Chapter 16 - :)CH16

"Do it Nami." he said a in threatening manner, leaving no room for argument. All the pirates were cheering for her to light the cannon. Her hands were shaking as she stared at Luffy.

"Hurry it up Nami! Kill him now!" Buggy screamed, which was joined by the rest of his crew.

"You're shaking Nami." he said. "This is what happens when you face pirates with a weak resolve."

"What?" she asked, now looking at Luffy's face to see him smile. "To murder anyone like it's nothing?" "No. It's to be willing to risk your own life." he said with a determined look on his face. Nami just stared at Luffy, surprised at his answer. Luffy then stared her straight in the eye and said "Do it Nami."

"W-what?" she asked, thinking she heard wrong.

"Light the cannon Nami." he said. Her eyes widen at his request, thinking he'd gone insane. She couldn't believe it, but he was asking her to kill him. He gave her a soft smile as he said "Trust me. It'll be okay." She looked ready to yell at him, but his calm demeanor seemed to calm her down. She slowly lit the match, staring at Luffy as if hoping he'd change his mind. Luffy nodded, telling her to do it. Nami trembled again as she brought the match closer to the fuse.

'I don't know why I'm doing this!' she mentally screamed as the fuse was lit. 'I trust you on this Luffy. I just hope you're right about this!' She then turned away, covering her ears as she shut her eyes.

"Hey! What are you all doing?!" came a voice from the edge of the roof. Everyone looked to see a green haired man with three swords appear.

"Oh. Hey Zor-"


The cannon had gone off with a blinding light, blowing away everything in front of it.

"LUFFY!" Zoro yelled as he stared at the sight. He then noticed Nami near the cannon with the matchbox. He grabbed his sword as he got into an attack stance. "YOU BITCH!" he shouted.

Nami didn't hear him as she slowly looked back to where the cannon fired at. She had a horrified look on her face as the matchbox slipped from her hands. She just seemed to freeze in place. "HAHAHAHA!" Buggy laughed along with his crew. "So his name was Luffy huh? Well, now we know what to write on his tombstone!" he said as he laughed again.

'What...have I done?' Nami thought as she felt like breaking down. She stared at the smoke that lingered from the blast. She started to tremble again at the thought of killing someone.

"COUGH COUGH! Man that cannonball has kick!" came a voice from the smoke. Everyone seemed to stop laughing as they heard the voice. Nami's eyes widen as big as Zoro's as they all stared as the smoke started to clear. Everyone's jaw dropped when they saw Luffy standing there, perfectly okay. "Shishishishi." Everything around them seemed to froze as the all stared at him. He looked around at all there faces. "What?"

"HOW ON EARTH ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!" they all screamed with enough force to knock Luffy onto his butt. "THAT BUGGY BALL HIT YOU POINT BLANK, YET YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A SCRATCH?!" Buggy screamed with bloodshot eyes. Luffy stared at him before putting his hand to his chin.

"Hmmm. Because...the Buggy ball is weak?" he asked, laughing on the inside at everyone's reaction.

"Did I...miss something?" Zoro asked after finding his voice.

"Not really." Luffy answered. "Anyway, we gotta go Zoro." he said before he grabbed Nami by the arm and ran off. "Bye Big Nose!" Luffy yelled before kicking Buggy's cannon right at him. Buggy screamed as it collided with him, giving the three the time they needed to get away.


After some running, all three of them rested. Luffy was laughing, while Zoro just lay on the ground, feeling tired from the rowing earlier and the running around trying to find Luffy and escaping. Nami was standing still, unusually quiet with bangs shadowing her eyes.

"Looks like we got away guys." Luffy said as he looked at his friends. His smile faded when he noticed Nami. "Nami? You okay?" he asked. Nami just stood there trembling from head to toe. Luffy got closer, wondering what was wrong. He was a foot away before Nami looked up at him with fury in her eyes before she punched him, smashing head throught the stone street.

"YOU ASSHOLE! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU PUT ME THROUGH?!" she screamed before she grabbed him by his vest and started to shake him violently. "I SERIOUSLY THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD! WHAT KIND OF PERSON ASKS ANOTHER TO SHOOT THEM WITH A CANNON?!" she screamed. She was now panting, trying to catch her breath as Luffy hung limply from her hands before looking up at her and smiled.

"Why are you angry? It blew up the cage and burned the ropes I was tied up in, didn't it?" Luffy said, as if everything that happened wasn't something to worry about. She just stared at him, looking ready to pound him again. He smiled as he said "I told you to trust me." Nami seemed to calm down before letting him go to fall onto his back.

"I cannot believe you lived through that." she said before she sighed. A small smile came back to her face afterwards. "But I am glad you're alive Luffy."

"So Luffy, who exactly is this?" Zoro asked as he pointed at Nami.

"Oh. Zoro, this is Nami, our navigator for hire. Nami, this is Zoro, my first mate." Luffy said to them both. "Zoro? Wait, as in Pirate Hunter Zoro?" Nami asked as she looked at Zoro, now noticing his three swords. "Why is the Pirate Hunter on a pirate crew?"

"Gave up pirate hunting. So you're our new navigator huh?"