Chapter 15 - :)CH15

"How about this? If I help you get you the money, you help me get to the Grand Line. Deal?" he said, holding out his hand. Nami looked at him like he was crazy, but remembered his scar and sighed.

"I won't be a pirate." she said before smacking his hand with hers. "But I'll help you out for awhile." she said with a small smile. Luffy just smiled as she got an idea. "And I know the perfect plan to steal Buggy's treasure." she said as she pulled some rope out of nowhere. "Just need you to hold still."


"What do you mean you couldn't catch the thief?!" Buggy screamed at the three pirates Luffy beat earlier. "Her boss came out of nowhere and-"

"I DON'T CARE! YOU DIE FOR THIS!" Buggy screamed, terrifying the three pirates.

"Captain, the thief is here with the map." said a short clown pirate.

"Alright, show her here. Wait, WHAT?!" Buggy said, confused as Nami walked towards him with a tied up Luffy. When they got close enough, Nami kicked Luffy who fell down at Buggy's feet.

"I've captured the real thief Captain Buggy. Here's your map." Nami said as she handed back the chart.

"I appreciate the return of my map, but why the sudden change of heart?" Buggy asked in confusion.

"My boss is nothing but an idiot, so I thought I'd work for you." she said in a happy tone. "Hey, let go! That's not yours you moron!" yelled one of the pirates. Everyone turned to see that Luffy was now trying to wrestle a piece of meat away from one of the Buggy pirates with his teeth. Most of the crew, including Nami, sweatdropped at the sight. Buggy, however, was laughing his head off.

"No wonder you're fed up with him. He IS an idiot." he laughed before turning to Nami. "I like your style girly. You're in my crew. MEN! TIME FOR A PARTY!"

Everyone cheered and began to celebrate the new addition to the crew, while Luffy was thrown into an iron cage.

"What's your name woman?" Buggy asked.

"It's Nami."

"Men! A toast to our new member Nami!" Buggy said with a raised mug. Everyone raised a glass with their captain and Nami before returning to their party. Nami downed her drink as she looked at the pirates.

'Good. Everything's going as planned.' she thought as she wiped her mouth. 'After they've all passed out, I'll steal the chart, the treasure, and get Luffy out of here.'

While she was drinking, Luffy was trying to stretch his arm out unnoticed towards the buffet that was on a table, but missed again like last time. "Shit. I'm hungry." he grumbled.

"Here." said Nami as she set some food next to Luffy when the others weren't looking.

"Thanks." Luffy said as he started eating. As he chewed, he whispered "Looks like your plan is working Nami."

"Shh." she said. "You're gonna blow my cover." "Food for the enemy Nami?" came the voice of Buggy. Nami turned to see Buggy standing over her with his arms crossed.

"Just a...parting gift to say goodbye." she quickly lied, hoping Buggy wouldn't attack. Instead, he just smiled as he raised an eyebrow.

"A parting gift huh?" he asked. "Then I'll give him a parting gift as well." He then ordered his men to bring out his Buggy Ball. Immediately, a few pirates brought out a huge cannon while another brought out a big red ball with Buggy's Jolly Roger on it. They then pointed the loaded cannon at the town. "A demonstration of my power. FIRE!"

When the fuse disappeared, the cannon fire, sending the Buggy Ball through a row of houses, demolishing them all instantly. As the smoke cleared, all that was left was a row of rubble and debris. All the pirates were laughing at the sight. "How was that? With these Buggy Bombs and the power of my Devil fruit, I'll rule the Grand Line!" Buggy shouted, causing his men to cheer. Nami just stared at the sight, feeling sick at the sight of it. Luffy just looked up at Buggy.

"But I'm the one who's gonna rule the Grand Line." he said. Everyone just stared as he went on. "Because I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!"

"Are you trying to piss him off?!" Nami shouted.

"No wonder you're sick of him Nami. Men, prepare the cannon again!" Buggy shouted. His men prepped the cannon with another Buggy Ball, then pointed it straight at Luffy. "Now for MY parting gift. Here Nami." he said as he gave her a box of matches. "To prove your loyalty, I'll give you the honor blasting your boss away."

Nami just looked at the matchbox in horror. "C-come on Captain. There's no need for this. Let's get to the party." she said in a nervous tone.