Chapter 52 - :)CH52

"Hey...Luffy." Sanji said. "What did you do?" Gin asked in a queit voice as Yosaku just stared with wide eyes. Luffy then gave a small explanation before picking up some food.

"I'm in a good mood cow, so I'll give you some food." Luffy said before he glared at Mohmoo. "But you try to take my arm off, and I'll rip that nose ring off your face. Got it?" Mohmoo slowly nodded, causing Luffy to smile and throw some food at him. Mohmoo ate the food and mooed happily as Luffy took some rope and tied it around Mohmoo's horns. "Okay cow, take us to Arlong Park." As Mohmoo took off, the other three stared at him.

'He just tamed that sea king like it was a puppy!' Yosaku thought.

'Who is this guy?!' all three of them thought as Luffy laughed.

()()()() Back at Arlong Park, with all the fishmen distracted, Usopp tried to take his slingshot out, but was stopped when Nami smacked him with her staff. He flew away a bit before skidding to a stop.

"It's not a good idea to attack the fishmen." she said as she picked up a knife. Usopp looked up at her before spitting some blood away.

"So this is the real you, huh Nami?" he asked as he got up. "Just a witch that gets close to pirates and then robs them blind?"

"That's right. And since you're interferring with my business, I realize it was a mistake to let you guys follow me." Nami said as she held up the knife with a dead look in her eyes. "Time to die Usopp."

'Oh man. She's not kidding around!' Usopp thought. 'Only got one chance to run.' He then pulled out his slingshot and shot a smoke star at the ground, covering the whole area. 'Good. I'm out of here.'

"Sorry Usopp." came Nami's voice from the smoke before a stabbing sound was heard.

"Na...mi...Why?" Usopp squeeked as blood fell on the ground. As the smoke cleared everyone saw what looked like Nami stabbing Usopp. She pulled the knife out as Usopp slowly fell into the water. All the fishman cheered as Johnny cried a safe distance away, thinking the worst had happened.

"This can't be!" he whispered before he ran off.

"Heh. Guess I was wrong about you. You are one of us." Kuroobi said.

"Whatever." Nami said as she walked out of Arlong Park.

()()()() "Faster cow!" Luffy yelled from the bow of the ship as they the sea cow pulled them toward an island in the distance.

"Is that where we're going?" Sanji asked.

"That's the place." Yosaku shouted as he saw a giant building beyond a steel gate in the water. "That's Arlong Park!

"So what now?" Gin asked. "We charge in like reckless idiots?"

"First we find the others." Luffy said. "Then we charge in." He then pulled the ropes to the right as they neared the island. "That way cow!"

"What are you doing?!" Sanji shouted.

"Hold on guys!" Luffy shouted as he stretched his arms out and grab Mohmoo's horns. He then shoved his feet into the wood of the bow before rocketing them all through the air. "YAHOO! IT'S LIKE WE'RE FLYING!" "WE ARE FLYING MORON!" Sanji yelled as he and the other two hung on for dear life. "WHY'D YOU DO THAT ANYWAY?!"

"Because one of our crew is this way." he answered calmly as the ship hit the ground but kept plowing through the trees.


"What's that sound?" Zoro asked himself as he looked to his left. He got his answer when a boat came flying out of the trees right at him. His mouth fell open before the boat ran him over. It kept going until it crashed into some wetlands.

"That was fun." Luffy laughed as he walked out of the wreckage.

"No it wasn't." Sanji groaned as he and the others were under the wreckage. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Zoro yelled as they all finally got out of the remains of the ship.

"Sorry about that. Hey Zoro." Luffy said with a smile. "Where's Nami, Johnny, and Usopp?"

"Usopp?!" Zoro said before he ran off. "Usopp got caught. We gotta go help him!"

"Too late." Johnny said as he slowly walked towards them all with tears in his eyes. "He's already gone."

"Gone?" Yosaku asked.

"I saw the whole thing." Johnny said through his tears. "Big Bro Usopp...was murdered...BY BIG SIS NAMI!" he screamed. All but Luffy looked at him in shock.

"He's alive." Luffy said in a calm voice.

"But...but I saw it!" Johnny said as the tears fell again. "I know what I saw. Nami's nothing but a cold hearted woman!" he said before he started ranting on and on. Luffy finally sighed before he took a deep breath.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP ALREADY?!" he shouted, causing all of them to freeze. Everyone looked at him as Luffy just stared at the sky. "Usopp's alive. I can sense him."

"You mean with that haki of yours Luffy?" Zoro asked.