"Right behind you partner!" Yosaku said. They both glared at the building before he stopped. "By the way..." he said. "What?" Johnny asked when he noticed Yosaku stopped walking. Yosaku kept his eyes on the ground before he looked back at Johnny. "On the way here to this Island, Big Bro Luffy asked something crazy." he said.
Mohmoo was still pulling the boat in the direction of the island as Luffy, Gin, Sanji, and Yosaku were holding on.
"Hey Yosaku." Luffy said.
"Yeah Big Bro?" "You and Johnny wanna join my crew?" he asked.
"Huh?!" Yosaku said as he stared at Luffy like he grew an extra head.
"I'm looking for crewmates, and you and Johnny are cool. So what do you say?"
-Flashback ends- "He asked if we wanted to join his crew?" Johnny asked in disbelief. "Doesn't he know we're pirate hunters?"
"He does, but he still wants us to join. Crazy huh?" Yosaku said.
"I'll say." Johnny said before they both laughed until they were just outside the gate. "We're here."
"Right." Yosaku said. He and Johnny both had their swords out before they both took a deep breath.
Back at the village, everyone saw Genzo and Nojiko, both with pure anger across their faces.
"Hey Genzo, what's wrong?" one of the villagers asked. Genzo was trembling with rage as he looked at everyone.
"Those marines from earlier." he hissed. "Oh no." someone said.
"Did Arlong kill them?"
"No." Nojiko said. "Arlong sent them." Everyone just looked at her confused.
"Those marines were acting on Arlong's orders to steal Nami's money." Genzo said. Everyone just stared as his words sunk in.
"Then...that means..."
"They lied to Nami!"
"Even though they failed to get their hands on her money, I doubt Arlong will give up." Genzo said before he got a determined look in his eyes. "Spread word to the whole village. Tell everyone to meet here and to gather whatever weapon they have."
Nami was running back towards her village as fast as she could. "Genzo...Nojiko...everyone! Please, don't do anything rash!" she said.
Everyone gathered in the village with makeshift weapons in hand, each scared but determined.
"Eight years ago," Genzo said. "We made a vow to live our lives, despite what Arlong threw at us. That as long as Nami fought, we would endure until Nami honored her deal with Arlong. BUT IT WAS ALL FOR NOTHING!" he screamed out, getting everyone angry. "Those bastards never intended to keep their promise! They never intend to let this village or Nami free! But now, we're going to make them pay for all the years they tricked a kind little girl! WHO'S WITH ME?!"
"YEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHH!" roared the whole village.
"Let's do this!" "We'll teach those rotten fishmen!"
"STOP!" someone shouted. Everyone looked to see Nami walking towards them with a smile on her face. "Wait everyone! There's no need to fight them. They didn't get any of my money, so it'll only be one more trip and I'll have enough. Don't worry about it. Calm down everyone." Everyone watched her as she tried to keep them calm, but Genzo walked up to her and held her in a tight hug.
"Enough Nami." he said in a calm voice. Nami just stood there as tears threatened to fall from her eyes. "There's no point. Even though they failed this time, Arlong will try something else to keep you from buying our freedom. There's no doubt about that."
"Genzo." Nami said in a choked up voice.
"Set yourself free Nami." Genzo said, shocking her.
"What?" she said. "Do it Nami." Nojiko said with a smile.
"Nojiko?!" she said. She looked around to see the whole village agreed. "You're a smart girl, and you have a dream."
"Everyone stop!" she said as she pulled out a knife. "Stay where you are! I won't let you go to the fishmen!" she said as she started trembling. "You'll all die."
"We know." the village doctor said. Genzo walked up to her and grabbed the knife with his bare hands, causing them to bleed.