"You know what happens if you attack the fishmen." she said before she looked at Usopp. "This guy's a human anyway. Barely though."
"Barely?!" Usopp yelled before they heard the fishman approaching. "I'll deal with this guy." Usopp said as he stood up and aimed at him with his slingshot. "Special Attack!"
"Don't attack the fishmen!" Nojiko said as she knocked Usopp out from behind.
"Where am I?" Usopp asked as he woke up from his 'nap'.
"About time you woke up." Nojiko said from a table in the room. Usopp looked to see her and the kid from before. After a brief introduction, Usopp learned that the woman's name was Nojiko and she and Nami are foster sisters, and that the house they were in was there's growing up. She then explained that their mother was long dead and only she lived there with Nami stopping in now and then and that she worked for Arlong.
"Wait. She's working for Arlong?" Usopp asked in disbelief. Usopp then asked about their ship, to which Nojiko pointed out the window to show it was their on the shore Nojiko explained that she joined up with Arlong and betrayed her own village. "I can't believe it. She even turned on her whole village?!"
"Exactly." Nojiko said.
"Tch. I can't believe it." Usopp said. "Did Luffy know about this?" he asked himself.
"Know about what?" Nojiko asked overhearing him. Usopp looked back at the ship out the window. "When Nami took the ship, Luffy said she had her reasons. I bet Luffy didn't know that this was one of them. Even though she helped save my village and was smiling and laughing, she planned to stab us in the back this whole time!"
"Smiling and laughing? Her?" Nojiko asked. They went on about how he came here to get back the ship and her, but since she betrayed them, he came for the ship. His jaw then hit the floor as he started sweating. "What's wrong with you?"
"I left a friend on our ship when we got here. He's probably caught by the fishmen now."
"I'm only going to ask one more time." Arlong said as he looked down at a tied up Zoro. "Why are you here?"
"I told you ya half-fish fucker. I'm looking for a girl." "Watch your tongue." Alrong said with sinister grin on his face. "We fishmen are evolved humans who can breathe on both land and in the water. That makes us the Lords of Creation, and defying us is going against nature."
"I'm getting tired of hearing you spout that crap Arlong." Nami said as she walked out of the doorway behind him, stunning Zoro.
"All but you Nami. You're above them all, my trusted navigator."
"What the? Why are you acting all friendly with them Nami?" Zoro asked.
"You know this guy?" Arlong asked.
"He's just another idiot who I got friendly with to steal his treasure." Nami said as she approached Zoro and sat down until she was eye level with him. When she did, Zoro got a look at the tattoo on her arm, which looked exactly like Arlong's Jolly Roger. "That tattoo." he said in shock.
"That's right. I'm a part of Arlong's crew." she said with a grin. "Everything we've been through has been nothing but an act." Zoro just glared at her.
"Did Luffy know?" he asked.
"What?" Nami said, her smile fading.
"When you stole the ship, Luffy defended you by saying you had your reasons and nothing else. Did he know that you would steal from us?" Nami froze for a moment, but remained calm.
"Hmph. He's just an idiot as well." she said.
"Shahahaha!" Arlong laughed. "This is the real Nami! Nothing but a cold-hearted, money lover. Not even the death of her mother shook her up." Arlong said. Zoro watched as Nami's eyes widened in pain at that before he smirked and lept back into the water. "Huh?!" most of the fishmen there said.
"Is he trying to swim away?" "Even if he tried, that human can't do anything tied up like that."
"Just leave him to drown." Arlong said.
'That idiot.' Nami thought before she jumped in after him, making all the fishmen watch in disbelief. She surfaced with him moments later, both coughing a bit for air. "Why'd you do that?" she asked.
"I could ask you the same question. Heartless huh?" Zoro said with a smirk. Nami only scowled before punching his wounds, making him double over.
"Tie him up. I'll deal with him later." Nami said.
"Arlong?!" screamed a fishman.
"What is it my brother?" Arlong asked. "There was another human with a long nose. He got away, and I think he's hiding in Cocoyashi Village." said the fishman.