"Funny." Krieg said as he cracked his neck. "I haven't had enough!" His men were shouting at him to reconsider, but he ignored it as he pulled out his arsenal from his armor and attack Mihawk. "DIE!"
"You don't learn, do you?" Mihawk asked as he grabbed his sword. He took a final look at Luffy before the explosion from the attack sent a pillar of water into the air. 'That boy,' he thought as he disappeared from the area. 'Quite dangerous indeed.'
"Missed." Krieg said with a grin. Luffy was on the Baratie with all the cooks as his crew was on the small boat.
"Usopp!" Luffy shouted. "Go on ahead! I'll leave Nami to you!"
"You got it!" Usopp yelled as he waved his hands around. "Zoro and I will get her back, so don't worry. Just get that cook to join us! Then, we can all set sail for the Grand Line!" "Got it!" Luffy said as Usopp and company sailed off after Nami. The Krieg pirates were getting ready to attack as Zeff looked at Luffy.
"Not going with your friends boy?" he asked.
"I've got unfinished business here." Luffy said with a grin.
"So, you said you aim to be King of the Pirates?" Zeff asked.
"That's right." Luffy said.
"I've seen many pirates in my day." Zeff said with a smirk. "But you're the first to state your desire with a doubt."
"Yeah. I heard you were once a great pirate. Did you aim for One Piece as well?"
"I tend to not think of the past." Zeff said as he looked to the sky. "I'm the owner of the Baratie now, and that's good enough for me." Luffy smiled at that before he turned to the Krieg pirates. "PIRATES! ATTACK!" Krieg shouted. His men then charged toward the restaurant. Luffy flung them all back like last time with his Gum-Gum Giant Scythe attack, freaking everyone out. Luffy hung onto a mast as he looked down at them all.
"Attacking the ones who fed you? That's rude of you guys." Luffy said as Sanji told a chef to do something. The chef ran into the restaurant before the whole place shook. Just then, something came out of the water, freaking the pirates out. After a moment, they saw that it was the fins, a giant wooden deck, for them to fight on.
"We won't let you pirates take this restaurant!" Sanji shouted as the other cooks cheered behind him. "You won't even set foot inside!" Krieg was smiling though.
"Actually, this is perfect. I don't want any damage to come to my new ship." Krieg said. Just then, the fish head on the restaurant seperated from the rest and starting swimming towards Krieg as it shot cannon fire from its mouth. Patty and Carne were aiming to take Krieg out with their weapon, but it proved futile. Krieg, using his strength alone, heaved and tossed the fish towards the cooks. Sanji jumped and kicked it away from the restaurant, leaving it to crash into the fins. Patty and Carne jumped out of the wreckage before yelling at Sanji for almost killing them. The Krieg pirates jumped onto the fins and brawled with the chefs. The chefs lost due to overwhelming numbers.
"We're the Krieg pirates. No way we'd lose to a bunch of stupid cooks." one of them said before being knocked out by Patty. He and Carne began to take out the pirates, but were stopped by another man who came out of the water.
"I am Pearl! The Invicible Shield!" he said as another Krieg pirate tried to take Patty's knife, enraging Sanji into kicking him away. "A chef's knife is his soul." Sanji said before giving the knife back to Patty. The pirates then rushed Sanji, who took care of them all with his kicking fighting style. Pearl mocked him for fighting like that.
"A chef is nothing without his hands, so I'll use my feet to deal with you." Sanji said as he raised a leg.
"Is that so?" Pearl said with mock interest. "I've fought in 61 battles and have won each without a scratch. Not one drop of my blood has been spilled." While he rambled on, Krieg attacked Luffy with a giant spiked ball. Luffy got hit, but wasn't hurt, and smacked into Pearl, giving him a noseblood.
"Phew, that was close." Luffy said as Pearl stared at the blood.
"Blood...my blood!" Pearl whispered. "These guys...are nuts!" "Pearl, calm down. It's just a nosebleed!" one of the pirates said as others tried to keep Pearl calm.
"He's crying over a nosebleed?" Sanji said in a bored tone as Luffy picked his nose.
"DANGER! DANGER!" Pearl shouted as he started banging the shields in his hands together before setting himself on fire. "DANGEEEER!" A wall of fire surrounded him, keeping others away as his own men were trying to put the fire out on their limbs. While that happened, Sanji had jumped over the wall of fire, spooking Pearl.
"What?! But this fire scares everyone away!" Pearl cried.
"If I was afraid of fire, I couldn't be a cook." Sanji said with a smirk. "Pearl! Calm down! You're gonna burn my new ship!" Krieg yelled. Pearl shot some fire pearls towards the Baratie, but they were snuffed out when Zeff used his peg leg to kick up a gust of wind at them.
"He put those fire pearls out with a kick!" one of the Krieg pirates yelled. Krieg pulled out his ball and chain again and flung it at Pearl and Sanji to get Pearl's flames to die down. Sanji and Pearl looked horrified, but were saved when Luffy jumped up toward it and knocked it away, hitting another mast, which came down on Pearl's head, knocking him and the flames out.
"That was close." Luffy said as he dusted himself off.
"Knocking that spiked ball back," Sanji said is slight awe. "How strong are you kid?"
"Stronger than you think." Luffy said with a smile. It vanished however when they both heard Zeff grunt and looked to see him pinned to the floor with Gin pointing a gun at his head.