Chereads / Rick and The Loud House / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: L Is For Love Potion Part 2

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: L Is For Love Potion Part 2

Luan smiled softly when she spotted Benny. They were currently backstage in the theatre as Benny was simply reading through his lines. Benny had fair skin and dark brown curly hair. He wore a two-tone light blue and white button up shirt, dark gray jeans, and white sneakers.

Luan blushed as she approached him. "This is it!" Luan thought to herself before she greeted Benny. "Hey Benny."

"Oh, hey Luan." Benny greeted back.

Luan blushed again and started to act coy. "Benny, I've something to confess to you, but I just don't know how to say it." Luan then got out her puppet, Mr. Coconuts, and started to speak through it. "Then I'll say it for ya! This dame over here is pretty sweet on ya!" Luan faked a shocked look at the puppet. "Mr. Coconuts!" She spoke through the puppet again. "What? Someone's gotta say it."

Benny chuckled at the display. Like Luan, Benny had his own puppet, Mrs. Appleblossom, which he then got out. Benny had a lot of things in common with Luan actually, as they both shared similar tastes and had similar types of humour. It's what attracted Luan to Benny in the first place. Benny then spoke through his puppet. "Really? Benjamin rather fancies her as well."

"He does?" Luan spoke through the puppet again before going back to normal, blushing again. "I mean, you do?"

Benny also started to blush. "Well-" Benny stopped as he started to feel odd. His pupils dilated and he suddenly just dropped his puppet, causing it to break apart on the floor. He then grinned at Luan, slightly creeping her out.

"Benny, what's wrong? Are you ok?" Luan asked, starting to back off as Benny's odd behaviour was unnerving her.

"Yeah...I'm fine." Benny replied, still grinning. "I just need to ask, could you introduce me to your sister, Luna?"


It had become night time. Lincoln could hear the cool breeze as he ran outside the restaurant. He felt like slapping himself. He shouldn't have let his classmates get to him like that. He saw that Ronnie Anne had stopped as Bobby had come up to talk to her.

"Bobby, wait!" Lori called out as they both ran up to them. Bobby turned around, glaring at her, while Ronnie Anne faced the other way. "Look, Lincoln didn't mean it, he was just put on the spot and-"

Bobby put his hand up to stop her. "Save it! If he didn't mean it, then why did he say the same thing twice?"

Lori was starting to get frustrated. "Look this is stupid, this isn't our business, it's theirs! You can't just put our relationship on halt just because your sisters' upset!"

Bobby glared at Lori. "Oh. So I guess it doesn't matter who's upset as long as you're happy then, huh?"

"What? No!" Lori practically screeched. "That's not what I meant!"

"Can we please just go already?" Ronnie Anne demanded. Bobby turned to see her trying to scowl though she couldn't stop the tears coming. After seeing the state of his sister, Bobby went back to glaring at Lori.

"Lori, I'm sorry but..." Bobby turned around, trying to hide his own budding tears. "We're through!" He and Ronnie Anne started to walk off.

"Ronnie Anne, wait!" Lincoln called out. Ronnie Anne looked back for millisecond before continuing on.

Lori had a look of complete devastation on her face as she reached her hand out. "Bobby..." Lori whispered to herself as the only real boyfriend she ever had, one she had imagined a future with, walked away.

Meanwhile, Clyde had followed after them, ditching his disguise. Upon hearing Bobby break up with Lori, Clyde couldn't help but jump for joy. "Whoo-hoo! He's finally gone!"

This was poor timing on Clyde's part as Lori turned to him with a look of pure rage. "YOU!"

Clyde started to get nervous. "Uhh..."

"You ruined this date tonight, didn't you?!" Lori stomped towards Clyde to get into his face. "Listen you snivelling little creep. I will never date you! You're a weird, disgusting, obsessive little nerd. Do me a favour AND STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

"B-b-b.." Clyde stammered as he now looked devastated as his crush's words shattered his heart. He glanced at Lincoln, however, he had also now lost his patience.

"Clyde, I told you to not mess things up!" Lincoln scolded. "For once, could you just...not act so weird with my sister?"

"W-Weird?" Clyde's eyes were starting to water as he tried to scowl at Lincoln. "Dude! I thought we were bros?!"

Upon Clyde's reaction, Lincoln immediately regretted what he just said. "No wait, Clyde, I didn't mean-" Before Lincoln could continue, Clyde ran off. Lincoln stared off into the distance as his shoulders slumped. "I really screwed up tonight, didn't I?"

Lori's shoulders slumped as well as she started to regret unleashing her anger on the boy. "I think we both screwed up..." After a moment of silence, besides the still blowing wind, Lori then heard someone running. She and Lincoln turned around to see Bobby and Ronnie Anne running towards them with smiles on their face. "Bobby? M-Maybe he changed his mind!"

Lori had a hopeful look as the Santiago siblings ran up to them. "Lori, I need to ask you something." Bobby stated. Lincoln noticed both of their pupils had dilated.

"Yes?" Lori asked, now smiling at Bobby.

Bobby grinned. "Could you take me to see your sister, Luna?"

"WHAT?!" Lori screamed, shocked and angered that Bobby would even dare ask something like that.

Ronnie Anne then pushed Bobby aside. "Forget you! You should take me to see Luna!"

Lincoln has a baffled look on his face. "Uh, what is happening?"


"Rocky, wait." Lucy called out as Rocky made his way to the entrance. Rocky paused and held out his hands to get her to stop.

"Please just stop. I think I've played enough golf. I just wanna go home." Rocky stated.

"I'm sorry, I just...I..." Lucy didn't know what to say to Rocky. Seeing that Lucy didn't have anything to say, Rocky then walked off. Watching Rocky leave, Lucy felt a number of emotions. Embarrased, ashamed and after that, angry. Sick of wearing the uncomfortable shoes, she took them off and made her way back to Leni barefoot, carrying the shoes.

"What happened?" Leni asked once Lucy got back.

"He's gone." Lucy plainly replied.

Leni looked apologetic. "Aww, Lucy. I'm sorry. Maybe we pushed you too hard." Chaz then decided to stand aside to let the sisters talk in private.

Lucy sighed as she took off her headband and wiped away the lipstick. "Sigh. Rocky doesn't like me as myself, he doesn't like me as a regular, normal girl, he just doesn't like me. I shouldn't be surprised. My own sisters don't like me."

This caught Leni off guard. "What? Of course we like you."

Lucy dropped her shoes on the floor. "Then why were you so eager to do this?" Lucy gestured to what she was wearing.

"We were just trying to help." Leni answered honestly.

Lucy sneered, venom creeping into her voice. "Really? Because to me, it sounded to me like you guys were just waiting for an opportunity to do this. To make me 'perfect' and 'normal'. To 'improve' me. Isn't that right?"

Leni looked nervous. While she felt that what Lucy was saying wasn't true, she didn't know what to answer back. Leni then heard Chaz drop his golf club. Distracted, she looked over to see Chaz walking towards her while grinning. His pupils looked bigger than usual. "Leni, do you think you could take me to see your sister, Luna?"

"Huh, why do you want to see Luna?"

Chaz grinned. "Chaz like!"


Luna half-heartedly danced with Sam as she looked down in shame. As much as she wanted to enjoy herself, she was starting to feel more guilty than happy. Maybe this was a bad idea. None of this felt right to her. Sam then whispered something into Luna's ear. "Let's do it. Right here on the dance floor."

This made Luna blush furiously as she backed off from Sam. "S-Sam! You can't just say that!" Luna then bumped into someone. She turned around to see everyone in the room was staring at her, grinning with dilated pupils. Even the student rapping on stage was staring at her.

I love Luna

and I hope Luna loves me

I'd like to wrap my arms around her

and feel her inside me

"Oh no." Luna said before the students all tried to grab her. Luna managed to push past them and started to run towards the exit.

Rick then arrived to hold the door open for her. "Luna come on!" As she ran with him, Rick explained himself. "We got to get you out of here. You're not gonna believe this because it usually never happens, but I made a mistake. Come on, Luna."

The two ran out of the school and got into Rick's space cruiser. The students crowded around the cruiser but were unable to get in as Rick started to activate it. "I didn't realize when I gave you that serum that Sam had the flu you know, t-t-t-t-t-t-t-that might have been valuable information for me, Luna." Rick ranted.

Luna gave Rick a panicked look. "Grandpa, what's happening?"

"What does it look like?" Rick snarked as the cruiser started to take off. "T-t-t-the serum is piggybacking on the virus. It's gone airborne, Luna."

Luna's eyes widened. "Y-you can fix this right?"

Rick got out a vial of green liquid and activated something on the cruiser for Rick to poor it into before throwing the empty glass behind him. "It's gonna be fine, Luna, relax. I whipped up an antidote. It's based on praying-mantis DNA. You know, praying mantises are the exact opposite of voles, Luna. I mean, they-they mate once, and then they, you know, decapitate the partner. I mean, it's a whole ritual. It's really gruesome and totally opposite. There's no love at all. I-I-I basically mixed this with a more contagious flu virus. It should neutralize the whole thing, Luna. It'll all be over very shortly."

Rick then flew his cruiser over the crowd which then sprayed some green gas at them. "Uh, by the way, Luna, I know you didn't ask or anything, but I'm not interested in having sex with you. These serums, they don't work on anybody related to you genetically."

Luna sighed in relief before looking out the window. After Rick's cruiser finished spraying, the crowd paused for a moment. Luna then gasped in horror as everyone started to mutate into insectoid mantis monsters. "Okay, well, sometimes, science is more art than science, Luna. A lot of people don't get that." Rick remarked upon seeing the results.

Luna turned to him with a pleading look. "Grandpa, o-our family! We have to-"

"Already on it." Rick replied as he activated a radar on his space cruiser to show him the locations of the family members that Lisa had placed tracking devices on.


Back at the Loud house, Rita was watching a programme with Lily before it got interrupted. "We interrupt this programme with breaking news."

Rita's eyes then widened at the site of the insectoid newscasters. Lily also started to cry at the site of them.

"This just in, Luna Loud's whereabouts are still unknown." The female newscaster stated.

"What the?" Rita asked herself in shocked confusion.

The newscaster continued. "The only thing that is known is... how cute she is."

"I love her so much, I want to make love to her and then eat her head." The male newscaster stated.

"I love her more than you do, Harold!" The female newscaster suddenly shouted.

"You wish, you stupid bitch!" Harold and the other newscaster started fighting. Rita then changed the channel to something random. It was now showing footage in the middle east where to Rita's horror, the people on there were also insectoid monsters. She couldn't understand what they were saying but she could definitely hear them say Luna's name. Rita then heard banging on the door. She held onto Lily fearfully, the baby still crying, as she stared at the door.

A group of insectoid monsters broke the door down, causing Rita to scream in fear. "Where is Luna!" One of them demanded.

Rita hugged Lily in fear, closing her eyes as the insectoids approached her. However, before they could attack, one of them got shot down. Rita looked to see her husband standing there, aiming one of Rick's laser guns at the insectoids. "Get away from my wife you monsters!" Lynn Sr. shouted before he continued firing at them.


"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Lori shouted at Bobby.

"I'm sorry." Bobby kept grinning. "It's just that...your sister's really hot!

Lori made a disgusted sound and slapped Bobby. Both Lori and Lincoln then screamed as both Bobby and Ronnie Anne mutated into insectoid monsters. A bunch of them then bursted out of the buffet. Lori and Lincoln started to run for it. Rick then flew down with the door to his cruiser opened up. "Get in!" Rick called out. After Lori and Lincoln jumped in, Rick quickly closed the door and flew off.

After catching their breath, Lori shouted. "What the hell is happening?!"

"I'll explain once we've rescued the rest of your sisters." Rick replied as he kept flying.


Leni screamed in fear at the site of her boyfriend mutating into an insectoid monster. She then easily picked up Lucy and started running, screaming all the while. She was still screaming after Rick parked the cruiser in front of her, allowing her to jump in. Even after the cruiser flew off, she was still screaming.

"Please stop." Lucy asked.

Lori then grabbed her shoulders. "Leni calm down. Take some deep breathes."

Leni did just that before nervously pointing her finger out the window, shaking the whole time. "B-Bug!"

Lori hugged her sister. "I know. Grandpa Rick says he'll explain after he's saved the rest of our sisters." Lucy, meanwhile had curled up to herself.


Rick then flew over to the building where Lola was having her pageant. To everyone's relief, Lana, Lola and Lisa were already outside. The twins were fearfully hiding behind Lisa, who as luck would have it, had brought her own laser gun to defend herself against the mutants. A gang of insectoids tried to sneak up on the three from behind before Rick plowed into them. "Quick get in!" Rick called out. The three quickly piled in and started taking some deep breathes. The other siblings were starting to get uncomfortable.

"Getting kinda crowded in here." Lincoln remarked. Rick's cruiser wasn't exactly built for the whole family to get in.

"Don't worry, t-this thing'll still fly with all of you in it." Rick reassured as he set off for his next destination. "By the way Lisa, you're a lifesaver. Never would've found you if it weren't for your tracking devices." Lisa's eyes widened. Though she shouldn't be surprised, she still hadn't expected Rick to have gotten access to those.


"Get back you freaks!" Lynn shouted as she swung her bat at an insectoid's head. She had managed to defend herself against her former teammates with her bat alone before she noticed Rick's cruiser. She waved to get Rick's attention before the cruiser came down.

Once she got in, she wiped the sweat from her forehead. "Phew. What a workout." She then noticed her siblings staring at her. "Oh yeah. What the hell is happening?"

"Siblings first, questions later." Rick simply replied as he moved on.


Luan shrieked as Benny and everyone else that was there mutated into insectoid monsters. Without thinking, she dropped Mr. Coconuts, who then broke on the floor. It lied there alongside the broken Mrs. Appleblossom as the mutants started chasing after Luan. Luan had managed to escape the theatre and spotted Rick parking his cruiser. She ran towards it, only to trip over. She turned over to see an insectoid standing over her. She closed her eyes and put her arms up to try and protect herself.

Rick then shot at it with his laser gun before calling out to Luan. "Come on Luan! Hurry up!" Luan scambled to get up and managed to jump into the cruiser before it set off. Luan hugged herself shaking fearfully.

As her siblings tried to comfort her, Lori remarked. "That just leaves Lily and our parents."

"Uh, hate to break it to ya, but all the tracking devices are here." Rick informed them.

Everyone then turned to Lisa. Lisa got nervous. "I-I thought that since Lily spends a majority of her time with our parental units that I didn't see a need to apply one to her."

Lori rolled her eyes. "Doesn't matter, we know where they are. They're all back at home."

"Aight." Rick said before making his way there.


Once they reached the Loud house, the siblings all gasped in horror as they looked out the window. The house had been set on fire and was surrounded by dead mutants. Lola's eyes started to water. "D-does that mean they're..." She didn't want to finish that question.

"No wait!" Lynn shouted. "Look at all the dead monsters. Maybe they managed to fight back!"

Lincoln then noticed something. "The van's gone too. They might still be alive!"

"But how do we find them?" Lori asked.

"W-We don't have time to find them. We're just gonna have to fix this and hope for the best." Rick stated.

Lana then gasped as she realised something. "The pets! We have to go save them!"

Lana gave a pleading look to Rick. Rick turned to her and tried giving her a sympathetic look. "Sorry Lana but...I don't think they made it. A-And we can't check because going into a burning building is a really stupid idea."

"B-But..." Lana's shoulders slumped before she started to sob. Leni then went to hug her, allowing Lana to cry into her. Seeing Lana cry, Luna's eyes then started to water, knowing full well that this was her fault. Rick then flew towards the outskirts of town.


Rick had parked the cruiser in a forest. He had just about finished explaining the situation to the rest of his grandchildren. "So yeah, anyone related to Luna won't be infected. They-they'll still be normal."

Lincoln then realised something. "Wait, what about Pop-Pop?!"


"Get back ya monsters!" Rita's father, Albert shouted as he backed out of the Sunset Canyon Retirement Home, swinging a cane at the mutants. Albert was a burly man with white hair and a large tuft of his hair that sticks up, much like Lincoln's hair. He also has gray mustache and thick gray eyebrows as well. On his right forearm, he had a tattoo of an anchor. He wore a white button-up shirt, blue jeans with a black belt and orange suspenders. He wasn't having too much trouble defending himself against the insectoids. They may have been mutated but they were still old people. Albert managed to fight back long enough to get into his car and drive off.


"Look, we don't have time to go around looking for family, it'll be quicker to just fix the problem." Rick argued.

Upon hearing about Luna's part in this disaster, Lori admonished her. "A love potion? Seriously? Why would you do something like that?"

Luna sniffed as her eyes were watering. "I-I know. I shouldn't have done that. I didn't know what else to do! I'm so sorry!" Seeing the sorry state her sister was in, Lori decided to let up on her for now. If she was honest, her throat was starting to get sore from all the shouting she had done today.

Lincoln looked at his sisters. Lana was still crying while being comforted by Leni. Lola and Lisa were looking expectantly at Rick while he worked on something. Both of them looking like they were trying not to cry. Lynn was pacing around, glancing at Rick every now and then. Luan was sat down, hugging herself, looking like she was thinking about something. She still seemed shaken up from the insectoids attack.

Meanwhile, Lucy was sat far away from the rest of her sisters, staring down at a small flowing river. Lincoln decided to approach her and sit down next to her. Despite how dark it was, he was able to see her fine thanks to the moonlight reflecting from the river. "Are you okay, Lucy?" Lucy shook her head. Lincoln looked at her in concern. "What's wrong."

"Well, everyone's been turned into mutants. And I'm left with a family that hates me." Lucy bemoaned.

This caught Lincoln off guard. "Hate you? What made you think that?"

Lucy gestured to what she was still wearing. "See this? They don't like me the way I am. They wanted to make me 'perfect' and 'normal'. They always have. I'm probably just a creepy weirdo to them." Lincoln's eyes widened at the words weird. That was the last thing he called Clyde and Ronnie Anne before...

Lincoln put his hand on Lucy's shoulder. "Lucy, I don't think they meant it that way. They were just trying to help. Though they probably could've gone about it a little better." Lucy didn't respond. "Anyway, for the record, I like you the way you are. You're not weird. And let's be honest, there's no such thing as normal in this family."

Lucy gave a light smile. "Thank you, Lincoln." She then rested her head onto Lincoln's shoulder as the two watched the river.

After a while, Lincoln's eyes started watering as his thoughts drifted to Clyde and Ronnie Anne. He sighed. "I really messed up today."

Lucy's thoughts then drifted to Rocky. "Sigh. Me too."

Meanwhile, Rick was still working on a cure. "It's pretty wild how fast that spread." Rick remarked. "I've really outdone myself."

Lori glared at Rick. "Outdone yourself?! What is wrong with you?"

"Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking. Mantises are they opposite of voles? I mean, obviously, DNA's a little more complicated than that. You know what, though?" Rick smiled as he showed off a tube of purple liquid. "This right here's gonna do the trick, baby. It's koala mixed with rattlesnake, chimpanzee, cactus, shark, golden retriever, and just a smidge of dinosaur. Should add up to normal humanity."

The siblings glanced at Lisa who shrugged in response. "Wait, how does that add up to normal humanity?" Luna asked.

Rick frowned in annoyance. "What, Luna, you want me to show you my math? I'm sorry a-are you the scientist or are you the kid that used a love potion because she was too scared to just ask someone out?"

Luna flinched at Rick's scathing comment and backed off, hugging herself and facing away from everyone in shame. Lori glared at Rick after seeing Luna's reaction.


The Loud siblings frowned as they looked out the window of Rick's cruiser to see the state of Royal Woods. Buildings had been set on fire. Cars were strewn about, either tipped over, destroyed or crashed into buildings or other cars. Mantis-like monsters were still shambling about, hoping to find Luna.

"Take a good look down there, kids." Rick spoke. "Soak it in, because, you know, once I pull this lever, it's all back to normal."

"We literally don't care!" Lori snapped, not in the mood for Rick's flippant attitude. "Change everyone back now!"

"Geez, ok ok." Rick then pulled the lever. His cruiser then sprayed another cloud of green gas over the monsters. Once the gas cleared, the mutants has turned back to normal. Rick gave his grandchildren a smug look as they kept watching out the window. "W-What do we have here, kids? Looks like I was right and you were wrong, huh? I-I-I-I-I-I-I bet you all feel pretty stupid right about now, huh? I-I-I bet you feel like the smallest people on earth that you were doubting me about this whole thing."

Lori's eyes widened. "Rick, something's not right."

Rick took a sip from his flask. "Yeah, you. You're not right, ever."

Lori then grabbed Rick and pulled him towards the window. "No you idiot, look!"

The people started to look like they were in pain. To the Loud's horror, they started mutating again, this time into random flesh blobs that could best be described as cronenbergs. Rick frowned in annoyance. "Bet you're loving this, Lori. This must be the best day of your life. You get to be the mayor of I told you town." Rick took another sip from his flask as the Loud siblings watched in disturbed horror. Lori gritted her teeth and held her fist, trying to stop herself from punching Rick while he was driving.


Lynn Sr. squinted his eyes as he looked out of his van at the mutants, shambling around the street. "Hold on." He told Rita who was sat next to him. Lynn Sr. had managed to attach a number of large knives and weapons to the front of his van. He drove forward and plowed through the monsters before he got out and sliced at them with a machete while Rita got out and started firing Rick's laser gun at them. Meanwhile Lily was sat in the van, strapped to a booster seat. She tried to look out the window to see what was going on. A cronenberg then slammed itself against the window causing Lily to shreik and start crying before the mutant was then shot dead by her mother. After making sure all the mutants in the area were dead, Rita took Lily out of the van to comfort her.

Rita looked around before sighing. "There's no sign of the kids anywhere."

A thought then came to Lynn Sr. "Rick went out before all this happened. Maybe he managed to save all of them."

Rita scowled. "Old bastard."

"Rita!" Lynn Sr. exclaimed in shock. Usually, the only person that ever swore in their house was Rick.

"Well, it's true!" Rita admitted. "Who do you think caused all this in the first place? He probably just took our kids and whisked them away to another planet or something. It's them he cared about. Not us! Face it, Lynn, he's a selfish, irresponsible ass and we never should have let him live with us!"

Lynn Sr. sighed. "You're right, Rita. I should have realised it sooner."

The two then noticed a car driving up to them. Rita had a relieved smile once she saw who got out. "Dad!" Rita ran over to hug her father.

Albert hugged her back. "Rita, thank goodness you're okay! Where are the kids?"

Rita gave her father a saddened look. "We don't know. We think Rick may have taken them away somewhere."

Albert put his hands on her shoulders. "Well, if that is true least they'll be safe with him right?"

Rita sighed. "I hope so."

"So what do we do now." Lynn Sr. asked.

Rita paused for a moment before turning to her husband. "I don't know..."

Lynn Sr., Rita, Lily and Albert then looked off into the distance, their future uncertain.


The early morning sun had started to peak. Rick had parked his cruiser on top of a rooftop, safe from the cronenbergs. As everyone sat down, unable to do much but stare at the disaster, Rick spoke. "Boy, I really cronenberged the world up, didn't I?"

"Cronenberg?" Lori asked, raising her eyebrow at Rick.

"What you don't know w-w-what a cronenberg is? Should I call them something that you can understand then? How, how about human pretzels? Does that work? Yeah that works." Lori scowled at Rick as he continued on. "We got a whole planet of human pretzels walking around down there. A-At least they're not in love with Luna anymore, though. That's a huge step in the right direction."

Luna sobbed. "It's all my fault. I caused this! I'm a terrible person!"

As Luna cried, Lori then got up and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Luna, I don't blame you for this."

"Y-You don't?" Luna sniffled.

"No. I mean yeah, trying to use a love potion was really bad and you shouldn't have done that." Lori admitted before she turned towards her grandfather. "But the person I blame for this is Rick."

Rick then got up. The rest of the siblings simply watched the argument. "Me? You-all I wanted Luna to do was hand me a screwdriver, Lori! She's the one who wanted to be-wanted me to buckle down and make up a... roofie-juice serum so she could roofie that poor girl at her school."

Luna looked down and closed her eyes in shame. However, Lori didn't let up. "Except you didn't have to make Luna a love potion. You should have made sure it couldn't infect anyone else. You should've made a proper cure and you should've been able to fix this!" Lori listed everything Rick should've done on her hand before she gestured to the cronenbergs. She then smiled at Rick sardonically. "And now it's the end of the world. Good job 'smartest man in the universe'." Lori clapped sarcastically. "You really showed everyone how much of a genius you really are."

Rick scowled angrily at Lori. There was a moment of tension as the two stared one another down. After a while, Rick spoke. "Yeah, well, lucky for you, I do have one emergency solution that I can use that'll kind of put everything back to normal, relatively speaking." Rick then went to the cruiser and activated a computer on it. "Just need to do a little bit of scouting."


Rick and the ten Loud children appeared in a flash in Rick's garage. Everything appeared to be normal apart from the sun setting, indicating that it was evening now. "It's a good thing I brought this time reversal machine with me." Rick remarked holding up a device.

Lori rolled her eyes but still had a relieved smile on her face. "Well, gotta admit, you really pulled a rabbit out of your hat this time."

Lincoln looked confused. "Wait, so if we're back in time, what about the us from this time?"

Rick shook his head. "Not that kind of time machine, Lincoln. This thing reverses time. W-we basically hit the rewind button in real life so the last day just didn't happen."

Lincoln still looked confused. "Then why are we all in the garage?"

Rick gave Lincoln an annoyed look. "I already told you Lincoln, you ask way too many questions." He then sat at his desk. "Now, what do you say, kids? Will any of you hand me a screwdriver so I can finish my ionic defibulizer?"

"Sure." Lincoln replied as he handed Rick a screwdriver.

"Thank you very much." Rick then worked on his machine while the siblings all crowded around to watch. "We got one screw turn...and two screw turns...and..."

Unfortunately, the machine exploded, killing Rick and the ten Loud children instantly. A portal then opened with Rick and the ten Loud children stepping out of it. "All right, kids, here we are." Rick stated. Upon seeing their own dead corpses, all the children started to scream and panic. Rick attempted to try and calm them down but to no avail. "Calm down! Look at me! Calm down, everyone!"

"Will you Louds keep it down!" Everyone heard their neighbor, Mr. Grouse, shout from next door. "Some of us are trying to sleep here!" This made all the Loud siblings shut up.

Rick took the moment of silence as an opportunity to explain the situation. "Alright, everyone shut up and listen to me! It's fine. Everything is fine. There's an infinite number of realities, kids, and in a few dozen of those, I got lucky and turned everything back to normal. I just had to find one of those realities in which we also happen to all die around this time. Now we can just slip into the place of our dead selves in this reality and everything will be fine. Now, help me with these bodies." Rick then picked up his own dead corpse.

"Oh my God..." Luna mumbled, deeply disturbed by what was happening.

"This is insane!" Lori exclaimed, finding it hard to believe any of this was actually happening at this point.

Rick didn't seem too bothered. "Look, I'll grab myself, you each grab yourselves, okay? I mean, t-t-t-that seems fair to me I mean, that seems like a fair way to divvy it up."

"Grandpa Rick, what about the reality we left behind?" Lincoln asked.

"What about the reality where Hitler cured cancer, Lincoln?" Rick snapped back. "The answer is don't think about it. Now, pick up your dead selves and come on. Haste makes waste. I-I-I don't suppose you've considered this detail, but obviously, if I hadn't screwed up as much as I did, we'd be these guys right now, so, you're welcome."

This fact didn't help the Loud siblings much as they each went to bury their dead selves in the backyard. Lucy was too disturbed to even offer her funeral services. In order to distract himself from what he was doing, Lincoln asked Rick a question. "So this universe is completely identical to ours right?"

"Oh yeah, more or less." Rick reassured. "This universe is about 99.8% identical to our own."

Lincoln looked concerned as did some of the other siblings upon hearing that. "So what's the 0.2% difference then?"

Rick waved his hand dismissively. "Probably small things. Like maybe one guy with blonde hair is now a brunette in this universe. Trust me, your lives have been identical here. Y-You lost nothing."

Once the Louds had finished and gone back into the house, Lana immediately ran upstairs while the rest of them walked into the living room. They had disturbed looks on their faces as they went to sit down and stare into space, thinking about what happened to them this past day.

Lana then came down with a relieved look on her face. "All the pets are still here!" She then looked down. "Charles is still gone though." However this did prove that their lives really had been identical up to now.

Upon seeing the looks on his grandchildren's faces, Rick couldn't help but feel a little guilty. "Look, I-I know this has been rough but there's a silver lining to all this."

Lori turned and scowled at Rick. "And what would that be Rick?"

"The me of this universe reversed time." Rick explained. "It's the day before valentines again. You can fix whatever you screwed up now."

The Loud siblings eyes widened at that. Particularly Lori's, Luna's, Lincoln's and Lucy's. Lincoln then ran upstairs to his room and pick up his walkie-talkie. "Clyde are you there?"

"What's up Lincoln?" Clyde replied.

Lincoln felt immense relief from hearing his friends' voice before he remembered what he was doing. "Clyde, I know what you're planning. Could you please not come to the buffet tomorrow?"

"What?" Clyde couldn't believe Lincoln had figured out his plan.

"Please Clyde. Tomorrow's really important for me. I really don't want anything ruining it." Lincoln explained.

Clyde sighed. Not much point in trying now that he had been caught. "Yeah, don't worry, you won't see me there tomorrow."

Lincoln smiled. "Thanks Clyde."


The next day, Lucy made her way downstairs. She was now back to her regular goth self as Lincoln had advised her to just try and be herself with Rocky. She saw Rocky sat down in the exact same place, playing with his baseball just like last time. Lucy took a deep breath to calm herself before she approached him. "Hi."

Rocky's eyes widened. "Oh hey."

"Sorry if I spooked you yesterday." Lucy apologised.

"No, it's ok." The two were silent for a moment before Rocky continued. "That fake blood you were making seemed kinda cool. I thought I'd try making it for myself back home."

This caught Lucy by surprise. "Wait, really?" Rocky nodded. "But yesterday, you kept running away. I thought I freaked you out."

"To be honest, I thought you were too cool for me and I couldn't think of anything to say, so I just ran." Rocky admitted.

Both of them looked away from each other and started to blush. Lucy smiled. "Hey, uh, my coffin collection's in the basement. Wanna check it out?"

Rocky smiled back. "Sure. That'd be really fun." He got up and then walked off with Lucy while she and Lincoln gave each other a thumbs up.


Later on, Lori and Lincoln once again arrived at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet. Upon seeing the Santiago siblings, Lori couldn't stop herself from running to Bobby and tackling him into a hug. "BOBBY!"

Bobby blushed. "Whoa babe-I mean Lori, what are you doing?"

Ronnie Anne then got caught off guard as Lincoln did the same to her. "Ronnie Anne!"

Ronnie Anne blushed but still tried to glare at Lincoln. "H-Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

Lincoln stopped hugging her and gave her an apologetic look. "Ronnie Anne, I'm so sorry for what I said yesterday. It was stupid and dumb and you'll never hear me say anything like that again. Can you forgive me?"

"Uhh..." Ronnie Anne hadn't expected Lincoln to beg for forgiveness this hard. She blushed and scratched the back of her head. "Yeah it's fine. Sorry about the sloppy joe by the way."

The two smiled at each other. Bobby seemed touched by the display. "Aww. I think I got you all wrong Lincoln."

Lori gave Bobby a hopeful look. "Does that mean...?"

Bobby then took Lori's hand. "Babe, this has been torture!"

"Oh, Bobby Boo-Boo Bear!" Lori then made out with Bobby. Lincoln made a disgusted sound and stuck his tongue out, earning a giggle from Ronnie Anne.

The two couples then had a mostly peaceful meal as they chatted together with Lincoln and Ronnie Anne poking fun at their older siblings every now and then.

However, soon the classmates that teased Lincoln eventually came. Lincoln took a deep breath as he prepared himself for what was to come.

"Well look at what we got here." One of the boys called out as he had noticed Lincoln. "Lincoln Loud's having a meal with Ronnie Anne. Looks like we were right, you are dating Ronnie Anne!" The students then started to laugh at Lincoln. Lincoln noticed Ronnie Anne scowling at the boys while she was flushing in embarrassment.

Lincoln then stood up. "Yeah, well I've a confession to make." He then turned to Ronnie Anne. "Ronnie Anne, you're really cool, and funny, and I've had an awesome time hanging out with you tonight." Ronnie Anne blushed at Lincoln's words. "But as my sister, Lori once told me, actions speak louder than words. So, instead of telling you how I feel about you, well..."

Lincoln then reached his hand out to Ronnie Anne. Once she took it, Lincoln pulled her towards him. To everyone's surprise, he then kissed her on the lips. Lori quietly squealed at the site as she took a picture with her phone while Bobby grinned. Lincoln then turned to his classmates. Seeing their shocked faces, he gave them a smug look. "What's wrong? Jealous because you guys can't get a girlfriend?"

One of the boys got mad. "O-Of course I could get a girlfriend!"

Another boy giggled. "Hehe. You wanna girlfriend!"

"Oh shut up!"

The boys then walked off, leaving Lincoln alone. Ronnie Anne smiled at Lincoln nervously. "So does this mean we're...?"

Lincoln blushed as he scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, I guess it does."


At the valentines dance, Luna once again finished her performance and went down to see Sam. "Great performance Lunes!"

Luna smiled sadly. "Yeah. Shame neither of us could find a date though."

Sam then started to get nervous as she awkwardly looked away. "Yeah it's just...kinda hard when there aren't that many other lesbians at school."

Luna's eyes widened. "Say what now?"

Sam turned to her trying to be casual though it was obvious she was nervous admitting this. "Oh, did I never tell you? I'm gay."

Sam looked like she was bracing herself for the worst. Luna then grinned at her. "Dude, did I ever tell you that I was bi?"

Sam grinned in return.


Luan once again saw Benny at the theatre. She was slightly miffed at having to go through this song and dance again but at least this time, it'll end better. She decided to approach him the exact same way. "Hey Benny."

"Oh, hey Luan." Benny greeted back.

Luan started to act coy. "Benny, I've something to confess to you, but I just don't know how to say it." Luan then got out her puppet, Mr. Coconuts and started to speak through it. "Then I'll say it for ya! This dame over here is pretty sweet on ya!" Luan faked a shocked look at the puppet. "Mr. Coconuts!" She spoke through the puppet again. "What? Someone's gotta say it."

"Uh..." Benny then frowned and awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Luan, I'm flattered that you feel that way about me but..." Luan felt her stomach drop. "...I'm sorry, I just don't feel the same way."


Back at the Loud house, later that evening, the Loud siblings, besides Luna and the sisters younger than Lucy, had come together in the living room along with Rick to discuss how their dates went. "So, it turned out that me and Rocky had more in common then I thought." Lucy finished.

Lincoln then smiled at her. "Looks like he liked you as you are after all then, huh?" Lucy smiled and lightly blushed.

"You guys aren't gonna believe what Lincoln did, it was so romantic." Lori said as she showed her siblings the picture of Lincoln and Ronnie Anne kissing. Apart from Luan, the sisters all squealed at the site.

Lincon rolled his eyes though he was still smiling. "Yeah, yeah, ok. I'll admit it. She's actually a pretty cool girl."

Leni turned to Lori. "So does this mean you and Bobby are back together?"

"Yep." Lori replied. Lori then noticed Luan looking depressed. "Luan what's wrong?"

Luan was silent for a moment before answering. "Benny rejected me."

Lori gave Luan a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry Luan. These things just happen you know?"

Luan shook her head. "No, you don't understand! Last time, he said yes. Why did he say no this time?" Luan turned to Rick, expecting an answer from him.

"Hmm. I guess a part of that 0.2% difference is that Benny doesn't have romantic feelings for you here." Rick hypothesised.

Luan gave Rick a desperate look. "But that's not fair! Can't you find a universe that's 100% the same?!"

Rick frowned. "W-What you think dimension hopping is as simple as that? We just got settled in and now you wanna leave and abandon everyone because you couldn't get a date? Besides, do you have any idea how lucky I was that I found a universe which was both identical and one where we happened to die so quick? It'd take ages to find another one that's 100% the same!"

Luan had a despairing look on her face. "But...but..."

Suddenly, the front door burst open as Luna came running in. "You're not gonna believe this dudes. Sam felt the exact same way about me as I did for her!"

This surprised the Loud siblings. "Really?" Lori asked, happy for her.

"Yeah!" Luna exclaimed, not noticing Luan starting to glare at her. "I can't believe this is happening. I'm really going out with Sam! This is awesome!"

"Yeah. Great. Wonderful."

Luna raised her eyebrow at Luan. "Dude, is something wrong?"

"Oh, nothing really." Luan answered sarcastically. "I think it's great that the person who used a love potion and destroyed the world gets to have a girlfriend anyway. Meanwhile, because of you, I lost out on dating Benny!" Luan pointed angrily at Luna.

Luna flinched and started to look guilty. "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't-"

Luan sneered and interrupted her. "But no, good for you. You messed up and you got rewarded for it. I hope you're proud of yourself you-YOU DYKE!"

Everyone, including Rick, gasped, appalled at Luan's tasteless insult. Luan herself was shocked as she slapped her hands over her mouth just as soon as the words came out of it. Luna's eyes started to water. "Not cool dude. Not cool." Luna then ran off upstairs. Feeling ashamed of herself and embarrassed as her siblings gave her judgemental stares, Luan then ran off outside.

Lincoln sighed. "So much for things going back to normal."

"Sigh. It's like you said." Lucy remarked. "There's no such thing as normal in this house."