Chereads / Rick and The Loud House / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10: Toads, Tiaras And Something Ricked

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10: Toads, Tiaras And Something Ricked

It was early in the morning. Lincoln was outside of the house wearing a pink headband that said 'GO LOLA' on it. Pageant supplies were strewn around the lawn. He was currently giving instructions to Lola with a megaphone which Lola then followed. "Good. And turn...and wave. More teeth." Lola gave an oversized grin. "Less teeth." She toned it down before walking off. "Excellent! Keep it up!" Lincoln then turned to the audience. "You might be wondering why I'm helping Lola practice for a beauty contest. Well, tomorrow is the Little Miss Prim and Perfect Pageant, and the winner gets the greatest prize ever:" He spoke into the megaphone. "Two season passes to Dairyland A-Moo-sement Park!" He turned the megaphone back off. "That's one for Lola and one for coach." He pointed to himself. "I've been working my butt off all week to make sure she wins. It's been a long, hard road. But once we get to Dairyland, it'll all be worth it."

Suddenly, Lana's pet frog, Hops, hopped by with Lana chasing after him. "Get back here, Hops!" Without paying attention, she ran through some mud splashing it. Lincoln picked up Lola to prevent her from getting dirty but was unable to help himself as he ended up covered in mud.

Lincoln gave Lana an annoyed look. "Lana, watch out! Do you know how hard it is to steam clean chiffon?"

"Blah blah blah blah blah." Lana said dismissively before going into the house.

Lincoln wiped the mud off him and got out a book. "Okay, Lola, let's move onto your walk. Remember what Gil DeLily says in his best-selling book: Unlocking Your Inner Pageant Queen. To win the day, you must sashay."

"I know how to walk, Lincoln." Lola said before walking off. Unfortunately, as she was walking, she didn't notice the bottle of hairspray on the floor.

Seeing it, Lincoln moved forward to try and stop her. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He was too late. Lola stepped on the spray can and slipped.


Meanwhile in the dining room, Rick was constructing a small robot while eating his breakfast. Once it was finished, the robot asked. "What is my purpose?"

"Pass the butter." The robot then brought the small plate of butter over to Rick. Rick then spread the butter on his pancakes. "Thank you!"

Leni then walked in. "Hey Grandpa Rick, Lori's taken the van out, could you like, give me a ride to work?"

"I'm busy."

"Doing what?"

"Uh, anything else?"

Leni stared at him blankly. "Umm, what's anything else?"

"Oh for-fine I'll take you."

The robot spoke again. "What is my purpose?"

"You pass butter." Rick replied.

The robot looked at its arms before looking downwards. "Oh my God."

"Yeah, welcome to the club, pal."


Some time later, Rick was driving Leni to her job in his space cruiser when he started talking. "So, since when did you have a job?"

"Since last week. It's part time at this drift store." Leni cheerfully replied.

"Drift store?"

"No wait, maybe it was called a thrift store." Leni said, trying to think about it.

Rick raised an eyebrow at her. "So why a thrift store? Aren't you into clothes or something like that?"

"It's just part time. That only means part of my time right?" Rick nodded before she continued. "Anyway, my boss is this really smart, sweet old man that treats me really nice!"

"Wee-ow, can't wait to meet this fascinating character." Rick said sarcastically.

Meanwhile at the store, Needful Things, the Loud's next door neighbour, Mr. Grouse, entered it. Mr. Grouse was a heavy, bald elderly man with a white mustache. He wore a white shirt under a black waistcoat with a blue tie. He looked around at the creepy, old fashioned store in confusion. "Hey, didn't this use to be a juice place?"

The man who owned the store was currently placing items on one of the counters. The man had a black moustache and goatee and wore formal attire with a top hat and white gloves. He had a menacing smile. "I've just recently opened for business, Mr., um, Grouse."

Mr. Grouse was caught off guard. "Whu? How'd you know my name."

The man approached Mr. Grouse, smirking. "I also know you long for some peace and quiet from your noisy neighbours."

"Well, those Louds sure do get pretty loud."

The man picked up an odd looking device. "This device will stop any noise from entering your house as soon as you plug it in. Free of charge: one never pays here. Not with money."

Mr. Grouse missed the sinister tone in the man's voice. "Sounds good to me!" Mr. Grouse took the device and left the store just as Leni and Rick entered it.

"Sorry I'm late, Mr. Needful." Leni apologised. "I needed my Grandpa, Rick, to give me a lift here." Leni went off to do some dusting.

Rick decided to inspect some of the antiques. "Huh."

Mr Needful approached Rick. "Tell me Rick, what do you desire?"

"Eh, I make my own stuff." Rick picked up a skull with a candle on it. "So what are you, like, a demon?"

This caught Mr. Needful off guard. "What? Sorry?"

Rick shrugged. "I dunno, store comes out of nowhere, all the shit's old and creepy; are you a demon or something? I mean, I'm not judging. I just like to shoot straight. I'm a man of science."

Mr. Needful smirked. "Ahah. Then perhaps you could make use of this." He picked up a golden microscope. "This microscope reveals things beyond comprehension. Hahahaha."

"Hahahahaha." Mr. Needful and Rick both started to laugh, each getting louder as they tried to outdo each other.

Eventually Leni joined in, laughing. "Ha ha...ha...what are we laughing about?"

Rick snatched the microscope and then left the store.


Lola frowned as she laid on her bed with her arm and leg in a cast. Lincoln smiled nervously as he stood at the foot of the bed. "Okay, minor setback. We can still win this thing."

"Wake up and smell the hairspray, Lincoln." She waved her hand dismissively. "It's over!"

Lincoln got desperate as he pleaded to her. "You can't just quit! We worked hard on this!"

Lola rolled her eyes. "There will be other pageants, you know."

Lincoln looked forlorn. "But not with Dairyland tickets."

"Lincoln, I need my beauty rest." Lola put on a sleeping mask. "As your pal, Gil DeLily, would say, I can't recover if you're going to hover."

Seeing as there was no chance of Lola entering the pageant now, Lincoln gave up and went outside to pick up the pageant supplies. "I can't believe I learned to French braid for nothing."

Before he was able to pick up a practice tiara, Lana then took it. "Hey, Lincoln. You done with this? I could use the scrap metal for welding."

Lincoln gasped and dropped the supplies as he looked at Lana, an idea coming to mind. He took off Lana's cap and placed the tiara on her head. Being Lola's twin, Lana could easily pass herself off as her. Lincoln could swear he could hear angels singing hallelujah to him. "Uh...why are you looking at me like that?" Lana asked.

"Lana, how would you like a season pass to Dairyland?"

Lana gasped with joy before looking away and putting her hand up to Lincoln. "Don't toy with me, Lincoln!"

"I'm not!" Lincoln clasped his hands. "All you have to do is one teensy, tiny, little thing."

Lana grabbed Lincoln's shirt in desperation. "What is it? I'll do anything!"

"You just have to take Lola's place in the Little Miss Prim and Perfect Pageant and win."

Lana pushed Lincoln away, nauseated. "Are you kidding me?! Bleh! Do you know who you're talking to?"

Lincoln had a determined look on his face. "Someone who's going to love Dairyland's newest ride." Lincoln got out a pamphlet, showing Lana the ride. "The Milk Shaker. It's so fast, you can barf, fly around a loop, and get hit in the face with said barf."

Lana shook her fist. "Darn you, Lincoln! I am in!" Lana then looked worried. "But wait. What if Lola finds out? You know what she's capable of."

Both of them shuddered as an image of a very angry, demonic looking Lola flashed in their minds. Lincoln shook his head. "She won't find out. I promise." The two then shook hands. Lincoln then looked disgusted as he realised Lana's hand was covered in mud. "Bleh. First off, we gotta clean you up. Dirt on your face gets you last place."

Lincoln and Lana then went back into the house through the garage. Upon entering, they noticed that Rick was doing some kind of experiment with a golden microscope. After noticing them, Rick spoke. "Hey, Lincoln, lemme ask you a question real quick. Does evil exist, and if so, can one detect and measure it?"

Lincoln looked confused. "Uh..."

"Rhetorical question, Lincoln. The answer is yes, you just have to be a genius." Rick used a machine to scan the microscope. He looked at his laptop. A meter marked 'IQ' on it had dropped. "Cute. Your sister's boss gave me a microscope that would have made me retarded."

Lincoln immediately covered Lana's ears. "Whoa, Grandpa Rick! You can't just say that!"

"Uh, Lincoln, I'm not disparaging the differently abled. I'm stating the fact that if I had used this microscope, it would have made me mentally retarded."

Lincoln gave Rick an annoyed look. "Look, just so you know, I'm trying to get Lana prepared for this pageant and you're really not helping."

"What does retarded mean?" Lana asked.

"Forget it, Lana!" An irritated Lincoln replied.

Rick gave Lincoln a pointed look. "A pageant? Lana?" Rick then realised he didn't care that much. "Yeah ok, good luck with that." He went back to his work.


At Needful things, an angry looking Mr. Grouse stormed into the store and confronted Mr. Needful at the counter. "You darn scammer. Your doohickey made me completely deaf!"

"A price for everything, Mr. Grouse. A price...for everything!" Mr. Needful then chuckled evilly.

Mr. Grouse just stared at him blankly. "What?"

Mr. Needful stopped laughing. "Oh that's right, you're deaf."

"Wha-" Mr. Grouse was then caught off guard as Rick had come up from behind and injected something into him.

"This serum should counteract the negative effects." Rick explained.

"I can hear? Thank goodness! I'm outta this dump. Darn scammers." Mr. Grouse hurriedly left the store.

Rick smiled before handing Mr. Needful back the microscope. "Here. You can have this back."

"You didn't use it?"

"Sure I did. To develop this." Rick then got out a scanning device. "It detects and catalogues all your Twilight Zone Ray Bradbury Friday the 13th of series voodoo crap magic. I thought you might want it so you didn't accidentally sell anybody, say..." Mr. Needful had started to look nervous as Rick used the device to scan a typewriter. "A typewriter that generates best-selling murder mysteries, then makes the murders happen in real life? Oooh."

"Be quiet!" Mr. Needful whispered harshly.

"Don't you want to make sure people know what they're getting? You're not intentionally selling..." Rick walked over to scan a stack of beauty cream that a woman was checking out. "Beauty cream that makes ugly ladies pretty but also makes them blind?" The woman dropped the beauty cream and ran out of the store.

Mr. Needful angrily walked up to Rick to confront him. "I find this all quite preposterous!"

"Oh, I say, good sir!" Rick said, mocking him. "Oh, harrumph, oh, oh, bobba-doppa-doopa-bo-bo." Rick then walked over to a woman wearing an animal fur scarf to scan it. "That's beautiful, you know it's going to be wearing you in three hours?" The woman threw the scarf off and ran out of the store along with a few other customers that overheard Rick.

"Do I need to call the police?" Mr. Needful snapped angrily.

Rick got out his phone. "Here, you can use my phone. Don't worry, it won't make you deaf because I'm not a hack."

Mr. Needful slapped the phone out of Rick's hand. Rick responded by slapping his hat off his head. The two then got into a slapping fight before Leni came in to break it up. "Ah! Hey! Stop it!" After pushing them apart, Leni turned to Rick. "Grandpa Rick, why are you fighting with my boss?"

"Leni, you do realise he's a demon right?"

Leni gave Rick a confused look. "Dee man? What's that?"

Rick gave Leni a deadpan look. "You seriously don't know what a demon is?"

A thought occured to Leni. "Oh you mean like Lola?"

Rick blinked in confusion. "What? What does any of this have to do with Lola?"

"Well my sisters say that Lola is like a 'demon' whenever she gets really mad."

"Leni, this isn't like a six year old throwing a temper tantrum, this man's an evil demonic entity."

Leni put her hands on her hips, giving Rick a critical look. "Hey, just because he's a demon doesn't mean he's not nice. I mean, he's really nice to me."

"He puts curses on people Leni!"

"That is completely untrue." Mr. Needful interjected. "They simply...don't understand how my stuff works. I'm only trying to help the community by providing them with miracles for free."

Leni smiled. "See Grandpa Rick, Mr. Needful isn't mean. Wait, why are they for free?"

"Well...why can't more shops give stuff for free? Isn't it a little unfair having to pay for everything these days?"

Leni nodded. "That is so true! More shops should start giving stuff out for free!"

Rick facepalmed, groaning. Mr. Needful then gave Rick a smug look. "Now, if you're not going to take anything, I suggest you leave and if you bring that scanner into this place again, I will ban you. Understand?"

Rick glared at Mr. Needful before walking off. "W-Whoops." Before he left, he purposely knocked over a vase, causing it to break on the floor and release a spirit that flew into the ceiling, cackling.

Leni looked worried. "Oh no, do I need to catch that?"


As Lola was sleeping, Lincoln snuck into the twins' room and took out one of Lola's dresses from the closet.

"What are you doing with that?!" Lola suddenly snapped.

"Oh, this?" Lincoln chuckled nervously. "Just, uh...getting it dry cleaned. You keep healing, sunshine." Lincoln left with the dress while Lola glared at him, still suspicious.

In the bathroom, after putting on Lola's dress, Lana pulled at it, feeling uncomfortable. "What is this weird, sparkly towel?"

"It's called a dress, Lana." Lincoln answered before getting out a comb and hairspray. "Now, hold still while I work my magic."

Lincoln then sprayed and combed Lana's hair. "Ugh! It smells like princess farts!" Lana complained.

Meanwhile, Lola got up as she could smell the spray. She got her crutch and headed to the bathroom, growling. She barged in, only to find a shirtless Lincoln spraying his armpits with the spray. "Oh, hey, Lola! Your hairspray makes a great deodorant. It really covers up that musky man smell."

Lola squinted her eyes at Lincoln. "Hmm..." Seeing nothing wrong, Lola left.

Lana pulled back the bath curtains she was hiding behind as both she and Lincoln breathed a sigh of relief. Lana now had her hair coifed and braided. Lincoln found that he couldn't move his arms. "Help me get my arms unstuck."

Lana grabbed his arm. "You're gonna feel some slight discomfort and..."



The two continued practicing in Lincoln's room. Lincoln held the 'Unlocking Your Inner Pageant Queen' book as he sat on his bed. "Time to work on what Gil DeLily calls the Three W's: Walk, Wave, and Work it." Lana then did a short walk, smiling as she waved. Lincoln gave her a critical look. "Ok, we're walking, we're waving...but we're just not working it." Lana then tried to strike a pose, only for her tools to fall out of her dress. Lincoln gave her an annoyed look. "Tools in your dress? Seriously?"

Lana put her hands on her hips. "Handyman's code, Lincoln. Always be prepared."

"You are not a handyman!" Lincoln snapped. "You are a pageant queen!"


Lincoln decided to move on to rehearsing the QA portion of the pageant. Lincoln kneeled down next to her, using a hairbrush as a microphone. "Lola, what can a six-year-old do to make the world a better place?"

"Um..." Lana scratched her butt as she tried to think about it.

"Lana, you can't scratch your butt!" Lincoln snapped.

"What? It helps me think!" Lana snapped back.

"Well, knock it off!" Lincoln got out the book. "Those who scratch lose the match."


Soon after, Lincoln sat on his bed to talk about the next segment. "Ok, talent portion. Whatcha got?" Lana then played a ditty with armpit fart sounds. "Impressive, but I'm gonna pass." Lana looked downcast as Lincoln picked out something from a box under his bed. "How about a ribbon dance?" He gave her a demonstration. "It shows elegance and poise."

Lana frowned. "Excuse me while I go barf."

Lincoln slumped and gave Lana a frustrated look. "Lana, I'm busting my hump trying to turn you into a pageant queen, and all I'm getting is lip. Do you want those Dairyland tickets or not?"

Lana slumped. "Ok, ok, you're right!"

Lincoln got the book out again. "As Gil says, She who gives 'tude-"

Lana slapped the book out of Lincoln's hands. "I ALREADY AGREED!"


The two then spent the rest of the day practicing Lana's ribbon dancing, posing and walking with Lana steadily improving in each category. After doing an impressive display of ribbon dancing, Lincoln knew she was finally ready. The two went to Lincoln's room as Lana posed in front of a mirror. "Whoo-hoo! Lana, look at you! You've done it! You're prim and perfect."

"I never thought I'd say it, but this feels pretty good." Lana admitted. "I don't even mind the sparkly towel."

"DAIRYLAND, HERE WE COME!" Lincoln and Lana both cheered.


The next day, Mr. Needful was serving Scoots while Leni was working. He held out a box of wheels. "If it's speed you desire, Scoots, I might-"

"I'll take em!" Scoots interrupted him, taking the box.

"B-But I haven't even-"

"See ya later sucker!" Scoots then drove out of the store.

Mr. Needful looked at the woman leaving in confusion. "Huh. Ok." He turned to Leni, smiling. "I must say, Leni, I thought your grandfather's outburst would have disrupted business, but this is the best weekend I've had since Salem!"

Leni smiled. "That's great, Mr. Needful!"

Lincoln's teacher, Mrs. Johnson then entered the store. "Mrs. Johnson, is it? What do you desire?" Mrs. Johnson said nothing as she picked up an armful of goods, confusing Mr. Needful. "Whoa, whoa, slow down, honey!"

Mrs. Johnson turned to him. "Oh, is there a limit? Everything's free, right?"

Mr. Needful smirked. "Let's just don't pay with money."

"You pay with the curses, right?"

Mr. Needful's eyes widened. "Um, I… well-"

Leni looked confused. "Wait, I thought you said this stuff wasn't cursed?"

"I-It's not!" Mr. Needful tried to reassure her. "I'm sure she's just made a mistake." Seeing Mrs. Johnson was about to leave, Mr. Needful called after her. "Mrs. Johnson, why do you want all these items?"

"Well, I'm going to get the curses removed. At curse purge plus. You know, the guy on TV?" Mrs. Johnson pointed at the TV before leaving.

Mr. Needful looked up at the TV. His jaw dropped upon seeing Rick wearing uniform on it. "What?" He turned up the volume to hear Rick speak.

"Have you acquired creepy, specific old stuff from an antique or thrift store that gives you powers but fucks with you in unforeseeable ways? Bring it to Curse Purge Plus! I use science to uncurse the items for cash, and you get to keep the powers!" Rick walked over to a man holding a pair of shoes. "This guy got mysterious sneakers to make him run faster! But guess what? He would have had to run until he died, making them worthless. I removed the curse, making them worth, like, I dunno, 8,000,000? See ya at the Olympics." He then walked over to a woman holding a baby doll. "This eerily intelligent doll was threatening to murder its family. Now it does their taxes."

"Everything's deductible." Said the doll.

"Don't pay for cool stuff with your soul. Pay for it with money. You know, like how every other store in the world works? We're located right across the street from Needful Things, where you can get evil items for free!"

Leni stared at the TV in confusion, utterly lost, while Mr. Needful then ran to the front door and opened the blinds to see Rick's store, Curse Purge Plus, right across the street. There was a huge line going into the store waiting to be served while Rick was outside, flipping off Mr. Needful. "Wubba lubba dub dub!"

Leni also went to look at the store. Something then clicked in her mind. "Oh, I get it. Grandpa Rick's just helping people to use your stuff right. That's so nice of him!"

Mr. Needful got angry. "Diabolical son of a mother-" Suddenly, the door burst open and a crowd of customers rushed in, looting the place. Before they could take the stuff, Mr. Needful slammed the door shut and blocked the way. "This store is closed!" He shouted angrily. "Now put that stuff back!" Everyone moaned before putting the stuff back and leaving the store.

Leni approached Mr. Needful apprehensively as he appeared to be seething. "Umm...Mr. Needful, is everything okay?"

Mr. Needful turned to face her. "Leni, you're fired!"

"W-what? Why?"

Mr. Needful pointed angrily at her. "You're his granddaughter! Do you think I want one of his relatives working here after he ruined my store?"

Leni gave Mr. Needful an upset look. "But...Grandpa Rick's just trying to help people."

"GET OUT!" Mr. Needful shouted, not wanting to discuss this any further. Leni looked downcast as she quietly left the store. Mr. Needful then glared at Rick through the window. "You may have exposed my store Rick. But I swear, I won't leave Royal Woods until you get your just deserts."


Lincoln and Lana arrived at the pageant hall. Lana looked at the competition and started to get worried. "Whoa. Look at those girls! They're all so clean and sparkly."

Lincoln put his hands on her shoulders to reassure her. "Well, so are you. You're as good as any of them!" Lana turned to smile at him. Both of them then noticed a cameraman walking by. "I didn't know this was going to be on TV. Good thing we don't get the Princess Channel."


"Thanks for getting me the Princess Channel, Daddy!" Lola smiled gratefully as she sat on the couch watching the TV.

Lynn Sr. laughed as he handed her a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. "Silly Lola, we have interdimensional cable now. We can watch whatever we want."

"Oh, right."

Lynn Sr. walked off as a depressed Leni then came in and sat next to Lola. "What's up with you?" Lola asked.

Leni sighed. "I got fired from the thrift store."

Lola raises her eyebrow at Leni. "Why would you work at some old thrift store?"

Leni turned to face her. "Well it wasn't just any old store. It sold these magic items that could do like, anything! And it was all totally free!"

"Huh. Really?" Lola briefly wondered if maybe the store had something that could heal her arm and leg before the pageant started as the bespectacled host appeared on screen.

"Welcome to the Little Miss Prim and Perfect Pageant! I'm your host, Donnie Dufresne. Let's meet America's junior sweethearts." Lola took a sip of her milk. "Hailing from Royal Woods, Miss Lola Loud!"

As Lana waved onscreen, Lola did a spit take in shock before gasping. "What is going on?!"

Leni pointed at the screen. "Oh, look Lola! You're on TV!" Lola quickly glanced at her in annoyed confusion before turning back to the TV.

Lana spoke into the microphone. "I'd like to thank my coach and brother, Lincoln!" Lincoln could be seen waving offstage.

Lola wiped her mouth as she glared at the screen. "Lincoln! I should have known!"

Lana continued talking. "And I just want to say it is great to be here!" She suddenly belched causing the audience to gasp. "Sorry you were downwind of that, Donnie." Lana nudged Donnie's arm with a cheeky smile.

At this point, Lola was beyond infuriated. "THEY'RE RUINING ME! AND THEY WILL PAY! LENI!"

"Eep!" Leni turned to her with a frightened expression on her face.

"Take me to the pa-" A thought then occurred to Lola. "Wait. Actually, take me to that thrift store, then take me to the pageant."

"Um, actually Lola, I don't know if going to the thrift store is a good idea. I'm not sure but I think the stuff they sold might have been cursed." Leni nervously argued.

"Curses, shmurses. Now let's move it!" Lola demanded. Not wanting to anger her further, Leni reluctantly nodded her head as they both got up to get into the van.


Despite it looking like Needful Things had closed, Rick still continued working at Curse Purge Plus. Though he was starting to grow tired of it. A customer approached him at the counter. "I'm here to pick up my undead cat and child."

"Yeah, uh, gimmie a sec." Rick walked off before being confronted by an employee.

"These are the forms for the employee health plan."

"Alright, yeah, uh, put 'em on my… eh." Rick trailed off. He then got out some gasoline and poured it all over the floor and counter. "I just got bored. Everybody out." He then got out a match and lit the store on fire.


As Mr. Needful was packing his stuff up, he was surprised to see a little girl had entered the store. "Is this place closed?" Lola asked.

Mr. Needful grinned evilly. He knew exactly who she was and what she wanted. "Of course not. How can I help you?"

"You got something that'll heal my arm and leg?"

"But of course." Mr. Needful picked up a bottle of what looked like clear water. "Drink all of this and your injuries will heal perfectly." Lola snatched the bottle and started drinking immediately as she limped her way back to the van. Mr. Needful smirked as he watched her leave.

Lola was still drinking as she got back into the van. Once she finished, she felt a strange tingling sensation in her arm and leg. She took off the casts from both and was amazed to find that they were completely healed. "Holy crud, it actually worked!" She went back to being angry. "Alright, now get to the pageant!" Leni drove off. As she was driving, she couldn't help but glance at Lola every now and then. Did she usually get this red every time she got mad?


Lana waved as she walked off stage. An anxious Lincoln then grabbed her shoulders. "Lana, what were you thinking?" Lincoln got out the book. "Remember what Gil says, If you belch on stage, the judges will rage."

Lana frowned. "Gil actually has a rhyme for that?"

Lincoln closed the book. "That's why he's a pageant powerhouse. Now, the evening gown competition is next." Lincoln grabbed her shoulders. "If we wanna win those tickets, we cannot afford anymore slip-ups." Lana gave Lincoln a reassuring nod.

Once it was Lana's turn to go out, she walked across the stage and waved to the audience. On the way back, however, she noticed something wrong with the floor. "Whoa. Hang on, everybody! Loose floorboard!" She took out a hammer, causing the audience to gasp again before nailing the floorboard back into place. "That'll hold. Carry on!"

As Lana made her way backstage, the other girls giggled at her condescendingly while Lincoln facepalmed in frustration. He grabbed Lana's arm to stop her. "Lana! What was that?! We talked about the tools!"

Lana pulled her arm away. "Ugh, I couldn't help it! Fixing stuff is what I do!"

"You're supposed to be prim and perfect! Now, do you want to go to Dairyland and get hit in the face with your own barf or not?" Lincoln calmed down and tried to give her a reassuring smile, putting his hands on her shoulders. "I know you can do this. The interview is next. Go out there and nail it!" Lana smiled and got out her hammer. "Not with that."

When Lana went back out on stage, Donnie, who was also one of the judges, asked her. "Lola, what can six year olds do to eliminate the national debt."

"Um..." Lana was about to scratch her butt before grabbing her hand and stopping herself. "Plenty, Donnie. Just because we're six doesn't mean we can't make a difference." The audience applauded her before Hops suddenly jumped out from Lana's dress, causing another gasp. "OH! HOPS!" The frog hopped over to the judges' desk. Lana lunged after him, causing a ruckus.


Meanwhile, Leni had parked outside the pageant hall. A growling Lola got out and stomped over to the building. Along with her skin becoming more red, her teeth had suddenly gotten a lot sharper.


Lincoln had gotten involved in the skirmish, grabbing Hops and taking Lana backstage to chastise her. "Lana, what is the problem? We went over everything in Gil's book, and the companion DVD, and the podcast! How are you still not getting it?"

Lana looked downcast. "I'm sorry, Lincoln. No matter what I do, I can't be prim and perfect like these girls. Maybe there's something wrong with me." Lana's eyes started to water as she walked off with Hops hopping after her.

Seeing Lana's reaction made Lincoln look down in shame. He now started to regret pushing Lana so hard. He ran after her. "Lana! Wait." He grabbed her shoulders. "There's nothing wrong with you. I'm the one who messed up. I got so caught up in winning those tickets, I turned into Gil DeLily...who, when you stop to think about it, probably needs to get a life."

Lana smiled before looking down again. "Yeah, but still, why can't I be like them?" She gestured to the competition.

Lincoln smiled. "Because you're you." He knelt down to talk to her, eye level. "You're messy and muddy and keep a lot of reptiles in your pants. But that's what makes you awesome. And I was crazy to try and change you."

Lana's eyes watered again before she went to hug Lincoln. "Aw...thanks, Lincoln."

"Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Lola Loud and her fabulous ribbon dance!" Donnie announced.

Lana shrugged. "Well, that's me. I'll do my best."

Before she could pick up her ribbon, Lincoln stopped her. "Forget the ribbon dance. Why don't you go do your own talent?"

"Really?" Lana smiled. "Okay, but we can kiss those Dairyland tickets goodbye."

Lincoln shook his head. "I don't care about them anymore. Go be yourself." Lana then took off her dress which had her regular outfit underneath it, messed her hair back up and put her red cap back on.

At that moment, a snarling Lola barged into the building. Now, her pupils had become slits.

Lana went onstage with Hops. "Yo, Hops! Give me a bassline!" Hops started croaking to a beat as Lana started doing her own little jam, snapping her fingers and throwing in some armpit fart noises.

Lincoln quietly cheered for her backstage. "Whoo-hoo! That's my sister!"

Suddenly, someone grabbed Lincoln and threw him against the wall. "AND THIS IS YOUR OTHER SISTER!"

"Lola?!" Lincoln thought Lola could be pretty scary whenever she got mad but he didn't remember her skin going red, teeth growing sharp, pupils turning into slits or demon like horns growing out of her head ever before. "What happened to you?"

Lola didn't seem to hear him. "I have worked four years to build my pageant reputation!" Her voice got more and more distorted. "AND YOU JUST RUINED IT!" At this point, she had completely lost it. Her hand mutated into a claw which she slashed at Lincoln.

"Aah!" Luckily Lincoln managed to dodge her. Lincoln stepped back as the other pageant girls started screaming and running away at the sight of Lola now growing in size as she growled at Lincoln. Despite Lincoln's horror at what had become of his sister, he could still manage to hear applause followed by the winner of the pageant being announced.

"And the winner is...Lola Loud!"


Rick arrived home and entered the living room to see a surprised Lynn Sr. watching TV. "Dad, you're not gonna believe this! Lana's just won a pageant! I didn't even know she entered one."

Rick blinked in disbelief. "Seriously?" He sat down next to Lynn Sr. to watch.

"Yeah. Kinda weird how they messed up her name and called her Lola but I guess they are twins after all."

Lana had a tiara placed on her head as she waved at the audience, holding Hops. Rick and Lynn Sr.'s jaws then both dropped as a giant, demonic Lola tore back the curtains and roared at the audience causing everyone to scream as Lincoln ran away from her.

Lynn Sr. gaped in horror. "What the?"

Rick groaned. "Goddamnit!" He got up and made his way to get into the cruiser.


Rick parked the cruiser at the pageant hall. After getting out, he noticed Leni was about to throw a strange bottle into a waste basket. He snatched it out her hands before she was able to do so. "Huh?"

Rick scanned the bottle. "Will heal any injuries but the more angry you get, the more demonic you become." He scowled and threw the bottle to the floor. "That son of a bitch!" He was about to make his way inside the building before Leni stopped him.

"Rick, wait! I think I know why you didn't like Mr. Needful. You were jealous of him weren't you?"

Rick blinked in surprise, baffled on how Leni somehow came to that conclusion. "Sorry, what?"

"Like, you thought I'd rather hang out with him over you, right? It's okay. He was kind of a meanie anyway. I know things have been not so great with you and my siblings recently but just so you know, I still love you." Leni then went over to give Rick a hug.

Rick had absolutely no idea how to react to this. Especially as he was still focused on saving his grandkids. After a moment, he lightly pushed her away. "Uh, thanks Leni but there's a situation in there involving your siblings that I really need to get involved in before people start dying." Rick ran into the pageant hall. After hearing what he said, Leni followed him in. Her eyes widened in shock at the sight of her sister.


Everyone inside was screaming in horror and scrambling to escape as Lola went on her rampage. She seemed to be mindlessly targeting only Lincoln and Lana. She had managed to corner them. Unable to do anything, Lincoln held onto Lana and Lana held onto Hops as both of them closed their eyes in fear. Lola was about to swipe at them before she stopped. Rick had injected her with something which caused her to slowly revert back into her normal state. Her anger now gone, she blinked as she became aware of her surroundings and of what she had just done. She gasped in horror as she looked at her ruined dress and the destroyed stage. She saw that everyone that was still in the building was looking at her in fear. Including Lincoln, Lana and Leni. "Uh...I..." Her eyes watered. Feeling both ashamed at herself and humiliated, Lola could do nothing but sob as she ran out of the pageant hall crying. Rick scowled at the sight of his distraught granddaughter. The Loud siblings snapped out of their fear induced trance and ran out after Lola along with Rick.


Rick and the others had caught up to Lola and managed to take her home. She was currently lying face down crying into her pillow while Lincoln, Lana, Leni and Rick all tried to comfort her. Lana placed a hand on her back. "Lola, I'm so sorry I pretended to be you." She took off her tiara and offered it to Lola. "You should have this. It belongs to you."

Lola sat up, sniffing before shaking her head. "No. It's yours. You earned it." She sniffled. "All I did was ruin my own pageant career."

"It wasn't your fault." Lincoln argued. "It's like Grandpa Rick said. It's that curse that did this. Not you."

"It is my fault." Lola countered. "If I didn't get so mad or listened to Leni, none of this would have happened!" She looked at her family with wide eyes. "A-Am I really that bad whenever I get angry?" No one knew how to answer that. Lola took their silence as an affirmation of her suspicions. Lola sighed and looked downwards. "Maybe it's best I don't go to pageants any more. There's no way they'll let me in one now. I don't deserve to be in them anyway."

"Well, to be honest, leaving behind pageants isn't the worst thing in the world." Rick argued. "I mean, your parents are pretty great about it compared to most but to be honest, pageants don't usually have a good affect on children's mental health. What with all the competitiveness, the focus on beauty above anything. I-It really doesn't do much but give kids emotional problems." After what he'd done recently, Lincoln felt more guilty upon hearing that.

"So, you're really okay with this?" Leni asked Rick.

Rick scowled. "Hell no! I'm gonna go kick that demon's ass!" He got out his portal gun. "Who's with me?"

Lola shook her head. "No I...I think I need to just not be angry for a while."

Seeing Lola still needed comforting and that Leni wasn't a violent person anyway, she also shook her head. "I'll pass."

Lana put her fist in her palm. "Count me in! No one messes with my sister!"

"I guess I'll go as well." Lincoln added. Rick then opened a portal which he and Lana walked through. Before Lincoln followed them, he turned to Lola. "By the way, when those Dairyland tickets come, you can have mine Lola."

Lola brightened up a bit. "R-Really?"

Lincoln nodded. "It's the least I could do after doing the pageant behind your back."

Lola smiled. "Thanks, Lincoln." Lincoln then went through the portal.


Mr. Needful had just about finished packing up. He smirked to himself. How he would have loved to see the look on Rick's face once he saw what became of his granddaughter. His eyes then widened in surprise as a portal appeared in his shop and an angry looking Rick stepped out along with his two grandchildren. "Rick?"

Rick punched him in the face before kneeing him in the stomach. "Stupid mother-!" He then grabbed his head and brought it to his knee. "How'd you like that huh?" Rick then threw him to the floor and starting kicking him.

Lincoln winced at the violent sight. "Well, I can see where Lola got her temper from."

Lana shrugged. "Eh, he deserves it." She then gave a devious grin and pulled out her hammer, whacking Mr. Needful's knee with it, causing him to cry out in pain.

"Ugh! Why?"

Lincoln shrugged and decided he might as well join in, throwing a couple punches himself.