"Captain, allow me to kill these worms." said the man who was next to Buggy.
"Very well then Cabaji." Buggy said as Cabaji pulled a sword from his mouth and hopped onto a unicycle. He then sped off towards Luffy to skewer him with his sword, only for Zoro to appear in front of him and block it with his blade.
"If you're a swordsman, your fight is with me." he said as he glared at Cabaji.
"Roronoa Zoro." Cabaji said with a smug grin. "Defeating you will boost our reputation." He then pulled down his scarf before breathing fire into his face, causing Zoro to back off. And then their clash started. Cabaji fought with circus tricks and spinning tops, while Zoro just deflected it all, looking bored as the fight went on.
"Are you gonna fight, or just do tricks all day?" Zoro asked as he got fed up with Cabaji's attacks. While they were fighting, Nami had snuck off to steal Buggy's treasure.
"Don't worry. I'll finish you off with my greatest attack." he said. He then sped off towards a building, riding up the side, and launching himself high into the air. While he was aiming for Zoro, Buggy then sent his hand flying off towards Zoro, hoping to keep him in place for Cabaji. He screamed in agony though, for Luffy had slammed his foot down onto it, breaking his fingers as he smirked at Buggy.
"Hands off Zoro's fight Big Nose." Luffy said as Buggy's crushed hand went back to it's enraged owner.
"WHO HAS A BIG NOSE?!" he screamed as Zoro stepped out of the way, dogding Cabaji's attack easily before he broke his unicycle out from under him.
"Enough games!" Zoro said as he got ready to attack.
"Fine! I'll finish you off with my swordsmanship!" Cabaji yelled as he ran towards Zoro.
"Oni...GIRI!" Zoro called, slashing Cabaji and ending the fight.
"The Buggy pirates...lost to...this trash?" Cabaji managed to say before he fell to the ground and passed out.
"We're not trash. We're pirates!" Zoro said as he took off his bandana and retied it to his arm.
"Enough!" Buggy screamed as he pulled out some daggers with his good hand. "I don't care what you are! You're all going to die by my hands!" "This is my fight Zoro." Luffy said, making sure Zoro knew not to interfere. Zoro nodded as he sat down on the side of the road to watch as Buggy pointed his hand and Luffy.
"Chop Chop Cannon!" he screamed as his hand flew out towards Luffy, ready to slice him with the daggers.
"What the?!" Zoro said as his eyes widened, clearly not seeing his hand do that before. Just before it struck, Luffy moved out of the way before the hand came back to Buggy.
"The Chop Chop fruit." Buggy said. "It's the Devil fruit I ate, and now I can never be killed by a sword." he said before laughing. His top half then charged at Luffy, ready to cut him up. Luffy mearly smirked as he disappeared. Both Zoro and Buggy just stared before looking around for Luffy.
"Up here." Luffy called from a rooftop behind Buggy. Zoro looked up at him, wondering how he moved that fast. Buggy looked too before getting pissed.
"Hold still Straw hat!" he bellowed as he flew towards him again, only to have Luffy disappear again and appear back where Buggy was. Buggy looked around again while Luffy laughed, gaining his attention. Buggy looked ready to shout again, but noticed his straw hat looked familiar. "That hat of yours reminds me that blasted Red Hair."
"You mean Shanks?" Luffy asked, knowing that Buggy was going to badmouth Shanks again. "This is his hat. He gave it to me. I promised to return it to him one day."
"No wonder seeing that hat pisses me off!" Buggy shouted before going into a rant, explaining how he and Shanks used to be crewmates, Buggy getting his powers and losing the treasure map and his ability to swim because of Shanks before Shanks dove in to save him. "Doesn't that mean Shanks saved your ass?" Zoro said as he listened in."
"NOT MY POINT!" Buggy screamed. "The point is, because of Shanks, I'll never get the treasure in the sea, so I'll get all the treasure on the land!" Buggy then looked ready to attack again, but noticed someone out of the corner of his eye. His eyes widen in rage when he saw Nami with his treasure over her shoulder. "You dare steal from me Nami?!" he screamed as he charged at her.
"Crap! He saw me!" she yelled as she started running away. While she did, Buggy was quickly catching up to her, unaware that Luffy was slowly walking towards Buggy's lower half. Buggy was a foot away from Nami before he stopped in mid air, his face twisted in pain. Nami slowly opened her eyes to see Buggy had stopped, then looked behind him to see that Luffy had kicked Buggy in the nuts before Buggy fell in pain. Luffy smirked as he turned to Buggy.
"Your fight is with me Buggy." he said with a smile. He made sure not to use all his strength in that kick. They may be enemies, but no man deserved to lose their balls.