"Gum Guuuuum." Luffy said quietly as his fist burst into flames.
"FIRE?!" some of them shouted. "Finish it?!" Krieg shouted as he raised his spearless bomb stick into the air. "Fool! I am...THE STRONGEST!" He then brought it down towards Luffy's head.
"RED HAWK!" Luffy screamed as his and Krieg's attacks hit in unison, creating a massive explosion on impact.
Smoke billowed from the sight as everyone watched, wondering what the outcome was. After what felt like hours, the smoke cleared. Krieg's spear had been completely destroyed as he hung over Luffy. His eyes were white, his wootz steel armor shattered, Scorch marks on his back, and Luffy's fist in his gut. Luffy pulled his fist back and stepped away as Krieg fell to his knees, staring blankly into the sky. Luffy put his straw hat back on his head as he walked away from Krieg. Just as he was about to stretch over to the others, he stopped when he heard a gurgling sound coming from behind him.
"DON KRIEG!" the Krieg pirates shouted as Krieg struggled back onto his feet. His eyes were still white as he slowly walked towards Luffy, one step at a time.
"You...fool." he grunted through clenched teeth as he grabbed Luffy's shoulder with his right hand. "I am...Don Krieg...I...am...invincib-" was all he said before blood poured out of his mouth and he collapsed before Luffy. Everyone was quiet as they stared at what happened.
"He...he won...the kid won." a chef said. A few seconds was all it took to sink in before all the chefs cheered.
"THE TERROR OF THE EAST BLUE'S BEEN DEFEATED!" All the chefs cheered as the Krieg pirates looked on in horror.
"This is a nightmare!" one of pirates yelled.
"Hey!" Luffy yelled, getting everyone's attention. "If you guys still wanna try and take the restaurant, then step up!" Luffy said with a grin, as if daring them to try. All the pirates turned different shades of blue before shouting.
Moments later, all the Krieg pirates and Don Krieg himself were floating next to the restaurant.
"So Gin, what do you plan on doing now?" Sanji asked as he stood there with the other chefs, Zeff, and Luffy stood between them all and the restaurant.
"Who knows." Gin said as he stared out at the ocean. "Maybe head to the Grand Line." "The Grand Line?" Luffy asked.
"Yeah." Gin said as he looked over his shoulder at Luffy. "I don't know why, but after seeing you put everything on the line, I've decided to as well. And this time, I'm not gonna run." Luffy smiled.
"YEAH?!" Patty yelled. "But know one thing you bastard! You ever come here again, we'll kick your ass!"
"YEAH!" screamed the other chefs. Gin just smirked before he turned back to the boat.
"Hey Gin." Luffy said before Gin got on. "If you're going to the Grand Line, why not come with me?" This got everyone's attention as they all stared at him.
"Huh?!" they all said.
"You still plan on being a pirate right? If you're heading to the Grand Line, why not join my crew?" "Whoa! Hold on kid!" Carne yelled. "After all the crap he put us through, you want him to join your crew just like that?!"
"Yeah." Luffy said, causing all the chefs to fall over.
"You're asking me to join you?" Gin said in equal shock.
"Sure. You're strong, and I need crewmates. What do you say?" Luffy asked. Gin just stared at him before he looked back at the boat. Luffy kept a blank face as the wind gently blew threw. Gin placed a foot onto the edge of the boat before smile crept onto his face and he kicked it off to sail out without him.
"You know what kid?" Gin asked before he looked back at him. "Why not? What have I got to lose?"
"Shishishishi." Luffy laughed as everyone just stared before they heard a growling sound. "I'm hungry." he said, causing almost everyone to fall over. Zeff was laughing however.
"Then come on in. You saved our asses and this restaurant. What better way to pay you back then letting you stuff yourself?"
"YAHOOOO!" Luffy yelled as he practically broke the door down to find a table.
"What have I gotten myself into?" Gin asked as a few beads of sweat fell down his face.
After eating his fill, Luffy and Gin went to find Sanji, who was looking out at sea from a balcony.
"Hey Sanji-