"OUTTA THE WAY!" he screamed at her. He then looked back at the crowd with his sword drawn. "MOVE OUT!" "LET'S SHOW THOSE FISHMEN WHAT WE'RE MADE OF!" someone screamed as they all ran off to fight the fishmen. Nami just stood there before the knife fell from her hands as she fell to her knees. All she could hear was Arlong's horrible laughter as her eyes darted towards the tattoo on her left shoulder. She placed her fingers on it, looking ready to rip it right off her shoulder.
'Arlong!' she thought before she grabbed the knife and stabbed her shoulder, screaming out Arlong's name. Over and over she stabbed, each time speaking his name as blood fell from her shoulder. She kept going until she felt another hand grab her wrist. She looked up to see a familiar face under a straw hat. "Luffy?" she said before she dropped the knife. She looked back to the ground with her head down. She was quiet for some time as the tears continued to fall from her eyes. "They left..."
"Yeah. I saw." "They'll be killed. All of them." she said. "Even though I'm almost there, they still ran off to fight them." She sat there trembling as the thought of everyone she loved dying at the fishmens hands went through her mind. "I was so close..."
"You know, the offer still stands Nami." Luffy said. Nami just sat there for a moment before she raised her head.
"Luffy...help me." she said as she looked at him with tears in her eyes. Luffy had a blank look as he took off his straw hat and placed it on her head. Just like last time, he took a few steps away before taking a deep breath.
"DARN RIGHT I WILL!" he screamed.
'Do NOT touch my hat!' Nami remembered as she stared at Luffy. He was leaving his treasured hat in her care. She couldn't stop the tears as Luffy walked off towards his crew, who were all waiting for his orders. "Let's go."
"Right." they all said. All five then made their way to Arlong Park.
()()()() "Whoa!"
"What happened?" "Did Arlong do this to you guys?" All the villagers were outside the gate to Arlong Park, where they saw a beaten up Johnny and Yosaku leaning against the gate.
"Step aside." Genzo said as Johnny looked up at them. "We've come to see the fishmen." "After we heard the truth about big sis Nami, there was only one thing we could think to do: Beat Arlong." Johnny said. "With that in mind, we came here to do that."
"But as you can see, he thrashed us easily." Yosaku finished. "Sorry, but we're not moving for you guys. Especially since you have no chance of victory." Johnny said.
"What?" Genzo said.
"Be patient. We're waiting for those guys to show up." Yosaku said. Everyone just looked at them in confusion.
"Those guys?" Genzo asked.
"I bet my life on it. Those guys will show up soon." Yosaku said. After a moment, both he and Johnny stood up with smiles on their faces.
"There!" they both said. Everyone looked behind them to see five people walking side by side towards them all. Gin, Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp."
"Those guys?" Nojiko asked.
"Why would they help us?" Genzo asked. "If they can't beat Arlong, then not only this island, but the whole East Blue is finished." Yosaku said.
"Etch those five into your minds. They're the men who'll change fate itself." Johnny said. Soon all five were near the crowd.
"Move." Luffy said as they approached. As they did, Arlong's laugh could be heard inside. Luffy's eyes narrowed at that laugh. All the pain he made Nami go through was about to thrown back at him 100 fold. Everyone moved away from the gate as Luffy balled his hands into fists. He then punched the gate a few times before it exploded. All the fishmen inside were staring with disbelief as the smoke cleared, showing one pissed off Luffy.
"What the?!" Arlong said with bloodshot eyes. Luffy stood up with a fist in the air as he glared at them all. "Which one of you is Arlong?" he asked. Though he knew, he wanted them to know he wasn't messing around.
"Arlong?" Arlong asked as he lay in his chair looking at Luffy with a bored but annoyed expression. "I'm Arlong."
"Good. I'm Luffy." Luffy said as he started walking towards Arlong.
"Luffy? What are you supposed to be?" he asked.
"A pirate."
"Hey wait a minute! You're that guy that likes to go on walks!" Hachi shouted.
"Where do you think you're going?" asked a fishman as he and another fishman blocked Luffy's path.
"You wanna talk to the boss, you gotta talk to us fi-" Faster than anyone could blink, Luffy punched both fishmen into the air. They both flew so high that they couldn't be seen anymore.
"Whoa..." one of the villagers said as everyone stared in awe.
"What do you want pirate?" Arlong asked, looking quite pissed at seeing his fellow fishmen beaten like that. Luffy stood still for a moment before he appeared next to Arlong, punching him with blinding speed so that he flew through the wall on the other side of the park, leaving a hold looking like Arlong in the wall. All the villagers and other fishmen gapped at that as Luffy had steam coming out of his nose.
"THAT'S FOR MAKING OUR NAVIGATOR CRY!" Luffy shouted. Everyone stared in shock before some fishmen went to attack Luffy.