The whole family were sat in the dining room eating breakfast when Rita turned to Lynn Sr. "So, must be nice to finally own your own restaurant, huh?"
Lynn Sr. smiled proudly. "Oh, it's great! Got a little crazy with all those promotions yesterday but I think we all really pulled through!"
Lincoln scratched the back of his head while the other siblings gave an apologetic smile. "Yeah, sorry about that again."
Rick then smiled at Lynn Sr. "Well hey, congrats on running your own business. You know what I say, if you're not doing what you love then, you know, why bother?"
This pleasent moment didn't last however as a portal suddenly opened up with a Rick and a Lincoln stepping out of it. Unlike the regular versions of Rick and Lincoln, the Rick wore a black shirt, had dark circles under his eyes and a scar across his lip while the Lincoln had an eyepatch on his right eye. Evil Rick then got out a laser gun and shot the other Rick in the head, killing him and causing the family to scream in horror. Evil Lincoln then used a tranquiliser gun on the other Lincoln, knocking him out. Evil Rick and Evil Lincoln then carried the other Lincoln off while the family could do nothing but scream and panic.
Rick had decided to do some work on an experiment before he ate breakfast. As he worked, Lisa came in with the usual expression on her face. "Good morning, Rick."
"Hey." Rick replied. He didn't turn to face her as he was still concentrating on his work.
After a short moment of silence, Lisa cleared her throat. "Grandpa Rick, I'd like to inquire as to when your next 'adventure' will be as I believe it should be my turn to participate as I have yet to join you on one of them."
Rick then turned to her. He had a somewhat apprehensive look on his face. "Uhh, yeah. Don't really have any plans soon. Besides, I don't really see why you'd want to come anyway. I mean you're already a genius in your own right. I don't really think I have much to teach you."
"On the contrary." Lisa argued. "I believe I could learn much from your approach to science. For example, I have corrected past mistakes and implemented tracking chips on Lily and the parental units."
Rick had a slightly disturbed look on his face. "Yeahhh, look Lisa, you're young. Mistakes happen. Don't worry about going on adventures. You're fine, really."
Lisa huffed but decided to argue no more as she left the garage to eat breakfast. Once she left, Rick decided to check if Lisa had put a tracking chip on him too. Lisa entered the dining room where the rest of the family were eating breakfast and sat next to Leni, who could tell something was up with her sister. "What's wrong, Lisa?"
Lisa sighed. "Rick won't take me on his adventures. He believes he has 'nothing to teach me'.
Leni gave a comforting smile and patted Lisa's shoulder. "It's okay, Lisa. Grandpa Rick doesn't take me on many adventures either."
"At least you've been on some." Lisa thought but didn't say out loud. Just then, a mopey looking Lola came in. She said nothing as she sat down to eat breakfast.
Leni gave Lola a sad look. "Poor Lola. I wish there was someway to get her pageant career back." She whispered to Lisa.
"A fruitless endeavour considering that incident was broadcasted for all the world to see." Lisa whispered back. "I doubt she'll be accepted into any pageants after that."
Leni looked confused. "Why would we need fruit though?" Lisa sighed and shook her head.
Soon Rick came into the dining room. Once he sat down, Lynn Sr. came in holding a large plate of pancakes with a candle on top. "Hey Dad! Happy one year anniversary of coming back into our lives!" Lynn Sr. said with a smile as he placed the pancakes in front of Rick.
"Oh, I get it. Regular pancakes are already shaped like flying saucers." Rick tasted one of the pancakes. "Mmm! Oh man this is good! You know, you really should be running your own restaurant Lynn."
Lynn Sr. chuckled. "Well, maybe someday."
Suddenly, a portal opened up. To everyone's shock, three armed Ricks in guard uniform stepped out. "Rick Sanchez of Earth dimension L-137." One of the Guard Ricks said before pointing at Rick. "You are under arrest for crimes against alternate Ricks by the authority of the transdimensional council of Ricks."
An angered Lori stood up. "Hey, what is going on here?"
"Neutralise the Lori." Guard Rick ordered.
The other Guard Rick pointed his gun towards her. "Wait! No!" The Guard Rick shot her, freezing her in place.
"Lori!" Rita screamed.
"Dad!" A panicked Lynn Sr. shouted.
"Rick!" Lincoln shouted.
Rick stood up. "Everybody relax. If I know these a-holes, and I am these a-holes, they just wanna haul me to their stupid clubhouse and waste my time with a bunch of questions. Let's get it over with."
Guard Rick pointed at Lincoln. "Bring his Lincoln." Guard Rick then eyeballed Lisa. "And take his Lisa too. Don't want anyone trying any rescue attempts."
The guards then moved in to place handcuffs on the three. Rick started to get mad. "Leave my grandkids out of this!"
Guard Rick crossed his arms. "You lost the right to have a say in these things when you refused to join the council."
"Wait, wh-wh-wh-what about Lori?" A distressed Rita asked as the guards dragged Rick, Lincoln and Lisa towards the portal.
"Will you at least unfreeze my granddaughter?" Rick asked before being dragged into the portal. Guard Rick took out another gun and fired at Lori before going into the portal.
Once Lori unfroze, she looked around for a bit in alarm before sighing. "Can I not just have a normal day for once?"
Lincoln and Lisa gasped in amazement once they exited the portal. "Whoa, what is this place?" Lincoln asked.
"The citadel of Ricks. It's the secret headquarters for the council of Ricks." Rick answered. Lincoln and Lisa stared in wonder at the utopia-like citadel which seemed to be a mixture of metal structures and natural fauna, with numerous fountains, trees and distinct curved buildings. The whole place was populated with nothing but Ricks, Lincolns, Lisas and the rest of their siblings. Looking around, the two noticed a smartly dressed, long haired version of Luna playing violin for a small crowd, a version of their family which were all anthropomorphic rabbits (though all the siblings seemed to be the same age) and weirdly enough, a version of Rick and Lincoln that resembled kitchen sponges amongst many other versions of themselves.
As the Guard Ricks pushed them along, Rick continued explaining. "As you know, kids, I've got a lotta enemies in the universe that consider my genius a threat. Galactic terrorists, a few sub-galactic dictators, most of the entire intergalactic government; wh-wherever you find people with heads up their asses someone wants a piece of your grandpa." The group passed an activist version of Luan holding up a sign that said 'Save the trees' nearby a version of Lucy wearing a jersey and playing with a basketball before stepping onto an escalator. "And a lot of versions of me on different timelines had the same problem. So a few thousand versions of me had the" Rick then shouted to make sure everyone heard him. "INGENIOUS IDEA OF BANDING TOGETHER like a herd of cattle or a school of fish or those people who answer questions on yahoo answers."
Going onto the next floor, Lincoln could see even more versions of his family including a version of his siblings with their ages reversed with Lily being the oldest and Lori being the youngest, a goth version of Lincoln walking alongside a blonde version of Lucy wearing the same outfit she wore on Valentines day, a version of his family wearing nineties fashion and a very odd version of Luna. "Is that a version of Luna as a lamp?"
Rick rolled his eyes. "Geez, you're easy to impress. Yeah, most timelines have a Rick and most Ricks have at least one of you kids. This place is a real who's-who of who's you and me."
"This can't be the only citadel right?" Lisa asked.
This caught Rick off guard. He turned his head to look at her. "Huh?"
"With infinite universes, I find it highly improbable that you could only ever have us as your grandchildren. What about versions of you that had different grandchildren?"
Rick looked impressed. "You catch on fast Lisa. Yeah, there's more. Each citadel has at least one thing in common to keep things a bit more simple. This one? I have a son named Lynn, he marries a Rita and they have any combination of you eleven kids."
Lisa wasn't quite satisfied. "What if among us, our parental units had another completely different child?"
Rick rolled his eyes. "That's probably another citadel. Maybe. Look I'm not that much of an expert on citadels. This place isn't exactly my cup of tea." The group then entered a large hallway leading to the council. "I say the point of being a Rick is being A Rick."
The Guard Rick in front of them turned to Rick with an angry expression. "Save your anti-Rick speech for the council of Ricks, terror-Rick!"
Rick scowled back. "Hey, save your Rick rules for the sheep-Ricks, Rick-pig!"
"Fuck me, pal."
"Fuck you? No no no no no, fuck me!"
The group then reached a large door which opened before them revealing a large, circular, golden room filled with a crowd of alternate Ricks, Lincolns and his siblings. This was the council hall as Lincoln looked up to see six Ricks with strange hairstyles, sat upon their own golden thrones on top of a giant golden stage. The spokesperson of the council, Riq IV, started the trial. "Bring up the holograms!" Various holographic screens of Ricks that had been murdered in different ways popped up. "Twenty-seven Ricks brutally murdered in their own timelines. An unprecedented Rick-icidal epidemic. What say you, Earth Rick L-137?" A couple of the Luans in the audience couldn't help but giggle at the pun.
"You think I did this?" Rick walked towards the council. "Why am I the first Rick you pull in every time a Rick stubs his toe?"
Riq IV scowled. "You have a history of non-cooperation with the council."
"Yeah, so does the scientist formerly known as Rick!" Rick argued. "Wh-wh-wh-why isn't he here in handcuffs?"
Riq IV pointed towards the screen. "Because he's dead too!" Rick's mouth gaped as he looked at an image of a Rick resembling Prince lying dead on the floor. "Who else would you have us question? You fit the profile. Of all the Ricks in the central finite curve, you're the malcontent. The rogue."
"I'm the Rick." Rick stepped forward and pointed at the council. "And so were the rest of you before you formed this stupid alliance. You wanted to be safe from the government so you became a stupid government. That makes every Rick here less Rick than me." The Ricks in the crowd started murmuring with each other. "Yeah, murmur it up, d-bags. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got pancakes back home with syrup on top of them. They're about to hit that critical point of syrup absorption that turns the cakes into a gross paste. And I hate to get all Andy Rooney about it, but I think we all like fluffy discs of cake with syrup on top! And I think we also like to be accused of crimes when there's evidence! So as they say in Canada, peace oot!"
Riq IV smirked. "Evidence? Good idea. Scan his portal gun!"
A Guard Rick took Rick's portal gun from his lab coat. Rick started to look sheepish. "Oh, come on. Don't look at another man's portal gun history. We-we all go to weird places."
The guard placed the gun into the machine showing the holograms. A diagram of Rick's portal gun history came up on screen. Some of the entries started flashing red. "Yes, but it appears you alone have been going to the exact timelines and locations in which the murders occured!" Riq IV stated.
Rick raised an eyebrow while looking at the screen before frowning. "What? That's Rick-diculous. I'm obviously being set up!" The same Luans giggled again.
Riq IV stood up along with the rest of the council. "Earth Rick L-137! The council of Ricks sentences you to the machine of unspeakable doom, which swaps your conscious and unconscious minds, rendering your fantasies pointless while everything you know becomes impossible to grasp. Also, every ten seconds it stabs your balls."
"I've heard enough." Rick jabbed his elbow into the Guard Rick behind him, causing him to accidentally shoot Rick's handcuffs off. He grabbed his arm, taking away his gun and throwing him towards the other Guard Rick. He then shot Lincoln's and Lisa's handcuffs off. "Run, kids!" Rick grabbed his portal gun as he and his grandchildren ran out of the hall.
One of the Lenis was about run with them before her Rick grabbed her arm. "Uh uh, not you!"
Running through the corridor, Rick noticed a group of Guard Ricks chasing after them. He then started firing random portals behind him. The Guard Ricks started getting attacked by the various creatures that came out of these portals. The three eventually came up to a balcony. Rick grabbed Lincoln and Lisa and jumped off. Rick then fired a portal at a platform beneath them which the three then fell through.
The three arrived in Buttworld, a dimension filled with butt mountains which the three safely bounced off of. Lisa then realised what she was stepping in. "Hmm, I wonder if this has the same properties as regular fecal matter."
Lincoln plugged his nose and frowned at Lisa. "Lisa! Gross!"
Another portal opened up with a group of Guard Ricks coming out of it. Rick acted fast and fired another portal for the three to escape through while the Guard Ricks chased after them.
Linka frowned as she held the two megaseeds. "Um, what exactly did you want me to do with these, Grandma Rita?"
Rita took a swig from her flask. This wasn't going to be easy to explain. "L-Look Linka, customs aren't gonna let us take those seeds home so you're gonna have to do me a real solid, Linka. I need you to take these seeds and...well you know." Rita pointed towards her backside.
Linka's jaw dropped in mortification. She then threw one of the seeds at Rita's head. "Ew! You are such a gross old woman, there's no way I'm doing that!"
Rita held her hands up to stop her before she threw the other seed. "Okay, okay geez. Guess it'll just have to be you, Lars."
Lars slumped. "Sigh."
The three were then caught off guard as a portal opened up with Rick, Lincoln and Lisa running out of it. Rick quickly activated another portal in front of him as the three ran into another universe. The Guard Ricks then followed behind.
A portal opened up under a sign that said 'Welcome to Greasy Grandma World. Population: A whole lot sonny!' The three exited the portal and ran past all the greasy grandmas that were standing around before Rick fired another portal. The Guard Ricks were still chasing after them.
As the Loud sisters looked through the hospital bedroom window with teary eyes at the state of their severely injured brother, they all felt both horrified and deeply ashamed of what they had done.
"Seriously? What the hell were all of you thinking?" A furious Rick berated his granddaughters. "I mean, I know my adventures aren't the safest but I never let this shit happen! You kids are messed up! You need some serious help!"
Everyone then jumped to the side as yet another portal opened up with Rick and his kids coming out with Rick again, quickly firing another portal to escape through while the Guard Ricks kept on chasing.
The three now entered a dimension full of strange bird creatures that kept repeating 'doopidoo'. Before they continued, Rick fired a bunch of portals to throw the guards off before the three went through one of them. The Guard Ricks frowned once they entered this dimension. "They could have gone into any one of these." The Guard Ricks started to moan. None of them seemed to notice a notepad and a mug come out of one of the portals.
Rick smiled as he held his portal gun. "Y-You kids ready for another adventure?"
Lincoln shrugged but still smiled. "Ready as I'll ever be I guess."
Naruto, a blonde ninja wearing an orange jacket and also happened to be Rick's adopted grandson, pumped his fist. "You know it, Rick-sensei! I'm prepared for whatever you got! Believe it!"
Rick stared blankly at his adopted grandson before turning to Lincoln. "Seriously, how did this happen?"
A portal then opened up causing Naruto to do an over the top anime reaction before falling over. Rick, Lincoln and Lisa stepped out of it. "That'll keep 'em busy for a while." Rick stated.
The three left the house and started walking down the streets of the alternate Royal Woods. Lincoln turned to Rick. "So did you really kill your other selves or...?"
Rick frowned. "Course not, Lincoln! How could that profit me? Someone out there is killing Ricks, and the council ain't gonna stop thinking it's me until we clear our names. By finding the real Rick killer."
"Would it not be wise to go home and prepare ourselves with your weaponry?" Lisa asked.
"Not really my style, Lisa. Besides, your home is most likely swarming with Ricks right now."
The Loud House was now filled with Guard Ricks prepared to act on any sign of Rick coming back or getting in contact with anyone in the house. Each Rick had brought one of their own grandchildren, each one also a guard though there didn't seem to be a Guard Leni, Lisa or Lily. One of the Guard Ricks had just placed a device on the telephone. "Alright, listen, Leni. If Rick calls, this device is going to trace his location. You just gotta keep 'em on the phone for thirty seconds or longer."
Meanwhile, Lynn Sr. and Rita were talking to another Guard Rick. "So lemme get this straight. You live in a place where the only people there are you or one of our kids?" Lynn Sr. asked.
"That's about right." Guard Rick answered.
Rita look concerned. "But what about us?"
Guard Rick scratched his chin. "Well, you might see a stray version of you two, a Clyde, a Ronnie Anne or even a Bobby every now and then but it's primarily just me and the kids."
This didn't help Rita's concern. "That's it?"
Guard Rick started getting annoyed. "Hey, don't look at me, I mean, my version of Lynn and Rita are dead so." Rita and Lynn Sr. then backed off, looking slightly disturbed by that comment.
Lori had also decided to start a conversation with her alternate self. "So you live in a place that's literally just filled with other versions of your family and you're just okay with that?"
"Affirmative." Guard Lori replied curtly.
"But what about your life in Royal Woods? What about Bobby?"
Guard Lori raised her eyebrow. "Who's Bobby?"
Lori's jaw dropped. "You don't know Bobby? I mean, he's only the love of my life!"
Guard Lori looked slightly grossed out. "Like, ew. I'm literally not even into guys." Lori went silent at that.
Luan approached her alternate self with a hopeful look on her face. "Say, you wouldn't happen to have any comedy tips for another Luan would ya?"
Guard Luan shook her head. "Sorry. I wouldn't be a guard if I'd have been able to make it in comedy."
"Oh." Luan looked down in disappointment.
Suddenly the phone started to ring, making Leni nervous. One of the Guard Ricks made a signal to Leni to answer the phone as they were tracing the call. Leni picked up the phone. "Hey Leni, it's Rick." Rick greeted through the phone.
"Um, h-hey Grandpa Rick."
"So listen, the heat's on and there's nowhere left to turn so we're just going to fly my spaceship and crash it into an asteroid."
"What?" Leni screeched.
"Is that cool with you, dog?"
Leni panicked. "No, wait please! Lisa! Linky!"
"I got it! The call's coming from..." The guard Rick stood up and grinned at Leni. "inside the house!"
All the Guard Ricks started to laugh at Leni's expense. Leni's lower lip started to tremble before she ran upstairs. The rest of the family looked disgusted at the Ricks. "How could you do something like that to Leni? I know she's not your granddaughter but she's still Leni!" Rita reprimanded the Ricks.
One of the Guard Ricks shrugged. "Eh. I never had a granddaughter called Leni."
Rick, Lincoln and Lisa were now sat, having a meal at Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet. "If we're lucky, our family will probably be keeping the other Ricks busy with stupid questions but it won't be long until they're onto us." Rick explained as he started fiddling with his portal gun to see what the problem was.
Lincoln decided to ask something that had been on his mind for a while. "So, why is it just us and our other sisters at that citadel?"
"Because, Lincoln, you and your sisters are camouflages." Rick answered plainly.
"Ricks have a very distinct and traceable brainwave due to our genius." Rick explained. "The best way to hide from an enemy's radar is to stand near someone with complementary brainwaves that make ours invisible. As luck would have it, every Loud kid does the trick, give or take some exceptions. For me and most other Ricks, Lincolns are usually best for this. See, wh-wh-when a Rick is with a Lincoln, the Rick waves get cancelled out by the Lincoln waves."
Lincoln frowned at this. "Wait, is that the only reason you take me on these adventures?"
"Eh, not exactly." Rick explained. "I could easily just bring Lori to every adventure and get the same results. I take you because you're more level headed then the rest of your sisters. And you handle the more disturbing stuff pretty well. Maybe even better than Lucy. I could just bring you alone too but I include one of your sisters so that they don't feel left out."
Lincoln felt slightly better after hearing that. "Oh. But why not take all of us then?"
Rick rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, make my life harder by giving myself eleven kids to look after instead of two. Great idea, Lincoln."
Lisa had been thinking about what Rick said before joining in. "So, would I be right in assuming that our brainwaves are too similar which is why you never take me on your adventures?"
Rick grinned though it seemed disingenuous. "Uhh yep. Got me there Lisa. Your brainwaves just aren't as complimentary as your siblings are. Sorry."
Lincoln frowned as another thought came to him. "Wait, are you saying I'm stupid?"
"Ehhh, it's a little more complicated then that Lincoln." Rick tried to explain. "It's not just dumb waves beat smart waves. I mean, Leni's brainwaves are kinda similar to mine too so-"
This shocked both of the siblings. Especially Lisa who interrupted him. "What?! That's preposterous. How could Leni and I have similar brainwaves? She' know..." Lisa tried to think of a nice way of saying dumb.
"Look Lisa, I know Leni's not always quite there but I wouldn't call her outright stupid. I mean, she's pretty good with fashion right?" Rick argued.
Lisa then scowled as she realised something. "You still bring Leni on adventures with you."
It didn't seem like Rick heard her as his portal device started beeping. "Oh, shit dog! My portal gun was hacked remotely kids, obviously by the real killer to frame me. But I was able to trace the signal. Come on, let's go!" The three then moved to get up before Rick looked over at the entrance to see two Guard Ricks and a Guard Lincoln had entered the restaurant. "Uh-oh!"
One of the Guard Ricks started to address the waiter. "'Scuse me, we've tracked a trio of dangerous criminals to this exact location. They look exactly like us, so in order to avoid confusion I'm going to mark us each with a red X right now." The Guard got out a red marker and drew red Xs on his and the other two guards heads. "That way if someone has a gun and we both tell you to shoot the other one because they're the evil one, you'll know who's lying."
The guards suddenly heard a window shatter. They ran over to see that outside the broken window, Rick was flipping them off as he had stolen their police hovercraft. As they set off, the guards rushed outside to chase after them while a waiter then ran outside with them. "Hey, you didn't pay your bill!"
The Guard Rick pointed towards his forehead. "The red X! Red X!"
After tracing the signal to the right universe, Rick flew the hovercraft to a strange green planet. "Hmm. Bet there were probably better ways we could have got out of that situation huh?"
"I believe both Lincoln and I heard you the first time you stated that, Rick." Lisa snarked.
Rick looked out the window at the swamp-like planet. "Man, this place is wayyy off the grid. This guy does not wanna be found."
Lisa crossed her arms, scowling. "Better not have a Lisa with him then. What with how much of a detriment they are."
Rick raised his eyebrow at her. "Lisa, you're making a bigger deal out of this than it is."
The three then noticed a dome come into view in front of them. Lincoln noticed something disturbing about it. "Oh my gosh! There's a bunch of people strapped all over that building!"
Rick looked closer. "Not just people Lincoln. Lincolns." Upon approaching the dome, Lincoln and Lisa could see that the entire dome was covered top to bottom in naked Lincolns, who were strapped to the surface and were being tortured with contraptions that stabbed their sides constantly. The Lincolns constant yelling could be heard.
Lisa's jaw dropped in horror. "That's...disturbing."
Lincoln looked distressed. "Who would do something like this? This is horrible."
"Well, one Lincoln's enough to hide from the bureaucrats. But you g-you get a whole matrix of Lincolns and put 'em in agonising pain. That creates a pattern that can hide even from other Ricks, motherfucker." Rick landed the hovercraft in front of a cave leading to the inside of the dome. "I fiddled with a concept like this once." Lincoln gave Rick a disturbed look. "On paper, Lincoln, on paper! I wouldn't do this, it's barbaric overkill. I mean, you could accomplish the same result with like five Lincolns and a jumper cable." As the three got out the hovercraft, Lincoln gave Rick another look. "Which I also wouldn't do! I'm just saying, it's bad craftsmanship." Lisa said nothing as she was secretly thinking about the idea herself.
Leni sat on her bed, curling up to herself when one of the Ricks entered her room. This Rick looked different from the others as he had bowl-cut hair, buckteeth and a goofy look on his face. "Hi Leni." Doofus Rick greeted.
Leni sighed. "Are you gonna tease me too?"
Doofus Rick looked worried. "Oh gosh no. I-I just saw what those other Ricks did and wanted to cheer you up. You know, those guys are pretty mean to me too. Probably because I'm not as smart as them."
Leni gave Doofus Rick a sympathetic look. "Aw don't say that. You're smart too right? At least you're not as dumb as me."
Doofus Rick gave Leni a sympathetic look back. "Aw you shouldn't say that about yourself either. I mean everyone has their special talent. What's yours?"
Leni thought for a moment. "Well I'm really into fashion. And I make my own clothes."
Doofus Rick grinned. "Wow, you make your own clothes? Well judging by what you're wearing now, I'd say you were a fashion expert." Leni blushed at the compliment. "Oh, hang on, let me introduce you to someone." Doofus Rick then left the room. Leni could hear faint murmuring outside the room before Doofus Rick came back in with an alternate version of Lisa in tow. This version of Lisa had her hair in twin tails. She seemed shy as she held onto Doofus Rick's leg. "This is my Lisa, uhh...Lisa!"
Leni gave Doofus Lisa a friendly smile. "Hi Lisa." Doofus Lisa hid behind Rick's leg and turned away.
Doofus Rick chuckled. "Aw, she's shy. See I never had kids of my own so I had her assigned to me after I saw her getting teased by some of the other Lisas for not being as smart as them. Kinda reminded me of me actually."
An idea then occurred to Leni. "Hey, do you think I could borrow Lisa for something?"
Walking through the cave, Lisa couldn't help but bring up her grievances again. "So, is it possible you could tell me the real reason you don't take me on your adventures instead of your inane excuses?"
Rick looked around to make sure no one was hearing them. "How many reasons do you need? Now for the love of God, be quiet! The point of this is to get the drop on the guy!"
Lisa bristled in anger. "Well since I'm such a detriment anyway, I might as well keep asking until I get a real answer."
An annoyed Rick then turned to face her. "Fine, you want to know why? If you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly a fan of other Ricks. So why would you want to be one too?" Lisa's eyes widened in surprise at Rick's answer.
Suddenly, a bunch of lobster-like aliens emerged from the nearby corridors and surrounded the three. Rick gave Lisa a deadpan look. "Great, nice work Lisa." Rick elbowed one of the aliens, tearing their claw off. He then delivered a few kicks to some of the other aliens before picking up one of the claw and throwing it at the last alien's head, stabbing it. Unfortunately, more aliens started to emerge, causing Rick to slump. "Urrgh".
The three then heard slow clapping from behind them. They turned around to see Evil Rick slow clapping alongside Evil Lincoln and two other aliens behind them. Evil Rick grinned. "Ooh, look at you, L-137! You're-aren't you a tough customer?"
Rick folded his arms as the evil counterparts approached him. "The slow clap? Really? Kinda played out, dude."
Evil Rick put his hands on his hips. "Not in this dimension it isn't. In fact, heh, I invented it and nobody else has ever even done it here before."
Rick slow clapped. "Well lah-dee-dah."
Evil Rick slapped his hand. "Hey, that's mine!"
The lobster aliens moved in to grab the three. Evil Rick then led the aliens through the cave. Rick glared at him. "I don't like the look of that Rick, kids. We gotta escape."
Lincoln gave Rick a worried look. "But how?"
Rick was silent as he was still trying to think of a plan. Lisa was also quiet as she looked like she was in deep thought. Evil Rick then pointed to a corridor to the right while he took Rick to the left. "Take his Lincoln and his Lisa away." The aliens dropped Lincoln and Lisa to follow Evil Rick only for a laser gun to be aimed at their backs.
"Move!" Evil Lincoln barked at them.
Lincoln raised his hands. "Ok, ok!"
As the three walked through the corridor, Lincoln thought he could try appealing to the other Lincoln. "You know how this place works? Why not help us shut down the grid and rescue all those other Lincolns?"
Evil Lincoln chuckled. "Yeah, no. That's not happening. Besides, you know us Lincolns. We aren't exactly 'good luck'." Evil Lincoln pressed some buttons on a panel next to a metal door.
Lincoln gave Evil Lincoln a confused look, not understanding what he meant by that. "Huh?" The door opened up. Inside the room was a crowd of scared, shivering Lincolns. Evil Lincoln said nothing as he pushed both Lincoln and Lisa inside the room. It seemed that Evil Lincoln gave Lisa much rougher push as she ended up falling to the floor. Lincoln turned to glare at him. "Hey!" Before he could try escaping, Evil Lincoln shut the door on him. He looked back towards all the other Lincolns as he wondered how he was going to get out of this situation.
Evil Rick had Rick strapped down to an examination table in his lab while an alien stood beside it. Next to Evil Rick was his computer and a panel of screens showing the Lincolns being tortured. Evil Rick spread his arms. "Ahh, isn't it beautiful?"
Rick gave Evil Rick a dull stare. "Yeah, yeah, looks like payday at Neverland ranch in here. Zing!"
The alien started giggling. "Hehehehehehehehehe."
Rick smiled. "That guy got it."
Evil Rick grinned and raised his finger. "Ah-ah Rick, quiet. You're missing my symphony." Evil Rick turned on the volume, allowing the Lincolns sounds of pain to come through. He started conducting as if the sounds of pain were his own orchestra.
"Hey, I'll take it over Mumford and Sons. Zip!" Rick snarked.
"This guy is on it!"
Evil Rick gave Rick an annoyed look. "He's not laughing at your dumb jokes, Rick. That's just a random noise it makes every ten seconds."
Rick looked down in disappointment. "Awww."
"See, Rick, you're not as clever as you think you are. I wanted you to find me. We're not so different, you and I." Evil Rick activated a holographic display showing pictures of Rick from different universes.
Rick rolled his eyes. "Yeah, duh!"
"See this right here, Rick? I crunched the numbers, I created a spectrum of all the Ricks. I listed 'em out from most evil to least evil." Evil Rick started scrolling through the pictures until he got to a picture of himself. "Here's where I am." He scrolled a couple pictures to the right. "And look at right here's where you are, Rick." He scrolled to one of the Ricks inbetween them. "This guy right here? Super weird."
Rick raised his eyebrow. "I get it. So you want me to team up with you to take down the council of Ricks, right? Is that where you're going with this? 'Cause that's where I'd be going."
"Please. I think I'm doing pretty good on my own. I'm simply going to download the contents of your brain, and then kill you."
Rick's mouth gaped in horror.
Doofus Lisa twirled around as she admired the green swing dress that Leni had her try on. Leni gushed at her. "Oh my gosh, you are totes adorbs! I could never get Lisa to try these on."
Doofus Lisa blushed in embarrassment. "Th-thanks."
Doofus Rick then came into the room, holding a plate of brownies. "Anyone want some ovenless brownies?" He then looked at Doofus Lisa. "Aw, that's so cute!"! He turned to Leni. "Hey, is it possible for me to buy that dress off of you?"
Leni grinned. "Sure!"
Doofus Rick put the brownies down and got out his wallet. Once he handed Leni the money, she gasped as he had given her a 1000 dollar note. "Whoa, that's like, a lot of money. Is this okay?"
Doofus Rick waved his hand dismissively. "Ah don't worry about it. This dress is worth every penny."
Leni smiled. "Aw, thanks Grandpa Rick." A disturbing thought then crossed Leni's mind. "Wait, no, I shouldn't be doing this!"
Doofus Rick and Doofus Lisa gave Leni looks of concern. "W-What's wrong Leni?"
Leni had a worried expression. "I already have a Grandpa Rick and a Lisa. I shouldn't be trying to replace them like this!"
Doofus Rick then looked embarrassed and scratched the back of his head. "Aw geez, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to replace your real grandpa or anything."
Leni sighed. "No, it's fine. It's just...after those other Ricks made fun of me, I thought...maybe Grandpa Rick doesn't think much of me too."
Doofus Rick gave Leni a reassuring smile. "Aw don't think like that. I'm sure your grandpa loves you. If it turns out that he is innocent, why not just ask him what he thinks of you?"
Leni thought about it. "I guess I could try. Say, how long were you staying again?"
"Until we find your Rick." Doofus Rick answered.
"You should totes come visit some time after."
"Heh, well you know, it gets busy working for the Citadel militia but if I ever have the time, we'll come 'round to visit. You'd like that Lisa?" Doofus Lisa nodded her head. Leni smiled and gave Doofus Rick a hug.
Lincoln banged his fists on the door. "Hey, let us out of here!"
Lincoln was then approached by a group of Lincolns wearing robes and face paint. "There is no escape, my son. We will find our peace in the next world." The Religious Lincoln then handed Lincoln a pamphlet titled 'The Good Lincoln'.
"So you guys are just giving up?" Lincoln asked.
Religious Lincoln put his hood down, revealing a bald head. "We're giving in to the power of the One True Lincoln. One day he will return!"
All the Religious Lincolns put their hands together in prayer. "Praise the One True Lincoln!"
Lincoln scoffed and threw pamphlet away before approaching Lisa, who still looked deep in thought. "Lisa, are you still mad at Grandpa Rick?"
"Not mad. Just confused. In what way would me having any similarities to Rick be considered a negative?"
Lincoln could think of many examples from the top of his head. "Look, Grandpa Rick does a lot of dangerous and kinda immoral stuff. I think what he's saying is, he doesn't want you getting yourself into those situations."
Lisa considered Lincoln's words for a moment. "I see."
"So, do you have any ideas on how to escape and save Grandpa Rick?"
Lisa looked around. "Perhaps if we were able to rally all these other Lincolns into fighting back, we may be able to overwhelm them.
Lincoln raised an eyebrow. "How do we do that?"
Lisa adjusted her glasses. "Well, they are you. You'd probably know better how to rally them than I."
Lincoln thought for a moment. He stepped on a nearby box the religious Lincolns were praying at and shouted to get everyone's attention. "Everyone, look at me!" The Lincolns all turned to look at Lincoln "My name is Lincoln Loud, from Earth dimension L-137! Listen, I know you guys are scared but you can't give up. We're Lincolns! There's never been a situation we couldn't get outselves out of. We're the man with a plan! Or men? Whatever, the point is, we don't need Rick to get us out of this situation. We can do it ourselves! Together!"
"This sounds like something the One True Lincoln might say." One of the Lincolns muttered.
Religious Lincoln pointed towards the main Lincoln. "He is the one true Lincoln!" The Lincolns picked Lincoln up, cheering for him.
The door then opened and one of the aliens stepped in. "Hey, keep it down!"
The Lincolns all let out a battle cry as they charged at the alien. He and the other aliens ended up getting trampled as the Lincolns stormed the place.
Back in Evil Rick's lab, Evil Rick had attached a device to Rick's head, allowing him to see his memories on a holographic screen. "You've lived quite a life, Rick. It's a real shame you're not gonna be around to see it through." The screen then went through some of Rick's memories of his grandchildren. Rick saw various moments of him hanging out with his grandchildren on his adventures. It even showed the time when he first met Lori, back when she was a toddler. Rick's eyes started to tear up. Evil Rick grinned. "You're crying? Over these kids?"
Rick scowled at his evil counterpart. "No, I'm just allergic to dipshits."
"Ugh, pathetic. We both know that if there's any truth in the universe," Evil Rick got up into Ricks face, grabbing onto the table. "It's that Ricks care about these kids about as much as they care for each other!"
Suddenly, to Evil Rick's surprise, an army of Lincolns broke into the room. They overwhelmed the aliens, killing them before surrounding Evil Rick. "Do your worst, you little bastards! Kill me! Do it! Do it!" The Lincolns all teared into Evil Rick. There were so many Lincolns attacking him that Rick couldn't even see Evil Rick any more.
Rick then noticed Lincoln and Lisa run up to him. "Lincoln! Lisa! Thank God, get me out of this."
Lincoln unbuckled Rick from the table. Taking the device off his head, Rick got up and went over to the computer. He pressed a button that disengaged the Lincoln shield. The Lincolns all let out immense sighs of relief as they slid down the dome. Rick then picked up a phone and started dialing in his house number.
Back at the Loud House, one of the Guard Ricks answered the phone. "Yeah, hello?"
"Hey, what do me and O.J. not have in common?"
"Huh? Wh-who is this?"
"I found the real killer, biitch!" Rick hollered down the phone. "Get over here!"
Leni was showing off some of the dresses she had made to Doofus Rick and Doofus Lisa when one of the Guard Ricks came in. "Yo ding-dong! We're done here. Time to go."
Doofus Rick held onto Doofus Lisa's hand. "Well Leni, I guess this means goodbye."
Leni sighed. "Yeah. I'll see you later then."
Doofus Rick gave Leni a comforting smile. "Hey, remember what I told you. You're not dumb. And I bet you, your Rick would say the same thing."
Leni sniffled but still smiled. "Thanks Rick." Doofus Rick and Doofus Lisa gave Leni one last wave before they left her room.
Rick, Lincoln and Lisa stood aside as the Lincolns were still beating on the aliens and Evil Rick. A couple portals then opened up with some Guard Ricks coming in to round up the Lincolns. Another portal opened with two of the Rick council members coming in holding towels along with Riq IV. "So what's gonna happen to all these other Lincolns?" Lincoln asked Riq IV.
Riq IV stared as the guards tried to calm down the Lincolns. "They'll go back to their families, attend school regularly, play video games, read comics in their underwear...poor little Rickless bastards."
Back at the citadel, in the council hall, Rick, Lincoln and Lisa stood before the council as Riq IV spoke to them. "Earth Rick L-137, the council apologises for its false accusation." He opened a box that another councilman was carrying and took out eleven vouchers, each with one of Rick's grandkids' faces on it. "And in the way of reparations for our terrible mistake, we would like to compensate you with these vouchers for a free replacement of any grandchild, in the event that your current grandkids should-"
Lincoln and Lisa scowled while Rick waved his hands. "Uh, guys? Not a good time. Come on, kids, let's hit it." Once Lincoln and Lisa turned away, Rick took the vouchers. Just in case.
Walking through the citadel, Lisa cleared her throat to get Rick's attention. "I must apologise for my earlier behaviour. Sometimes these inane human emotions get the better of me."
Rick sighed. "You know there's nothing wrong with showing emotions right? I mean, when the hell do you see me repressing how I feel?"
Lisa held her hands behind her back. "Duly noted. Also, about what you said earlier. I understand your concerns but I can assure you I am fully capable of taking care of myself. I do not wish to mimic you, only to learn from your example. With that in mind, is it possible you could reconsider taking me on your adventures?"
Looking at Rick's face, Lincoln could tell he seemed somewhat disappointed. Even still, he relented as he sighed again. "Alright, fine." Rick opened a portal allowing the three of them to go home.
Back in Evil Rick's lab, a Guard Rick stared at Evil Rick lying in a pool of his own blood. "What a mess..."
"Pride cometh before the fall. I guess he got what he deserved." Remarked another Guard Rick as he knelt down near Evil Rick.
The first Guard Rick then noticed something on Evil Rick's head. "What is that?"
The second Guard Rick turned his head around, revealing some wires coming out of his head. The second Guard Rick held his hand out to the first Guard Rick. "Hand me the laser defibrillator."
"Hey guys!" Doofus Rick said, coming in. "Uh, c-can I help?"
After being handed the defibrillator, the second Guard Rick scowled at Doofus Rick. "No! Go clean the toilets! Maybe you'll make friends with some turds!"
"You make us ashamed to be ourselves!" The first Guard Rick added.
Doofus Rick lowered his head sadly and walked away. The Guard Rick used the defibrillator on Evil Rick's head and opened it up, revealing electronics woven into his brain. The first Guard Rick knelt down next to him. "My god! I've seen this technology before"
The second Guard Rick pulled out a chip from Evil Rick's head. "This Rick was being controlled remotely, puppeteered by somebody else. This is the receiver!"
"Yeah, but where's the transmitter?"
Evil Lincoln walked among the other Lincolns as they headed towards the spaceships that would take the Lincolns back to their respective universes. Looking around to make sure none of the Ricks were looking, Evil Lincoln pulled off his eyepatch which had the transmitter on it. He dropped it on the floor and crushed it beneath his foot. After tucking in a couple wires under his eye, he continued following the other Lincolns.
After waiting in the garage, a portal soon opened up with Rick, Lincoln and Lisa stepping out of it. "Guys! You're back!" Leni exclaimed. "Lisa, Grandpa Rick, could I talk to you for a moment? I need to ask you something."
Lincoln shrugged and left the garage. Rick raised his eyebrow at her. "Uhh, sure?"
"Do you guys think I'm...dumb?"
Rick blinked in surprise. A thought crossed him that the other Ricks might have made fun of her. "Well, to be totally honest Leni, no I don't think you're dumb."
Lisa thought about what to say. "I...don't believe you're dumb either."
Leni grinned. "Thanks you guys!" She pulled both of them into a hug. Rick and Lisa gave each other a look as they both felt equally awkward about this.