Chapter 53 - :)CH53

"Yeah. I don't know what you saw Johnny, but Usopp's alive. As for Nami, she's not one to take someone's life, especially her friends." Luffy said.

"Friend huh?" came a voice behind them all. Everyone looked to see Nami walking towards them all with a bandage around her left hand. She looked at them all like they were nothing but utter pests. Her face softened when she saw Luffy, who looked right back at her. She closed her eyes as she gave a soft sigh. "Why did you all come here?"

"To get you back of course." Luffy said with a small smile.

"I saw what you did!" Johnny shouted as he pointed wildly at Nami. "What happened to Big Bro Usopp?!" Nami just looked at them all with her eyes now hidden by her bangs.

"Don't worry. He's alive." she said.

"He is? Really?!" Johnny said.

"Hi Nami!" Sanji said in love mode. "Remember me? Let's fly away together!"

"Wait a minute!" Johnny shouted. "What about all the blood I saw?"

"That was mine." she said as she held up her bandaged hand. "See guys." Luffy said with his arms crossed and a big smile on his face. "She's not a bad person." Nami just stared at Luffy as she felt her eyes well up a bit. She turned away from them all before she spoke again.

"I'm sorry I stole from you all. If you want your ship back, it's docked near my house. I'll bring it to you guys later. But for now, don't cause any trouble on this island and stay out of our affairs."

"Alright." Luffy said as he fell down to the ground.

"Captain?" Gin asked.

"I'm gonna take a nap." he said. Nami couldn't help but smile to herself at Luffy's carefree attitude.

'Idiot.' she thought before she walked off.

"So what now?" Zoro asked. "We sit back and relax. We're not leaving unless she comes with us, and that's final." Luffy said before he put his hat on his face and dozed off.

"Is that really all we're doing?" Gin asked in disbelief.

"Captain's orders." Zoro said as he sat in the middle of the road. Gin only sighed as he walked off and sat down in the grass. Sanji sat down in the shade of a tree smoking a cigarette.

'These guys are too laid back.' Johnny and Yosaku thought.


Somewhere else on the island, Usopp was running down the road with a cloak around him. He was thinking back to when Nami pretended to stab him, but stabbed her hand instead. As he did, he saw his crew up ahead and ran towards them with his cloak falling off. He didn't hear Sanji shouting at Zoro in defense of Nami and unknowingly ran between a kick and a hard fist. "Usopp?" Sanji said.

"He's alive!" Zoro said. "Well...maybe." ()()()() "AHH! USOPP!" Luffy shouted. He wanted to wake up and prevent this from happening like last time, but was too sleepy to wake up. "How'd this happen?!"

"Sorry. It was mine and Zoro's fault." Sanji said as he pointed his finger at Zoro.

"No, just your fault." Zoro said as Usopp looked up at Luffy.

"'re here."

"Yep. I sure am." he said with a smile.

"I'm here too." Sanji said. Usopp got up and in his face as he started threatening to kill him. "Hey, a full recovery." "SHUT UP!" Usopp shouted.

"By the way, we heard Nami faked your death." Zoro said in a bored tone.

"Huh?" Usopp said as he blinked at that. "Oh yeah. Something strange is happening on this isl- what's he doing here?!" Usopp said he now noticed and pointed at Gin.

"Finally realized I was here huh?" Gin said. "Now that you mention it, why are you here?" Zoro asked.

"I asked him to join us." Luffy said, earning confused looks from both of them. After a quick explanation, they both still stared.

"So you asked him to join?" Usopp said. "Yeah. He's heading to the Grand Line as well, so why not?" Luffy said. "Getting back to the matter at hand," Zoro said. "What are we going to do about Nami? She doesn't seem to wanna leave for some reason."

"Why is she working for some fishmen anyway?" Yosaku asked.

"Not that it's any of your business," someone said. Everyone looked up the hill to see Nojiko looking at them all. "But Nami's got a good reason as to why she's working for them."

"Who's that?" Johnny asked.

"Nojiko!" Usopp said.


"Nami's big sister."

"No wonder she's hot!" Sanji said with hearts in his eyes. Nojiko looked at them all with slight annoyance and curiosity.

"Which one of you is Luffy?" she asked.