"Hey." Jango called, gaining their attention. "What nonsense are you spouting? We're pirates, so we'll take your treasure AND attack the village. GET EM!" At his words, the Black Cat Pirates stormed up the hill, ready to kill Luffy, Nami, and Usopp before attacking the village. Nami and Usopp freaked, while Luffy just sat there watching.
"Luffy. Do something!" Nami yelled.
"Why? You guys can take them." he said without looking at her.
"Are you crazy?!" she and Usopp yelled. They began to shake him by his vest and yell out reasons why they couldn't as he kept the same expression on his face. While they did that, the black cat's were halfway up the hill.
"Better hurry. They're getting closer." Luffy said, making them both look back at the approaching pirates. "Shit!" Usopp yelled as he reached into his bag of tricks and pulled out some kaltrops. Nami saw this and helped him throw them down the path, leaving them everywhere for the pirates to step on. They watched them all howl in pain before they realized that a lot were thrown behind them as well, trapping them there. Usopp turned back to them and starting shooting lead stars at them all, knocking them back one at a time.
"Nami." Luffy said. "If any of them get close, you take them out and cover Usopp. Got it?"
"You're nuts if you think I can-"
"Got it?!" he said as he looked up at her with a serious expression, leaving no room for arguement.
"Fine." Nami grumbled as she pulled out her staff and stood next to Usopp, reluctantly ready to fight. As good a shot Usopp was, their numbers were too great as some managed to get close. When they did though, Nami fought them off as best she could with her staff. They were almost outnumbered until...
"USOPP! NAMI! DUCK!" Luffy yelled out. They looked back before freaking and ducking, letting an enraged Zoro swat the entire crew away like flies, all the way back down the hill. Everyone looked up to see an oil covered Zoro breathing hard. He finally caught his breath before glaring down at Nami.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't cut you to pieces!" he growled out at her.
"Hey, it's not my fault. I tripped, you fell." she said.
"Hey Zoro. What took you so long?" Luffy asked, getting a death glare from his first mate.
"Not now Luffy." he growled out. "This is nuts!" one of the pirates said as they were all picking themselves up from Zoro's attack.
"No one said anything about monsters being in this village!"
"What do we do Captain Jango?!"
While they were all asking Jango what to do, Luffy and his friends were chatting at the top of the hill.
"Why didn't you fight Luffy?" Nami demanded. "You could've used that Haki or whatever and taken them all out with no problem."
"She's right." Usopp said. "All you did was sit there and pick your nose." They both glared at Luffy while Zoro remained silent as Luffy looked at them all.
"Nami," Luffy said as he looked her in the eye. "You want to go to the Grand Line for certain reasons. Right?" he asked, keeping her reason for money to himself.
"Y-yeah." she said before Luffy looked at Usopp.
"Usopp. This is your village, and you want to protect it. Correct?"
"Of course I do." he answered back.
"Well to do that, you both need to get stronger." he said in a calm voice. "I'm strong, but that doesn't mean you need to count of me to do everything." Both of them just looked at him as his words sank in before he continued. "No matter how good you guys are at using tricks or deception, sometimes fighting is the only answer, no matter how much you try to avoid it."
"He's right." Zoro said, gaining there attention. "Whether fighting for your ambitions, your home, or for some other reason, without strength there's nothing you can do." he said as he unsheathed his white blade. "And the only way to do that is either through training or fighting others." Both just let their words sink in before they sighed and turned back to the pirates down the hill.
"Hey, what's he doing down there?" Usopp asked, noticing Jango swinging a ring back and forth in front of everyone else.
"It's Hypnosis." Nami said. "He's trying to hypnotize them all." While the ring swung, Luffy pulled his hat over his eyes, remembering that he went all out last time he stared at the ring. If that happened now, he doubted that the island would still be left after he was done.
"One...Two...JANGO!" Jango said. A moment later, all the pirates gave out a loud battle cry, ignoring their wounds from earlier as one smashed the side of the cliff with his bare hands.
"W-what the fuck?!" Zoro yelled. "He...smashed the side of the cliff!" Nami gasped.
"And now all of them are that strong." Usopp muttered in horror.
"Hmm. Maybe I'll help this once." Luffy said as Jango ordered them all to attack again. As they charged up the hill, Luffy stood up, his hat covering his eyes as a grin appeared on his face. "You guys asked about that third form of Haki right?"
"Now's not the time Luffy!" Nami screamed at Luffy. Zoro was getting his other swords out but stopped when Luffy held up his hand.