"Back off! You're not worth the trouble!" Sanji said as he kicked them all away. He then turned to Luffy and started scolding him for running in like that.
"I'm not worried. I can handle them." Luffy said with a grin.
"I don't care about that! You're gonna hog all the action!" he yelled.
"Don't worry about m-me guys." Usopp said. "Take all of them if you like."
"Ready to go as always, eh Usopp?" Zoro said as he rolled his eyes.
"Can you even fight long nose?" Gin asked. All the villagers just stared at the scene in front of them. "He blasted Arlong through the wall?!" one of them asked in disbelief.
"No way. They're actually beating the fishmen?" Soon all the villagers felt their hope of gaining their freedom rise.
"HEY! I REMEMBER YOU! YOU TRICKED ME RORONOA ZORO!" Hachi yelled while flailing his six arms wildly. He then screamed in fear at the sight of Usopp. "IT'S THAT LONG NOSE GUY! HOW'S HE STILL ALIVE?!"
"Tch. If he's alive, then the only reason is that bitch Nami let him live. I knew she was a traitor." Kuroobi snarled. Everyone went silent as Arlong's laugh could be heard from the other side of the wall before he walked out of the hole of himself.
"A pirate huh?" he laughed. "Now it's starting to make sense. You want her to navigate your ship. Sorry, but she's mine!" he declared. After those words, Hachi laughed.
"You punks aren't worth Arlong's time." he said. "We know how to take care of you." He then began making trumpet like sounds with his mouth. After a few moments, Mohmoo rose up from the water inside Arlong Park. All the villagers screamed as Mohmoo got closer to Hachi, stopping only when he spotted Luffy.
"Oh, it's the sea cow again." Luffy said as he looked at Mohmoo.
"I was wondering what happened to him." Sanji said. Mohmoo just stared at them both before looking a little sad. He remembered them giving him food and didn't want to hurt them, so he turned to leave, confusing the fishmen. Mohmoo stopped when Arlong called out to him, then seemed to get angry when Arlong finished speaking before turning to attack Luffy and his crew. Luffy sighed before holding a hand up and releasing a wave of haki at Mohmoo. Mohmoo stopped again, stunning everyone but Sanji, Gin, and Yosaku.
"He stopped that sea king with just a wave of his hand?!" a lot of the villagers screamed.
'That haki again.' Zoro thought.
"Sorry Mohmoo." Luffy said before he pulled his fist back and slammed it into Mohmoo's head, knocking the sea king out cold.
"MOHMOO!" Hachi screamed before looking at Luffy and his crew with rage in his eyes. "Why you rotten humans! I'll teach you to treat our brethren like this!"
"Alright you inferior human." Arlong said in a low tone. "I've had about all I can tolerate from the likes of you."
"Calm down Arlong." Kuroobi said. "You'll destroy Arlong Park if you go crazy." "We're more than enough to beat these punks down. Chu!" Chew said as all the fishmen were ready to fight.
"LET US KILL THESE WEAKLINGS!" Hachi yelled. Luffy frowned at hearing Hachi speak like that.
"Alright." Arlong said as he grinned.
"Gin." Luffy said. "Your up." Gin only grinned back as he brought out his tonfa and began to swing it around in circles.
"Heh. One human against all of us?" a fishman said in a cocky tone. "I'll take care of him." He then lunged at Gin, ready to take him out. Right as he swung his fist, Gin ducked to avoid the attack before swinging his tonfa around, smashing his head into the concrete. Everyone stared as he raised a bloody tonfa up with a dissatisfied frown as he looked at the villagers.
"These guys are a threat?" he asked as he slowly swung his tonfa around again before grinning. "Don't make me laugh." They villagers just stared while the fishmen looked ready to kill.
"HUMAN TRASH!" some of them shouted as they all charged at Gin. Gin just smiled as he began to fight them off, all the while grinning at them all. Two lunged at his back, only for Gin to backflip behind them. He then smashed their heads together with his tonfa, but was caught in a death grip by a third fishman.
"Gotcha!" the fishman said as another was charging Gin from the front for the kill. Gin's eyes narrowed before he spun his tonfa in his hand, resting the heavy ball against his elbow before raising it to smash it into his grappler's ribs. The attacked caused the fishman behind him to let go just in time for Gin to dodge, causing the charging fishman to attack his comrade. As he stared at what he did, Gin spun around and smashed his tonfa into his head, sending both fishman flying into the wall. "He's beating them up like they're nothing." the doctor said as Kuroobi slowly walked towards Gin.
"Seems it'll take more to do away with you." he said. "After I get rid of you, that bitch Nami is next."
"Hold it right there." Sanji said as he walked between Kuroobi and Gin. "I won't stand by and let some fish freak insult a beautiful lady."
"A lady?" Kuroobi asked skeptically. "Ha! You'd die for some stupid girl? That's a laugh." Sanji got pissed as he removed his cigarette and glared at Kuroobi.
"One more insult and your sushi asshole!" he said in a dangerous tone. "You hear me?"
"Your skills are good for a human, but isn't chivalry from a pirate a little fake?" Kuroobi said with a grin. "I'm dead good at what I do." he said as he put his cigarette back in his mouth. "And there's nothing fake about wanting to help a beautiful lady in need." Soon, both were facing off as Hachi glared at Zoro.
"You tricked me earlier Roronoa Zoro!" he shouted. "How dare you attack my brethren, and then con me into giving you a lift to Cocoyashi?!"
"That's old news octo-freak." Zoro said as he grabbed the hilt of his blade with his hand. "I don't care why you want me dead, but the tables have turned." he said as he slowly unsheated his sword for everyone to see the glint of his blade. "You're not the hunters anymore fish-freak. You're the hunted." As Hachi ran off to get his blades, Gin screamed in pain as he fell to his knees. The villagers looked to see him bleeding from the back of his right shoulder and left leg. While he had his back turned, Chew had fired two water shots from his mouth at Gin to cripple him.