Chereads / Rick and The Loud House / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: L Is For Love Potion Part 1

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: L Is For Love Potion Part 1

It was the day before Valentines day.

Luna was practising playing guitar in the school's music room with her friend, Sam. Sam was a girl with blonde shoulder length hair with a teal streak in her bangs. She wore a short, teal leather jacket with a crimson patch bearing a white skull on the back, a white T-shirt, a pair of deep burgundy jeans ripped at the knees, a black belt with silver studs and a pair of dark purple boots. Luna was practising so she could be ready to perform on stage at the Valentines day dance.

Once Luna had finished, she wiped the sweat from her forehead and then smiled at Sam. "So how was that? You think I'm ready to perform tomorrow?"

Sam smiled back and gave her a thumbs up. "Awesome as ever Lunes! I know you'll do great." Sam complimented Luna, causing Luna to slightly blush which Sam didn't seem to notice.

"Heh, yeah. So uh, anyone ask you for a date to the dance?" Luna asked, trying to hide her nervousness.

Sam looked away, looking slightly shy. "Nah. I'm just going to see you perform. And to hang out I guess." Sam then suddenly grabbed a tissue from her pocket to sneeze into it. "Achoo!"

"Bless you. You doing alright there Sam?" Luna asked.

"I'm fine. I think there might just be a flu going around. Anyway, it's getting kinda late so I'll see ya tomorrow Lunes." Sam waved goodbye to Sam as she made her way out the room.

Luna waved back at her. "See ya." As soon as Sam left the room, Luna suddenly looked sullen as she looked downwards and sighed to herself.


Earlier that day, at lunchtime, Lincoln was sat with Clyde and a few other classmates in the lunch room, trying to get something out of his pants. To his disgust, he got out a sloppy joe with a note on it. "Eugh!" Despite becoming friends with Ronnie Anne, Lincoln had decided to relent on the pranks as long as they were harmless. Lincoln didn't mind it too much as long as they didn't humiliate him. Though this one was pushing it a bit in his opinion.

One of the classmates then took the note and read it out loud. "Happy Sloppy Joe Tuesday, Lame-o. Signed, Ronnie Anne."

"And there's a heart!" Another classmate pointed out.

"Oooooooo!" All of Lincoln's classmates at the table, apart from Clyde, all started to tease Lincoln. "Lincoln's got a girlfriend!"

Lincoln gave the other students an annoyed look. "What?! No I don't."

"When's the wedding day, Lincoln?" The same classmate asked, causing the other boys, besides Clyde, to laugh.

"Ha-ha. Very funny, guys." Lincoln said sarcastically.

The classmates then started to sing. "Ronnie and Lincoln sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

The group then started laughing again. Having enough of his classmates teasing, Lincoln got up and then stood on the table to get everyone's attention. "Guys, Ronnie Anne is NOT my girlfriend. She's rude and gross and totally annoying. I'd rather lick the bathroom floor than kiss that weirdo." Lincoln then heard a gasp from behind him and turned around. "Ronnie Anne!"

Ronnie Anne stared at Lincoln in shock before putting on an angry scowl as she then stormed out the lunch room. Clyde gave Lincoln a look of concern. "Whoa, Lincoln, I think you really hurt her feelings."

"C'mon, Clyde, Ronnie Anne is the toughest girl at school." Lincoln dismissed. "She'll be fine."


Lincoln wasn't too concerned with what happened earlier that day. He was now focused on working on his science project as he was currently carrying a model of the solar system as he walked home with his friend, Rusty. Rusty had fair skin and curly orange hair. He wore blue baggy pants and a light green T-shirt with a yellow collar. He also had buck teeth, and freckles all over his face. "Sorry I have to bring my little bro. My parents are at work so I didn't really have a choice." Rusty gestured to the boy walking behind them.

Rusty's brother, Rocky, looked similar to his brother though he was around Lucy's age and wore a blue striped shirt and brown shorts. He currently had a bored expression on his face.

"No problem." Lincoln replied. Once they reached the Loud house, Lincoln handed the project to Rusty before turning to Rocky. "Hey, Rocky. Make yourself at home." Lincoln then offered Rocky a fist bump.

Though still looking bored, Rocky reciprocated. "Thanks, man." Rocky and Rusty then walked into the dining room.

"Hey Lincoln."

"Gah!" Lincoln jumped before turning around to face Lucy, currently holding a bottle of molasses.

"Lori wanted to see you in her room. She looked pretty upset." Lucy explained.

Lincoln gulped. "Oh boy. What is it this time?"

Lucy shrugged. Lincoln then made his way upstairs. As he left, Lucy then got curious about who Lincoln had brought home. She looked into the dining room and then noticed Rocky playing with a baseball. "Gasp." Lucy didn't know why but she had found herself infatuated as she stared at the boy. "Ohh..." the molasses bottle she was holding then slipped through her fingers and broke on the floor. The two brothers looked over, only to see a trail of footprints made of molasses.

Meanwhile upstairs, Lincoln entered Lori's room, only for a pillow to go flying into his face. "Oof! Huh?" Lincoln then looked at Lori. She was wearing her blue sweater and had a furious look on her face as makeup ran down it, indicating that she had been crying. Tissue boxes and half eaten food were strewn around the room.

"YOU MONSTER!" Lori screamed in distraught. "You made Ronnie Anne CRY!"

"Cry? I didn't mean to! Wait, how do you know?" Lincoln asked. Lori then threw another pillow at Lincoln which harmlessly bounced off his face.

"Bobby told me..." Lori explained before she started to cry again. "RIGHT BEFORE HE BROKE UP WITH ME!"

"What? Why does Bobby care?" Lincoln asked. Lori threw another pillow that Lincoln sidestepped this time before getting out a photo album.

"Because Bobby is literally Ronnie Anne's brother!" Lori explained as she pointed to a picture of herself along with Bobby giving Ronnie Anne a piggyback ride. "He said he could never date someone related to someone who hurt someone he's related to! Or something like that!"

"Ronnie Anne has a brother?" Lincoln asked rhetorically before he walked up to Lori. "Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make her upset. Some guys at school were teasing me, saying I was dating Ronnie Anne. I got put on the spot, so that's why I said those things."

Lori took a couple of deep breaths as she started to calm down. "Ok. Ok. I understand. But you still need to make things right with Ronnie Anne. Bobby needs to see you being nice to her so I arranged a double date. We have a reservation at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet tomorrow at six!"

"Wait, what?" Lincoln asked, not exactly wanting to go on a date with Ronnie Anne.

"You don't have to go out with her." Lori clarified. "I don't care if you literally never talk to her again after tomorrow but for this date, I just need you to make up with Ronnie Anne so I can make up with Bobby. So can you please do this for me?"

Lincoln sighed. "Yeah, Ok."

"Thank you." Lincoln then left Lori's room went back downstairs to the dining room, now thinking about what he was going to do tomorrow.

"Sorry about that. Just another sibling problem." Lincoln explained to Rusty.

Rusty gave Lincoln a sympathetic look. "Yeah, I know what that's like."

Meanwhile, Rocky was now in the living room, playing a portable video game when he heard a sound coming from the fireplace.


Rocky looked over but didn't see anything unusual. He shrugged and went back to playing.

As Lincoln kept working on the project, he found himself distracted by thoughts on what he was going to do on tomorrow's date. He then came up with an idea. "Sorry Rusty, you're gonna have to excuse me again." Lincoln explained before he ran upstairs to his bedroom. He picked up his walkie-talkie in order to talk to Clyde. "Clyde, I need your help."

Clyde then answered. "What's up, Lincoln?"

"I have to go on a double date at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet with Ronnie Anne." Lincoln told him.

"Ooh, I love fusion cuisine! But why?" Clyde asked.

"Because you were right. I did hurt her feelings, she told Bobby, and he broke up with Lori, and now Lori's making me-" Lincoln started to hear static. "Clyde? Clyde?"

Clyde had dropped the walkie-talkie and had started dancing. "Clyde and Lori sitting in a tree! Where there's no room for dumb Bobby! Woo!" Clyde sang to himself.

After not getting any answers from Clyde, Lincoln went back downstairs to continue working on the project. Meanwhile, Lucy had retreated to her bedroom. "Sigh." Lucy started to talk to herself. "I know he's not really my type. But he's so..." Lucy looked out her window. "What's the word my sisters use? Cute." She then picked up her Edwin bust. "Don't worry, Edwin. You'll always be my undead soul mate. But until we're united, it'd be cool to have someone to hang with." She put the Edwin bust down and then stared at it for a moment. "You think I should just talk to him?" She then patted the bust. "I knew you'd understand."

Back downstairs, Rocky had gone into the fridge in search of something to eat. He then noticed a container of Lucy's fake blood. Curious, he took out the container and closed the fridge door.

"I see you found my blood."

"Ah!" Rocky then jumped, spilling the fake blood all over himself.

Lucy moved in closer, making Rocky uncomfortable. "It's my new recipe. Beet juice, molasses, and cocoa powder. Hmm." Lucy then poked Rocky's shirt in order to feel the texture of the blood. "Now it's got the ooze but not the splatter." Lucy then held out her hand towards Rocky. "Hi, I'm Lucy." Rocky froze in place for a second, not sure what to do before running off. Lucy looked at her blood covered hand in disappointment.

Rocky had gone to the bathroom to clean himself. Unfortunately he couldn't wash out the blood stain on his shirt. As he walked out, he then stopped himself to a halt as he noticed Lucy. "Thought you might want a clean shirt." Lucy said as she held out one of Lincoln's orange shirts on a hanger. She started to walk towards him, causing him to walk backwards. "Just to be clear, it's my brother's. I would never wear something so offensively cheerful."

"Ah!" Rocky then fell down the stairs. Uninjured, he got up and ran out the door in a panic. After hearing what just happened, Lincoln and Rusty looked out the dining room.

"Was that Rocky?" Rusty asked. "Sorry, Lincoln, you'll have to finish the project." Rusty then ran out the door in order to catch up with his brother.

Lincoln walked into the living room. He noticed Lucy sat down on the couch looking down so he went to go sit next to her. "What happened?"

"I keep trying to talk to Rocky but every time, he runs away from me." Lucy then curled up to herself. "What am I doing wrong?"

"Well, what are you talking to him about?"

"The usual stuff. Blood, bruises." As she explained, a couple of her bats had flewn down to perch themselves on her head. "I didn't even get a chance to show him my new embalming kit."

"You know, maybe he's just not into that kind of stuff."

"Then, what is he into?"

"I don't know him very well but he just seems like a regular, normal kid."

"Regular and normal. Hmm..." Lucy thought hard about those words as she headed back upstairs. "Regular and normal."


Later on that evening, Lori kicked open her door. She had cleaned herself up and was back in her usual outfit. "Lola! Did you take my Red Riot lipstick again?!" Lori shouted down the hall.

Lola then left her room, equally as angry. "No, but someone took my perfume. I bet it was Leni!"

The bathroom door opened, revealing Leni inside. "Was not! But I'd like to know who took my pink chiffon dress, Lori!"

The three sisters started to argue with each other until Lola noticed something and held up her hands to stop the argument. "Hang on, I smell my perfume!" Lola followed the scent to Lynn and Lucy's room with Lori and Leni following behind. "LYNN! You'd better not be using my perfume to cover the stink of your hockey pads!" Lola shouted before slamming open the door. The three sisters gasped at the sight of Lucy using the perfume, wearing Leni's dress though it looked more like she had tied it around herself and having lipstick smeared across her face. Upon Lola opening the door, Lucy tried to hide the perfume.

"What are you doing?" Lori asked curiously.

"I-I-I..." Lucy stuttered. "I thought if I'd be regular and normal, Rusty's brother, Rocky, would like me. Sorry I took your stuff. I understand if you're mad."

Lola then walked out the room. Lori stomped her foot. "You're darn right we're mad!" Lucy looked down in shame before Lori continued. "Mad you didn't let us help!"

"Yeah, we've been wanting to give you a makeover since, like, birth!" Leni added excitedly.

Lola then came back in with a big cardboard collage of fashion models with Lucy's face plastered all over their own. "I've been working on this Lucy vision board for years! Until now, it was just a fantasy."

As Lola stroke the board, Lucy gaped at her sisters, slightly shocked that they had been waiting for a moment to do this. Lori stuck her head out of Lucy's bedroom to call the other sisters. "GUYS! IT'S LITERALLY HAPPENING! LUCY'S FINALLY READY!"

The rest of Lucy's sisters then came in, each holding some type of beauty gear. Lucy was starting to get nervous. "Will this hurt?"


Once it was done, the sisters took a step back to admire her. "Perfect!" Lori exclaimed. Lucy took a look at herself in the mirror. Her hair had been dyed blond and had a dark magenta ribbon-like headband on it. She now wore a pink dress with a dark magenta jacket over it and dark magenta shoes. She also now sported some light blush and pink lipstick. Lucy noted that it was almost the exact opposite of what she usually looked like. Due to this fact, she wasn't exactly thrilled with how she looked. However, a small part of her didn't mind too much with how cute she looked and if Rocky liked it, then it wouldn't be so bad.

"Sigh, I guess I could live with this." One of Lucy's bats then perched on her head. "What do you think, Fangs?"

Lola then shooed the bat away. "Eww, eww! No more bats!"

"Yeah, and do not talk about mortality." Luna advised her.

"Or death." Leni added.

"Or ask him his blood type." Lana chimed.

"Or suggest a cemetery for a date." Lori continued.

"And make sure you laugh at all of his jokes. Like this." Luan then did a convincing fake laugh.

Lucy poorly attempted to copy her. "Ha ha. Ha. Ha ha."

"Oh, and talk about sports. Guys really dig that." Lynn then advised.

After her sisters had explained to her what to do and what not to do, Lucy looked at herself in the mirror again. Her expression was unreadable. "Perfect huh?"

Lisa then approached her with her own perfume. "If all else fails, try a little of my patented pizza spray, scientifically proven to attract eight-year-old boys." She sprayed Lucy with it, causing her and the rest of her sisters to start coughing. "Note to self: go lighter on the anchovies."

Lucy was then suddenly attacked by the family cat, Cliff, due to the spray. "Aah!"

Lincoln carried his finished model upstairs before screaming at the site of a girl being attacked by a cat running past him. "Aah!"

He then screamed again as a bat flew after the girl, causing him to duck. "Aah!" He then noticed his sisters sticking their heads out of Lynn and Lucy's room. "Who was that?"

"The new and improved, regular and normal Lucy!" Lori exclaimed proudly.

"AKA the future Mrs. Rocky!" Leni added excitedly.

"So, that's how you're helping Lucy?" Lincoln then looked back to the stairs, feeling unsure of his sisters' methods. "I don't know, guys. That seems like a really-"

Lincoln was then interrupted by Lisa. "Oh, please. As if a male would have any insight into matters of the heart."

Lincoln gave Lisa an offended glare before Luna spoke. "You just get Rocky back here, bro."

"How am I supposed to do that?" Lincoln asked.

"Get Rusty to bring him." Luan told him. "Don't you guys have more work to do on your project?"

"Nope. All finished." Lincoln then held up his model, proudly displaying it before Lynn whacked it with a hockey stick.

"Not anymore." Lynn laughed.


The next day, the Loud siblings and Rick had all gathered in the dining room to eat breakfast. Lucy had managed to maintain the makeover her sisters had given her. The Loud parents then entered the dining room with their own breakfast.

"Happy Valentines day everyone!" Rita called out before noticing Lucy. "Lucy? What happened to you?"

Lucy got nervous from being put on the spot. "Um...I'm just trying out a new look is all."

"Oh. Well that's alright. You look good in that outfit sweetie." Rita smiled at Lucy before whispering to Lynn Sr. "Probably just a phase." Lynn Sr. nodded as Rita then turned back to her family. "So, are you kids doing anything for today." Rick then groaned, earning an annoyed look from Rita. "Is something wrong Rick?"

"Listen, I hate to break it to you, but what people call 'love' is a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. It happened to me. Don't let it happen to you, kids." Rick ranted.

"Rick!" Rita snapped. "That is entirely inappropriate! You can't say that in front of the younger ones!" Rita gestured to her younger daughters.

"I'm just stating a fact Rita." Rick argued.

"Oh yeah? Well your 'fact' doesn't seem all that accurate considering me and Lynn's marriage is perfectly fine. Right Lynn?"

Lynn Sr. had been awkwardly looking away, not wanting to get involved in the argument until Rita asked her question which he then turned her face her. "Of course honey."

Rick rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I guess, statistically, someone could have a happy marriage."

Rita glared at Rick again before deciding to drop it for now. She then turned to address her kids again. "So, anyone got any plans?"

Leni gave a confused look. "Valentines is today? I thought that was last week. I already asked out Chaz."

"You did?" Lori asked before looking confused. "Wait, how come you didn't tell anyone?"

Leni shrugged before enthusiastically telling everyone about Chaz. "Chaz is like the sweetest guy! I met him when he was working at the clothes store. Oh, you'd like him, Lincoln. He's into that...Blake Saucy was it?"

"You mean Ace Savvy?" Lincoln asked curiously.

"Yeah that!" Leni grinned. "Also, he invited me to play mini-golf with him this evening."

Lori raised an eyebrow at Leni. "Wait, since when were you into golf?"

"Well Chaz is pretty into it." Leni explained. "He said he wanted to teach me it."

"Huh." Lori said before an idea came to mind. "Actually Leni, we need to have a talk about this mini-golf date later on."

Rita then turned to Lincoln. "How about you Lincoln?"

Lincoln sighed. "Well, me and Lori are going to Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet for a double date."

Rita grinned. "Ooh. So who's the special girl?"

Lincoln sighed again, preparing himself for the worst. "...Ronnie Anne."

At that, all his sisters started to squeal apart from Lori, who already knew and Lisa, who was doing her best to suppress herself this time. Rick scowled and covered his ears at his granddaughters squealing.

"Guys, it's not like that." Lincoln tried to explain. "I'm just trying to make up after I said something bad to her yesterday. I just hope I can finish my science project in time before we set off." He said, glaring at Lynn.

Lynn noticed the glare and shrugged nonchalantly in response. "Well, I'll be doing some baseball practice after school. Seems like as good a time as any to ask out Francisco."

"I've got rehearsals for a play tonight." Luan added. "Since Benny's there, I'll finally have the chance to ask him out."

Rita then turned to her younger daughters. "What about you girls?"

"Sigh, I don't have anything planned." Lucy explained. "Though I think I'll be meeting someone after school."

Lana shrugged. "Eh. I'm not into any of that mushy stuff."

"I'm not at a mature enough age to start having any romantic feelings for anyone." Lisa explained.

Lola grinned. "Which is great, because I've got a pageant tonight and someone's gotta come!"

"Goo goo ba ba!" Lily babbled happily, attempting to join in on the conversation. Obviously, she had no plans tonight.

Rita then noticed Luna looking downcast. "Oh sorry Luna, I forgot to ask you. Is there anyone you're interested in?"

Luna sighed. "Yeah. But there's no way Sam's ever gonna date someone like me."

Luna's parents and siblings all looked shocked that Luna would speak so negatively about herself. "Luna, how could you say that?" Rita chastised. "You're a wonderful girl, why wouldn't this guy wanna date you?"

Luna took a deep breath and steeled herself, preparing for the worst with what she was about to confess. "That's the problem dudes. Sam's not a guy. She's a girl. I'm bi."

Everyone's eyes widened at that confession. Even Rick was caught off guard. Only Lana and Lola gave Luna a confused look. Rita then gave Luna a comforting smile. "Well that's perfectly fine honey, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that."

Lori placed a hand on Luna's shoulder. "I think we all agree with that. Right guys?"

"Of course I do." Leni chimed in. "Some are my friends are gay too. I don't see what the big deal is."

"Y-Yeah that's perfectly fine." Luan slightly stammered though no one seemed to notice.

Lana and Lola were still looking confused. "What does gay and bi mean?" Lola asked.

Luna turned to face them. "Oh, lemme explain. You know how dudes fall in love with dudettes and dudettes fall in love with dudes?" Lana and Lola both nodded. "Well there are some dudes that fall in love with other dudes and some dudettes that fall in love with other dudettes. That makes then gay. For me though, I could go either way. I'm interested in guys and girls. That makes me bi which is short for bisexual. You understand what I'm saying?"

"Oh, I get you now." Lana said, not seeing anything wrong with that.

"Is that all? Huh." Lola said, not really seeing what the big deal about it was.

Luna smiled at her family. "Thanks dudes. I wasn't sure how you guys were gonna react. Still..." Luna started looking downcast again. "I dunno if Sam's gonna react the same way. I have no idea which way she swings."

Leni looked confused. "Wait, what does baseball have to do with this?"

"Luna you just need to take the risk and try asking her out." Lori advised.

"Or" Rita chimed in. "Why don't you ask her what she's interested in and if she's compatible, then ask her out?"

"If I do that, she'll know for sure what I'm getting at." Luna argued. "I've been friends with Sam for years. I'm not sure I wanna ruin that because of some dumb crush."

Lori sighed before grabbing both of Luna's shoulders to face her. "Alright listen, how much do you want to date Sam?"

Luna took a second to think about it. "More than anything dude."

"Then you need to just suck it up and ask her out. Today's the perfect day. If you don't ask her out, you'll be wondering about what you're missing out on in the future. Do you really wanna miss your chance?" Lori asked.

Luna put a determined look on her face. "You're right dude. It's time to face the music. Today, I'll confess to her."

Lori patted Luna on the back. "You'll be fine. She'd be crazy to say no to you. But even if she does, there'll be others out there."

Luna smiled before turning to her parents. "What about you dudes? What are you doing today?"

"Oh, us?" Rita laughed. "Oh, nothing too fancy this year. We'll just be staying in with Lily."

"Well, actually I'll be cooking a fancy dinner just for us. Isn't that right honey?" Lynn Sr. grinned at his wife.

Rita giggled in return before noticing everyone had finished their breakfast. "All right, get ready for school everyone. Hope you all do well on your dates."

Little did the Loud siblings know, this would be a valentines day they would never forget.


For everyone, apart from Lucy getting a few odd looks, nothing particularly interesting happened at school (or homeschool in Lola's case, which she had whenever a pageant was coming up). Not even for Luna. Try as she might she couldn't work up the nerve to ask out Sam as everytime she tried, self doubt started to plague her mind. "Dream on, Lunes. You're the owner of a lonely heart." Luna thought to herself as she rode home in the family van.

Lori then turned to face her. "So, how did it go?"

Luna started to look nervous. "Uh, well I haven't asked her out yet. I thought that maybe it'd be better to ask her out at the dance tonight."

"Well, whatever suits you best." Lori remarked as they arrived at the house. As Luna got out the van, she pondered to herself on what to do tonight. She couldn't let this opportunity pass while she still had it. There had to be something she could do.

She then looked towards the garage. Despite a part of herself telling her that this was a really bad idea, she made her way inside.

Once she entered, she saw Rick working on some kind of machine on his desk. "H-hey Grandpa Rick." Luna greeted him awkwardly as she rubbed her arm.

"Oh, hey Luna, hey could you hand me that screwdriver?" Rick asked. "I'm almost finished making my ionic defibulizer, Luna. It's gonna be great."

Luna scratched the back of her head. "Hey, listen Grandpa Rick. Remember earlier when you were talking about how love is just a chemical and stuff?" Luna approached Rick at his desk. "You see..I, you think you could make some kinda chemical to make Sam...fall in love with me?"

Rick then got up and turned to face her, raising his eyebrow at her. "Why should I do that? That's such a poor use of my time, it's beneath me. What, did she reject you or something?"

Luna sighed. "I just couldn't do it. I can't ask her out. What if she hates me? What if she tells the whole school? I don't think I could handle that. But I can't just hold it in any more. I have to do something!"

It was now Rick's turn to sigh. Truth be told, he was somewhat sympathetic to her plight. He walked over to his shelf and picked out a test tube with some greenish yellow liquid inside along with a box of other tools. "Listen, this is called oxytocin. I extracted it from a vole. You know what a VOLE is, Luna, you know what a vole is?"

Luna shook her head as Rick walked away from the shelf. "It's a-it's a rodent that mates for life, Luna. This is the chemical release in the mammal's brain," Rick got out some kind of machine from the box and opened its hatch, pouring the oxytocin into it. "that makes it fall in love. Alright Luna, I just gotta combine it with some of your DNA."

Luna picked out a hair and handed it to Rick. Rick then dropped the hair into the machine and closed the hatch. The machine then vibrated and made some noise before it poured an orange liquid into a conical flask, almost like a coffee machine. Rick then picked up the flask. "Alright, Luna, whoever you smear this stuff on will fall in love with you and only you, forever. Ya happy now, Luna?"

Rick handed Luna the flask before walking back to sit at his desk. Luna frowned at it as she wondered if this was really the only way. "So, there's no dangers or side effects, right?"

Rick frowned as he turned back to her. "Www.. what am I, a hack?! Go nuts, Luna, it's full proof."

Luna stared intensely at the flask, still wondering if it was wise to use it as she left Rick's garage to go get ready for the dance.

Once she left, Rick then remembered something. "Hm. Unless she has the flu." Rick shrugged as he kept working on the ionic defibulizer.


Once again, Lincoln had come home with Rusty, taking Rocky with him, as they worked on their science project. They were in the living room while Rocky sat on a chair, playing with a baseball. Lincoln was also now wearing a pair of khaki pants. "So, the cat did this?" Rusty asked, suspicious about Lincoln's claim on who broke the model.

"Uh, yup." Lincoln then turned to face Cliff. "Bad Cliff!"

The cat glared at Lincoln in response. Lucy then started to make her way downstairs. She almost slipped over on the way down but managed to regain her balance. She walked over to the chair Rocky was sat at and struck a pose. To her disappointment, Rocky didn't seem to notice her. Lucy then noticed her sisters standing on the stairs. Leni signalled to flip her hair at him.

Lucy then did just that. "OMG, Rocky. It's totes great to see you."

Rocky looked over and squinted his eyes at her. "Um...who are you?"

Lucy spread her arms out. "I'm Lucy."

Rocky's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh. Uh...I didn't recognize you."

"And done!" Lincoln announced as he and Rusty had finally finished their project. Just then the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Leni called out as she went down to answer the door. "Hey Chaz!"

"Hey Leni." Chaz greeted her casually. Lucy looked over at him. He was absolutely not what she expected Leni's boyfriend to look like. He was an obese teenager with dark orange hair and freckles. He wore an aqua blue cap backwards, a gold t-shirt with horizontal cream stripes and dark gray jeans. "Sorry about this, but our friends won't be able to make it to mini-golf."

Leni gasped as she then got upset. "What? But we already bought, like...four tickets...right?"

"Hey maybe, you could invite two other people to come." Chaz suggested. Despite being a better actor than Leni, he seemed pretty nonchalant about the ordeal, smiling the whole time.

"Uhh right. Great idea! Lucy, do you wanna come?" Leni asked.

"I'm supposed to meet my girlfriends at the mall, but...YOLO." Lucy replied, hiding how disgusted she felt for saying that.

"Man, if only there was another-"

Before Chaz could finish, Leni jumped ahead. "Rocky! You're free right? Great!" Leni then grabbed his arm to take him with her.

"Ok everyone, time to go!" Lori called out as she came down. She was now wearing a blue dress shirt and a purple skirt with a belt. All the siblings sans Lily then ran down and piled into the van along with Chaz and Rocky.

They had all also forgot that Rusty was still there. "Guess I'll just go home then." Rusty said to himself as he picked up the model and then headed home.


Lori had just about finished dropping everyone off, leaving just her, Lincoln, Leni, Lucy, Chaz and Rocky. She now arrived at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet. By the time she reached it, the sun had started to set as the sky had turned orange. She and Lincoln got out the van while Leni then got out to take the driver's seat. "You be careful, ok Leni?" Lori told Leni, concerned for her sisters' safety.

"Don't worry, I got this." Leni reassured as she drove off. Lincoln and Lori then walked towards the building. They noticed Bobby and Ronnie Anne who looked the same as usual. Both Lori and Bobby seemed happy to see each other.

"Hi Bobby." Lori greeted shyly.

Bobby smiled and waved at her. "Hey babe-I mean, Lori." He remembered why he was here and looked away, pretending to be upset with her. Ronnie Anne rolled her eyes at her brother.

"Hi, Ronnie Anne." Lincoln greeted. Lori gave Lincoln a slight nudge. He then put on a smile. "You're looking lovely this evening."

"Yeah, we weirdos clean up nice." Ronnie Anne remarked sarcastically. She looked like she would rather be anywhere else in the world than here. "Let's just get this over with."

Lincoln and Lori looked down as the four entered the french/mexican themed restaurant. To Lincoln's surprise, Clyde was standing at the counter, poorly disguising himself with a Mexican scarf, a French beret, and a fake mustache. Lori, Bobby and Ronnie Anne didn't seem to recognise him. "Good evening, Monjour et Señoritas. Welcome to Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet!"

Lincoln went up to Clyde and pulled him towards him before whispering to him. "Clyde, what are you doing!?"

"Ooh mints!" After noticing a bowl of mints on the counter, Bobby took one to eat.

Clyde growled at the sight of Lori's boyfriend before looking at Lincoln with a smile on his face. "Just here to help you, buddy."

Lincoln frowned. "I know what you're up to. You know this really isn't the best time for this right?" Lincoln could usually tolerate his best friends' obsession with his older sister but today was a little too important for Lincoln to deal Clyde's shenanigans.

Clyde twirled his fake moustache. "Don't worry. You won't even know I'm here!" Clyde then leaned on the counter, tipping it over causing Lincoln and Lori to jump. This also made the bowl of mints spill over, causing a waiter walking by to slip up. Acting like nothing happened, Clyde then leaned on the tipped over counter. "So, table for three?"

Bobby smiled. "Actually, there are four-"

Clyde purposely ignored Bobby. "Very good. Three. Right this way." Clyde led the group to a table and pulled up a chair for Lori. "Ma'amsellita."

Lincoln then tried to do the same for Ronnie Anne. In response, Ronnie Anne pulled out her own chair to sit in. Lincoln then sat down, feeling slightly annoyed. Bobby then approached the table, noticing something. "Wow, table blankets?" Bobby leaned on a chair and smiled at Lori. "Pretty romantic."

Lori clasped her hands and gave Bobby a romantic stare. "I know. Isn't it?"

Bobby looked away, still trying to stay upset with Lori. "I mean, whatever. It's fine."

Clyde then pulled out the last chair. Bobby assumed he was pulling it out for him. "Hey, thanks, man." He moved to sit down but then Clyde then took the chair away, causing Bobby to fall on the floor. "Ow! Hey, wait!" Bobby got up. Not seeing any other free chairs, he was forced to make do with sitting on a potted plant he dragged to the table.

After that, there was an awkward silence. Lincoln noticed Ronnie Anne was glaring at him. He decided to try and make small talk. "So, I hear the Quiche Rancheros is excellent." Ronnie Anne didn't reply back, still scowling at him.

Clyde then came back, holding a plate with three glasses of water. He gave two of them to Lincoln and Ronnie Anne. "Two flat waters..." He then gave the last one to Lori, trying to give her a charming smile. "and one sparkling, to match your eyes." Lori didn't really take note of Clyde as she was still staring at Bobby.

Bobby tapped Clyde's shoulder. "Uh, could I get a water? And maybe a chair?" Clyde ignored Bobby again and walked off. Bobby gave Clyde an annoyed glare in response.

Later on, Lincoln tried again to talk to Ronnie Anne, giving her a smile. "So, how about that math test? I mean, 'show your work?!' What is that?" Ronnie Anne looked away, still scowling.

As Lori and Bobby were eating their meals, they were both facing away from one another to try and avoid staring at each other. Clyde then came over with a silver plate. "If I may..." Clyde then lifted the cover, not so subtly slamming it into Bobby's face causing him to hold it in pain. "...a special treat for a special lady: A nacho from Jean Juan's private collection!"

Both Lori and Bobby stood up. "I think I'll hit the buffet again." Both of them said simultaneously.

Lori gasped while Clyde had a disillusioned look on his face. "We both said the same thing at the exact same time! It's like we're literally meant to be." The two then walked off to the buffet. Lori had a look of glee while Bobby awkwardly scratched the back of his head. Clyde watched them forlornly before angrily punching the nacho he was holding.

Lincoln then tried to imitate his sister. "It's like we're literally meant to be."

This got a giggle out of Ronnie Anne. She rolled her eyes. "Oh, they're so cheesy!"

Lincoln then giggled. "Yeah, Yeah! Cheesier than this Fromage Con Queso!" Lincoln gestured to what he was eating.

Ronnie Anne laughed. "Oh, remember that time Bobby thought store-bought flowers were too 'impersonal', so he picked his own?"

"Yeah, and they turned out to be poison ivy! Lori swelled up like a salted turkey!" Lincoln squeezed his cheeks for emphasis.

As the two laughed, Lori watched them from the buffet with a smile. "Aw, look, they're getting along!" Lori then turned to Bobby. He was back to rubbing his still aching face. He was looking irritated. "Are you ok, Bobby?"

"Huh?" Bobby turned to her. "Yeah it's just...maybe coming here was a bad idea."

Lori got nervous. "W-what do you mean."

Bobby scratched the back of his head. "I mean...has the service here always been so terrible?"

Lori then gestured to their siblings. "Look on the bright side, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne seem to be getting along now." She gave Bobby a nervous grin.

Bobby looked at the two and gave a happy sigh. "Well, at least Ronnie Anne's having fun." He then turned back to the buffet. Lori looked at him awkwardly. Perhaps this wasn't the right time to reconcile just yet.

Lincoln waved his hand dismissively. "Ugh, the nicknames!"

Ronnie Anne held her hand up. "I know. And don't get me started on the kissing. It's so gross! Who does that!?"

"Yeah, and how about all the selfies?"

Ronnie Anne chuckled as she put her arm around Lincoln and pretended to take a selfie with her other hand.

"Don't get my bad side, Bobby!" Lincoln imitated Lori.

"You don't have a bad side, babe." Ronnie Anne imitated Bobby. "Click, click, click!"

The two shared a laugh before Lincoln turned serious, scratching the back of his head. "You know, I'm really sorry for what I said at school."

Ronnie Anne looked down. "It's okay." Feeling awkward, she started played with her hair. "Sorry about the sloppy joe."

The two then shared a heartfelt smile before Lori and Bobby came back. Lori was looking somewhat down while Bobby seemed a little moody. Lincoln then heard a door open. He looked over and to his dismay, the same classmates that were teasing him yesterday had entered the restaurant. Not wanting to be seen with Ronnie Anne, Lincoln hid under the table. "What are you doing?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"Just, uh, dropped my fork." Lincoln lied, he then crawled out the other side of the table, startling Lori and Bobby.

"Lincoln, where are you going!?" Lori angrily asked.

"Uh, bathroom." Lincoln then grabbed his stomach pretending to need the bathroom. "I hope no one else had the Chile Con Escargots!"

Lincoln tried to dash towards the bathroom but unfortunately, his classmates had spotted him. "Hey Lincoln. Whatcha doing at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet?"

Lincoln stopped to a halt and turned to the other kids. "I'm just here with family. I mean, friends. I, I mean, family friends." Lincoln stammered, hoping they'd buy the lie.

That student then noticed something. "Isn't that Ronnie Anne?"

"No!" Lincoln shrugged nervously. "I mean, maybe. I didn't know she was here."

Lincoln's classmates were smirking at him. The boy then pointed to Lincoln's pants. "Hey, are those khakis?" The boy gasped. "You're wearing date pants!"

"I knew it! Ronnie Anne is your girlfriend!" Another classmate mocked as the group of kids started laughing at Lincoln.

Lincoln turned to them in frustration. "She is NOT my girlfriend! Guys, I already told you. Ronnie Anne is rude and gross and totally annoying. I'd rather lick the bathroom floor than kiss that weirdo."

"LINCOLN!" Lincoln heard Lori shriek. He looked to see Lori and Bobby giving him furious looks while Ronnie Anne looked devastated. She then frowned with tears welling in her eyes as she ran out the entrance.

"Nini!" Bobby called out as he ran out after her.

"Hey wait!" Lincoln called out as well as he and Lori chased after them.


It had gotten dark by the time Leni and Lucy had made it to Hole-In-Onederland. As the group approached the first hole, Leni spoke to Lucy. "What did Lori tell me to-oh yeah, Lori told me to remind you to keep acting regular and normal." Leni then went up first though she was holding the golf club the wrong way. "So how do you do this again, Chaz?"

Chaz then came up to Leni with a casual smile and turned the golf club the other way. "It's not so hard. You just gotta hit the ball and get it into that hole over there." He pointed to the hole and the end of the course. Leni then tried to swing for the ball. Not only did she miss the ball but she accidentally whacked Chaz's knee causing him to hold it. "Oof."

"Oh my gosh. Sorry!" Leni quickly apologised.

Chaz shook the pain off and put a casual smile back on before giving Leni a thumbs up. "Nah, it's cool."

After seeing what just happened, Lucy grinned as she then whacked Rocky's knee with her golf club. "Oops." Lucy then tossed her golf club.

Rocky obviously wasn't impressed. "Ow! What was that for?"

"I thought uh, um, uh, how about that baseball team...that...played the other night?" Lucy grinned nervously while Rocky gave her a confused look.


At the next hole, Chaz putted his ball into a windmill. The ball came out the other side and fell into the hole, earning Chaz a hole in one. He raised his fists into the air. "Yes! Chaz like!"

Leni clapped for him. "Ooh, nice shot. So how many points is that?"

Chaz walked up to her, smiling as usual. "Just the one."

Leni got confused. "Just one? Isn't that bad?"

Chaz shook his head. "Nah, nah you see-"

As Chaz explained the rules of golf to Leni, Rocky came up to take his shot. However, he hit the ball too hard causing it to ricochet off course. Lucy then came up to him with her hands clasped. "Ooh, great shot, Rocky Bear."

Once again, Rocky gave her a confused look. "What? I totally shanked it. My ball went down a rain gutter."

Lucy frowned in thought for a second before pretending to laugh. "Ha ha. Ha ha. You're so funny."

Lucy then pushed him, causing him to fall into the water hazard. "Ah!"


The four were now on a haunted themed hole. Rocky had just managed to sink his ball into the hole.

"Nice shot bro!" Chaz complimented, offering Rocky a fist bump which Rocky reciprocated.

Leni came and nervously held onto Chaz's arm. "Ooh. This hole is totes spooky." She then turned to Lucy.

Lucy had gotten preoccupied with admiring a casket used to decorate the hole. "Whoa. The Freilich 2000 with crushed velvet interior. I've only seen these in catalogues." She opened the casket, about to get into it before Leni ran up to her to try to pull her off it.

"Lucy wait! I don't think you're supposed to do that." Leni managed to pull Lucy off though she didn't notice Rocky had come up behind her as she accidentally knocked Rocky into a coffin, causing him to scream.


At the valentines dance, Luna had just finished her performance, giving everyone the rock on sign as she walked off stage while another student went up on stage to start a rap song. As she walked, she noticed Sam applauding for her. Backstage, she got out the vial. She took a moment to reconsider what she was about to do. Gulping, she poured the potion onto her hand and went down to meet with Sam.

As she approached her, Sam grinned and gave Luna a rock on sign. "Great performance, Lunes!"

"Heck yeah!" Luna then held out her hand for a high five. Sam reciprocated it.

Sam started to feel odd. Her pupils dilated as she looked at Luna. "Whoa, Luna. You look REALLY nice tonight."

Luna awkwardly scratched the back of her head, looking away. "Uhh thanks."

Luna gasped as Sam then pulled Luna in for a hug. "I love you, Luna. I love you so much it burns!"

Despite a voice in the back of Luna's head telling her that this was wrong, Luna smiled. "I-I love you too Sam."

Sam then sneezed, not even bothering to cover her mouth as she solely focused on Luna. "Dude!" Luna called out, slightly disgusted.

A moment later, a random student came up to Luna and suddenly grabbed her shoulders to get Luna to face him. Like Sam, his pupils were dilated. "Luna, I know we've never spoken to each other before but...there's somethin' special bout you, Luna, somethin' special." The student then hugged Luna, placing one of his hands on her butt.

At that, Luna tried to push the guy off her. "Wha-Dude, get off me!"

Sam then roughly shoved the student away. "Back off! She's mine!" Sam growled before she shouted. "Someone help! This guy's trying to touch my girlfriend!"

Seeing that there may be a major problem happening, two teachers then came by to drag the guy away. "Hey wait!"

Sam then dragged Luna off before grabbing her again. "Never leave me, Luna, NEVER."

Luna was starting to get nervous as some students were starting to give the two looks. "Uh ok..uh what do you think that was about?"

"Who cares? Just hold me." Sam held onto Luna tighter.

As he was being dragged out, the student started screaming. "LET ME GO! I LOVE YOU LUNA!" The student then started to have a sneezing fit.


Back at the Loud house, Lynn Sr. and Rita had just finished the meal that Lynn Sr. had prepared. Lily was sat on another nearby table, eating her own food. Lynn Sr. grinned at his wife. "So how was it?"

"Wonderful! Just like usual." Rita seemed distracted by something.

"What's wrong?" Lynn Sr. asked.

Rita sighed. "I've been thinking about Rick. I've been reconsidering if him living here has been good for our family. You heard him earlier today, I don't want him saying that kinda stuff to our kids."

"Come on, Rita, so the guy's a little opinionated. It's not like the kids have complained to us about his adventures right?" Lynn Sr. argued.

Rita huffed. "Lynn, don't you think you're being a little too defensive of him? Any time I criticise him, you're always the first to his defence."

Lynn Sr. started to look nervous. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

The two sat in silence for a bit while Rita thought about what to say next. " this about your other dad?"

Lynn Sr.'s eyes widened before he sighed deeply as he looked downwards. Lynn Sr. only had vague memories of Rick from when he was very young. After Rick left, his mother remarried. He had known his step father for most of his life and more or less thought of him as his father. In fact, it was him that passed down the family van. Sadly, he passed away a couple years ago. "Ever since he left, I guess I felt like I was missing something." Lynn Sr. then got up. "Sorry, I just need some time to think about things." He then wandered off.

He ended up wandering into Rick's garage where Rick was working on something. "Uh, hey Dad." Lynn Sr. greeted.

Rick's head perked up slightly. "Oh, hey Lynn. Say could you pass me a screwdriver?"

"Um, I just wanted to ask, how are the kids doing?" Lynn Sr. asked.

Rick was slightly caught off guard. "Huh? Uh they seem pretty fine to me last time I checked Lynn. W-why do you ask?"

"No reason." Lynn Sr. replied before looking concerned. "I hope Luna doesn't come back sick. I heard there's a flu going around her school."

Rick then suddenly sat up straight. "Uh oh." He then got up and quickly got into his space cruiser, leaving behind a confused Lynn. Lynn Sr. then shrugged before poking around Rick's garage for a little bit.

To be continued