"Just for awhile. So, what's your plan now Luffy? We still need to get that chart and Buggy's treasure." Nami asked Luffy.
"Plan B. We beat the shit out of them and take it all by force." he said smiling, earning him another fist to his face.
"What kind of a plan is that?!" she screamed.
"Sounds good to me." Zoro said with a grin. "You're both nuts!" she screamed, causing Luffy to laugh again before he noticed a small dog close by.
"Hey, a doggy!" he said walking over to it, smiling as he remembered it. He sat down in front of it while Zoro and Nami walked over to him as well.
"What's a dog doing out here?" Nami asked.
"Don't know, don't care." Zoro said in a bored tone as Luffy starting poking it, making it bite him in the face.
"Get off me!" Luffy shouted as he tried pulling the dog off his face.
"Leave Chou Chou alone!" screamed an old man who was wearing makeshift body armor. The all looked at him as he walked over into the building the dog was in front of him for a moment before coming back out with a bowl of food for Chou Chou. After a brief introduction, they learned that he was the mayor of this town. When they asked where everyone was, he explained that they left in fear of Buggy and his pirates. Only Chou Chou remained despite the danger to guard the store.
"Why stay for a store? Who owns this place?" Zoro asked.
"A friend of mine," the mayor said as he smoked on his pipe before adding "as well as Chou Chou's owner." He then went on to explain how his friend left for the hospital because of an illness, but died three months ago. When they asked if he was still waiting for his master to return, the mayor doubted it, saying that Chou Chou was smart enough to know his master was gone. He also told them the reason he stays to guard the store was because it was all he had left of his master. "To Chou Chou, this store is his treasure."
Zoro couldn't help but admire the dog's courage. Nami gave a sad smile at the thought of losing someone you cared for. Luffy had heard this before, but still liked how Chou Chou stayed to fight for his treasure. Everyone stopped talking when they heard the roar of a lion in the distance.
"Oh no!" cried Mayor Boodle. "It's Mohji, the Beast Tamer! We gotta run!" he cried as he grabbed Nami's arm and ran away, dragging her along. Luffy and Zoro both stayed to fight off Mohji.
"Before whoever that is gets here, I gotta ask." Zoro said without looking at Luffy. "How did you survive that cannonball? And don't say it's because it was weak. I saw what you did before it hit you." Luffy looked at him out of the corner of his eye. "Right before that cannon fired, I saw parts of your body turn black. It was the same color your hair turned when Morgan attacked you with his axe before it shattered. What was that?"
"I'll explain later." Luffy said as he looked forward to see a big lion with green fur and a purple mane coming their way. On top of him was Mohji the Beast Tamer. He wasn't going to let him burn down Chou Chou's treasure this time. They both watched as Richie the lion got closer towards them. He stopped a couple yards away while Mohji stared down at them both.
"Well now, look who we have here." he said in a smug tone. "The straw hat who insulted my captain and his swordsman friend. How nice to find you both."
"What's with the wierd hat?" Zoro asked in a bored tone.
"That's rude!" he yelled as he pointed to his head, which looked like a teedy bear with ears at the top. "This is natural!"
"That's just bizarre." Luffy said. Mohji went back into his cool demeanor as he got off Richie, explaining who he was and that he could tame any animal out there. He walked up and told Chou Chou to shake, which ended in the dog biting his arm, making him try to wave him off as he screamed in pain. He then acted like nothing happened as he stared at them again. "Anyway, tell me where that orange haired friend of yours is and I'll make your deaths quick."
"No." they both said, neither of them sounding scared.
"Fine! Kill them Richie!" Mohji ordered as he jumped off of him. They watched as Richie lunged at them, only to be stopped by Zoro's sheathed blade. Richie stumbled back before shaking his head and growling at them both.
"I got this Luffy." Zoro said as he walked towards the lion, unsheathing his blade. Mohji looked at the swordsman before he saw he had three blades.
"Wait a minute. Are you Pirate Hunter Zoro?" Mohji asked. "Was. Now I'm a pirate." he said as he tied his bandana around his head.
"Wait. You both are pirates?" he asked before laughing. "Just you two? That's rich!"
"Shut up and fight." Zoro said before stick Wado into his mouth and his other blades into his hands, getting ready to fight. Luffy just stood beside Chou Chou to watch. Zoro crouched down into his usual stance. "Oni..." he said before rushing Richie. "GIRI!" And just like that, the lion fell down, defeated with slash marks on his belly. Mohji quickly stopped laughing and started screaming.
"RICHIE!" he screamed before he looked at them both in anger. "You'll pay for this!" he said as he brought out a whip and lashed it towards Zoro. Zoro began to dodge the whip left and right before throwing his arm out for the whip to wrap around. "Gotcha." Mohji said with a smirk, only for it to be wiped off as Zoro smiled evilly at him. "Is that right?" he said as he grabbed the whip and pulled hard, pulling Mojhi toward him. Mojhi flew at him screaming before he was knocked into a random house by one of Zoro's punches. "Is that all?" he asked in a bored tone. Luffy just smiled as he watched Zoro handle them both.