"Ouch." Zoro winced from the sidelines, not feeling sorry for Buggy. Buggy floated into the air again, having lost his patience before splitting his body into different pieces.
"Time to finish you all off! CHOP CHOP...FESTIVAL!" he screamed as he chased after Nami again to get his treasure back. Luffy looked around on the ground, smiling as he saw Buggy's feet. He picked them both up before squeezing both in a death grip, causing Buggy to scream in pain and turn around. "PUT MY FEET DO-" was all he said before Luffy flung his feet at him, getting one stuck in his mouth before the other foot smashed against his face, sending it flying over into the treasure bag Nami had, spilling the contents everywhere. All of Buggy's pieces went limp as Buggy was knocked out as Luffy started laughing. Nami saw all his pieces around and got an idea.
"Looks like this fight's almost over." Zoro said with a smirk when he saw what Nami was doing. Luffy laughed again as Buggy woke up and pried his foot out of his mouth.
"BLEH! I think I stepped in something." he said before he glared at Luffy. "You bastard! Chop Chop Reassemble." Buggy said, calling his body parts back, only to end up with only his head, hands, and feet. "AHHHHH! WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!" "Hey Buggy." Nami called. Everyone looked to see her with her foot keeping Buggy's tied up parts in place. "Missing something?"
"Alright. Say goodbye Buggy!" Luffy yelled as he stretched his arms back before running towards Buggy. Buggy screamed in terror as Luffy's arm came forward. "GUM GUUUUM BAZOOKA!" And like the first time, Buggy was sent flying off into the distance.
"Finally. That guy was giving me a headache with all that talking." Zoro said as he walked over to Luffy. Luffy stared off at where Buggy flew while Nami gathered the treasure in two smaller bags before joining them both before pulling out the Grand Line chart.
"Alright. I've got Buggy's treasure and the chart, so we're ready to leave whenever you two." she said as she hugged her treasure close to her. They were about to leave, but were stopped when they heard footsteps behind them. They all turned to see the townspeople had come back, bearing weapons to fight off Buggy and his crew. A few of them had an unconcious Boodle in their arms, holding him up. All of them looked around at the damage before they spotted Luffy's group
"Hey, who are you three?" one of them shouted. "Were you the ones who knocked out Mayor Boodle?" At that question, all the villagers glared at the trio. Nami started to say something, but Luffy answered for her.
"Yeah, I knocked him out." he said without hesitation, causing Nami to smack him in the back of his head. All the villagers got angry as one of them asked who they were again, to which Luffy answered. "We're pirates." That caused the villagers to go into a frenzy, leaving the trio no choice but to run. They ducked into an alleyway hoping to escape. They all spotted Chou Chou on the path in the alley and jumped over him before running for the harbor. Chou Chou then started barking at the villagers, keeping them busy while the trio escaped.
"Why'd you tell them we were pirates Luffy?!" Nami shouted, angry that Luffy would blurt that out. Luffy just smiled before telling her that they were good people, stating that they loved the mayor and this town and what they were willing to do to defend them. As they neared their boat, they spotted the three pirates Zoro 'rescued' earlier. They saw Nami, but decided to let bygones be bygones when they spotted Zoro and ran for their lives. The three then cast off from the village, ready for their next adventure. They didn't get too far before they heard someone shouting at them, and turned to see it was the mayor.
"WAIT! YOUNG ONES!" he shouted before smiling at them with tears in his eyes. "THANK YOU!" he shouted. Luffy smiled, but it was quickly wiped off his face when Nami screamed at him.
"YOU LEFT HALF OF BUGGY'S TREASURE BACK THERE! SEE?!" she shouted, pointing back at the pier at the treasure bag next to Boodle.
"How else are they gonna repair their village?" Luffy asked. Nami lost it and tried to drown Luffy, asking what right he had to leave her treasure behind. Though Luffy was screaming for mercy, he was laughing on the inside just as much as Zoro was laughing at them both. He had been reunited with two of his crew, and was on his way to meeting the rest of them soon.
It had been some time since the trio left Orange Town. Luffy was eating apples, Zoro was resting, and Nami was reading maps and coming to a conclusion. "We cannot sail for the Grand Line like this." she said. "This crew, our provisions, and this ship are way too small."
"You're right." Luffy said with an apple in his mouth. "We need to get meat."
"And some booze." Zoro said.
"We need more than that, you morons!" Nami screamed before she went back to the maps. "Anyway, we'll stop by a nearby island and try to get a better ship and supplies."
"What island?" Luffy asked as he ate more apples.
"Let's see." Nami said as she checked some maps. "It's called Gecko Island."
"Finally! Some meat!"
"And booze."
'And Usopp.' Luffy thought as well while cracking a big smile. He was gathering his friends up again, one by one, and couldn't wait to go on more adventures with them all.
"Will you two shut up about that?" Nami screamed again.
It took awhile, but they landed at the northern side of the island. Luffy jumped onto the shore before Nami even got the boat onto the sand. Zoro stood up on the shore before stretching.
"Nice to be back on land." he said.
"Yeah. Now, to find a place with some meat." Luffy said with a smile. Nami just sighed, knowing he wasn't going to stop talking about food. Zoro agreed, stating they needed booze as well, but quickly went for his swords when he heard rustling in the bushes up on the hill.
"We've got company." he said with a dark tone. Nami and Luffy looked up at the bushes where Zoro was looking. Luffy smiled before dancing where he stood to dodge whatever flew from the bushes. Nami hid behind the boats while stood his ground. When everything stopped, they all heard a laugh coming from up on the hill. They looked up to see a skinny young man with a long nose staring down at them with his arms crossed and a confident smile on his face with many pirate flags sticking up in the bushes behind him bearing the man's jolly roger. Luffy couldn't stop the smile on his face.
"I am Usopp, leader of this island and of an invicible fleet of pirates. I am feared across the world as a monster known as CAPTAIN USOPP!" Usopp yelled out. "You must be fools to have tried to attack this island! If you don't get back into your boats now, my eighty million men will attack!" he screamed with his arms out wide. The trio on the shore just stared up at Usopp while he laughed. "That's a lie." Nami said with a calm expression. Usopp looked down at her in fear at those words.
"She knows!" he yelled.
"Well, I do now." she said with a smug smile, causing Usopp to freak out how he was stupid for telling them it was a lie.
"Alright, eighty million may have been a bit high, but I do have many men by my side!" he yelled as a few flags in the bushes waved around a bit. Nami smiled again as she pointed to the bushes "You mean those three?"