Chereads / Rick and The Loud House / Chapter 14 - Chapter 14: Frog Wild Run

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14: Frog Wild Run

Lincoln was sitting at his desk in class as his teacher, Mrs. Johnson, made an announcement. "Okay, class, tomorrow we're wrapping up our biology studies with a special project. We'll be dissecting..." She pulled down a scroll displaying a frog and its anatomy. "...frogs!" All the students exclaimed in joy. "Get ready to jump in!" Mrs. Johnson laughed. She then frowned in disappointment as no one reacted to the joke. "Really? No one?"

Lincoln had an eager look on his face. "Dissecting frogs? That sounds-"


"HORRIBLE! You can't do that!" Lana shouted. After Lincoln came home, Lana had found out about what Lincoln was going to do tomorrow. Being the animal lover she was, she was not pleased.

"They're just frogs, Lana. What's the big deal?" Lincoln argued.

Lana scowled and grabbed Lincoln's hair, pulling him into her room. "I'll show you what the big deal is!"

"Ow! Ow!"

After shutting the door behind her, Lana got out a portable projector from her drawers and handed it to Lincoln. "Watch this movie I made about Hops." Hearing his name, Hops then jumped onto Lana's shoulder, croaking.

Lincoln cranked the handle and peeped through the lens of the projector. The first thing he saw was a title screen. He then heard Lana narrating over it. "HOPS: A Life in Leaps." It then cut to a younger Lana playing around in a pond. "I'll never forget the day I met my future best friend." Lana narrated.

The Lana onscreen then got water squirted at her from a frog. Lana swam up to the frog and squirted him back before laughing. "You're the best froggy. Well, I gotta go. Dad's making meatloaf tonight. Thanks for the fun day." Lana waded off through the water. She then looked back and noticed the frog was following her, paddling on his lily pad. He then made a sad face, which Lana returned. "Aw. You're lonely, aren't ya, little guy?" She then smiled. "Would you like to come home and live with me?" The frog smiled and nodded before hopping over to Lana to pull himself into Lana's front pocket. Lana smiled down at him. "I'm gonna name you Hops." Hops croaked happily in response.

"Since that day, we've been pretty inseparable. We eat all our meals together." Lana narrated as it cut to Lana and Hops eating mud and crickets from a bowl. "Hops likes his crickets chocolate-covered. But I like mine plain." It then cut to Lana and Hops playing Double Dutch. "We play together." It then cut to Lana waiting to get her photo taken. "We even get our school photos taken together."

"Alright, kid, smile." The photographer said dully as Hops leaped out of Lana's pocket and landed on her head, wearing his own overalls. "Three, two, one. Cheese."

It then cut to nighttime as Lana was in her pyjamas, next to her bed. Hops had his own sleeping cap on. "Nighty-night, buddy." Lana said before giving Hops a kiss and placing him in his tank. Lana then rolled into bed.

"I can't imagine what life would be like without my best friend Hops." Lana narrated as Hops leapt out of his tank to rest himself next to Lana. Lana opened an eyelid to look at him before smiling and going back to sleep.

As the film ended, Lincoln looked to Lana with tears in his eyes, completely touched by her story. "That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!"

Hops used his tongue to grab a box of tissues. Lana handed a tissue to Lincoln for him to blow his nose. "You see, Lincoln? Frogs are cooler on the outside than they are on the inside." She clasped her hands, giving Lincoln a pleading look. "So please, don't dissect them."

"I won't." Lincoln reassured before putting on a look of determination. "And neither will anyone else."

Lana raised an eyebrow as Hops dropped the box of tissues. "What do you mean?"

"We're going on a rescue mission." Lincoln exchanged a fist bump with Lana.

"Don't forget Hops!" Lana reminded Lincoln. Lincoln exchanged a fist bump with Hops who used his tongue.


The next day, after Mrs. Johnson dismissed the class for lunch and locked the door behind her, Lincoln peaked around the corner to check that the coast was clear before talking into his walkie talkie. "Lana, where are you?" He then let out a light gasp as Lana's head popped out of the trash can behind him. "Oh, good hiding place."

"What are you talking about? Hops and I were just eating lunch." Lana said before belching out an apple core. Hops' head also popped out, belching out a peanut shell.

Lincoln frowned in disgust before pointing his thumb towards the classroom. "Let's go!"

The two made their way to the front of the door before Lana got out her locksmith equipment. She then managed to use one of her tools to unlock the door. Upon going into the classroom, Lana ran up to the tank full of frogs. "What's up, frog-ays? We're here to rescue you!"

Lincoln picked up the tank. "Let's go!" Lana opened the window and jumped out before helping Lincoln carry the tank out along with himself. The two started running. "Now we just need to get to the pond."

Before they could get any further, Rick came flying by in his cruiser before parking in front of them and opening the door. "All right, Lincoln, your next flying lesson starts now. Come on, get in."

Lana looked at Lincoln. "You're taking flying lessons from Grandpa Rick?"

Lincoln gave Lana a pleading look. "Please don't tell Lori." He then looked at Rick. "Grandpa Rick, if you haven't noticed, we're kinda in the middle of something."

"I can't deal with all these frogs by myself." Lana added.

Rick rolled his eyes. "I can see that Lincoln. Don't worry, I have a solution to this problem."


Lincoln was now flying the cruiser through space as Rick sat next to him. Behind them, Lana and Hops were gazing out the window in amazement as they looked into space. Next to them was the tank filled with all the other frogs. Rick pointed out the window. "See that planet right there? Don't fly too close to that planet. Someone'll come out and try to wash your windshield."

Lincoln had a look of concern. "Are you sure we should be bringing all these frogs out into space?"

"They'll be fine as long as they stay in here. I've got my cruiser set to just the right humidity." Rick explained.

"I thought it felt a little wetter in here then usual." Lincoln remarked.

Rick glanced back at the tank full of frogs. "So what's the deal with them anyway."

"Those frogs were going to be dissected." Lincoln explained.

"So we rescued them!" Lana joined in on the conversation, grinning proudly.

Rick gave them both pointed looks. "So by that, you mean you both broke in and stole them, right? Are you sure a few frogs are worth breaking the law over?"

Lana huffed before getting out her portable projector and handing it to Rick. "Maybe you'd understand if you had a look at this."

"Hm? What's this?" Rick cranked the handle and peeped through the lens of the projector. Once he was finished, Rick passed the projector back to Lana. He didn't seem to be very moved by it. "Well, that was cute I guess."

Lincoln looked surprise. "You didn't feel anything from that?"

"Lincoln, do I really seem like the kind of guy that'd be moved to tears by something like that? I mean they're just frogs."

"They are NOT just frogs!" Lana snapped.

Rick raised his hands defensively. "Ok! I get it. I understand they mean a lot to you." Rick's phone then started to ring. "Hold on." Rick answered it. "Yup. Yeah, I have it. Where do you wanna meet? Alright, cool." He hung up and turned to Lincoln. "Alright, Lincoln, lesson's over. We got some business to attend to a few lightminutes south of here."


Per Rick's instructions, Lincoln flew the cruiser to an alien planet and into a strange, multilevelled parking garage. Lincoln clumsily flew in and parked in between two other vehicles. Rick turned to him. "Okay, wait here."

"What's going on, Grandpa Rick?" Lincoln asked, slightly suspicious.

"Yeah, why can't we come?" Lana asked.

"Don't worry about it." Rick reassured them. "It's boring business stuff. Neither of you would find it interesting. Besides, someone's gotta look after the frogs."

Rick then heard knocking on his window. He turned to see a gromflomite wearing some kind of armour. Unlike the other gromflomites that Lincoln had seen, this was a type that lacked wings and pincers and had a more humanoid anatomy as opposed to the more hunch-backed gromflomites he had seen so far. "Ah, crap." Rick rolled down the window before greeting him. "Hey, what's up?"

"Hey, Rick!" The gromflomite laughed before picking up a bag full of alien currency. "Here you go, three thousand flurbos! D'you have the weapon?"

Rick took the bag. He looked slightly nervous as he didn't want his grandkids to know about this guy. "Can...Can we please...? These are my grandkids. Lincoln and Lana."

The gromflomite waved at them before leaning on the bottom on the window. "Hi Lincoln! Lana! I'm Krombopulos Michael! I'm an assassin. I buy guns from your grandpa."

Lincoln's eyes widened in horror while Lana just looked confused. "A what?!"

"Ugh!" Rick put down the flurbos and picked up a suitcase before shoving it towards Krombopulos Michael. "Here, now go away."

Krombopulos Michael opened the suitcase and picked up the strange, purple gun inside of it, admiring it. "Ooh, yeah, this looks deadly. So this shoots antimatter? My target can't be killed with regular matter." He put the gun back into the suitcase, shutting it. He then looked at Lincoln. "Nice to meet you, Lincoln! Listen, if you ever need anybody murdered," He handed a card over to Lincoln. "Please give me a call. I'm very discrete-"

"M-Murdered?!" A horrified Lana exclaimed.

"Y-Y-Y-You're gonna give him your card?!" Rick shouted, shocked that he'd be so casual about this.

Krombopulos Michael ignored both of them and continued talking. "I have no code of ethics, I will kill anyone, anywhere! Children, animals, old people, doesn't matter. I just love killin'!" Krombopulos Michael then glanced at the frogs in the back. He then put on what looked like a disgusted face. "Ew, what are those?"

"Frogs. They're Earth creatures." Rick answered curtly.

Krombopulos Michael shuddered. "Creepy..."

As Krombopulos Michael walked off, Lincoln and Lana looked at Rick in shock. "You're working with a murderer?!" Lana exclaimed.

"What the heck, Grandpa Rick?" Lincoln shouted angrily.

Rick groaned. "Look, it's just business kids. What he does with those weapons has nothing to do with me. You two have got what the intergalactic call a very planetary mindset. It's more complicated out here! These are Flurbos. Do you understand what three humans can accomplish with three thousand of these?"

"Uh, what?" Lincoln asked.

Rick grinned. "An entire afternoon at Blips and Chiiiitz!"


Rick took Lincoln and Lana to the intergalactic arcade. It almost looked like a regular arcade though it was filled with aliens and still had an otherworldly feel to it. The three had left the rest of the frogs in the cruiser apart from Hops, who Lana was carrying with her. Carrying a bottle of beer, Rick gestured to all the attractions as the three walked around. "Aw, this place is the best. It's got beer, games, prizes, and you can never tell what time it is."

Both Lincoln and Lana were frowning at him. While they'd love to enjoy themselves at what was basically an alien version of Gus' Games and Grub, they were too distracted with Rick's shady dealings. "You helped out a murderer just to play videogames?!" Lana exclaimed furiously.

Rick frowned. "Yeah, sure, if you spend all day shuffling words around you can make anything sound bad, Lana." Rick walked over to a machine with two helmets attached to it. He picked up one of them. "Here, check this out." After placing it on Lincoln's head, Lincoln's eyes rolled back into his head.


"Ah!" Roy woke up, frightened and panting.

Roy's mother came in, turning the lights on. She sat at Roy's bedside and gave him a comforting smile. "Roy, what's wrong?"

"I...had a nightmare. I was with an old man... He put a helmet on me." Roy tried to explain.

Roy's mother stroked his head. "It's just a fever. Get some sleep, I don't want you missing school on Monday." She got up and walked out of the room, switching off the lights.


At his Middle School, Roy sat in class as his teacher spoke. "I want you kids to look around you today and think about your future." Roy looked outside. Upon seeing some kids playing with a football, he smiled. "Now is the time in your life when anything is possible."


A teenage Roy caught the football as he ran across the field. He could hear the announcer's commentary. "Spiraling perfectly, it's gonna be caught by Roy Parsons! Roy Parsons is at the 20!" Roy made eye contact with a girl in the stands who gasped upon seeing him look at her. "Now he's at the 10! Nothing can stop Roy the Rocket!" He threw the ball down. "Touchdown!"


Roy was having dinner with his wife and son. He looked somewhat depressed as he poked at his food. His wife gave him a concerned look. "I just think it's time to get realistic. Have you talked to my father about the carpet store? Roy?"


Roy sighed as he placed a sale tag on one of the carpets. He then got a call from his doctor.


Roy was sat in his doctor's office as his doctor spoke to him. "Had we caught it sooner...Well, hindsight is 20-20, Roy. What's important is that we move quickly."


Roy was lying down in bed with his wife at his bedside. His hair had fallen out and he had gone pale from battling cancer. "I'm not...ready to die..." Roy admitted.

Roy's wife took his hand. "You're not going to." Roy smiled


After surviving surgery, his wife wheelchaired him back into his house. There he saw his friends and family applauding him and a streamer that read 'CANCER CAN'T BEAT THE ROCKET'.


"Hey, thanks for the carpet, Roy." An elderly Roy shook hands with the customer before he left. He then sat down before looking fondly at his football shaped trophy that read 'World's Greatest Dad'.

He then heard shouting. "Hey Roy, you pull those Persian off-white shags for the clearance sale?"

Roy got up and stepped onto a short ladder to retrieve the rugs. He then started to lose balance. "Whoa. Sh-shit! Shit!" He tried to hang on to the rugs but to no avail as he fell of the ladder and hit the ground, killing him. Text that read 'GAME OVER' then flashed in front of Lincoln's eyes.

"W-W-What?!" Lincoln pulled his helmet off. The last fifty-five years of his life suddenly felt like a dream as he snapped back to reality. "What...the...HECK was that?!"

Rick looked at Lincoln's progress on the screen. It turned out that Lincoln was just playing a game called 'Roy: A life well lived'. "Fifty-five years. Not bad, Lincoln. You kinda wasted your thirties though with that whole birdwatching phase."

"Huh?" Lincoln looked to see a girl...his sister also had a helmet on. She took it off, slowly blinking in confusion. "W-Where am I?"

Rick looked at Lana's progress. "Ooh, tough luck Lana. Only twenty-nine years. And you died of food poisoning? Now, that's a first."

Lana still seemed lost as she looked around. "W...Where's my husband?"

"Lana. You were just playing a game. It's called Roy. Snap out of it, come on." Rick handed Lincoln and Lana the tickets they had just won from the game.

Lana looked at "Lincoln?" She then shook her head as her head started to clear and she remembered what she was doing before she played Roy before frowning at Rick. "Hey, you helped out a murderer!"

Rick sat down at the machine, about to play it himself. "No. I exchanged goods with him. It's the same as doing nothing. If Krombopulos Michael wants someone dead, there's not a lot anybody can do to stop him. That's why he does it for a living. Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to thrash Lincoln's Roy score." Rick put the helmet on.

One of the aliens passing by looked at Rick's gameplay. "Holy shit! This guy's taking Roy off the grid!" Some of the other aliens gasped and started to congregate around Rick. "This guy doesn't have a social security number for Roy!"

Lana pulled Lincoln away to talk to him alone. "We're not gonna let that... Crudbappaloo Michael kill someone are we?"

"No." Lincoln put on a look of determination. "Because we're going to stop him."

Lana raised an eyebrow. "How are we gonna do that?"

Lincoln got out the card that Krombopulos Michael gave him. On it was a radar that displayed Krombopulos Michael's location. He smirked at Lana. "We're going on another rescue mission." He exchanged a fist bump with Lana before doing another one with Hops, who used his tongue again.


Krombopulos Michael was at a government outpost. A place filled with winged gromflomites, working for the Galactic Federation. As he prepared for his job, kneeling on top of a building, Krombopulos Michael got out a heart shaped locket with a picture of a female gromflomite similar to him. He kissed the locket before putting it away and standing up. "Oh boy, here I go killin' again!" Krombopulos Michael attached a grappling hook to the side of the building and swung into a vent. After crawling through it and reaching an exit, he dropped down from it onto a gromflomite who he immediately put his arms around to snap his neck before he could shout or scream. After sneaking through the building and killing another gromflomite, he used a lazer to cut a hole through the ceiling. A gromflomite fell through the hole which Krombopulos Michael caught and quickly broke the neck of. Going through the hole, he entered a room where another gromflomite, which had his back to Krombopulos Michael, was guarding a door. He rolled to the guard before punching him and putting an arm around his neck. He then grabbed his arm and used his claw to activate the security panel and open the door. After snapping his neck, Krombopulos Michael entered the chamber and laid his eyes upon his target. A light neon green colored cloud of translucent gas. It had five electric orbs inside of it that were the colours purple, pink, green, blue, and orange. Yellow wires were somehow attached to the cloud. He aimed his gun at it.

Before he could fire, Rick's cruiser suddenly crashed through the wall and into him, killing him. A female voice then came from the cruiser while the frogs started croaking in a panic. "You have arrived at Krombopulos Michael. Your destination is below."

After recovering from the crash, Lana checked to see if the frogs were okay before glaring at Lincoln. "Seriously, Lincoln? This was your plan?"

After rubbing his head, Lincoln gave Lana an annoyed look. "Could you think of a better way to stop an assassin?" The two stepped out of the damaged cruiser. Upon seeing the gun that Rick had sold to the assassin, Lana picked it up.

"Drop the gun!" Lana looked to see a gromflomite. She froze in fear upon seeing him aim a gun at her.

Lincoln jumped in front of her to shield her. "You don't understand! This guy was gonna kill someone!"

The gromflomite glared at Lincoln. "I guess that makes two of us."

Before he could fire, a portal suddenly appeared inside of him, splitting him into two. Lincoln and Lana both winced in disgust upon seeing the two halves fall to the floor. Rick then stepped out of the portal, glaring at the two of them. "What are you doing, kids?! This is a Galactic Federation outpost! Look, I don't have time to tell you my entire backstory, but Grandpa and government don't get along!"

"They saved my life!"

The three turned towards the cloud in surprise. "Huh?" Rick said.

"You can talk?" Lana asked.

"What's your name?" Lincoln asked.

"My kind has no use for names. I communicate through what you call 'the next Ace Savvy issue'. No, 'telepathy'." As the cloud talked, each of his orbs glowed with every syllable he spoke.

Rick frowned. "Oh, good job, kids. Y-Y-Y-You killed my best customer but you saved a mind-reading fart!"

"I like this name, 'Fart'." Lana giggled at the cloud. "Lana, would you kindly release me by pulling that lever to the left of my cell? I am in great pain."

"Sure thing." Lana snickered. "Fart!" Lana laughed as she approached the switch.

"Lana, don't do it." Rick tried to warn her. Lana responded by sticking her tongue out at Rick before flipping the switch, freeing Fart and activating an alarm. Rick simply groaned in response.

"Grandpa Rick, we gotta get out of here!" Lincoln yelled.

"We can't take the fart out of here." Rick tried to explain. "He's gaseous. He's not gonna make it through a portal, Lincoln."

"Let's just fly out of here then!" Lana shouted as she and Lincoln got into the cruiser along with Fart. Lincoln sat up front while Lana and Fart sat in the back with the frogs.

Rick grumbled. "Stupid-ass fart-saving..." He got into the cruiser and tried to turn the ignition on. However it seemed to be stalling. "Oh come on!"

A group of gromflomites ran into the room and aimed their guns as the cruiser. "Get out of the vehicle made of garbage or we will open fire!" One of them warned.

Rick growled as he kept trying to start the vehicle. "Come on! Come on you son of a-"

Suddenly, Hops then leaped up onto Rick's seat. Rick's hand recoiled as Hops' stuck his tongue onto the ignition and pulled at it, somehow managing to start the cruiser. Rick gave Hops a surprised look. "Uhh, thanks, Hops?" Hops croaked happily in response before hopping back to Lana. Once the cruiser set off, Rick backed it up into the gromflomites, crushing them before Rick flew off, away from the planet.


Rick had flown his cruiser over to Gearworld, home of the gear people. An industrial planet where everything was made of metal, being gear-themed. Rick had brought his cruiser to the workshop of the same gear person that attended Rick's party. Rick told Lincoln and Lana that his name was Gearhead. Gearhead was currently trying to fix Rick's cruiser. Lana wanted to try and help fix the cruiser too but she was dismissed by Rick who told her that his cruiser was way too complicated for her. After grumbling for a bit, Lana resigned herself to watching television along with Lincoln and Fart. The tank full of frogs had also been taken out of the cruiser and set to the side. "Your geldon convertor is pretty dinged up." Gearhead informed Rick.

"That's 'cause my grandson drives like a male Obavradian." Rick snarked. "Yeah, I said it. Some stereotypes are based in fact."

Gearhead gave Rick an annoyed look. "Actually, it's because of years of neglect. You really need to respect your gears, Rick. To you, they're just wheels with teeth, but in my culture, wars have been fought, entire-"

"So I've heard." Rick interrupted him. "Just fix it." Rick walked over to Lincoln and the others. "I don't think the gromflomites can track us now, but it looks like we're gonna be here for awhile." Rick then lowered his voice so only Lincoln and Lana could hear him. "Or, ya know, if you still have that gun K. Michael dropped, we can finish the job and go home."

"You do understand I'm telepathic, right?" Fart asked.

"I'm being polite."

Lincoln and Lana both frowned and crossed their arms. "We're taking Fart back home where he belongs!" Lana stated.

"Yeah, where's that? Are you going on a quest to find he who smelt it?" Rick snarked.

"I came here accidentally through a wormhole located in what you call 'get out of my head, Fart, I know you're in here, la la la la-'" Fart tried to explain before he got sidetracked from reading Rick's mind. "No, in what you call the Promethean Nebula."

"Oh great, just a hop, skip, and an 800 lightyear jump!"

Fed up with Rick's attitude, Lana started to look upset. "Why are you being so mean? We're just trying to help someone! If you don't have anything nice to say then why don't you just get lost?!"

Rick backed off. "Ok, geez. Look, I'm just trying to look out for you guys. We got the galactic federation on our asses and I'm just trying to find the best way out of this that doesn't result in either of you getting hurt. You understand me?" Still upset, Lana simply turned away, arms folded. Rick sighed. "Whatever." He muttered before walking off.

Meanwhile, Fart had floated over to the tank of frogs. The frogs croaked at him in confusion. "I see I'm not the only thing you have saved today."

"Yeah. We saved them from our school. They were gonna be dissected so we just had to save them." Lincoln explained as Lana nodded with him.

"You two are not like other carbon-based life forms. You both put the value of all life above your own."

"Isn't that what everyone should be like?" Lana asked.

"I could not agree more." Fart floated over and enveloped Lincoln and Lana's heads. They both started to hallucinate as Fart sang to them.

The world can be one together, cosmos without hatred

Lincoln and Lana saw a vortex. Both their heads fell into it and both of them then came out before morphing into strange, indiscernible shapes.

Stars like diamonds in your eyes.

They both morphed back into Lincoln and Lana's heads though their eyes were now literally pink diamonds. Inside Lana's diamonds eyes, Hops was spinning around.

The ground can be space (space, space, space, space)

Hops faded away as Lincoln's head appeared before it turned into Fart. Lana's head then appeared and ate Fart. On the other side of Lana's head was a butt which Fart, Lincoln and Lana emerged from. Lincoln and Lana followed Fart into a cave.

With feet marching toward a peaceful sky.

The cave then turned into a tentacled creature before morphing into a mouth which Lincoln and Lana jumped into. It then morphed into Lincoln's face. On the other side of it were many strange patterns along with another Lincoln. Lincoln and Lana watched in amazement as the other Lincoln's flesh peeled off, followed by his muscles, leaving him as just a skeleton.

All the moonmen want things their way

Lincoln and Lana were now floating above the moon, looking down at the little green, one eyed aliens that were staring back at them. All of them then turned around, revealing faces on their butts as they waved at Lincoln and Lana.

But we make sure they see the sun.

Lincoln and Lana laughed before Fart flew over to them, spinning them around.

Goodbye, moonmen

Lincoln, Lana and Fart then fused together as they started morphing into different things. From Rick's head to a purple alien to an ice cream.

You say goodbye, moonmen.

They then morphed from Ronnie Anne to a flower to a brain before going back to normal and floating through space.


"Shut the fuck up about moonmen!" Rick shouted, interrupting the song and snapping Lincoln and Lana back to reality. "This isn't a musical number. This is a fucking operation, we gotta be cool and fucking lay low!"

Lincoln rubbed his eyes. "Ok, that was weird."

Lana grinned. "I liked it!"

Rick then noticed that the news was on the TV as the gear anchorman spoke. "No gear turnings as of yet in the curious case of these unidentified humanoid fugitives reportedly at large somewhere within the Gear System." An image of Rick, Lincoln, Lana, Fart and the frogs sitting in the cruiser appeared on screen while the anchorman was talking.

"Son of a..." Rick approached Fart. "Why were the gromflomites holding you prisoner? What the fuck is so valuable about you?"

"I am no more valuable than life itself. However, I am able to alter the composition of atoms, like this." An electric fuzz went through Fart before a lump of gold materialised, dropping to the ground beneath him. "That was oxygen. I added seventy-one protons to it."

Rick picked up the gold. "Ah, terrific. The fart that pooped gold. No wonder every cop in the system is lookin' for us!" Rick put the gold in one of his coat pockets. "Any species that gets a hold of this thing is gonna use it to take over the galaxy. Do you know how inconvenient that's gonna be to my work?" Everyone then started to hear police sirens. Rick, Lincoln and Lana rushed to the window and saw that the place was surrounded by flying police vehicles. "Somebody dropped the dime on us. Gearhead..."

Rick turned around to see Gearhead pointing a gun at Rick. "I'm sorry, Rick. The reward on your head is too high. And like you always say, you gotta look out for Number One."

Rick scowled. "Number One is me, asshole! You're supposed to be my friend!"

Gearhead raised an eyebrow before glaring at Rick. "Friend? Do you even know my real name? It's Revolio Clockberg Junior. I belong to an entire species of gear people. Calling me 'Gearhead' is like calling a Chinese person 'Asia-face'." Suddenly, Hops stuck his tongue out, snatching Revolio's gun away from him. "Ah!"

Rick grinned. "All right! Let's go Hops!" Rick then kicked Revolio in his crotch. This opened up Revolio's lower compartment, revealing two blue gears. Rick took the gears out, then took out two of the gears that made up Revolio's mouth before sticking the blue gears into his face. Revolio moaned in pain, clutching his mouth and his groin. Lincoln cringed at the site while Lana just looked confused. "Two things I wanna make clear to everybody in this room." Rick then announced. "Never betray me, and it's time to go."

Lana went over to pick up the tank of frogs before everyone piled into Rick's cruiser. Rick then flew off, breaking through a window. Two gear police then entered the building, pointing their guns. "Nobody move!"

Revolio then raised his hands, revealing the blue gears as he tried to communicate with them. Both policemen's eyes widened in horror. "Oh my god."

The other policeman pointed at him. "Are those...?" Both of them started vomiting oil and metal.


Rick flew through the city as the police chased after them, firing lazers at them. Rick opened his window and tried to fire back at them. Turning back around, Rick's eyes widened as he was heading towards a windmill made up of gears. Rick quickly manoeuvred his cruiser to fly in between the gears. One of the police following them wasn't so lucky as they crashed their vehicle into the windmill. More police started to give chase. Rick pressed a button on his wheel that activated another lazer underneath the cruiser that fired at the police. One of the police got shot down, crashing into a car. Looking out the window, Lincoln and Lana grimaced at all the damage that was being done. Rick then spoke to them. "Hey remember earlier when you guys said you were just trying to help someone? Kinda looks like there's a lot more people that need help now."

Lana looked distraught. "W-We were just trying to do the right thing."

Lincoln then came to a sudden realisation. "Wait why are we even flying through the city anyway? Can't we just fly away from this planet?"

Rick opened his mouth to speak before closing it. He couldn't seem to think of an excuse for what he was currently doing. "Ok, yeah. You're right. Let's go." Rick flew upwards and increased his speed so he could escape the police and leave the planet. "Let's get to the Promethean Nebula, so my grandkids can finish savin' a life!"


Eventually, Rick made it to the Promethean Nebula, a jungle planet filled with dinosaur-like creatures. "The wormhole is seventy of what you call 'meters' what you call 'north' of what you call 'here'." Fart explained as Rick parked his cruiser.

"Fine. Lincoln, Lana, take your fart to his hole and say your goodbyes. I'm gonna find some fuel." Rick told them as Lincoln and Lana stepped out of the cruiser along with Fart. Rick then noticed Lana had left her frog behind as Hops leapt up in front of him. After making sure Lincoln and Lana were out of earshot, Rick smiled and opened his palm out towards the frog. "Hey there, little fella." Hops jumped onto Rick's hand, croaking happily at him.

After walking through the jungle for a bit, Lincoln, Lana and Fart eventually reached a strange looking portal. "Here it is. This should take me back to my kind." Fart stated.

"We're really gonna miss you, um, Fart." Lincoln told him.

Lana smiled sadly. "At least you got a cool new name, huh?"

"I will be back soon, children." Fart stated.

This was a pleasant surprise to the two as Lana grinned. "Really?"

"After I return to the others with this location, we will be back for your cleansing."

Lincoln started to get worried. "Cleansing? Uh, what do you mean by that?"

"Carbon-based life is a threat to all higher life. To us, you are what you would call a disease. Wherever we discover you, we cure it. You said yourself that life must be protected even through sacrifice." Lincoln and Lana stared at Fart in shock as both of their eyes started to water. "Neither of you have changed your mind about that. I can sense your thoughts." There was a short pause. "Lincoln. Lana."

Lincoln and Lana wiped their tears before Lincoln spoke. "Um...Before you go...Could you sing a...C-Could you sing for us again?"

"Yes, Lincoln." Fart engulfed Lincoln and Lana, causing them to hallucinate again as Fart started to sing.

Cosmos without hatred

Diamond stars of cosmic light

Lincoln and Lana saw a vortex.

Quasars shine through endless night

Lincoln and Lana rode Fart as he flew through the galaxy towards a moon.

And everything is one in the beauty

The moon spun around before turning into Lincoln's head. The head opened his mouth as a rainbow came out of it along with Lincoln, Lana and Fart riding down it.

And now we say goodby—

"Ahhhh" Fart groaned. A teary eyed Lana had taken out the gun she got from Krombopulos Michael and shot him, causing him to slowly burn away. "Lana...why...why? Uh!" Lana then shot him a couple more times until Fart completely vanished.

Lana dropped the gun before going to hug Lincoln as she let her tears flow. "Goodbye."

After comforting Lana for a bit, Lincoln and Lana made their way back to Rick. He was currently storing strange looking rocks in the trunk of his cruiser. Hops was sat on his shoulder. Upon seeing Lincoln and Lana, he smiled at them. "Hey kids, did you do it?" Upon seeing the downcast looks on their faces, Rick's smile dropped. "Oh. I see. I'm guessing there was more to that fart then you thought huh?" Lincoln and Lana nodded. "Well, you know, take this as a life lesson. This might sound a little hypocritical from me but maybe you shouldn't just break the law just because you think you might be in the right about something. 'Cause you know, there's tons of people out there that join causes, thinking that 'cause they're on the right side, they can do no wrong. But then they get all the facts and they realise 'oh shit, I'm the bad guy here'. You understand what I'm trying to tell you?"

Lincoln and Lana sighed. "Yeah, you're right Grandpa Rick." Lincoln admitted.

Lana then perked up upon noticing something. "Hey, why's Hops sitting on your shoulder?"

"Uh..." Rick started to look sheepish.

Lana grinned. "Have you been playing with Hops?"

Rick scowled. "What? No! Why would I waste time playing with some dumb frog? I only held onto him because you left him here." Rick leaned forward towards Lana. "Alright, now go back to your owner." Hops didn't move. "Go on." Hops simply croaked happily.

"Aw, he doesn't want to leave." Lana gushed. Lincoln started laughing while Rick groaned in embarrassment.


As the group flew home, Lincoln was now sat in the back with Lana while the tank was moved to the front with Rick. Lincoln noticed Lana was still looking kind of down. "Are you okay Lana?"

Lana sighed. "I miss my husband, Lincoln."


Lana shook her head. "Nothing! I'm just thinking..." Lana rubbed her arm. "Maybe stealing all those frogs wasn't the right thing to do."

Lincoln sighed. "Yeah. You're right. If only there was some way we could help them without breaking any rules." Hops stuck his tongue inside Lana's pocket, getting out her portable projector. Lincoln grinned. "Hops! You beautiful, green, warty genius! Up high, buddy." Hops gave Lincoln a high five using his tongue. Lincoln then remembered something as he looked at Rick. "Oh yeah, Grandpa Rick, if you do any more deals with assassins, we're telling Mom and Dad."

"What?! Oh come on!" Rick moaned. Lincoln and Lana gave Rick stern looks. "Ugh, fine."


Back on Earth, Lincoln and Lana returned the tank full of frogs to the school before showing Lana's projector to Mrs. Johnson and their principal. A balding elderly man with a moustache, wearing a dark blue suit jacket. Principal Huggins sobbed as he finished watching the film. "That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!"

"Don't hog it, Huggins! I wanna watch it again!" Mrs. Johnson sobbed as she took the projector from Huggins.

"See? Frogs are way cooler on the outside." Lincoln argued.

"There is no way we're dissecting them." Principal Huggins stated. "But what are we going to do with all these frogs?"

"Ahem." Rick interjected. "If I may make a suggestion, why not just put them on display?"

Principal Huggins thought for a moment. "Hmm. Not a bad idea."

After they all finished talking with Principal Huggins, Lincoln, Lana and Rick left his office. Lincoln turned to the audience. "Well that adventure was..." Lincoln's expression dropped. "Kinda traumatising..." He perked back up. "But at least we managed to help all the frogs. And we did it the right way."

Rick turned to Lana. "Hey, you remembered to count all those frogs right?"

Lana looked at him, confused. "Huh?"

"Because you know, if you left one of those frogs behind on any of those planets, if they didn't end up dying, they could end up causing some complications with the other wildlife that live there." Rick explained.

"Uh yeah. I counted them."

"All right, good."

As Rick walked off, Lincoln gave Lana a pointed look. "You didn't count them, did you?"
