"Bullseye." he said as he wiped his mouth.
"You're finished!" screamed the last two fishmen as they both charged at Gin.
'Shit! My arm's in bad shape, and I can't move!" he thought as they were nearly upon him.
"EXPLODING STAR!" Usopp yelled as he fired two exploding pellets at the fishman, sending them flying back and away from Gin. "Take t-that, you rotten fish!" Usopp yelled as his legs shook in fear.
"You're that long nose human that attacked Arlong before." Chew said as Usopp slowly turned to him with sweat and snot on his face. "This time when we kill you," he said as he ran towards him. "IT'LL BE FOR GOOD!"
"KAAAAAAAAAH!" Usopp shrieked as he ran past the villagers. Chew saw them all before stopping.
"Weapons huh?" Chew asked. "Seems you all intend to rebel against us. Since that's the case, I have no choice but to kill you." He got ready to strike, but stopped when a flaming star hit him.
"Did you think it was that easy?" Usopp yelled from a distance with his slingshot out. "I'M your opponent!" Chew glared at him before declaring he would die, which caused Usopp to turn and run with Chew in pursuit.
"Who is that guy?" Genzo asked.
"Brave one moment, then cowardly the next." the doctor said as they all turned back to see Zoro face off against Hachi and Sanji against Kuroobi. Arlong stood up with a dark look on his face with a frown. "I've had enough games." he said as he glared at Luffy. Luffy just glared right back as his crew fought against the fishmen. "Do you not understand my anger? My brethren are laid about, broken and bruised! I swear...I'LL KILL EVERY ONE OF YOU INFERIOR HUMANS!"
Nami was back at her home, dressing the stab wound she gave herself. She tied a bandage around her shoulder before she left.
'I've cried and complained long enough! Everyone's fighting for their freedom.' she thought. 'I will too!'
The villagers watched from the broken gate, which was guarded by Johnny and Yosaku to keep them from getting themselves killed. While Gin was among the crowd having his wounds taken care of by the doctor, Hachi returned with a blade in each hand as he and Zoro were about to fight.
"Behold Roronoa Zoro!" Hachi yelled. "Aside from another on Fishman Island, I am the strongest swordsman! You cannot hope to beat my six sword style!" As he yelled, Zoro tied his bandana around his head and placed his white blade in his mouth.
"What's so great about that?" Zoro asked. "Johnny! Yosaku! Lend me your blades!"
"Right Big Bro!" they both shouted as they threw their swords towards Zoro. "Catch!"
"HAH! Behold the power of my six sword style! OCTOPUS MIRACLE SWORDS!" Hachi yelled as he waved his swords around while charging towards Zoro. Zoro didn't even budge.
"Big Bro! Our swords are coming at you!" Johnny yelled. "Didn't you say you wanted them?!" screamed Yosaku. Just before Hachi struck, Zoro grabbed both blades and began to swerve and deflect all of Hachi's blades.
"Three Sword Style," Zoro said as he appeared behind Hachi. "Bleeding the Wolf!" Both stood their for a moment before Hachi was slashed and blood dripped from his chest.
"NYU?! How dare you?!" Hachi yelled as he turned to face Zoro. "Nyu?" he said as he noticed Zoro wobble around a bit and sweating a lot.
"His wound from Hawk-Eye hasn't healed yet." Yosaku said.
"It'd probably take half a year for it to finish healing, yet he's moving around like it's nothing!" said Johnny.
"That idiot. Why didn't he-" Sanji said before Kuroobi's fist knocked him through the wall of the fence surrounding Arlong Park. "You shouldn't take your eyes off your opponent." Kuroobi said. "I'm a level 40 master of Fishman Karate."
"Brother Cook!" Johnny and Yosaku screamed. Sanji just lay there in a daze with blood slipping out of his mouth.
"SHAHAHAHAHA!" Arlong laughed. "Did you humans really think you had a chance?" he asked, grinning at the sight of Zoro and Sanji either down or on their last legs. "Why don't you join them?!" He shouted as he lunged at Luffy. Luffy merely stepped to the side, avoiding the attack before grabbing Arlong's head and shoving his face into the concrete.
"Shut up and watch." Luffy said as he looked back at the fight. Everyone gaped at the sight of Arlong being thrown to the ground so easily. They then turned back to Sanji who was slowly getting up and was lighting a cigarette. "Level 40 huh?" he asked as he breathed out some smoke. "Then the geezer's kicks must've been level 400." He then slowly walked back into the park for a rematch against Kuroobi.
"You're still alive?" Kuroobi asked in disbelief.