"Move and he dies." Gin said. Everyone saw this as the Krieg pirates cheered. "You should've just left the ship. Why won't you go?" Sanji only stared down at Zeff.
"What are you doing down there geezer?" Sanji said. He and Zeff insulted each other before Sanji looked at Gin. "Point that at me Gin. Leave Zeff out of this."
"I can't do that Sanji." Gin said. "I'm sorry, but this is how we fight."
"Precisely." Pearl said as he woke from his 'nap' and stared at Sanji and Luffy. "Now, I think it's time for a little payback." Krieg was laughing from his destroyed galleon at the scene. "Gin, if they fight back, kill Zeff." Krieg yelled. Gin nodded, but kept his eyes on Sanji and Luffy.
'Please Sanji. Just let us take the ship.' Gin thought. 'I don't want to have to kill Zeff.' Pearl was getting ready to attack Sanji, but Luffy pushed him out of the way.
'You're gonna need your full strength Sanji.' Luffy thought as he stood to take Pearl's attack.
"It doesn't matter which one I hit. You're both going to die!" he yelled as he brought his shielded hand toward Luffy. It hit luffy straight in the head but, to everyone's shock, Luffy stood still as the shield broke into pieces.
"Iron Body." Luffy whispered to himself.
"WHAT?!" the Krieg pirates yelled.
"He-he was hit by Pearl but didn't even flinch!"
"How'd that happen?!" "My-MY SHIELD!" Pearl screamed with bloodshot eyes. He then glared at Luffy in anger. "YOU MONSTER!" he shouted as he hit Luffy with his other shield, only for it to shatter as well. Krieg was grinding his teeth while Gin just looked on in shock.
'That kid's beating Pearl and not even lifting a finger?' Gin thought.
"Gin! Blow Zeff's head off right now!" Krieg yelled, snapping him out of his thoughts. Gin looked down.
"But...Don...they gave us food when we were starving."
"I SAID KILL HIM!" Krieg bellowed.
"Gin! Aim that gun at me!" Sanji shouted.
"Why...Why couldn't you just leave Sanji?" Gin asked, unable to do anything as he fought between obeying his captain and sparing the man who feed his crewmates. "It's nothing but a ship."
"This ship is everything to that old man!" Sanji yelled. "It's all he has left. I won't let anything else be taken from him." Sanji then explained how he met Zeff. How that storm stranded them on that rock in the middle of nowhere. How Zeff gave Sanji all the food they had, which lasted about 20 days, and how they were left there for months on end, and how Zeff sacrificed his leg to save him. "If I don't risk my life, I can never repay that old man."
"ENOUGH!" shouted Luffy as he raised his leg to the sky. Everyone saw this as Luffy brought it back down.
"GUUUM GUUUUUUM BATTLE AXE!" Luffy shouted as he shattered the fin.
Everyone just stared at what Luffy had done. One of the fins was now broken up and floating in the sea. Luffy just stood there smiling while everyone was looking at him in shock. Krieg was the first to react.
"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR GIN?!" he yelled. "KILL ZEFF ALREADY!" Gin however seemed reluctant to. As Gin struggled with himself, Sanji came up to Luffy with an angered look.
"What are you doing?!" he yelled. "Why are you attacking the restaurant?!"
"Why are you angry? All I broke was the fin." Luffy said before he grinned. "But I'll sink the restaurant next.
"WHAT?!" everyone but Zeff said.
"NO WAY! You will not sink this restaurant!" Sanji yelled. "I owe everything to her! It's all Zeff has left!"
"So you're going to die for a dumb restaurant? Are you stupid?" Luffy asked. "Getting killed is how you'll repay the old man for all he's done? The old man didn't save you to kill yourself. He saved you so you could do something with your life! Not die like a fool!"
"So you're helping them out?!" Sanji yelled back. Before he could go on, a banging noise got everyone's attention as Pearl had taking the shields from his knees and were now hitting them together.
"I've had enough of you two!" he screamed as he set himself on fire again. "This time, I'll burn you both until not even ashes remain!" He then charged at the both of them. Luffy was ready to take him out again, but stopped when Gin ran in front of him and smashed Pearls shield, taking him out for good.
"Move it Pearl." Gin said as Pearl fell to the deck. Everyone stared in shock at Gin for taking out his own crewmate. Luffy just gave a blank stare as Krieg snarled. "What is the meaning of this Gin?" Krieg shouted. "First you disobey my orders, and now you're taking out your own shipmates? Have you lost your mind?!"
"I know that Don. I'm sorry." Gin said. "But Sanji saved my life. The least I can do is take him out myself. I owe him that much. Please Don." Krieg stared at Gin before he sat down on the wreckage of his ship.
"Fine." Krieg said. "You take out that cook and the kid in the straw hat." The Krieg pirates then started yelling about how Gin was Chief Commander of Krieg's armada. How he was a strong, cold hearted monster.
"Look Sanji, I didn't want the ship damaged, but it's too late for that. All I'm doing is following orders."