The younger half of the Loud siblings were all downstairs in the living room, doing their own activities. Lucy was reading a book. Lana and Lisa were playing a game of cards. Lily was playing with a teething toy while Lincoln and Lola were watching TV. On the TV was a bald man wearing nothing but cargo shorts and boots as he was running through a jungle. After hiding in a bush, he poked his head out and addressed the viewers. "Now, remember, Rippers, if you want to hunt down critters, use the four D's: Droppings, Disturbances, Dens and Diet." He then continued on before stopping in front of a pile of poop. He took a whiff. "Mmm...emu droppings. And it's still warm. With a little luck and my tracking bandanna." He said as he tied a bandana around his head. "I'll be eating emu stew in no time." He then howled like a wolf.
"Ew! Who is this poop sniffing weirdo?" A disgusted Lola asked.
"Rip Hardcore is not a weirdo, Lola. He happens to be the world's leading expert in wilderness survival." Lincoln explained as he showed her Rip Hardcore's latest book. "And a pretty cool guy to boot." Lola crossed her arms, muttering something to herself about giving someone a boot.
"Lynn Jr, let's go! You're late for Rugby!" Lynn Sr. called out from the bottom of the stairs.
Lynn then came running down the stairs, dressed in her rugby gear. "Think fast, Dad!"
Lynn then threw a rugby ball at her father, knocking him down. "Oof!"
"AWOO!" Lynn hollered as she ran outside to get into the van.
"Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, hurry up! The school Open House started five minutes ago!" Rita then called out. She didn't get any response. "Ugh, these kids. Where are they?" She then heard honking from the van and looked outside to see all of them were already inside it. "Oh. They're waiting for me."
Lynn Sr. got up as he and Rita started to make their way to the van before he turned to Lincoln. "Thanks for taking care of your little sisters today, Lincoln. You're really helping us out of a jam."
"Wish we knew where Rick was. It really should be his job." Rita remarked before looking at her watch. "We'll be back by 5:00. We are proud of you for being so responsible."
After the parents left, Lincoln's attention was then back on the TV as Rip Hardcore was advertising something. "Hey there, Rippers. My Hardcore Mall Tour is coming to a mall near you. Today, I'll be signing copies of my new survival guide at the Royal Woods Mall."
Lincoln gasped. "Rip is at the Royal Woods Mall today? I gotta go get my book signed!"
A portal then opened up in the living room as a tired looking Rick stepped out of it. "Jesus, you kids won't believe what I've-"
"Grandpa Rick! Could you please give take us to the mall?" Lincoln asked interrupting him.
"Uh, why?"
"Rip Hardcore's there signing copies of his book!" Lincoln explained. "And I've gotta get there quick. If I'm home by 5:00, Mom and Dad won't know that I left."
Rick groaned. "Fine. But you owe me for this Lincoln."
Lincoln turned to his younger sisters. "Who wants to go to the mall?"
The siblings got into the cruiser with Rick. Lisa sat up front with Rick while Lincoln sat inbetween the twins with Lucy next to Lola and Lily next to Lana. "So, why aren't we using the portal gun?" Lincoln asked.
"I'm not wasting battery just so you can quickly get an autograph from a guy that probably drinks his own piss." Rick replied.
After Rick turned the engine on, the radio then came on as well. "In other news, police are still on the look out for Royal Woods elementary school principal, Wilbur Huggins, as he has recently been gone missing and-"
Rick turned the radio off. "Hey uh, any tunes you kids wanna listen to? You know, provided it's something I'm willing to listen to?"
"What about Logic?" Lisa suggested.
"Logic?!" Rick grinned. "Holy shit, Lisa, I didn't take you for a fan of Logic."
"On the contrary, I have an affinity for rap." Lisa explained. "I'm more partial to West Coast rap though I can appreciate Logic's work."
"Question, which Logic are we talking about, though? We talking about mixtape Logic or album Logic?"
"Erm..." Lisa seemed caught off guard by Rick's question.
Rick shrugged. "Eh, whatever, let's just put on some Bobby Tarantino shit."
Never need to mention, I'm that motherfucker bustin' heads
Finna push it to the ledge
Yeah, I've been smokin' my meds
Ain't got no love for the feds
Can't let fame go to your head
Fuck with me, watch where you tread
I'm finna kill it instead,
I'm finna, I'm finna, I'm finna
As Rick flew the cruiser to the mall, he and Lisa were singing along to the song that Rick had put on. Lincoln winced at the language used in the song. It really felt wrong hearing these kind of lyrics come out of Lisa's mouth. It didn't help that Lana and Lola were giggling every time a swear word came up while Lucy looked like she was trying not to giggle. "Grandpa Rick, I really don't think my younger sisters should be listening to this kind of stuff."
"Don't be such a buzzkill Lincoln. They're just words, they only hurt you if you let them." Rick replied.
"Wait...does that mean we're allowed to swear whenever we're with you?" Lola asked.
Rick shrugged. "Sure. Go nuts."
Lola grinned mischievously. Lincoln gave her a pointed look. "Lola, you really shouldn't be doing that."
Lola turned to him with closed eyes and gave him a polite smile. "Quite frankly my dear Lincoln, I don't give a fuck."
Lana burst out laughing while Lucy couldn't help but giggle. Lincoln rolled his eyes. "You guys remember that Lily can hear all this right?" The three then went silent as they realised Lily was giggling along with them.
At that point, Rick had made it to the mall. However, just as he was parking, the engine suddenly stopped. "What the hell?"
"Is something wrong with the cruiser?" Lana asked before getting out a wrench and spinning it around. "It probably wouldn't take long to fix."
When Rick first met the Loud siblings, it seemed to him that Lisa was the only one that was truly gifted. Her intelligence seemed about on par with him when he was her age. However, after spending some time teaching Lana about his cruiser, he realised she was a lot smarter than she had been given credit for. Not only was she knowledgeable enough about animals that she was able take care of a multitude of exotic pets, she was extremely skilled at working with machinery. She was able to quickly figure out out how they worked and she was able to fix just about anything. It wasn't even that hard to teach her about his cruiser. And all that at only six years old! He wondered how the family never realised this, though he supposed all that was overshadowed by Lana's tendency to eat from the trash and sometimes act like an animal. He also realised he should probably keep more of an eye on Lucy, Lola and Lily. All of them seemed to exhibit behaviour that seemed above their actual age. However, he hasn't told Lana everything about the cruiser yet and if his suspicions were correct, the problem is something she probably wouldn't be able to help with much. "Don't worry about it. I'll deal with it myself, you kids just go have fun at the mall."
Lana shrugged. "Suit yourself." As everyone got out and headed inside the mall, Lana didn't seem to notice Lisa glaring at the back of her head.
As they stood in line, Lincoln carried Lily while the other sisters gave Lincoln annoyed looks. "Ugh. Lincoln, this is lame. Can't we go do something fun?" Lana asked.
"Right after we wait in this really short line to get Rip's autograph." Lincoln replied.
"Is the really short line at the end of this really long line?" Lucy snarked as the sisters could see how far the line went.
Meanwhile Scoots, who was in front of them, grumbled to herself. "I ain't waiting for this. Rip's my bae, but nobody keeps Scoots waiting. I'm getting a soft pretzel." She then drove off.
"At least the line's shorter." Lincoln said, giving a pleading smile.
"Forget it, Lincoln. We're done with this line." Lucy stated.
Lincoln then heard a horn tooting and looked to see a train ride nearby. He smirked. "Yes, you are!"
"All aboard!" Lincoln said as he handed Lily to Lucy, who was in the train ride along with the other sisters. He then got out a quarter. "It's my treat." He put the quarter into the slot, starting the ride.
The ride didn't do much to entertain the sisters though as all the train did was slowly go around in a circle. "Lincoln, we're bored!" Lola shouted.
"I'm sure it'll get fun eventually!" Lincoln tried to argue before getting out a bunch of quarters. "Why don't we try the 20-ride special?" He poured all the quarters into the slot before running off back in line.
Once he left, Lucy, Lana, Lola and Lisa jumped off the ride. "This is lame. Why don't we go see if Grandpa Rick's still around?" Lana suggested.
"I suppose if Rick is still trying to repair his hovering vehicle, I may be able to offer him some assistance." Lisa stated.
Lana scoffed. "Lisa, I know you're a genius and all but I've been spending a lot of time with Grandpa Rick and that cruiser. No offence but I think I might have a better idea on how to fix it than you do. Grandpa Rick said that I was pretty smart too, you know."
Lisa bristled before quickly calming herself down. "Well...why don't we see for ourselves then?"
Lucy and Lola shrugged at each other before following Lana and Lisa outside. Rick was still there with a section of the cruiser opened, holding some kind of purple container. He then noticed the sisters approach him. "Oh hey, let me guess, Lincoln was making you guys wait in a long ass line for his dumb signature wasn't he?"
"Pretty much." Lola replied.
"What's that?" Lana asked, pointing to the container.
"It's my microverse battery." Rick explained. "There's something wrong with it. We're gonna have to go inside."
"Inside what?"
"The battery, Lana." Rick said as he got out some kind of device attached to the cruiser with a wire. Rick put an arm around the four sisters before activating the device, causing them all to be zapped away.
Rick and the Loud sisters reappeared in what looked like some kind of laboratory. "Uh, where are we?" Lola asked.
"Lola, remember eight seconds ago when Lana said, 'Inside what?' And I said, 'The battery'? And then we showed up here, and I wasn't like, 'Whoa, this is unexpected. This is not what I was expecting. What a perplexing mystery this is.'"
"Shut up, Rick, I get it!" Lola snapped.
Rick then looked at an empty pipe. "Huh, this isn't right. This pipe's supposed to be sending twenty terawatts of juice up to the engine. Instead we've got... zero? Now what are these people doing?" Rick then went over to work on the computer.
"Uh, people?" Lana asked.
Rick groaned. "It's time for some hands-on engine repair. All right, kids, hold on to something."
A window then opened up showing some kind of black, rocky surface. The lab then started to rise up, causing the sisters to lose their balance. It turns out the lab was actually a cubed shaped ship that rose out of a volcano with a bunch of pipes sticking into it. The sisters stared out the window in amazement as the ship flew over an alien looking city with a yellow sky. The aliens that lived there had green skin along with elongated heads that had four dark green stripes on them, two at each side. They all had unibrows and their fingertips were also a darker shade of green. "What the heck?!" Lola exclaimed.
"Whoa, I thought you said we we were inside your car battery?" Lana asked.
"We are. Let me explain. I put a spatially tessellated void inside a modified temporal field until a planet developed intelligent life." Rick explained as they flew past a giant statue of Rick. "I then introduced that life to the wonders of electricity, which they now generate on a global scale. And, you know, some of it goes to power my engine and charge my phone and stuff."
"Fascinating!" Lisa remarked.
Lana frowned. "That sounds kinda wrong. Isn't that like...slavery?"
"It's society." Rick stated. "They work for each other, Lana. They pay each other. They buy houses. They get married and make children that replace them when they get too old to make power."
"That still kinda sounds like slavery. With extra steps."
Lisa humphed. "Please, Lana. Surely someone as 'smart' as you should be able to appreciate how Rick has invented something able to provide infinite energy. Though, I could imagine better use for it than charging a vehicle." Lisa muttered the last part to herself.
Rick's arrival had caught the attention of the planet's inhabitants as it was currently being covered in the news. "It appears we are being revisited by the alien known as Rick, who once gave our world the gift of gooble box technology," Old footage was then shown of people stomping on the gooble boxes, showing how they work. "Which, when stomped on, generates electricity, powering our homes and businesses, improving our daily lives, while safely removing the dangerous waste power to a special disposal volcano. But why has Rick returned? And what will he say when he hears the big news? Let's find out."
Lana looked out the window, seeing the aliens preparing for their arrival. "Guys, don't you think this is kinda wrong?"
"I suppose this is slightly worse than how our society is run." Lucy remarked.
"Relax, Lana, there's nothing immoral about what we're doing." Rick reassured her before getting out a bunch of headbands with antennae on them and handing then to each of the sisters before putting on one himself. "Now slap on these antennae. These people need to think we're aliens." The ship landed in front out of a crowd celebrating their arrival. As the door opened up, Lana was about to step out before Rick stopped her. "Wait for the ramp, Lana." The sisters watched as the ramp slowly came out the ship. "They love the slow ramp. Really gets their dicks hard when they see this ramp just slowly extending down." Rick grinned as the crowd cheered for him, chanting his name. "Greetings!" Rick then flipped the crowd off, earning odd looks from the sisters. "Kids, you got to flip them off. I told them it means 'Peace among worlds'. How hilarious is that?"
Lola giggled before flipping off the crowd, revelling in all the attention they were giving her. Lucy and Lisa showed no reaction as they flipped off the crowd. Lana flipped off the crowd begrudgingly, not finding it as funny as her twin did any more.
Rick then made his way down the ramp with the sisters following after him. "Coming through. five real aliens walking through here."
At the end of the ramp, Rick was greeted by this world's president with open arms. "Rick, our alien friend!"
"Uh, Mr. President, um, couldn't help but notice that you were having problems generating power."
"That's correct!" The President chuckled. "We've evolved. Our most brilliant scientist, Zeep Xanflorp, has developed a source of energy that makes gooble boxes obsolete."
There was a short pause. "I would love to see it." A straining Rick said with his teeth grit together.
"Fuck you."
A furious Rick grabbed the front of the President's jacket. "What did you say to me?!"
"F-Fuck you. Y-You told me it means 'much obliged'.
Rick let go of the President, looking slightly embarrassed. "Oh. Right. Uh, b-blow me."
The President shook his head. "No, no, no. Blow me."
The President led the group to Zeep towers and into Zeep's laboratory. "Zeep, you have an honored guest from beyond the stars." He announced.
Zeep looked like the rest of his race. The biggest difference being his bald head and the green robes he wore. He held up a finger to tell the President to wait before speaking into his ear piece. "I said twelve quantum stabilizers, not eleven. Fix it or it's your ass." He turned to face the President. "Chris, I'm in the middle of something."
President Chris gestured to Rick. "Zeep, this is Rick. The alien."
Zeep held his chin, pretending to think about the name. "Rick the alien. Rick the alien..."
Rick scowled. "Really? You're gonna pull that move? I guided your entire civilization. Your people have a holiday named Ricksgiving. They teach kids about me in school!"
"I dropped out of school. It's not a place for smart people."
"Ooh, snap!" Lola laughed.
Rick bristled. "Listen to me, you arrogant little-"
President Chris chuckled nervously. "R-Rick was hoping to see your new energy source. I think he could learn a lot from you, Zeep."
"Fine." Zeep then led the group over to a green container that looked very similar to Rick's microverse battery. "It's hard for people to grasp, but inside that container is an infinite universe with a planet capable of generating massive amounts of power. I call it a miniverse."
Rick coughed. "Dumb name."
"Excuse me?"
Rick cleared his throat. "Nothing. I mean, it's hard for us to comprehend all this. Would it be possible for us to get some kind of tour of your miniverse from the inside?"
Zeep narrowed his eyes. "This isn't a fucking chocolate factory. I don't have time."
"Didn't you say time goes more slowly in the miniverse relative to the real world?" President Chris pointed out.
Zeep gave him a deadpan look. "Yes, Chris. Thanks for reminding me of that. Great President. All right, let's go."
Rick put his arm around Lana, Lola and Lisa. He then noticed Lucy standing away from the rest of them. "You coming, Lucy?"
"You guys go ahead. I want to know more about this world." The idea of an universe existing just to power someone's car definitely gave Lucy some inspiration for her poetry.
Zeep shrugged before pressing a button on a device which teleported the five of them into a ship similar to the one the family first arrived in. "Hold on to something." Zeep flew the ship out of a waterfall with pipes leading into it. "I put an unbounded vacuum inside a temporal field until a world developed. I then introduced the people of this world to the wonders of electricity in the form of a device I call a flooble crank." Rick, Lana, Lola and Lisa stared out the window at the alien city filled with white, featureless aliens that only had eyes, mouths and for some, hair. "What they don't know is that 80% of every crank's energy output gets channeled out of the miniverse to be used by us. No more gooble boxes."
"I got to tell you, Zeep, with no disrespect, I really think what you're doing here is unethical. It's not cool." Rick argued.
Lana gave Rick a confused look. "What?"
"Y-Y-You got the people on this world slaving away making your power. I mean, that's what I call slavery."
Zeep shook his finger. "No, no, no, they work for each other in exchange for money, which they then-"
"Well, that just sounds like slavery with extra steps." Rick argued, interrupting him.
Lana grabbed Rick's arm. "Grandpa Rick, can we talk?" Lana pulled Rick away from Zeep to the rest of her sisters. "I thought you said this stuff was okay? Why is it wrong if he does it."
Lisa tsked. "Lana, can you not see what Grandpa Rick is doing? He's trying to persuade him to close down this miniverse experiment in order to return things to the norm. Surely, you should be intelligent enough to see that." Lisa didn't seem to notice Rick frowning at her.
"But isn't that kinda...hypocritical?" Lana argued.
Rick's eyes widened. "Holy crap, that's it! Hypocrisy. Somewhere on this planet, there's got to be an arrogant scientist prick on the verge of microverse technology, which would threaten to make Zeep's flooble cranks obsolete, forcing Zeep to say microverses are bad, at which point he'll realize what a hypocrite he's being, his people will go back to stomping on their gooble boxes, and everything can go back to normal." A furry, purple, four-eyed alien then walked up to the group, making them jump. "Holy shit!"
The mouth of the alien opened revealing that it was just Zeep in a costume. "It's me. I've convinced the people of this planet that I'm a traveler from another world."
"You don't think that's over doing it a little? I mean, you could achieve the same effect with a pair of-never mind. You know what? I shouldn't be so critical. I'm an alien!"
Zeep rolled his eyes and walked back to the controls. "Places, please. We're about to land."
Like before, the ship landed in front of a crowd as the door opened up and a ramp came out. "Too fast." Rick coughed.
It was a long wait but Lincoln eventually made it to the front of the line. "Yes! I'm next!" He cheered as he went inside the book store to meet Rip Hardcore. Upon seeing him, Lincoln started to sweat as he trembled in both excitement and nervousness.
"How's it going, buddy?" Rip greeted from behind a podium. Lincoln gave no response. "I, uh, see you've got a copy of my book there. Would you like me to sign it?" Lincoln still wasn't able to respond, still nervous from meeting Rip Hardcore in person. "I'll just take that." Rip took Lincoln's book and signed 'Your mate, Rip Hardcore" before giving it back. "Rippin' to meet ya."
Lincoln scuttled backwards out of the book store before regaining his nerves and leaning against the wall. He looked at his watch. "Now, I just gotta grab my sisters and get home." Lincoln walked over to the train ride. "Okay, guys, now we can do whatever you...AH!" Lincoln's eyes then widened as the actual train appeared to be missing along with a part of the track. The slot had fried out and none of his sisters were in sight. "Where'd they go?" Lincoln calmed himself down. "Don't panic. You've been in much worse situations than this." Lincoln then opened his book, trying to find the right page as he had an idea come to mind. "How to purify to build a fire with toenails... Ah! How to track animals in the wild. With a little luck and the Four D's, I'll find my sisters in no time." Lincoln let out a howl as he set out to find his sisters.
"And if you continue to turn your flooble cranks, I will bring you other great alien advancements." Zeep announced to the crowd.
As Zeep talked, Rick turned to this world's President. "Hey, uh, let me ask you something."
"Any of your, uh, scientists working on anything new?"
"All of them. That's their job."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I mean, like, energy-wise. Anyone working on, say, a little universe in a box?"
The President pulled Rick aside to whisper to him. "How do you know about that? It's top secret."
"So remember. A crank a day is not nearly enough." Zeep laughed. "Crank it." He then stuck up two fingers at the audience before turning to Lana. "I told them this means 'Peace among worlds'. How hilarious is that?"
Lana raised an eyebrow. "But it does mean-ugh!" Lana was then given a rough nudge by Lisa.
"I'd advise you not to say anything that could jeopardise Grandpa Rick's plan." Lisa whispered harshly. Lana glared at her in response.
Rick approached Zeep along with the President. "Hey, Zeep, the fake President of your fake world has something fake important to show you."
Once again, the group were led to another lab. While Rick and Zeep went over to meet the other scientist that had created his own universe, Lana was still glaring at Lisa. "Geez, what's your problem Lisa, you're being a real jerk today."
"I am simply advising you not to do anything to jeopardise Rick's plans." Lisa argued. "Though I would've thought someone as 'smart' as you would have realised that."
Lana narrowed her eyes. "Ohhh, I see. You're just jealous because there's a chance I could be just as smart as you! Aren't you?"
Lisa scoffed. "Oh please. The idea that you could be anywhere near my intellectual level is laughable coming from someone who eats waste and barely cleanses themself!"
Lola looked between Lana and Lisa, unsure of what to do. She wasn't really used to being the one inbetween an argument. "This is kinda weird. I'm just gonna..." Lola stepped back and decided to leave the lab for a minute while the two argue.
"Yeah, what if I do that stuff? It's fun!" Lana argued.
Lisa chuckled condescendingly. "Lana, you do realise that this isn't considered normal behaviour right? Nor is it considered healthy."
"S-So what? It's not like I ever got sick from it or anything."
"Why do you think that is?" Lisa snapped. "The only reason you haven't come down with any kind of disease is because of me!"
"I've been keeping tabs on your health to make sure you don't end up poisoning yourself. In fact, you're basically the reason I started my 'poop studies'. How can you call yourself a genius when you can barely take care of yourself?"
Lana scowled at Lisa with tears threatening to come out of her eyes before shoving her. Lisa quickly regained her composure. "Hmph. Typical neanderthal. Responding with violence."
"Lisa, cut the shit already!" Rick suddenly shouted at her.
Lisa gave Rick a surprised look. "Excuse me?"
"Look, I get it. You're jealous because I've been spending more time with Lana than with you. But you gotta put that shit aside for the moment. We're in the middle of something important. This isn't the time for petty arguments." Lisa stared at Rick in disbelief. Rick then grabbed both Lisa and Lana's arms. "Now come on. We're going."
The miniverse scientist's ship emerged from an icy mountain. Zeep and Lana stared out the window while Rick gave Zeep a smug look and Lisa stood in the corner, glaring at both Rick and Lana. "It's not much now, but once I learn to accelerate the temporal field, I'll be able to interact with any sentient life that evolves and introduce them to the wonders of electricity via a pulley-based device I call a blooble yank. But what they won't know is-"
"You'll be taking most of their energy." Zeep finished. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it."
"It's showtime." Rick muttered to Lana.
The scientist landed his ship on a cliff in the middle of a jungle, next to a river. Everyone followed him out as Zeep spoke. "You do realize this will make the flooble crank obsolete? This is wrong, Kyle. What you're doing is wrong. You're basically-" Zeep made a disgusted sound. As he talked, Rick mimicked him from behind him. "This is slavery. You're talking about creating a planet of slaves."
Rick shrugged. "Told you, Zeep."
"Oh, they won't be slaves. They'll work for each other and pay each other money." Kyle argued, not really offended by Zeep's accusations.
"That just sounds like slavery with ex...tra...steps." A look of realisation appeared on Zeep's face as he looked at Rick.
"Wait a minute." Zeep grabbed Rick's lab coat. "Did you create my universe? Is my universe a miniverse?"
Rick pushed Zeep off him. "Microverse!"
"Uh, teenyverse." Kyle corrected.
Infuriated, Zeep snatched Rick's antennae of off his head. "Ugh! You bastard!"
In return, Rick snatched the head of Zeep's costume. "Much obliged." Zeep then tackled Rick as the two began to brawl.
Lana and Kyle watched the brawl in confusion while Lisa just watched in disbelief after what Rick had just said to her a moment ago. "What the hell is happening?" Kyle asked.
"I believe you're witnessing what some refer to as a petty argument." Lisa answered bitterly.
"You're my battery, motherfucker!" Rick shouted as he punched Zeep. "That's all you are. I made you. Your microverse sucks! And your miniverse is the size of a fucking lobster tank! It's whack!"
"Are they not really aliens?" Kyle asked.
"In a sense, no. They are simply scientists not unlike yourself." Lisa explained.
Kyle pointed at Rick. "So he made a universe," he then pointed at Zeep. "And that guy is from that universe. And that guy made a universe. And that's the universe where I was born. Where my father died. Where I couldn't make time for his funeral because I was working on my universe." A deep frown appeared on Kyle's face.
"That about sums it up." Lisa said.
Lana gave her a pointed look. "Geez, Lisa, why've you gotta be so cold?"
"I'm simply telling the truth. Better to do that then let a lie fester in a vain attempt to spare someone's feelings."
Lana then noticed Kyle walking back into his ship. "Hey, where are you going? Hey, WAIT NO!" Both Lana and Lisa stared in horror as Kyle crashed his ship into the side of a cliff.
Rick and Zeep noticed this and stopped fighting to walk over and look down into the river at the bottom of the canyon along with Lana and Lisa at what was left of the ship. "I...stand corrected." Lisa admitted.
A tired Lincoln left the pet store. He was starting to panic as none of his sisters were anywhere he'd thought they'd be. He really hoped they were just hiding from him. They'd have to show up eventually. Or else he'd be in a heap of trouble. He then suddenly jumped to the side as the train suddenly whizzed by. To his relief, he could hear Lily's laughter coming from the train. "Lily! Hang on! I'll save you!" Lincoln went chasing after the train though he was only barely keeping up with it. He then noticed the train pass by Scoots. He stopped to talk to her, an idea coming to mind. "Um, excuse me, Ms. Scoots. Could you give me a ride, please? I need to catch that train."
"Uh, that sounds like a 'you' problem."
Lincoln frowned and got out his book, knowing that this would be the quickest way to get Scoots to help him. "Look, you didn't get an autograph from Rip, right? How about if I give you mine?"
"My bae signed this?" Scoots grinned. "Deal!" She grabbed the book before giving Lincoln a helmet and picking him up to place him behind her on her scooter. "OUTTA THE WAY, MOUTH-BREATHERS!" Scoots shouted as she chased after the train. Eventually, Scoots got close enough that Lincoln was able to jump off the scooter and into one of the cars. He started to make his way to the front of the train where Lily was but before he could reach her, the front of the train seperated from the other cars and started going a different direction. Thinking fast, Lincoln got out his yo-yo and used it as a rope to swing around and into the train. Lincoln grabbed Lily before gasping and ducking as the train crashed into a couple stands before eventually coming to a stop back where the train was supposed to be.
"You okay?" Lincoln asked. Lily simply giggled in response. Lincoln sighed in relief. "Now we've just got to find the rest of our sisters. I just hope they haven't left...or worse..." Lincoln really didn't want to think of the worst case scenario that could happen all because he didn't keep an eye on them.
"I need to ask something. In the unlikely chance you found out that your universe only existed to power someone's car, how would that make you feel?" Lucy had her notebook out, prepared to write down any notes.
President Chris thought about it for a moment. "Well, to be totally honest with you, I'd be devastated. I mean, if we only existed to power someone's car, it'd make me feel rather insignificant. Like my life barely meant anything!"
"Mmmhmm." Lucy hummed as she wrote down notes.
Eventually, the group found two caves opposite each other at the sides of two cliffs. Rick, Lana and Lisa went in one while Zeep went into the other. All of them had ditched their disguises. Rick glared at Zeep as he was working on something. "Pterodactyl!"
Zeep jumped, causing him to drop what he was working on and Rick to laugh in response. Zeep glared back at him. "Asshole!" Zeep wanted to shout more at Rick but the events of the day had left him tired and it was starting to get dark.
"Don't you think it'd be wise to not aggravate him any further?" Lisa asked.
Rick shrugged. "Hey, I'm not the one that caused that other guy to commit suicide and get us stuck here Lisa, that's kind of on you."
Lisa bristled before making her way out of the cave. "That's it! I'm out. I refuse to stay in this den of hypocrisy any longer."
"Hey, where're you going?" Rick called after her.
"To Zeep. At least he puts his miniverse to good use!"
Lana watched her leave before turning to Rick. "Aren't you gonna say something to her?"
Rick shrugged. "Eh, this is probably for the best anyway."
Lana frowned for a moment before asking. "So what are we gonna do if we make it out of here?"
"Once we get out of here, I'm going to destroy Zeep's dumb miniverse. The microverse will have no choice but to go back to the way things were and everything can go back to normal." Rick explained.
Lana stared at Rick in horror. "That's terrible! You can't do that! You'd kill so many people!"
Rick shrugged. "Yeah well, I need something to power my cruiser, Lana. Unless you've got any better ideas."
Lana thought for a moment. "Why not try to work something out with Zeep?"
Rick frowned. "Fuck no, I'm not working out any kind of deal with that asshole! That's like admitting defeat!"
Lana folded her arms. "Didn't you say something about putting aside jealousy and petty arguments or something?"
Rick groaned. "You gotta use my own words against me huh? Fine. Tomorrow morning, he gets one chance to come up with a better solution."
Meanwhile, Lisa entered Zeep's cave to see Zeep sat cross legged next to a fireplace. He gave Lisa a bitter look. "What do you want?"
"I think I'd find it preferable to stay here rather than with Rick tonight. If you'll allow me that is." Lisa explained.
Zeep shrugged. "Fine." Lisa went to sit next to the fireplace near Zeep. After a moment of silence, Zeep suddenly chocked a sob. "Goddamnit..."
" something wrong?" Lisa asked apprehensively.
"I just found my whole planet, my entire universe only exists just to power someone's car! My life's a fucking joke! How do you think I feel?"
Lisa sighed. "Yes, I suppose it is an unfortunate situation."
Zeep sniffled. "You know, I always knew something was wrong with all this. Ever since I was a kid, I knew something wasn't right about the way gooble boxes worked." He sighed. "I just wanted to help people. Help improve society, you know? Isn't that what geniuses like me are supposed to do." It's what Zeep always believed though after meeting Rick, he questioned that belief.
"That is a sentiment I agree with. With that in mind, perhaps there's something that could be done to make everyone happy..." After trying to think of something for a moment, it then suddenly occured to her. "Of course! It's so obvious! The miniverse can be used to power the cruiser instead of your universe!"
Zeep raised an eyebrow at her. "So I'm supposed to just give you my miniverse?"
"Perhaps in exchange, you could take this teenyverse." Lisa offered. "Either way, your universe will no longer be used by Rick."
Zeep thought about it for a moment. "Alright deal. I mean, that's if Rick isn't that much of an asshole."
The next morning, Rick left his cave along with Lana while Zeep left his cave along with Lisa. Both had neutral expressions on their faces as they approached each other. Once they came face to face, Rick spoke. "All right, I've done some thinking and I've decided that if you can think of anything that's equally as powerful as the microverse to power my cruiser, I'll hear you out."
"As a matter of fact, your...uh..." Zeep glanced at Lisa.
"Your granddaughter had the idea of using the miniverse as a replacement. Is that good enough for you?"
Rick frowned. It was true that the miniverse would be able to replace the microverse though it didn't seem like the most convenient solution to him. "Uh, does that I have to pretend to be you whenever I need to visit? Uh!" Lana elbowed his side. Rick grumbled to himself for a moment. "Fine, deal!" Rick offered his hand for Zeep to shake which Zeep accepted.
Lincoln was full on panicking now as he ran around the mall, carrying Lily with him. "Oh no, oh no, oh no!" He had searched every square inch of the mall yet there wasn't a single sign of his sisters. It was official. His sisters weren't in the mall any more. All he could do now was hope that for whatever reason, his sisters were all waiting for him outside the mall. Lincoln panted as he ran outside. He looked around but couldn't see any sign of his sisters. However, he then noticed something else. "Grandpa Rick's cruiser!" He ran towards it. "Why's this still here but Rick's not?" A hopeful smile appeared on his face. "Maybe Rick just took them on an adventure." Lincoln sighed in relief. "Yeah, that makes sense. I've just got to wait here until Grandpa Rick comes back. I mean he's gotta come back eventually...probably...hopefully... You don't mind waiting, do you Lily?" Lincoln then suddenly smelt something. He looked at Lily who simply giggled at him. "Oh, great."
Lola stood outside the lab for a minute as she waited for the argument to end. She didn't hear any shouting or arguing for a little bit so she decided to peak her head into the room. Only to see no one in there besides the other scientists. "Hey, where'd they all go?"
After they worked their deal out, both Rick and Zeep got to work trying to build some kind of contraption that could take them back to the teenyverse. With Lana and Lisa's help, they eventually managed to build something using some crystals and whatever else they were able to find. Once it was about done, Rick admired their work. "All right, not bad."
"I guess you're an okay proto recombinator." Zeep admitted with a smile.
"I've certainly seen worse ionic cell dioxination."
"If this works, drinks are on me."
"If drinks are on you, you're gonna need a second mortgage on that tower." Rick then whispered. "I'm an alcoholic."
"Opium addict." Zeep whispered back as the two shared a laugh.
Meanwhile, Lisa was talking with Lana. "I'd like to apologise for my earlier behaviour. I may have gone too far."
Lana waved her hand dismissively. "It's fine. Maybe you were right. Maybe I should...stop eating trash. And...I guess I should...take...more...b-baths." Lana was visibly straining to say all of that.
Lisa smiled. "That would certainly make things easier for me."
"Come on kids, we're going now." Rick called out. The two went up to Rick as he started the contraption. It took a moment for it to charge up before it teleported the four back into Kyle's lab.
Lola stared at them in shock. "Did you guys just go without me?"
"Oh, hey Lola, I was wondering where you went." Rick said casually.
"Hey, where's Kyle?" One of the scientists asked. He then pointed at Zeep. "And who's that guy?" He didn't seem to recognise Zeep without his costume.
Zeep looked sheepish. He didn't exactly prepare for this moment. "Kyle So, uh...I'm just gonna take this." Zeep picked up the teenyverse which then caused an alarm to go off.
"He's stealing the teenyverse!"
Rick groaned. "Ah crap. Run!"
The group ran out the lab and away from the security until they reached an oddly shaped stairway. Rick then had an idea. "Everyone, hang on to me!" As soon as everyone grabbed Rick, he shouted. "Go, go Sanchez ski shoes." Rocket powered ski shoes then appeared under Rick's feet. The sisters and Zeep screamed as Rick blasted up the stairway before eventually bursting through the roof and flying towards the ship. Miraculously, they landed without any injuries as they scrambled to get into the ship.
"You know you could've smashed the teenyverse doing that, right?" Zeep asked.
"Just shut up and get us back home!" Rick snapped.
Before the police could reach them, Zeep pressed a button, teleporting the group back into the microverse.
Everyone took a moment to catch their breath. "Oh, hey guys. I just finished cooking us a feast." President Chris said as he held a pan.
Next to him, Lucy was wearing a cooking apron that she took off as soon as she saw her siblings and Rick. "You're back."
After catching his breath, Zeep put down the teenyverse before picking up the miniverse and handing it to Rick. "Well, I guess this is yours now."
"Thanks. AHH!" Rick lifted the miniverse up, about to smash it on the floor, causing everyone there to gasp in horror. However, he then started to laugh. "Ha ha! Just kidding! Hey, uh, how about that drink then, huh?"
"You guys realise that Lincoln's probably been waiting for us this whole time, right?" Lucy pointed out.
Rick looked disappointed. "Ah shit. Well, maybe another time."
Rick was about to leave with the sisters before Zeep called out. "Hey." Rick turned to face him. "You've got some smart grandkids."
Rick wasn't sure how to feel about that compliment. "Uhh, thanks."
Upon being teleported back to the mall's parking lot, the sisters then all heard a gasp as they were then scooped up into a big hug by Lincoln along with Lily. "You're back! Oh thank goodness! I thought I lost you all!"
Upon Lincoln letting them all down, Lisa gave him a remorseful look. "Oh, sorry, big brother. We should have informed you what we were doing before we took our leave."
Lincoln then gave them a guilty look. "It's okay guys. I never should have dragged you here in the first place. I was supposed to be responsible for you. I'm sorry."
Lana smiled at him. "It's okay, big brother. We forgive you."
Rick removed the microverse from the cruiser before inserting the miniverse. He then stared at the microverse for a moment. "Okay, now the question is what am I supposed to do with this?"
"Perhaps I could take the microverse off your hands. For studying purposes." Lisa offered.
Rick looked unsure. "I don't know Lisa. Owning a universe is a big responsibility. I'm not sure you're ready for it."
"To put it in the most simplest of terms: But I want one though." Lisa argued.
Rick then shrugged. "Alright, fine." He then handed her the microverse.
Lincoln looked at the microverse in confusion. "Uh, could someone please explain to me what that is?"
On the ride back home, Lisa stared intensely at the microverse. It's a shame time seemed to go faster in the microverse. She'd like to have the opportunity to converse more with Zeep though it's likely he would pass away in only a couple months. She wondered if Rick still had a time crystal. Perhaps there was a way to slow down the microverse's time.
Meanwhile, next to her, Rick couldn't help but glance at Lisa every now and then as he was driving. He wouldn't admit it out loud but the way Lisa had acted today troubled him. He needed to think of something to put Lisa off acting like that. Maybe if she had a friend or something...