"Bye Mom, Bye Dad!" Lincoln said as all the Loud siblings stood outside to say goodbye to their parents as they were currently putting their suitcases into Vanzilla as they were about to leave for a day long getaway. Rick also stood outside to bid them farewell as he was currently holding Lily.
Meanwhile, Lori seemed distracted as she was glaring down at something on her phone. "What's wrong, Lori?" Leni asked, noticing Lori's sour mood.
"Ugh, it's Carol." Lori said as she showed Leni a selfie of Carol at a party she had hosted the previous week that she had posted online. The selfie had 101 likes which especially annoyed Lori as Carol had only just started up an account on the app she was using. "Just typical. Perfect Carol Pingrey has to show off and one-up me in everything I do." Lori grumbled as she thought back to all the other times Carol had one-upped her.
The Loud parents had just finished putting in their suitcases as Rita had gone over to talk to Rick. "Now, since you're in charge, Rick, I know you can handle the kids so all that I ask is that they all stay safe and that the house doesn't become too much of a mess while we're gone."
"Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it. You just have fun!" Rick didn't sound like he cared that much.
Rita gave Rick a stern look. "I mean it Rick. If we come back and see something wrong with the kids then you won't be going on any more adventures with them."
Rick gave Rita a reassuring smile. "Listen, you have my word as a caregiver, everything's gonna be fine. And if not, like you say, no more adventures or whatever. It's like that old song 'blomp blomp-a noop noop a-noop noop noop'. You guys know that song?" The siblings shook their heads. "From Tiny Rogerts? You never heard of it? You know, the black, effeminate guy from the fifties?" None of them had a clue what he was talking about. "No-nobody? A-All right, whatever. Look, who cares? Just go on your stupid trip." Rita narrowed her eyes at Rick as she got in the van with Lynn Sr..
"Ugh, I'm so sick of it!" Lori suddenly exclaimed as the van drove off. "I'm sick of Carol always showing off. I am not letting Carol waltz in here and show me up again!" Lori slammed her foot on the ground and put on a look of determination. "I swear on my senior parking space, I'm going to host the best party Royal Woods has ever seen!" Hearing this, the Loud siblings started to cheer for her while Rick gave her a baffled look.
Everyone then followed Lori as she went back into the house and into the kitchen as she looked for food for her party. Lincoln then approached her. "So, when's the party start? 'Cause I've been working on a few party tricks lately." Lincoln then ripped his pants off and fell to the floor. "Knee farts!" Lincoln started making fart noises with his knees. His other sisters laughed at the display while Rick lightly smirked at him.
Lori wasn't as impressed. "Sorry, Lincoln. This isn't that kind of party. This is going to be a sophisticated party."
Lana rolled her eyes. "Bor-ing!"
Lori put her hands on her hips. "Well, I'm glad you feel that way, because you're not invited. It's just for the older kids. That being Leni, Luna and, I suppose Luan."
This got a few moans from the younger siblings. Luan shook her head. "Sorry, I'm probably gonna miss most of it. I've gotta go perform for someone's birthday party today."
Luna gave her a sympathetic look. "Yeesh, bad timing, huh sis?"
"Uh, Lori, you can't have a party." Rick suddenly interjected.
Lori looked at Rick in surprise. "Wait, what?"
Rick then walked up to her face. "Because I'm having a party, b-I-I-I-itch!"
Lori folded her arms and gave Rick a miffed look. "What do you mean you're having a party?"
Rick gave her a wry grin. "What do you think I mean? Don't you know what a party is? Because from what you've said so far, you don't."
Luan snickered, earning a glare from Lori. She then glared at Rick. "Listen, this is my chance to one-up that showoff Carol and I don't want you ruining it."
Rick raised his eyebrow at her. "That's why you party? Boy, you really are seventeen."
"Well, why do you party?" Lori asked.
"To get wr-wriggedy, wriggedy, wrecked, son!" Rick hollered, getting a giggle out of Lily.
Lori pointed at Rick. "You just keep your weird, alien friends away from mine."
Rick rolled his eyes. "Yeah, same to you."
Seeing as they were done arguing, Lincoln decided to ask. "So, are we invited to your party Grandpa Rick?"
Rick grinned. "Hell yeah! And while you're at it, invite whoever the hell you want too. Go nuts!"
Lynn, Lincoln and Lucy all grinned as they all got out their phones to start texting invites. Lana was about to too until Rick walked over and pointed to her, Lola and Lisa. "Except you three."
Lana and Lola slumped. "Aw come on! Why not?" Lana moaned.
Rick gave them a stern look. "Look, Lori has her ridiculously high standards and I have mine. And you three are too young for this party. You're just gonna have to stay in your rooms for the day."
Lisa shrugged. "Fine. I wasn't interested in a social gathering anyway." She left to go back to her room, silently cursing the fact that she wouldn't be able to show off her chocolate fountain.
"But that's not fair!" Lola whined.
Rick shrugged. "Sorry. Them's the breaks. Don't worry about food, either me or someone else will bring in some party snacks every now and again." Rick reached into his coat pocket and got out a Meeseeks box. He pressed the button, spawning a Meeseeks.
"I'm Mr. Meeseeks! Look at me!"
"Take Lana and Lola to their rooms and keep them entertained until the party's over. Make sure they don't leave."
Mr. Meeseeks saluted him. "Can do!" He then guided the disgruntled twins back to their room.
"Poo poo." Lily then spoke.
Rick then looked at her. "Oh yeah. Gotta do something about you too. Looks like it's the Lilyboree for you."
Lori raised an eyebrow at Rick. "The Lilyboree?" Rick then got out his portal gun and fired a portal. Curious, Lori decided to follow Rick through it.
Lori looked around. The portal had led them to an alien city on an asteroid. Lori couldn't tell if it was nighttime or if she was looking into space itself as she looked up at the sky filled with strange, flying vehicles. She also saw a sign indicating they were in 'Furp Rock Plaza'. She followed Rick into a building that she assumed was some kind of daycare. Her eyes then widened in surprise as she saw another Lori in uniform sitting at the front desk. The other Lori gave them a friendly smile as they came in. "Hi, welcome to Lilyboree daycare. Are you here to drop off your Lily?"
"You know it." Rick replied before handing her Lily.
Lily stared at the other Lori in confusion, looking back and forth between the two Loris. "Poo poo?" Caretaker Lori then handed Rick a pen and clipboard in order for him to fill out the details.
Lori gave Rick a questioning look. "So, you created a daycare just for Lily?"
Rick scoffed. "You kidding? I wish I had this idea. Well...I did have this idea, but I wish I was the version of me that owned it. That guy's rich."
"Don't forget to check the reason for your drop-off." Caretaker Lori reminded him.
Rick had nearly finished filling in the details. "This should be obvious to you Lori, but Lilys aren't exactly great companions for adventures. This is a totally unregistered cross-temporal asteroid. Here they can romp and play with other Lilys. Or any other version of your siblings that are still babies. It couldn't be safer." Rick passed the clipboard back to Caretaker Lori. She then handed Rick a ticket which Rick handed to Lori as they made their way out. "Hey Lori, hang onto this. That number's your sister. If you lose it, we're not gonna be able to get her back." Lori's eyes widened as she then held a tight grip on that ticket.
Luan made her way down the street, carrying her stuff on her way to the birthday girl's house. Truthfully, she was a little thankful that she wouldn't be able to attend the party straight away. She had wanted to try out some new material on the party goers, however she hadn't exactly thought of anything that she was comfortable with actually using. Ever since those aliens kidnapped her and Rick, she had struggled to actually find a comedic style that worked for her. There were plenty of times when jokes popped up in her head but she rarely ever used them out of fear of falling flat. The things that her siblings had said were still fresh in her mind and she wanted avoid coming across as annoying by any means necessary. Hopefully, she could prepare herself with some material before she eventually came back to the party.
Luan sighed inwardly. At least she still had parties going for her. It wasn't too hard to entertain little children for her at least. Of course, this was one of the rare occasions where she'd be performing for someone's 13th birthday party. Of course, Luan was always prepared. After asking a few questions to the mother, it looked like Luan would be in for a mope fest. It wouldn't be her first one though. She knew how to appeal to this type of crowd. Which was why her hair was tied back up in her old ponytail and she completely decked out in mime gear.
Both parties were now in full swing as Lori, Leni and Luna's friends had arrived along with Rick's friends which consisted of all sorts of aliens across the galaxy. While the teenagers were somewhat shocked at the existence at aliens at the party, Lori insisted that they ignore them as their party was down in the basement. Meanwhile, Lynn, Lincoln and Lucy were having a blast partying with the aliens. Lynn was somewhat busy showing off her various athletic skills to the aliens as she waited for her friends to arrive while Lucy, now wearing a fortune teller's hat, had set up a séance stand which gathered the interest of some of the aliens. Lincoln, meanwhile, was performing some tricks for the aliens, currently juggling some glasses with one of his legs behind his head. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, distracting Lincoln and causing him to drop the glasses and breaking them on the floor. "Oh, whoops." He pointed his thumb to the door. "I'll be back guys, just let me answer this." Lincoln ran over and opened the door, revealing the Santiago siblings. "Hey Bobby! Ronnie Anne!"
"Hey, what's up bro?" Bobby offered Lincoln a fist bump which he reciprocated.
Ronnie Anne simply smiled. "Hey, Lincoln." Both of their mouths then gaped as they looked at the aliens at the party. "Uh, whoa. Are those real?"
Lincoln smirked. "Yep. Told you aliens were real."
The sound of footsteps running upstairs could be heard as Lori ran out of the basement to greet Bobby. "Bobby! You made it!" She was currently wearing a light blue dress with white shoes.
"Hey babe!" Bobby smiled. "You didn't tell me there'd be aliens here!"
Lori's expression soured. "Yeah, just ignore them. They won't bother our party." Lori then guided Bobby towards the basement.
Lincoln and Ronnie Anne rolled their eyes at the two. Lincoln then tried to shut the door before a hand from outside got in the way. Lincoln smiled as he opened the door. "Birdperson!"
"Hello, Lincoln." Birdperson greeted. "The beacon was activated. Who is in danger?"
Yet again, Ronnie Anne's mouth was agape. "Birdperson? Lincoln, how do you know these people?"
Before Lincoln could answer, Rick then came in to greet Birdperson. "Birdperson!"
Birdperson exchanged a fist bump with Rick. "I am pleased there is no emergency."
"Oh, there's an emergency, all right." Rick put an arm around Birdperson. "A babe emergency! When's the last time you got laid, 'Pers?"
Though his expression didn't change, Birdperson's head tilted slightly downwards. "It has been a...challenging mating season for Birdperson."
"Then it's time to get your beak wet tonight, playah. Go have some fun out there Birdp-Bird-Birdperson."
As Birdperson went to join the party, Lincoln approached Rick with a raised eyebrow. "So, how many people did you invite again?"
Rick frowned in thought. "Uh... people? Mm, six." As he said this, a UFO came down near the house as a group of excited small green aliens came out and made their way into the house. "Yo! What up my glip glops?!"
Upon entering the basement, Bobby could feel that the atmosphere for this party was much different from Rick's party. He could see that all of Lori, Leni and Luna's friends had attended including Sam, Chaz and Lori's closest friend, Tammy. A girl with short dark brown hair and a blue sweater which exposed her midriff. The basement had been lightly decorated as classical music was playing. Everyone was standing around, looking somewhat bored. Especially Tammy. He wondered if they were also curious about the aliens at the other party, upstairs. Though the party didn't look that interesting to him, he didn't want to upset Lori. "Party's pretty sweet, babe."
Lori grinned. "Thanks, Boo-Boo Bear." Lori then got out a magazine and flipped to an article titled '50 ways to throw a sophisticated party'. "Now for Item #8: Make your party all that with some sparkling chitchat." Bobby then yelped as Lori dragged him over to Tammy, Chaz and one of their other friends. "So, has anyone done any travel lately? I hear the Galapagos Islands are beautiful this time of year."
None of them knew how to respond to that. Tammy raised an eyebrow at Lori while Chaz attempted to follow up. "Uh...me and Tad went to the quarry and threw rocks at ducks."
Lori frowned. She then heard an amplifier screech as blaring rock started playing courtesy of Luna, who was sat on the dryer next to Sam as she was playing guitar for a small group. Lori ran up to Luna to stop this. "Hey, guys!" Luna stopped playing. "Did you check out the origami station?" She showed the guests some origami before lightly pushing them away before talking to Luna in private. "Luna, what are you doing?" She whispered harshly.
"Just trying to liven up the proceedings, dude?"An irritated Luna replied.
"Well, it's way too noisy." Lori pointed at her magazine. "Item four clearly states that easy listening makes for easy talking."
"What's item five? Put everyone to sleep?" Luna snarked, earning a snicker from Sam.
Lori pointed at her. "You are on warning!"
Lori then noticed that Leni had just taken a picture of them with her phone. Leni smiled. "Super cute! I'm totes posting this."
Lori then grabbed Leni's phone to look at the photo. "You totes are not! This is not sophisticated!" She handed Leni's phone back to her and struck a pose. "Post this."
Leni took the photo. "Awesome! You look so constipated."
Lori frowned in frustration. "Sophisticated, Leni!"
Meanwhile as the two were talking, Sam spoke to Luna. "Dude, this party's kinda lame. Wanna ditch it for the one upstairs?"
Luna pretended to think about it. "Gee, I dunno-yeah let's go!" The two grinned as they left to join the other party. Seeing them leave, Lori shrugged and decided to not pay them much mind.
Maggie, a dour looking emo girl with pale skin and long, black hair, had a deep scowl on her face as she crossed her arms while waiting for the performance. The girl wore a sky blue T-shirt along with some dark gray boots. She also had a purple jumper wrapped around her waist. The last thing Maggie wanted on her birthday was a party. They were way too bright and peppy for her. Though she at least took solace in that all her friends turned up anyway to share in her misery. Worse yet, her mother had hired some kind of entertainer from 'Funny Business Inc.'. Maggie could only pray this wasn't some kind of lame clown act.
Maggie then blinked in surprise as the girl came on to the homemade stage, tapping a cane on the floor. To Maggie's pleasant surprise, it seemed like she was in for something different as Luan walked forward, only to walk into an invisible wall. She then felt around as if she was in an invisible box that started to shrink down on her. "Oh, I get it. She's, like, trapped in a box. That's exactly how I felt when my mom said I couldn't dye my hair purple." Maggie remarked, her fellow emo tweens nodding in agreement.
Luan then imitated climbing a ladder. Of course, since she was miming, she wasn't actually going anywhere. "Wow. It's like the soul crushing pointlessness of seventh grade." One of Maggie's friends remarked, getting another nod from Maggie and the other tweens. By the time the performance had finished, the audience gave her a slow clap that got a bit more enthusiastic as some of the tweens cheered for her. To Maggie's surprise, she actually found herself smiling. As miserable as this day was, at least she got something out of it.
After finishing the performance, Luan went backstage, wiping her make up off and letting her hair back down. She then started to pack her stuff up. She had managed to think of some material so she wanted to hurry up and get home in order to try it out.
Luan jumped slightly. She'd think that living with Lucy, she'd be used to getting snuck up on. She turned to see that the birthday girl herself had come to see her. She put on a smile. "Oh, hey, so did you enjoy the act."
Maggie seemed to be a perpetual frowner. Though she was now frowning less intensely then when Luan got there. "Yes. I've never seen anything like that. That was, like, such an artistic way of expressing yourself."
Luan raised an eyebrow. "You've never seen a mime before?"
"Not in person. Do you do other acts like it?"
Luan shrugged. "Eh. Mime is kind of a side thing for me. I'm more of a comedian myself."
Maggie looked somewhat disappointed upon hearing that. "Oh."
"Not much of a fan of that, huh?"
Maggie awkwardly looked away. "Not...really." Truthfully, she hated comedy. None of it ever made her laugh anyway.
Luan shrugged again. "Well, guess it's not for everyone." Luan had just finished packing up. "Anyway, I gotta go. I've got another party back home. You have a nice birthday now." Luan waved at her as she rushed off back home.
Maggie then noticed her mother approach her, holding a plate with a slice of cake on it. She looked around. "Oh, where did Luan go?"
"She left. Just now."
"Oh shoot, I didn't have chance to offer her any cake." An idea then came to Maggie's mother. "Maybe you could catch up to her. Could you be a dear and hurry after her to give her this?" She handed Maggie the cake.
"Whatever." Inwardly, Maggie was glad that she had an excuse to get away from this party. Of course, she wouldn't make any real effort to catch up with Luan. The longer she was away, the better.
The doorbell rang again. This time, Lynn answered, seeing her best friend, a girl with light brown hair, a long nose and buck teeth along with her other friends. "Margo! Guys, you made it!"
"Sup, Lynnsanity." Margo greeted. Predictably, Lynn's friends' gasped in shock upon seeing all the aliens at the party. Margo pointed to them. "A-Are those..."
Lynn gave her a smug look. "Aliens? Yep. Told ya they were real."
Another one of Lynn's friends, a tall girl with her blonde hair in a ponytail, came in to take a look. The girl walked in with a crutch as she had one of her legs in a cast. "Whoa...and I thought this story I heard the other week was weird."
Lynn raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about, Paula?"
"You ever hear about that story about that high school teacher from Echo Creek that got turned into a troll?"
Luna and Sam made their way to the living room where a large group of guests, along with Rick, were watching and cheering as Lincoln and Ronnie Anne faced off against each other in a Dance Battle video game. Luna walked up to Rick with a grin. "Hey, Grandpa Rick, rockin' party dude!"
Rick grinned back. "Of course it's rockin'! Who do I look like? Lori?"
Squanchy then came up from behind Luna, holding a bottle in a bag. "Hey, Rick, squanchy party, bro!"
"Aw! Squanchy!"
"Sup Squanchy bro!" Luna gave him the rock on sign.
"Oh, hey Luna." Squanchy turned back to Rick. "Is there a good place for me to squanch around here?"
Rick looked slightly apprehensive. "Uhh...yeah. Mi casa es su casa, dawg! Just make sure you do it where no one'll see you, there's kids at this party."
Squanchy didn't seem too bothered about that. "All right! I like your squanch!" He then ran off to find a spot where hopefully, no one will find him.
The doorbell then ran once again, causing Lincoln to slip up his game and lose it. "Dang it."
Ronnie Anne snickered. "Nice one, Lame-O."
Lincoln pointed his thumb to the door. "That's probably Clyde and the others. Just let me get that." Lincoln ran towards the door to open it, seeing Lincoln's four friends, Clyde, Rusty, a ginger haired, farmboy named Liam and a bespectacled, redhead named Zach. "Guys, you made it!"
"Hey Lincoln." Clyde greeted. Loud rock music started playing in the living room. Lincoln's friends walked in to have a look, only for their jaws, besides Clyde's, to drop upon seeing the aliens.
"Aliens?! So you weren't making it up this whole time?" Rusty asked.
"Well dang, never thought I'd see the day!" Liam remarked in a southern accent.
Zach seemed ecstatic. "I knew it! I knew deep down they were real. Are they friendly?"
Lincoln scratched the back of his head. "Uh, Grandpa Rick said they were, so..."
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Zach asked before he rushed in along with Rusty and Liam to talk to the aliens. Clyde, however, didn't seem to be in a rush as he was spraying some breath spray in his mouth.
"What are you doing?" Lincoln asked.
"It's a party right? What better time to finally work the nerve up and ask out Lori?" Clyde stated before swooning over the thought of Lori.
Lincoln groaned. Despite his annoyance, he decided to just let Clyde make his own mistakes. Interfering would probably just cause more trouble. "Just try not to nosebleed all over the carpet please."
Clyde then went off to join everyone else at the party. Lincoln then heard a familiar voice from behind him. "Splendid party, eh Lincoln?"
Lincoln turned around and blinked in surprise. "Dr. Bloom?"
Dr. Bloom grinned. "Good to see you again, Lincoln!"
Lincoln looked confused. "But, how did...?"
"Me and Rick had just recently finished constructing a portal that leads directly to the park. I can now get in and out with ease. It won't be too long now until we're opened for business."
Lincoln wasn't sure how to feel about that. He really didn't like the idea of a theme park being in Ronnie Anne's body without her knowledge and he really didn't like having to keep it secret. Though on the brightside, Lana'll be happy to hear about this. "So, there's no risk to Ronnie Anne, is there?"
Dr. Bloom's smile dropped. "Oh goodness, no. We've updated our security since last time. Plus any kind of germ or virus that sneaks in will immediately be killed. I'd argue she's healthier than most people your age actually." Lincoln sighed in relief. Dr. Bloom then started to look around. "By the way, where's Lana? Is she here?"
Lincoln shook his head. "Lana's in her room. She's too young for this kind of party." Lincoln then started to wonder how the twins were doing.
"Would you like some tea, Mr. Meeseeks?" Lola offered.
"Ooh, look at me, I sure would!" Mr. Meeseeks was currently wearing a dress as he sat with Lola and some of her toys for a tea party. Lola imitated pooring some tea for him.
Meanwhile, Lana stood to the side, folding her arms and looking impatient. "Are you done with him yet? Mr. Meeseeks doesn't want to play at your dumb tea party."
Lola gave Lana an annoyed look. "I only just started. Besides, he'd rather play with me then your icky pets." Both of them started to growl at each other.
Mr. Meeseeks smiled nervously. "It's okay. I'm Mr. Meeseeks! I'll do whatever either of you want!" Neither of them listened as the two started to brawl each other over him while Mr. Meeseeks could only watch nervously. "Oh dear."
Back downstairs with Lincoln, Rick had come by to greet Dr. Bloom. "He-hey Bloom! I was thinking you weren't gonna make it."
Dr. Bloom smiled. "Oh, it was no trouble really. To be honest, I'm surprised you invited me at all, really."
Rick put an arm around him. "Ah come on Bloom, you know we couldn't have a party without ya!"
Back in the basement, Lori's guests were starting to get more bored and even more curious about the party upstairs. Lori approached Tammy and Bobby with her magazine. "I don't get it, you guys. I've been following the list, but people don't look like they're having fun."
"I think they're having fun." Bobby tried to reassure her.
"Bobby, Joey is literally doing his homework." She said, pointing at the boy sat in the corner. Lori then smiled. "Hmm...I know what my mistake was!"
Tammy folded her arms. "You're listening to some dumb magazine instead of actually having a party?"
Lori frowned. "No." She opened her magazine. "I left out Item 24!" Lori then rushed over to the other guests. "Okay, everyone, line dancing!" Everyone started to groan. "Don't worry. It's easy. Just-"
Lori was then interrupted as one of her friends approached her. "Um, Lori...um...can I get a drink?"
"Sure, Becky. As soon as I get a good grapevine out of you." Lori laughed.
Becky awkwardly laughed with her before pretending to make a ringing sound. "Brring! Oh, there's my phone!" She got out her phone. "Oh, what's that, Mom? You stubbed your toe? Really hard? And you need me to come home right away? Oh, sorry Lori. Family emergency."
Becky breathed a sigh of relief as she left. Another guest started following her. "Oh, uh, sorry. She's my ride." Most of the guests then started to leave, all claiming that Becky was their ride.
Lori looked around to see who was left before noticing Leni and Chaz were about to sneak off. She went to try and stop them. "Wait, you guys! Where are you going? We haven't, uh..." Lori checked her magazine. "...made vision boards yet?"
Chaz leaned in to whisper to Leni. "I don't need a vision to know I'm bored." He then smiled at Lori. "Awesome party, Lori." He then left. Leni gave Lori an apologetic smile before following him.
Bobby and Tammy approached Lori with sympathetic looks. Bobby tried to cheer her up. "Don't feel bad, babe. I mean, a stubbed toe? That is pretty serious."
Lori looked down in disappointment. "Eeh. Nice try, Boo-Boo Bear. But I know my party was a bomb."
"If you don't mind me asking, why did you try to throw a party like this?" Tammy asked.
Lori sighed. "I wanted to try and throw a better party then the one Carol threw. I thought a sophisticated one would be the way to do it."
Tammy rolled her eyes. "Ugh, this again? Look, Lori, no one cares which of you two is better." She then placed a hand on Lori's shoulder. "You need to just get over this stupid rivalry. We didn't come here to help you one-up someone, we came here to have fun."
Lori rubbed her arm. "Yeah. You're right. I'm sorry. I can't believe I've been so obsessed with trying to beat Carol Pingrey. Maybe she is better than me at everything but who cares?" She smiled at Bobby. "I still have lots of great things in my life, like a really amazing boyfriend for starters."
Bobby smiled back. "Aw, thanks babe."
Lori then looked at Tammy. "And a really great friend." Lori gave a wry grin. "That isn't afraid to be brutally honest."
Tammy shook her head, smiling. "I don't know what you'd do without me, Lori."
Lori then heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to see Lincoln had come down. He gave her a concerned look. "I saw everyone leaving. Are you okay?"
Lori sighed. "I'm fine."
Lincoln smiled. "Well, we're all hanging out upstairs if you wanna come join us. I mean, it's nothing 'sophisticated', but-"
Lori smiled. "You know what? I think I'm done with sophisticated." Lori then tossed her magazine into the trash before following Lincoln out the basement along with Bobby and Tammy. Once she got out however, her eyes widened at the sight of one of the guests currently chatting with a weird amoeba alien. "Carol?! What's she doing here?"
Lincoln gave Lori a guilty look. "Ooh, sorry. We became friends after the park incident. I didn't think you'd mind too much if I invited her." Lincoln laughed nervously.
Lori let out a deep breath. "You know what? This is fine." She then walked over to Carol. "Um, Carol?"
Carol turned and gasped at Lori. She started to look nervous. "Uh! Uh. Hi Lori." She waved at her awkwardly.
"I know this is literally the most awkward thing in the world but, I just wanna tell you that, you win." Carol's jaw dropped. "You've been better than me at everything since kindergarten but, I'm okay with it. I can't live my life trying to compete with you anymore. Well, enjoy the party." Lori started to walk off.
"Lori, wait." Lori turned to face Carol. "You think I'm better than you?" Carol smiled sheepishly. "I kinda thought it was the other way around." Lori blinked in confusion. "I mean, you made the varsity golf team when we were freshmen. No one else did that. And you have ten siblings who all look up to you. And don't get me started on your hair; I will never have volume like that." She laughed and felt her own hair. "This takes like, six cans of dry shampoo, and it's still flat."
Lori was shocked that all this time, they had basically been in the same position. "Wow, so, all of our competing has literally been pointless?"
Both of them laughed in relief. "It's true. We're ridiculous. I'm so glad we're done with all this." Carol said.
"Me too. Hey, I just had a crazy idea." Lori put an arm around her. "What if we made it official by taking a selfie together?"
Carol grinned. "Shut up! Looking like this?"
Lori brought her closer and got her phone out. "Yeah! I mean, who cares, right?"
Tammy then got in between them, putting her arms around both of them. "Oh count me in, you two have no idea how long I've waited for this." The three then smiled as Lori took the photo. "So, you two ready to party for real now?" Lori and Carol grinned mischievously while some of the guests who had been watching the conversation started to cheer for them.
It had gotten dark by the time Luan had arrived home. Coming in, she blinked in surprise as she saw a large group crowding around and cheering for Lori, Tammy and Lori's supposed rival Carol. Looking around, it looked like everyone there was having fun. Without her.
Luan sighed. Despite having managed to come up with some material while she was out, seeing everyone have so much fun made her think twice about trying it. She didn't want to annoy anyone or spoil their mood. Slumping, she decided to make her way to the dining room to just sit down, not even bothering to change her clothes. The lights in the dining room were out as Lucy wanted to keep the room she had her séance stand in, next to the dining room, dark. Though there was still a bit of light coming in from the kitchen. Luan would hang out with her friends if she could but she wasn't exactly Ms. Popular at her school.
At Lucy's séance stand, Lucy was currently being talked to by a mechanical alien that was mostly made up of gears though he had some human like features such as his arms, legs and his bald head despite having gears for ears and a mouth. The guests behind him looked annoyed as he was holding up the line while Lucy just looked bored as she rested her head on her arm. The alien had been droning on for a while now. "The thing people don't realize about the Gear Wars is that it was never really about the gears at all."
"You know this is a séance right? Do you want me to try and find any of your ancestors from the Gear Wars or-" The doorbell then rang. Lucy took off her hat. "Sorry. I have something else I need to do. I'll come back later." The people in line let out moans of disappointment. Lucy walked over to the door to answer it. "Hey Haiku." She gave a small smile. "Hey Rocky."
"Hey." Rocky gave Lucy a small wave. He had the same bored expression on his face though he had traded his blue shirt for a black one.
"Hello Lucy." Haiku greeted. Lucy's best friend was a slightly older girl with pale skin and long black hair that covered one of her eyes. She wore a long dark purple dress with a black belt with a white skull on it. Despite having more friends from her Morticians club, these were the only two Lucy had invited.
"Did you bring it?" Lucy asked.
Haiku then revealed what she had brought behind her back. It was a spell book that Haiku had found somewhere.
Lucy nodded and moved aside to let them in. Rocky's mouth gaped while Haiku's visible eye widened at the aliens. "Are those...real?" Haiku asked, trying to hide her nervousness.
"Yes. I told you aliens were real." Lucy stated.
Haiku sighed. "My apologies for not believing you."
Lucy was about to lead the two upstairs to her room before the doorbell rang again. "Sigh." She answered the door to see a moody looking teen holding a plate of cake.
There was an awkward silence before Maggie spoke. "Do you know where I can find Luan?"
Lucy thought for a moment before pointing to her left. "I think she's in the dining room."
"Thanks." Lucy watched as the girl walked in and made her way to the dining room. She also watched as she jumped slightly at the sight of the aliens.
"She seemed nice." Lucy remarked before going off with Haiku and Rocky to her room.
After getting over the shock of finding out aliens exist, Maggie made her way to the dining room to find Luan sat at the table. She was surprised to see that Luan looked somewhat...depressed.
Luan blinked in surprise when someone placed a slice of cake in front of her. She turned to look at Maggie. "My mom thought you wanted some cake." Maggie explained.
"Oh, thanks." Luan thanked her. She was then caught off guard as Maggie moved to sit down next to her.
"What's wrong?"
"You looked down. I just asked if something was wrong."
Luan raised an eyebrow at Maggie. "Why are you interested?"
Maggie shrugged. "I like to give an ear to people. Sometimes it helps to, like, talk to people outside of your family about your problems."
Luan scratched the back of her head. "Eh, I don't know."
Maggie then looked around. She then noticed a big, red, four eyed lobster alien walk by. He too seemed to be in a depressive state. She called out to him. "Hey, you." The alien turned to her and pointed at himself as if to ask if she was talking to him. She responded by patting the seat next to her. The alien came over to sit down. "What's your name?"
"What's wrong?"
"Eh, you sure you wanna hear it? I don't wanna ruin the mood of the party."
"I'm, like, all ears."
Scropon sighed. "It's just...I've been in a pretty bad place ever since my planet was destroyed."
Luan's mouth gaped in shock. If Maggie was surprised, she didn't show it as she simply nodded. "If you don't mind me asking, how did that happen?"
Scropon made what looked like a scowl. "Grr. It was those Galactic Federation bastards! They tried to take control of our planet. Our leaders refused them. So the federation responds by destroying it all. Just like anything else that doesn't just bow down to the federation, those-" Scropon started swearing in an alien language. He sighed. "I'm just lucky I escaped when I did." Luan couldn't help but feel concerned upon hearing Scropon's story. She'd heard about this Galactic Federation before from Rick. Just what was going on out there?
Once again, Maggie nodded. "It must be terrible. I couldn't imagine what'd be like to be in your position."
Scropon waved his claw dismissively. "Ah, don't worry about it." He seemed to have brightened up slightly as he then stood up. "Anyway, thanks for hearing me out. It's nice to just get it off my chest, you know?" Scropon then left to join the party.
Maggie then turned to Luan. "You sure you don't want to talk?"
Luan shrugged. "Eh, what the heck. So, you know that I'm a comedian right? Comedy's always been something I'm passionate about. I used to crack jokes and puns with my siblings all the time." Maggie nodded. "But, one day, I heard my siblings talk about me. About how much they hated my jokes and how annoying I was. It almost made me want to quit comedy." She nodded again. "I talked to my Grandpa about it. He said if my jokes aren't funny, I should just make better jokes. Which is fair I suppose." Another nod. Luan then looked downwards. "But now, whenever I try to tell a joke, I just clam up. I keep thinking about what my siblings said about me. I just feel like I'm not good enough, you know? I don't want to annoy people again."
Maggie nodded again before speaking. "Would you like my advice? Feel free to say no."
Luan thought about it for a moment. "Shoot."
"You shouldn't care what people think. If you have a joke, just tell it."
Luan raised an eyebrow. "I thought you hated comedy?"
Maggie shook her head. "It doesn't matter what I think. If you want to tell a joke, just do it. Don't let anyone stop you from expressing yourself."
Luan smiled. "You know, you're right. I shouldn't get so upset whenever I get a negative reaction. How am I gonna know what works if I don't try anything?"
Maggie nodded. "Exactly."
Luan then gave Maggie a wry grin. "So what's your deal? What's got you so down?"
Maggie sighed as she leaned forward to rest her head on her arm. "Middle school."
"Oh yeah? What about it?"
"Everything. The immature idiots, the long, boring hours learning about nothing." Maggie's frown deepened. "The friends that turn into jerks and stab you in the back."
Luan nodded, not exactly a fan of Middle School herself. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I mean, Middle School? I think you'd find more mature people in a clown school!"
Maggie smirked slightly. "Hm."
"Did I just get a laugh out of you?"
Maggie frowned. "I don't know what you're talking about." Luan giggled in response as the two then kept chatting.
In the living room, Birdperson was sat down, watching Lincoln perform more tricks for the guests. Next to him, Tammy was sat on the armrest, stroking the feathers on his head. She had a flirty look on her face. "I like your feathers."
"They are designed to attract the attention of the female." Birdperson stated.
"It's working." Tammy used her other hand to stroke his chest.
"Tammy, I should let you know, I just got out of a highly intense soul bond with my previous spirit mate." Birdperson admitted.
"I'm not looking to get into a soul bond. I'm just looking for..." Tammy whispered something into Birdperson's ear.
"I believe Birdperson can arrange that."
Meanwhile, Rick noticed that Lori had entered the room. He gave her a smug look. "Well, look who decided to join us. What happened to your party?"
Lori rolled her eyes before smiling. "Well, my party was a bust. I admit, you threw the better party. Which is totally fine because unlike some people, I can admit when someone's better than me at something."
Before Rick could respond, the wall suddenly exploded. Out of the dust cloud, a tall man with a beard and a toothbrush moustache stepped in. He wore a top hat and some kind of vest over what looked like a mix between a tuxedo and a suit. While everyone looked at the man in shock, Rick covered his face, hoping the man wouldn't notice him. "Oh, great. Who invited Abradolf Lincler?"
Lori turned away from Lincler to look at Rick. "Uh, who again?"
"He's a crazed maniac." Rick explained as Lincler walked around, giving intimidating looks to the guests. "Just a misguided effort of mine to create a morally neutral superleader by combining the DNA of Adolf Hitler and Abraham Lincoln. Turns out it just adds up to a lame, weird loser."
Lincler scowled and tightened his fists upon noticing Rick. "Rick, you brought me into this world, a suffering abomination tortured by the duality of its being." He started to walk towards him, his voice getting louder. "But I shall finally know peace when I watch the life drain from your wretched body!"
"Heads up!"
"Oof!" Lincler wasn't able to react quick enough as Lynn, who was riding a bouncer, crashed into him, leaving him sprawled on the floor. Lynn was also racing with her friends as the rest of them came in, bouncing onto him. "Ow! Ooh! Ohoh!"
After watching the display, Bobby turned to Lori. "It's getting kinda crowded in here isn't it?" He gave her a flirty look. "Maybe we should go someplace more private?"
Lori giggled. "Oh, Boo-Boo Bear!"
Meanwhile in the other room, Clyde was taking a few deep breaths as steeled himself. "Okay Clyde, this is it. Just go in there and tell her how you feel. You can do this." He plugged his nose to prevent any potential nosebleeds before taking one last deep breath and walking in.
Unfortunately, Clyde's heart sank as the first thing he saw was Lori making out with Bobby. Clyde slumped. Who was he kidding? Lori was way out of his league. There's no way she'd go out with a geek like him. Even if they were the same age. Watching them both make out, it was almost as if time had slowed down for Clyde as his heart slowly broke.
"Knock it off, Slow Mobius!" Rick called out to a fat green alien carrying two staffs with clocks on them.
Slow Mobius giggled. "Ha ha! Sorry, dude! I'm just trying to show off my powers, bro!"
Clyde sniffled as he then made his way upstairs where less people were around. He needed to be alone for a bit.
Rocky looked around Lucy's room. It was almost completely dark with only a few candles to illuminate it. "So, what are we doing again?"
Lucy opened the book that Haiku gave her and pointed at one of the pages. "Haiku found a new kind of ritual for summoning spirits. I haven't heard from any spirits in a while so I thought we could try it." She hadn't heard from them since Valentines day actually, though she didn't tell them that.
Rocky shrugged. "Alright." He supposed if aliens were real, who's to say ghosts weren't real either?
Haiku got out some chalk and drew a circle with some strange patterns in it. She then sat down cross-legged next to it and offered her hands to Lucy and Rocky. "We need to sit in a circle and join up our hands." She explained. Lucy and Rocky then sat down next to her, the three of them linking hands. Haiku closed her eyes. Rocky watched in slight trepidation as Haiku started humming for a moment before starting the chant. "Oh-"
Lucy then suddenly gasped and stood up. Haiku opened her eyes as she and Rocky looked at her in concern. "Lucy? What's wrong?" Lucy looked like she had just seen something horrifying. Haiku and Rocky looked around but couldn't see anything.
"Uh! I! Err..." Lucy seemed on the verge of panicking before slightly calming down. "I-I'm sorry. You both need to leave."
"Are you okay, Lucy?" Rocky asked.
"Y-Yes. Sorry. I just need to be alone for a while. I'll be fine."
Despite their concern, Haiku and Rocky decided to respect Lucy's wishes and leave the room. Shutting the door behind them, the two glanced at each other before Rocky decided to go downstairs to see what his brother was doing. Haiku then noticed someone else upstairs. Clyde was sat there, curled up to himself, looking despondent. Haiku approached him. "Hi."
Clyde jumped slightly as he had been deep in thought. He looked at Haiku. "Oh, hey."
Haiku then sat down next to him. "Is something troubling you?"
Clyde let out a deep sigh. "Just trying to deal with the fact that the woman I love will never feel the same way about me."
"Who is it?"
Clyde got out a photo of Lori he had been keeping. "Her name's Lori. She's an older woman." He admitted, slightly embarrassed.
"That's okay. My heart belongs to an older man." Haiku got out a locket with a picture of her along with a picture of what looked to Clyde like a vampire. "He just turned 200."
Clyde chuckled. "Unrequited love. Am I right?" Haiku smiled in return.
Lori and Bobby giggled as they entered the garage. Lori shut the door behind her before putting her arms around Bobby. "Now, where were we?"
Lori and Bobby gave each other flirtatious grins. Before they could start making out though, Lori started to hear something strange. "Do you hear something?"
Bobby looked around for the noise. "Yeah, I think I hear something coming from that closet over there." He pointed towards Rick's closet.
Letting go of Bobby, Lori slowly approached the closet as the sounds started to become clearer. With trepidation, Lori grabbed the door handles. She gave a nervous look to Bobby before opening the closet. "Oh my God!" Inside was Squanchy using one hand to hold to hold up a rope tied around his neck and the other hand to do something Lori really didn't want to think about.
Squanchy turned to her with an angry look. "Hey, I'm squanching in here!"
"Oh God!" Bobby exclaimed, looking sickened.
"Oh, that is literally so disgusting!" Lori covered her eyes before stumbling backwards. "Ow!" She then accidentally bumped into one of Rick machines with a glass dome on top. This made the machine fall over and break the glass, letting out a giant, sphere shaped, green energy field that engulfed the entire house. Suddenly the house just disappeared, leaving behind a crater.
"Louds! You keep that noise...down..." Mr. Grouse shouted out the window before noticing the house had disappeared. After a moment, he shrugged. "Buncha weirdos."
The house reappeared on a blue, alien planet that had a green sky with visible planets. There were strange, giant plants and vines along with giant, green, gooey, creatures with multiple eyes and tentacles that were simply slithering around. There was a slight panic from everyone as the lights temporarily went out before coming back on. Lincoln's jaw dropped upon looking out the window, as did nearly everyone else's though Lincoln noticed a few exceptions. Carol looked more nervous then shocked. Tammy seemed somewhat tense while Birdperson didn't have much of a reaction. Zach, weirdly enough, looked more excited then scared. Rick then walked over to the front door and opened it. "Huh. Big star in the sky." He took a deep breath through his nose. "Oxygen-rich atmosphere." He looked at the giant creatures. "Wildlife here seems passive." He shut the door and turned back to everyone, smiling. "We'll be fine! Let's party!"
Luna shrugged and started playing her music again as everyone went back to partying. Lincoln then approached Rick with a look of concern. "Uh, Grandpa Rick, what just happened?"
Lori then came in with a guilty look on her face. Bobby followed behind her along with Squanchy, who was frowning at Lori. "Uh, I may have...broke something in the garage. Sorry."
Rick didn't seem too bothered. "Ah, don't worry about it."
"Are you sure we're all safe here?" Lincoln asked.
Rick waved his hand dismissively. "Positive. Here, come outside with me." Lincoln followed Rick out the front door. Rick then got out some kind of device to scan the area. He then pointed to the creatures. "See, those things don't even care about us. We're fine here."
Luan then came outside in a panic. "What's going on? Why are we in another dimension?"
"Blame Lori, not me." Rick stated.
"How are we gonna get back? What happens if our parents find out?"
Rick put a hand on her shoulder. "Relax, Luan, relax! It's gonna be fine. All we have to do is go out and find us some kalaxian crystals." Rick's device started to beep. "Oh, shit, motherfucker! Kalaxian crystals, Luan, just a short walk south of here."
"Well, what are we waiting for then? A bus? Let's go!" Luan attempted to drag Rick with her though he wasn't budging.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Luan, Luan, I-I can't go with you. I got to hang back and make sure everything stays cool here, you know? I mean, who knows what-what if somebody breaks something?"
"Yeah, I think I'll stay here too." Lincoln added, not in the mood for going on another adventure.
Maggie then stepped outside. "Uh, Luan. Not that I don't find this alien stuff, like, interesting but I didn't exactly tell my mom I'd be out this late."
Rick raised an eyebrow at the girl. "This a friend of yours? When did you start hanging out with emos?"
Maggie scowled at Rick. "Is that supposed to be an insult?"
Abradolf Lincler then stepped outside, holding a cold can to his aching cheek. "You guys have any aspirin?"
Rick grinned. "Oh, hey, Luan, this is perfect! You can take Lincler with you."
Lincler gave Rick a tired look. "Hey, man, I'm not going anywhere. I'm injured."
Rick scowled. "Shut up, Lincler. It's the least you can do for wrecking the living room." He shoved Lincler towards Luan before glancing at Maggie. "Hey, maybe your friend should go too. Don't need anyone killing the mood."
Maggie shrugged. "Fine by me."
Luan gave her a look of concern. "You sure you want to come? I know this all a little alien to you."
Maggie folded her arms. "It gives me an excuse not to stay at this lame party so..."
Rick raised an eyebrow before going back inside with Lincoln, leaving them to it. While Lincoln was concerned with everyone's safety, he also couldn't help but wonder how Lily was also doing.
If the Loud parents were able to see what was happening at the Lilyboree, they'd be utterly horrified.
A giant Fenton the Feel-Better Fox animatronic was in the centre of the room, dancing along with all the other Lilys as it sang.
"Cheer up, baby, don't you cry
No more tears, it's cheer up time
Laugh with me and we will be
Happy happy happy."
"What is going on out there?!" Lola screeched as she looked out the window.
Lana then came up to look out the window. "Whoa..."
"Hey kids, I'm Mr. Meeseeks, what's going on?" Mr. Meeseeks then looked outside. "Ooh wee, oh wow, that's crazy! Ooh geez!"
Lana started to get nervous. "Are we safe just staying in here?"
Mr. Meeseeks smiled and waved his hand dismissively. "Ah, don't worry, it's fine. Look at me!"
As Luan, Maggie and Abradolf Lincler walked down a blue path, Lincler had started to talk about his own troubles to Maggie who simply listened and nodded at him. "It's weird, 'cause I definitely think that all men are created equal. But, at the same time-"
Before he could continue, the device that Luan was carrying started beeping. "Guys, the crystals shouldn't be too far from here."
"Are those them?" Maggie said, pointing at the crystals sticking up from the ground.
Luan smirked at Maggie. "Well, clearly those are just flowers."
Maggie rolled her eyes. "Har har."
The two went over to collect them before Lincler spoke. "Wait. Something's not right." He looked around before he was suddenly attacked by what looked like a two-headed, blue lion-like monster, knocking his hat off and causing Luan to yelp in fear. "Get the crystals! I'll handle the beast!" Lincler shouted as he pointed towards the crystals. He then faced the monster as he put his hat back on. "Prepare to be emancipated from your own inferior genes!" Lincler started to wrestle with the monster while Luan and Maggie worked quick to collect the crystals. Luan managed to see the monster push Lincler behind a rock. Luan then heard a screeching noise as the monster was thrown over the rock, appearing to be dead. Lincler then came out from behind the rock, breathing heavily and bleeding from all the cuts on his face and chest. He slumped down on the rock.
Luan and Maggie ran over to him. "Lincler, come on! Let's get out of here!" Luan begged.
"Mein journey is over, Luan." Lincler stated, his voice hoarse. He groaned in pain before placing a hand on Luan's shoulder. "I have something important to tell you."
Luan looked at him, distraught. "W-What is it?"
"I...ugh.." Lincler then went unconscious.
Luan gasped. "I...Is he dead?"
Maggie then put an ear up to his face. "He's still breathing."
Luan sighed in relief. "We can't just leave him here." Luan put her head under his left arm. Maggie nodded and did the same with his right arm as the two dragged him back to their house. Thankfully for them, it wasn't too far from here.
The guests gasped as Luan and Maggie dragged in Lincler and lied him down on the couch. Rick approached them with a look of concern. "Whoa, geez. What happened to you guys."
Luan frowned at Rick. "We were attacked. I thought you said nothing out there was dangerous."
Rick rolled his eyes. "Well, I didn't account for every creature on this planet. I mean it's not as if Earth doesn't have predators too you know."
"Whatever. You need to help Lincler, he's really badly hurt."
Rick glanced at Lincler before turning back to Luan. He waved his hand dismissively. "Ah, don't worry about it. The guy's basically a superhuman. Just let him take a power nap and he'll be fine when he wakes up." Luan sighed in relief. "Anyway, did you get the crystals?" Luan handed Rick a bag of crystals. "All right, you did it Luan." Rick then took a crystal, put it on the table, started chopping it into dust with his credit card and then inhaled it in, causing his sclera to turn blue. He had a manic grin on his face. "And these babies just saved this lame-ass party! Wubba lubba dub dub!"
Luan's jaw dropped. "Wait, what? I thought those crystals were supposed to help us get home!"
"April fools! Hehe." Luan scowled at him. "I can get us home whenever I want to. But, listen, speaking of those crystals, can I get the rest of them? I'm starting to come down, Luan. Crystal kalaxian is a really strong, but fleeting high." Rick scratched his cheek.
Maggie was also scowling at Rick. "Wow. Your grandpa's, like, kind of a jerk."
Luan then took all the crystals and threw them out the front door. They then got snatched by one of the tentacle creatures. "How's that for a fleeting high?"
Rick looked distressed. "Aw no. Luan, why'd you have to waste them? Does anybody else have any more k-lax? B-Birdperson?" Birdperson shrugged. "Uh, Squanchy?"
"Don't squaunch at me."
Lori then came in to try and defuse the situation. "Ok, everyone calm down. Look, it's been a long night. In fact I literally don't even know what time it is so maybe it's best if we just end the party here." A few of the guests started to moan. "Remember everyone, there's children here. Their parents are probably worried about them by now." She then turned to Rick with an unamused expression. "Well, Rick?"
Rick sighed. "All right, all right, fine."
The house appeared exactly where it was before in Royal Woods. To everyone's surprise, it was already morning. Luan watched as all the guests left. Before Maggie left, she turned to Luan. "You know, me and my friends sometimes meet up just to vent about our problems. You can join us if you want."
Luan thought about it for a moment. "You know, I might just take you up on that offer." Maggie gave a slight smile before leaving.
Lincler fidgeted in his sleep before his eyes snapped open. "Revenge!" He sat up, looking around in confusion. "W-What happened?"
A tired looking Rick approached him. "Party's over. Get lost." Lincler sighed before getting up to leave. Rick then slumped over onto the couch, slowly falling asleep.
Lori's eyes widened as she looked around at the state of the house. "Wait...did literally no one think about how much of a mess this party would make?"
"Isn't that usually your job, Lori?" Lynn asked.
Lisa then made her way downstairs along with Lana and Lola as Mr. Meeseeks had just disappeared. The three looked around at the mess. "Aw man, I missed out." Lana bemoaned. Lincoln was also looking around at the damage.
"Gah!" Lincoln jumped before turning around. "Lucy, where've you been? You kinda just disappeared on us."
"Don't worry about it. It's nothing."
Lori had gotten out a trash bag as she attempted to try and clean the place. Luan folded her arms, frowning. "I don't know why you're even bothering Lori. Maybe we should just let Rick face the consequences for once."
Lincoln got slightly nervous as he overheard her. "Wait, didn't our parents say if something was wrong, we wouldn't be going on any adventures any more?"
Lori sighed as she decided to just keep on cleaning. Birdperson knelt down and picked up some trash for Lori. "May I assist you with that?"
"Huh? Oh, sure. Thanks." Lori said before taking the trash from him.
"Lori, Luan, do you know what 'wubba lubba dub dub' means?"
Lori frowned as she kept cleaning. "Isn't that just Rick's dumb catchphrase?"
Birdperson walked over to her. "It's not a catchphrase. In my people's tongue, it means, 'I am in great pain. Please help me'.
Luan scoffed. "He's probably just saying it as a joke or something."
"No, Luan. Your grandfather is, indeed, in very deep pain. That is why he must numb himself."
All the siblings had started to listen to Birdperson. After hearing this, Leni started to get concerned. "Grandpa Rick's in pain? What's wrong with him?"
Birdperson turned to her. "Not literal pain. Emotional pain. It is a burden that comes with the knowledge that Rick possesses." He turned back to Lori and Luan. "I will admit that Rick has his faults. There is no denying that. But I do not believe he is uncaring towards any of you. Rick has told me many positive things about all of you. Like about your potential as a comedian, Luan." Luan blinked in surprise. "However, if you truly hate Rick then it appears fate has presented you with an opportunity to free yourselves of him forever. I will not judge whatever your choice is but I advise you to choose carefully. You need to ask yourselves if you really care whether or not you're allowed to continue on your adventures together."
Lori then got a text on her phone. "Guys, Mom and Dad are literally gonna be home in a few minutes.
Birdperson made his way to the front door. "This is your moment, children. Choose wisely. Tammy!" Tammy then came by and jumped onto his back, holding onto him. Birdperson then opened the door and flew off.
Everyone then looked towards Luan and Lori as they seemed to be at odds with Rick the most. Luan sighed. "Where'd you think we'd be if Rick wasn't here?"
Lori took a moment to think about it. "We'd probably be staying at Aunt Ruth's right about now."
There was a short moment of silence before Luan spoke. "We've gotta wake Rick up."
Everyone then crowded around Rick, shouting at him to wake up. Rick sat up. "W-W-What's happening?"
"Grandpa Rick! You have to do something! Our parents are nearly home!" Lincoln shouted.
Lynn looked out the window. "They just parked the van outside!"
"Rick!" Lori shouted. Everyone was starting to panic.
"All right. All right." Rick still sounded tired. He seemed to have a bit of a hangover. He waggled his finger. "Bring me the thing."
"What thing dude?!" Luna shouted.
Rick massaged his temples to try and sooth his headache. "The thing. The thing. The-the-it's got, like, buttons on it and lights on it. It-it-it beeps."
"That's literally all your stuff in your garage." Lori shouted.
Lisa then came by, holding some kind of device. "Did you mean this, perchance?"
Rick took the device. "Lisa for the win." Rick then activated the device, which then created a small shockwave. "All right, that should do it."
"Uh, what did you just do?" Lincoln asked.
"Uh, s-see for yourself."
The Loud siblings then went outside to see their mom and dad making their way to the house. Except they weren't moving at all. Nothing seemed to be moving. All the siblings gaped in shock. "Whoa." Said Lori.
Rick then stepped out, folding his arms. "Yeah, e-everything's frozen in time. Yeah and Slow Mobius thinks he's all that."
"How long are they gonna stay like this?" Luna asked.
Rick shrugged. "I don't know. How long do you guys want? A week? A month?"
The siblings all glanced at each other before turning to Rick. "Can we start cleaning the house and see how we feel?" Lincoln asked.
Rick and the Loud siblings then spent a long time working on cleaning and fixing up the house. Once they had finished, Rick had offered to do some activities with his grandkids. At Lucy's suggestion, they started off by carving some pumpkin heads which they then placed over their parents' heads. At Luan's suggestion, everyone then went around town pulling everyone's pants down. Rick then went with Lola to 'get' a new TV which everyone was now watching a movie on outside of the house. Once the movie finished, Rick remarked. "Worst movie ever."
"So dumb." Lori added.
"Gee, what a waste of time huh?" Luan joked. To her pleasure, this got a chuckle out of everyone.
Leni smiled. "This has been totes fun!"
Luan turned to Rick. "Hey, Rick. You know, this whole time, I haven't once heard you say that 'wubba lubba dub dub' thing that you keep saying.
Rick put his hand up. "Don't need to. I have a new catchphrase."
"What's that Grandpa Rick?" Lana asked.
Rick put his arms around Lincoln and Luan. "I love my grandkids."
"Aww." Everyone said as Lincoln and Luan gave Rick a hug. Followed by Lana. Then Leni. In fact, everyone started to pile onto Rick. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Everyone laughed as Rick fell over under their weight.
"And he's down for the count!" Lynn yelled.
Rick sat up, grinning at her. "Oh so you wanna little horseplay huh? C'mere you!" Everyone laughed as they started play fighting with each other. It seemed like they'd be having fun in this frozen time space for quite a while.