Chapter 32 - :)CH32

"Johnny? Is that you?" he asked in mild surprise.

"Who's saying my name like we're friends?!" Johnny shouted before he looked up and saw Zoro. "Big Bro Zoro? What are you doing on a pirate ship?"

"That's my line." Zoro said before looking around. "Where's Yosaku?" he asked, which caused Johnny to cry as he pointed over to the railing. "Over there." he said. Everyone looked over to see a pale and bleeding Yosaku lying in a small boat.

"What happened to him?" Zoro asked as Luffy brought him up to the deck. Johnny explained how he was fine one day, then started getting tired, losing teeth, and his old wound opened. He said he was letting him rest at a nearby rock before some moron blew it up with a cannon. Usopp turned blue at that and bowed with Luffy, who stayed calmed and apologized for what they did.

"YOU THINK AN APOLOGY IS GONNA FIX THIS?!" he yelled, causing Usopp to turn even bluer. He then turned to Zoro. "Don't sugar coat it bro. Will Yosaku die?" Zoro had a grim look on his face, unable to answer since he didn't know. While they were talking, Nami knelt down to Yosaku before examining his face. Johnny started yelling at her, spitting on her as well, claiming that she was mocking his death. She pushed him away before telling them all it was scurvy.

"Luffy. Usopp. There are some limes in storage. Get them." she ordered. Both nodded before they ran off, then came back shortly with a lot of limes. They then started squeezing lime juice into his mouth. "Scurvy's caused by a lack of vitamin C." Nami explained. She then explained how sailors used to sucumb to scurvy often until they learned to store fruits and vegatables. "He'll need some rest, but he'll be okay now."

"Really big sis?!" Johnny yelled happily, spitting on Nami more before she pushed him away. She told him not to call her that again as Luffy and Usopp shoved limes into Yosaku's mouth.

"That's smart Nami." Luffy said. "Are you a doctor as well?" he asked, knowing what was coming. "EVERY SAILOR SHOULD KNOW ABOUT SCURVY!" she screamed before Yosaku coughed up the limes and sat up. He looked dazed for a moment before he and Johnny started dancing around.




"YOU DON'T RECOVER THAT FAST!" Nami screamed. Both stopped before they looked at them all.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Johnny." "And I'm Yosaku."

"We're pirate hunters." they both said.

"Big Bro Zoro here once travelled with us." Johnny said.

"Nice to meet ya all." Yosaku said. "Never thought we'd meet again." Zoro said. "And we never thought that you'd-" Johnny started.

"End up being a pirate." Yosaku finished as he and Johnny went to shake Zoro's hand before Yosaku went pale and fell down. "PARTNER?!" Johnny yelled. They helped Yosaku up to a room to rest as they all gathered in the lounge to eat.

"You should learn from this." Nami said as she wrote in the logbook.

"You have to be prepared when going out on the seas." Zoro said.

"Yeah." Usopp said. "Without the right amount of nutrition, you'll die out here."

"Like a chef." Luffy said as he ate some bread. "That's what we need on our ship." "If it's a chef you're after, I know the perfect place." Johnny said before he looked at Zoro. "But be warned. It's close to the Grand Line, and there have been some rumors about that place. Some of which include a certain Hawk-Eye man is around there as well." Zoro looked up with a grin as he held his sword. Johnny then pointed his finger outward. "Then our heading is clear. North by Northeast. To the sea restaurant, Baratie!" Luffy smiled wide at hearing their next destination as his stomach roared with hunger.

'Finally. Sanji's cooking's the best!' he thought.


Some time had passed as they sailed towards the restaurant. Yosaku had woken up from his rest and was talking with the others as Luffy listened.

"So you guys are pirate hunters like Zoro used to be?" Usopp asked. "That's right." Johnny said as he pulled out some wanted posters from his jacket and placed them on the table. "The higher the bounty, the better the pay."

"After we take out all these guys, we'll go after the bigger fish." Yosaku said as the group looked at the wanted posters. Everyone was looking at the wanted posters with different reactions. Johnny and Yosaku were confident. Usopp looked a little frightened at some of the pictures. Zoro looked at them with a bored expression. Luffy, however, didn't pay any attention to them. He was watching Nami out of the corner of his eye as she picked up one of the posters. She started trembling a bit before she walked towards the door. "Where ya going Big Sis?" Yosaku asked before Johnny clapped his hands over his mouth.

" get some air." she said as she walked out of the cabin. Everyone stared at the door with a bit of confusion. "Wonder what's up with her?" Usopp asked as he looked at the others.

"She took a wanted poster with her." Zoro said.