Chapter 55 - :)CH-55

"Luffy?" Nami said. "What are you doing here?"

"I was taking a walk and followed these guys. That's all." Luffy said.

"Anyway, back to business." Nezumi said. "I heard that you've been stealing from pirates. Since the victims are pirates, I won't hold any charges against you. However, stealing is stealing. As such, it is our job as marines to return all stolen articles to their rightful owner."

"Wait...what?" Nami said in shock.

"In short, all the money you've stolen is to be handed over to me immediately." Nezumi said with a creepy grin. "Search the house."

"Yes sir." replied the marines as they went into Nami's house, despite her protests. "Arlong has killed many people and taken over many towns, yet you ignore him and come after one petty thief?!" Nami screamed

"Is that any way a petty thief should talk to a Marine Officer?" Nezumi said.

"Sir, nothing in the house, but these orchards look suspiscious." one of the marines said.

"Dig up the fields." Nezumi ordered.

"STAY AWAY FROM BELLEMERE'S TANGERINE TREES!" Nami shouted as she attacked some marines with her staff. "That money isn't for you! It's for-"

"It's to save all our lives here at the village!" Genzo finished for Nami, startling her.

" knew Genzo?" she asked.

"Everyone knew Nami. After you joined Arlong, none of us could believe it. So we asked Nojiko and she told us about your deal." "Then why didn't you say anything?!" Nami said.

"If you knew that we knew, we feared it would be too much to take. We thought you've feel to obligated to help us in case you wanted to run, so we kept our mouths shut about everything."

"Genzo." Nami said in a quiet voice.

"If that's true, then should I arrest the whole village for harboring a thief?" Nezumi asked with a grin.

"We decided to fight for ourselves since it was useless to put our hopes on you clowns." Nojiko said as she appeared. "If you're not here to arrest Arlong, then get lost!"

"Pretty bold to be talking to me like that." Nezumi said as he turned to his men. "What's taking so long to find it? It's 100,000,000 berris for crying out loud!" This shocked Nami, Genzo, and Nojiko. "How did you know it was that much?!" Genzo shouted.

"The amount? Lucky guess." Nezumi said. Nami froze as Arlong's horrible laugh came to her mind.

'Arlong?!' she thought. "Arlong sent you here, didn't he?!" she screamed.

"Arlong? What makes you say that?" Nezumi said with a sinister grin that said all that was needed. Before anyone could say anything else, all the marines except Nezumi fell to the ground out cold. "Wha-What happened?!" Nezumi said as he looked at all his fallen men. "What are you all doi-" was what he said before a fist was shoved into his gut. Nezumi was stunned before he fell to his knees and passed out.

"That guy was getting on my nerves." Luffy said as he turned to the stunned three.

"Who...who are you?" Genzo said. "Monkey D. Luffy. Pirate." Luffy said with a grin. While Genzo and Nojiko just stared at the scene before them, Nami was trembling where she stood before she took off.

'Arlong! Arlong! ARLONG!'



"Ah, my trusted navigator. Something wrong?" Arlong asked.

"The marines just came to my house to steal my money! What's going on?!" she said as she walked up to him.

"The marines huh? That's a shame."

"Cut the crap!" she said as she grabbed him by his shirt. "What about our deal? You said you'd rather die than break a deal involving money, didn't you?!" "That's right. And have I broken my promise?" he asked.

"Don't lie to me! You sent-" Nami said before Arlong grabbed her face, covering her mouth with his hand as he glared at her with a grin.

"Have I broken my promise?" he said. "If the marines took your money, that's too bad. Until you pay me the full sum in one go, I won't let you or your village go."

'You monster!' Nami thought as tears ran down her face.

"What's wrong Nami? Thinking of running away? Of course, if you try that, I'll kill everyone in the village." he said with a laugh as he let her go. Nami just glared at him before she ran off with tears in her eyes.

"Nice plan Arlong." Chew said.

"Of course. I'm not letting her go until she makes a map of everywhere." Arlong said. "Too bad it'll take decades." Chew said before they all started laughing.


While this was happening, Johhny and Yosaku were walking towards Arlong Park. They heard Nami's story and were ready to fight Arlong for her.

"There it is." Johnny said as he spotted the Arlong Park in the distance. "Time to kick that fishman's ass."