luna quickly got a pot and trapped Frank under it. After she finished blending her smoothie, Leni turned around to see what was going on. Lily waddled over to the pot and started banging a wooden spoon on it as she and Luna then pretended to have a jam session. Leni bought it as she started to tap her feet to the beat.

"So, who wants to try my new recipe?" Leni asked as Luna picked up the pot, only to find that Frank had somehow escaped. "It's curds and..." Leni took a sip while Lincoln looked up and gasped upon seeing Frank on the ceiling light, right above Leni. "...way, way too much spinach!" Everyone else then gasped as they looked up. "Ugh! I know! What was I thinking?" Frank then dropped from the ceiling light. However, before the spider landed in Leni's smoothie, Ronnie Anne quickly moved and caught it at the last second. Leni then gave Ronnie Anne a confused look. "Um, what was that?"

"Nothing!" Everyone said, giving her a nervous smile.

Leni shrugged before pouring the rest of the smoothie into the sink and making her way back into the living room. Everyone sighed in relief. "Thanks, Ronnie Anne." Lincoln's eyes then widened. "Wait, is Frank okay?" Ronnie Anne opened her hands, revealing Frank was perfectly fine. Lincoln quickly snatched the spider from her, causing her to frown in response. "Oh, thank goodness. Ok, I'm not so sure this is the safest place for Frank." He then admitted. "Leni's one thing, but I'd hate to imagine what would happen if he had wondered into Grandpa Rick's garage."

Ronnie Anne smirked. "You could always take him over to my place."

"Uh, I'm not so sure if that's-"

"That's a great idea!" Lori interjected, interrupting Lincoln. "In fact, why don't we all go?" As everyone voiced their approval, Lincoln slumped and rolled his eyes. Of course Lori would take any excuse to see Bobby.


Upon reaching the Santiago household, Lincoln noted that it wasn't very big, only being a one story house. It was pretty plain on the inside as well. He couldn't help but wonder if Ronnie Anne's family even made that much money. He entered the kitchen and placed Frank's tank on the table. "As long as I keep a close eye on you, you should be fine." Lincoln said mostly to himself.

Lola looked around the house, looking somewhat disappointed. "This place is kind of a dump."

Luna put a finger to her lips. "Shh dude! We're guests here. You can't say stuff like that!"

"So, where's Bobby?" Lori asked asked Ronnie Anne.

Ronnie Anne looked at the time on her phone. "I think Bobby and my mom should be coming home soon."

Suddenly, Bobby came running with into the house, screaming. He was currently wearing the uniform for Gus' Games and Grub. "AAH! AAH! EMERGENCY! SIS, YOU HOME?! WORKPLACE INJURY! WORKPLACE INJURY! HELP! HELP! HELP! HELP! HELP!" He ran into the kitchen, holding his finger.

Ronnie Anne ran up to him. "I'm here, I'm here. Let me take a look." Bobby let Ronnie Anne look at his finger. She then gave him a comforting smile. "Oh, it's just a little splinter." She got out a pair of tweezers and plucked the splinter from his finger. "See? I got it. All better."

Bobby gave Ronnie Anne a relieved smile. "Aw, thanks, Nie Nie." He then gave her a hug. "I can always count on you."

Ronnie Anne blushed upon noticing Lincoln was watching her. She then lightly pushed Bobby away. "Ok, ok, ok. Oh, by the way, I did a load of your work shirts." She pointed her thumb towards the clothes rack which had a bunch of clean shirts hanging from it. "There was some pretzel cheese on your mall cop one, but I got it out."

Bobby tousled her hair. "You're like some kind of wizard." He then finally noticed that Lori was there. "Oh, hey babe!"

"Hi Bobby Boo-Boo Bear! Is your finger okay?"

As Lori and Bobby began to chat, Lincoln noticed that Clyde was glaring at Bobby, muttering something to himself. "Clyde?"

Clyde blinked. "Huh?"

"Clyde, I thought you had gotten over Lori." Lincoln chastised.

"I-I have!" Clyde tried to reassure him. "It's just...I really can't help but wonder. What would have happened if Bobby was out of the picture?"

Lincoln gave Clyde a disappointed look. "Clyde, you really shouldn't think about Bobby like that. He's a pretty nice guy."

Clyde pouted. "Yeah, real nice."

Everyone then heard someone else enter the house. "Ronalda! Roberto! I'm home!" A woman with black hair tied up in a tight bun and wearing a nurse's outfit then came into the kitchen. Her eyes widened upon seeing everyone. "Oh! I wasn't expecting so many guests."

"Hey, Mom! Do you want me to make dinner for us?" Ronnie Anne asked as she took her Mom's handbag. She had originally planned to prepare it beforehand before getting distracted by wanting to see Frank.

Mrs. Santiago gave Ronnie Anne a surprised look. "You want to make dinner?"

"Yeah. I figured after two shifts, it'd be the last thing you wanted to do."

Mrs. Santiago patted Ronnie Anne's head, chuckling. "Oh, how did I get so lucky with you? Don't worry about it though. I can make dinner today."

Ronnie Anne blushed again. "Mom, you're embarrassing me." Mrs. Santiago laughed in response before walking off. Lincoln frowned at himself. After seeing all that, he realised he may have gotten Ronnie Anne all wrong. And considering the two were apparently dating, he really should have realised that sooner. He decided to try and talk to her about this whenever he had time.

Clyde then approached Ronnie Anne. "Man, your mom's a nurse? What about your dad?" Upon seeing Ronnie Anne frown, Clyde's eyes widened. "Oh, sorry! Is that a sore subject?"

Ronnie Anne shook her head, giving a light smile. "No, no, no. You're good. My parents are split up, but it's no big. My dad's a doctor who works with physicians on missions." She got out her phone and showed a picture of her father with a ring-tailed lemur. He had black shaggy hair, a mustache, and a beard. He wore a light green t-shirt. "He's in Peru right now, helping set up a new clinic."

Meanwhile, as the rest of the sisters were back to ogling Frank, Lisa then remarked. "I always thought Frank was a strange name for a female spider."

"Frank's a girl?!" Lincoln exclaimed in surprise.

Lisa nodded. "Mm-hmm. I can tell from the markings. Plus, female spiders always get sluggish before they give birth."

Clyde smiled. "Frank's gonna be a mommy?"

Lincoln frowned. "Wait. Are saying that Frank's already gave birth?"

Lisa gave the spider another look. "It appears so."

Lincoln then heard his phone rumble. He had received a text from Rick that said 'We've sorta got an emergency here. All of you should probably come home'. A worried look appeared on Lincoln's face. "That can't be good."


Not long after everyone left, Rick and Leni were watching a commercial for a restaurant from a version of Earth where everyone had big heads but little faces. A man lifted a silver cover, revealing a plate with a tiny piece of meat on it. "Hey, listen, is your mouth tiny and small? Then why don't you come down to 'Little Bits?'

A voice whispered "Little Bits" as it transitioned to the man standing over a table where people were having their meal.

"Where-Where the food is looks like regular food. But really tiny. You put it in your mouth and eat it. Nothing gets stuck in your lips. It's just tiny and tiny and fits right-he he-fits right in!"

"Little Bits!"

Plates of different tiny food were being shown. "We got...tiny uh-lasagna. Tiny pizza, tiny pie. Mmh! Little tiny...fried eggs!" The man then noticed two kids enter the restaurant. "Oh, shit! We got tiny people!"

"Little Bits!"

The man was now standing outside the restaurant. "You hungry? Come on down!"

"Little Bits!"

The man was now peering out from the top of a bathroom stall, looking at another man using a urinal. "Eat some fucking shit, you fucking stupid bitch!" He laughed and patted the other man's head while he gave him an annoyed look. "Just kidding." As the commercial played, neither Rick or Leni were aware of the spider egg sacs in the vents that were currently hatching.

Leni smiled. "That sounds totes healthy. Don't you think?"

Rick shrugged. "Maybe. I don't know. I don't really care."

Leni started to get giddy. "Ooh, I really can't wait for the surprise party!"

"There is no party." Rick admitted. "They wanted you to stay down here because Lincoln brought a spider home and they didn't want you panicking and killing it."

A shocked look appeared on Leni's face. "Wait...huh?" She almost wanted to panic, knowing there was a spider in the house though she also felt embarrassed, knowing that her siblings had to do this because of how bad she got around spiders.

"Yeah, it's kind of weird. You've seen all sorts of shit out there and you're still scared of spiders? I mean come on, the only kind of spiders you should worry about are black widows and brown recluses and the chances of finding them are pretty rare anyway. Everything else is harmless."

Leni looked downwards in shame. "I-I know. I just can't help it. They're just soooo icky and creepy!" Leni didn't seem to notice a few baby spiders were scurrying onto her shoulders.

Rick's eyes widened. "Uh, Leni. You got a little uh..."

Leni looked down at herself before getting up and screaming. "AAAAAAAHHHHH! SPIDERS!"

Leni started running around in a panicked frenzy. Rick got up and tried to stop her. "Whoa! Jesus Leni! Calm down!"

"GET THEM OFF! GET THEM OFF! GET THEM OFF!" Leni screamed as she kept running around. She eventually ran out of the living room and into the garage before blindly crashing into a shelf. This caused a flask of glowing green liquid to tip over and spill all over her, making her freeze in fear.

Rick then ran into the garage to see Leni with an odd green glow around her. "Jesus Leni, what did you do?"

Leni turned around. "A-Are the spiders gone?" Rick's eyes widened upon seeing that Leni had somehow gotten an extra pair of eyes.

"Hoo boy."


The Loud siblings were all riding Vanzilla home along with Clyde and Ronnie Anne. They had left Frank (who they had renamed Frances) back at Ronnie Anne's house. Bobby had also opted to come with them as he was currently sat next to Lori. "What's going on babe?"

"If we're lucky, Leni might just be panicking over a bunch of baby spiders in the house." Lori grimaced. "But since Rick's involved, it's probably much worse than that. You didn't have to come help us you know."

Bobby smiled. "Why wouldn't I? I mean how bad could it be?" Lori laughed nervously in response before groaning.

As they rode back, Lincoln took this as an opportunity to talk to Ronnie Anne. "Ronnie Anne, I need to apologise for how I acted today. See, I wasn't sure if I could trust you with Frank because I didn't think you were exactly the most careful and nurturing type. But when I saw you with your family, I realized I had you all wrong."

Ronnie Anne seemed slightly miffed to hear this. "So, you didn't think I was trustworthy enough to be left alone with a spider?"

Lincoln started to get nervous. "W-Well, I..."

Ronnie Anne sighed. "Actually, I don't really blame you." Lincoln gave her a surprised look. "I know I haven't always treated nicely. I've been trying to tone it down recently but I guess I can't blame you for thinking I might have smashed Frances or something."

Lincoln shook his head. "No, this is my fault. I thought I knew who you were, but it turns out I didn't know anything about you. Even though we're..." He started blushing. "Well, you know."

Ronnie Anne sighed again. "Look, I've been thinking. I don't wanna end up ruining our friendship. So if you wanna go back to just being friends, I'd be okay with that."

Lincoln frowned. "Is that what you want?"

"Not really..." Ronnie Anne admitted.

"Look, when I said that I thought you were really cool and funny, I really meant all that." Lincoln confessed. "And on top of that, you're also really responsible and caring. Also, I don't really mind the pranks or teasing all that much. It's actually a little fun, well, as long as it's in small doses."

Ronnie Anne gave Lincoln a heartfelt smile before smirking and giving Lincoln a light punch on his arm. "Thanks, Lame-O."

"Awwww!" Everyone else squeed as they stared at the two.

Lincoln blushed and scowled at them. "Oh, knock it off."

At that moment, the group had reached the Loud house. Upon entering, there didn't seem to be any sign of Leni or Rick. "Leni!" Lori called out.

"Grandpa Rick!" Lincoln shouted.

"Did Grandpa Rick take Leni to another dimension or something?" Lynn asked.

Lincoln thought for a moment. "They could be in Rick's underground lab."

Ronnie Anne gave Lincoln a surprised look. "Your Grandpa has an underground lab?"

Lincoln shrugged. "To be honest, at this point it'd be more surprising to know what Grandpa Rick doesn't have."

Everyone made their way to the garage. Lincoln then went over to a nearby laptop and pressed the button that caused the floor to slowly lower down into Rick's underground lab. After stepping off the floor, it automatically rose back up, leaving the group in the darkness of Rick's lab. Despite their nervousness, the group started looking around, though neither Rick nor Leni appeared to be here either. "I don't see any sign of them dudes." Luna said.

"Um, guys?" Lucy called out. Everyone went over to where Lucy was to find a big hole in the ground.

"What do you guys think we'll find down there?" Lincoln asked.

"Probably our deaths. Heh heh." Luan joked. Everyone then glared at her. "Sorry."

Lori, who had been carrying Lily, then handed her over to Lisa. "Okay, you two, Lana and Lola need to stay up here."

"Aww, why can't we come?" Lola moaned.

"Do you really want to come with us down there?" Lori asked.

Lola stared at the hole for a moment. " Not really."

"Well, there you go then."

The rest of the group then dropped into the hole and started to make their way through what looked like a man-made cave with trepidation. While everyone was nervous, Clyde and Bobby were especially scared as both of them were shaking in fear. "M-Maybe this wasn't such a good idea." Clyde stuttered.

"Y-Yeah, isn't this a little dangerous?" Bobby asked.

Upon seeing how scared Bobby was, Clyde then put on a brave face. "I mean, it's not so bad really."

Seeing Clyde put on a brave face, Bobby also tried to put on one. "Y-Yeah."

Lori used her phone to light the way through the cave. After a while, Lori stopped upon hearing some odd sounds. Her hand trembled for a moment as she raised her phone before gasping at the sight in front of her. Rick's body and mouth was wrapped with webbing as he was stuck to the wall, staring at them with wide eyes. Next to him was what appeared to be Leni, though her appearance horrified the group. She almost resembled an arachne as the lower half of her body resembled that of a spider's. For her upper half, her skin had turned a pale blue and she now had eight red eyes along with giant fangs in her mouth. She was also now staring at the group. "L-Leni?"

Leni then screeched and started charging towards the group. "Everyone spread out!" Lori ordered as everyone tried to either run around or run away from from the mutant. The only one that didn't was Clyde, who stood there, paralysed in fear. Upon reaching Clyde, Leni turned around, about to shoot her webbing at him.

"Look out!" At the last second, Bobby grabbed Clyde and picked him up before running back through the cave. Leni screeched but before she could chase after them, Lynn jumped on her and started punching her.

After realising Leni wasn't chasing after them, Bobby put Clyde down. "You okay, little dude?"

"Y...You saved me?" Clyde spluttered.

Bobby smiled. "Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?" Clyde then fainted. "Clyde? Oh boy." Bobby then decided that since neither of them would be any use in this fight, it'd probably be best to take Clyde out of the cave. He could only hope that Lori would be able to handle herself.

Leni screeched as she picked Lynn off of her and threw her into the wall, knocking her unconscious. Luna, Luan and Lucy then piled on top of her, trying to restrain her. As this happened, Lori had managed to make her way over to Rick as she ripped off the webbing on his face. "Rick. What the hell?!"

Rick scowled. "Hey, don't look at me! She's the one who got herself mutated. Look, just knock her out and I'll be able to fix this."

At that moment, Leni managed to throw all three of her sisters off of her, taking them out of the fight. She then set her sights on Lincoln. Lincoln cowered against the wall as Leni slowly approached him with a hungry look in her eyes. Suddenly, a rock went flying at her head. She screeched as she turned towards Ronnie Anne. "Hey, ugly!" She taunted. "If you wanna fight with someone, why don't you take on me?"

As Leni made her way towards Ronnie Anne, an idea popped up in Lincoln's head. He picked up a nearby rock and threw it at Leni's head, causing her to screech again and turn towards him. "If you wanna get to her, you gotta get through me!" Lincoln boasted.

Before Leni could make her way towards Lincoln, another rock was thrown at her head by Ronnie Anne again. "Yeah, well, if you wanna get to him, you gotta get through me!" Leni screeched in confusion as she looked back and forth between the two, unsure of who to go after. She then felt someone tap on her shoulder and turned around, only to see Lori's fist fly towards her face, knocking her unconscious.


"Hey, how's it going? This is my butthole ice cream parlour." Leni blinked as she slowly regained consciousness. She was now back to normal and lying on the couch, facing towards the TV. On the TV was a yellow alien in some kind of ice cream parlour. "I got all kinds of ice cream." He started showing off all the flavours of ice cream which all came out of some kind of devices that resembled buttholes. "Peanut butter and jelly, vanilla, chocolate and every flavor served out of a butthole. Just like you're back home."

Leni groaned as she sat up. She then noticed her siblings, Rick, Clyde, Ronnie Anne and Bobby were all standing around her. "Leni! Are you okay?" Lori asked.

Leni groaned again, starting to feel a headache. "What happened?"

"Leni, what's the last thing you remember?" Lori asked.

Leni thought for a moment. "I...think I was watching TV with Grandpa Rick."

Lori sighed in relief. "Oh good. She doesn't remember."

Lola tsked. "Lucky."

Everyone's eyes then widened as a baby spider crawled along Leni's arm. Upon noticing it, Leni then picked it up. "Huh. Maybe spiders aren't so bad after all. I mean, this one's kinda cute." She then noticed the spider blink at her. "Aww. I don't know what I was thinking. This guy's adorable!"

Everyone sighed in relief, glad that despite what happened, at least Leni had gotten over her fear of spiders. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne then went into another room to chat. "Ok, that was nuts!" Ronnie Anne admitted.

Lincoln scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, that kind of stuff happens a lot around here. I hope you don't mind it too much."

Ronnie Anne scoffed. "Hey, if you're okay with a couple pranks, why should I let this bother me?" The two then shared a laugh. However, despite Ronnie Anne being glad her relationship with Lincoln was able to continue, she still couldn't help but be worried about their future. Especially after once overhearing her mother talk on the phone about possibly moving out.