"You two!" he called. "Aren't you those bounty hunters that go after small game?" he asked before he chuckled. "Caught by no name pirates huh?"
"WHAT?!" they screamed in outrage. They began shouting at him, which he ignored before he held his thumb down.
"That bastard ignored us!" Yosaku said before Usopp shouted that they were aiming a cannon at them. Everyone looked to see a cannonball fly towards them.
"I got it." Luffy said as he held his hands up to catch the cannonball. Johnny and Yosaku stared at him as their jaws hit the deck. Luffy looked at the ball before he looked back at the marine ship, then to Zoro with a smile. Zoro grinned as Luffy pulled his arm back and threw the cannonball right back at them, causing a bit of an explosion on deck. "Fire on my ship will you?" As the marines ran around to put the fire out, the Strawhats tied their ship up and entered the restaurant. "Welcome to the Baratie, ya darn crooks! Name's Patty." said Patty in a happy tune. "Six in your party?"
"FOOD!" Luffy screamed, getting everyone's attention.
"I'll take that as a yes." Patty said as he led them to a table. "What'll ya have?"
"Like I said. Food." Luffy said with a laugh as the others order some food. Patty started walking away before Fullbody burst into the restaurant looking pissed. He glared around until he saw Luffy and his group before he stomped towards them.
"You filthy, no-name pirates! In the name of the Marines, I'm arresting you for attacking my ship!" he bellowed before a blond man in a suit stood in front of him. Luffy looked and smiled, knowing exactly who it was. "If you wanna arrest them," Sanji said as he breathed some cigarette smoke out. "Wait until after we've fed them. Alright?"
"Who are you?" Fullbody asked in an annoyed voice. "Like I care if they're customers. They're pirates! They're not getting any food for wh-" was all he said before receiving a kick to the jaw.
"As long as they're in here, they eat." he said with a dark look on his face.
"What's going on here?" shouted a voice from the stairs. Everyone looked to see Chef Zeff walking down the stairs to see why everyone was yelling.
"Sanji's beating up customers again!" Patty yelled.
"This joker here tried to prevent some customers from eating. What am I supposed to do geezer?" Sanji said as he looked at Zeff with a bored expression. Zeff walked over before kicking Sanji in the face with his left foot. "Quit picking fights with the customers Sanji!" he said before he turned to Fullbody and kicked him towards the door. "And you, GET OUT OF MY RESTAURANT!" Everyone watched as Fullbody landed like a ragdoll near the door as a marine burst through with a scared look on his face.
"Lieutenant Fullbody. That Krieg pirate has escaped!"
"What?! How can that be? He was on the verge of starvation when we found him three days ago. We haven't fed him yet, so how can he still be moving?" Fullbody screamed as the other customers were muttering in fear about Don Krieg.
"He escaped while we were busy with the fir-" he said before a gunshot went off. The marine fell to the ground, revealing a thin and tired Gin standing in the doorway. Everyone looked at him with expressions ranging from fear to blank as Gin stood there. Luffy looked at Gin as memories of what Gin did to keep Sanji alive came to his mind as he smiled.
'Looks like I have two people from here to recruit.' he thought.
Gin slowly walked toward an empty table, wobbling a bit with hunger before sitting in a chair and putting his feet up onto the table.
"I want food." he said in a grumpy voice.
"Welcome to the Baratie, ya scumbag!" Patty said with mock politeness. "How will you be paying for ya meal?"
"You take bullets?" he asked as he pointed the gun at Patty's head, causing Patty to smash him into the table.
"That's another table you've broken Patty!" Zeff yelled. "We only take Berris asswipe!" Patty said as he cracked his knuckles. "If ya don't got money, ya don't eat!" Gin's stomach grumbled with hunger, making Patty smirk at him. "Hungry eh?"
"It's gas asshole." Gin mumbled before demanding food. Patty lost his patience with Gin before pounding him into the ground. As this happened, Luffy looked around and stopped when he saw Sanji in the kitchen making food. He smiled as Patty told the customers to enjoy their meals before throwing Gin out the back. Luffy walked out onto the ledge above Gin as he lay there mumbling something. He looked up when Sanji came out with a plate of food and a glass of water and set them down next to him.
"Eat up." Sanji said as he sat down next to the railing. Gin looked at the food with hunger in his eyes before he looked away.
"I don't want your charity. Take it and go." he said. Sanji just looked at him. "Forget what they said. If someone's hungry, then they're a customer."
"I'm not a customer." Gin said as his stomach roared with hunger. Sanji looked to the sky in deep thought.
"It boggles the mind, the ocean." Sanji said. "How losing your food and water out here can mean death." He looked back at Gin before continuing. "I know what it's like to starve because of the sea more than anyone. If you want to die with dignity, fine. But if you eat and live, won't that give you a chance to fight for your honor in the future?" Gin's eyes widened a bit at those words. Luffy smiled as Gin took the plate and started scarfing down the food.
"Delicious. It's delicious. It's wonderful!" Gin said through his tears as he kept eating. "I'm sorry. I thought that was the end for me. I thought I was gonna die! It's too yummy!" "It's good huh?" Sanji said with a smile as Luffy laughed before he jumped down and landed on the railing next to them both. "What are you doing kid?"