Chapter 30 - :)CH30

"Monkey D. Luffy." he said as he grinned at Kuro before they lept away from each other. Kuro adjusted his glasses again.

"And why exactly are you defending this village anyway?"

"There's a guy in that village I don't want to die. That's why." Luffy said. "Time to end this."

"Indeed." Kuro said as he vanished again, but was punched by Luffy who appeared right next to him. Kuro skid across the ground before he got up, only to meet Luffy's elbow with his ribs. As he coughed up some blood, Luffy kicked him away with the heel of his foot.

"No way. He's beating the Captain." some of the pirates said before they started cheering Luffy on. Luffy shut them up by using a Gum Gum Whip to smash them into the cliffside. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CHEER FOR ME!" he screamed as Kuro managed to stand up.

'No!' he thought. 'My perfect plan will not fail to this trash!' he said as he vanished again and appeared behind Luffy, ready to strike.

"LUFFY! WATCH OUT!" Nami screamed. Luffy smiled before he appeared right behind Kuro with his arms held out. He then smashed both his fists against the sides of Kuro's head, knocking the ex butler out for good. He let Kuro fall to the ground as some of the pirates asked who he was.

"I told you. Monkey D. Luffy. I'm the man who will be King of the Pirates." he said as he threw Kuro at them. "Now leave and never come back. And take that guy with you." The pirates collected Kuro and left after Nami got off the ship. "You took that guy down without a scratch." Nami said as she looked at Luffy. "How'd you move that fast anyway? And why did you save them?"

"Shishishishi. I'll tell you later. And I wasn't saving them, but he was moving everywhere, so he might've hurt you, Zoro and Usopp." he laughed before he looked at her shoulder. "He didn't hurt you, right?"

"Huh?" she said as she looked at her shoulder. "Nah. He just got my shirt. I'm fine." she said as she held up a bag of treasure and smiled. "And some treasure too."

"That's good to hear." Luffy sighed in relief. "I'm glad you're not hurt Nami. Come on, let's go join the others."

"Right." she said as she walked up the hill in front of him. As he followed, he started looking at her up and down slowly. He started from her neck, down to her hips, and then at her legs. As he did, his heart beat faster as he blushed.

'It's that mystery feeling again.' he thought with a small smile. 'I still like it.'

"Hey!" came Usopp's voice, snapping Luffy out of his thoughts as his blush went as fast as it came. They looked to see Zoro and Usopp running back, stating that Jango was beaten and that Kaya and the kids were alright. "That's good." Luffy said as Usopp stared out at the ocean.


After a few days, the trio were eating at the restaurant from before. As they got up to leave, Kaya came in looking much better.

"Hey Miss. You're looking better." Luffy said as he finished his meal.

"I can't stay in bed forever." she said. "Thanks to Usopp's friendship, I'm finally able to start recovering." She explained that her illness was due to the shock of losing both her parents as she went for the door. "I wish to repay you all for your kindness. Please follow me." she said before she left.

"Wonder what she wants to give us?" Zoro said. As he and Nami stood up, both noticed Luffy was trembling slightly.

"Luffy?" Nami asked.

"Shishishishi." Luffy laughed before he hopped over to the door. He knew what it was, and couldn't wait to see an old friend again. The trio followed her towards the shore, where they met another butler named Merry, who was bandaged up a bit after Kuro attacked him. They all followed until they were at the shore, where a ship was resting comfortably near it. It was none other than the Going Merry.

"A caravel!" Nami said with a smile as Luffy jumped high into the air with joy. "This is for us?" Luffy asked, knowing the answer already.

"Yes. She's yours now." Kaya said smile.

"She's an older model, but I designed her myself and she sails beautifully." Merry said. "Her name...Going Merry!" While he explained how to control the ship to Nami, Luffy had jumped on board and started running around, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Luffy, will you stop goofing around?!" Nami yelled. Before he could answer, they heard screaming coming from up the hill. They all looked to see Usopp rolling down the hill with a boulder sized backpack on his back.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" he screamed.

"That looks like fun." Luffy said as he jumped next to Zoro.

"Fun or not, he's on a collision course with the ship." he said in a bored tone. "Usopp!" Kaya said in surprise as Zoro and Luffy both raised their feet, stopping Usopp from hitting the ship as his face smashed against them both.

"Thanks...I think." Usopp mumbled.

"You're welcome." Luffy said. As the trio got on their new ship, Usopp was saying his goodbyes to Kaya, saying he'd return one day with more stories. She smiled and said she'd be waiting before he turned to the trio.

"So long guys. May our paths cross again." Usopp waved.

"Why?" Luffy asked.