"Sanji?" Luffy asked. "I'll join you on your journey to be King of the Pirates." Sanji said as he looked at him. "I wanna be the cook for your ship, okay? That alright?"
"Yeah, of course!" Luffy yelled with a grin before he and Yosaku started dancing and singing. Gin just stared in utter confusion.
"How can a guy that strong act so...childish?" he asked himself. Sanji turned to the chefs behind them all.
"You all happy now?" he asked grumpily, but he smirked at their faces. "Sorry. I'll go now. And sorry that you had to do some shitty acting."
"You knew?!" Patty yelled.
"I heard everything assholes." Sanji said as he looked at Zeff. "Stomping on my pride huh? Was that all you could think of to get me to leave, you shitty geezer?" "YOU WANNA FIGHT SANJI?!" Patty yelled before Zeff stopped him.
"I've always hated children." he said. "I've always regretted letting a brat like you live Sanji."
"Tch. Fine. Have fun with your crappy life, ya stupid old man." Sanji said before he turned to the three of them. "I'm gonna get my stuff. Wait for me by the ship." As they got ready to leave, Luffy was packing food for the trip when Zeff approached him, offering him his logbook.
"Thanks, but no thanks pops. That's your adventure in there. I'm going out there to make my own adventure." Luffy said. Zeff smirked before leaving as Luffy was still packing. After some time, all the chefs were outside on the patched up fin as the trio were in the boat, waiting for Sanji so they could depart. Finally, Sanji stood in the doorway with his gear, taking a last look around before walking towards the ship. Patty and Carne attacked him as a last goodbye, to which Sanji took them both out with two kicks and kept walking till he got to the edge of the fin.
"Let's go." he said.
"No goodbyes?" Luffy asked.
"Nah." Sanji said as he was about to get on the boat.
"Sanji!" Zeff called from the balcony, stopping him in his tracks. "Be careful out there kid." Sanji just froze as tears came to his eyes. Luffy gave a soft smile as he remembered what happened next.
"CHEF ZEEEEEEF!" Sanji yelled before spinning around and bowing till his head hit the Baratie's deck. "THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU'VE DONE FOR ME! AND FOR ALL YOUR KINDNESS! I OWE MY LIFE TO YOU OLD MAN! THANK YOU!" Sanji stayed there on the deck crying, which was soon followed by Zeff and all the Chefs on the Baratie.
"WAAAAAAH!" Patty yelled out, getting Sanji's attention. "This is sad!"
"Really sad!" Carne yelled out as well, both with tears in their eyes.
"We're gonna miss you Sanji!"
"This place won't be the same without you!" Everyone was saying how they'd miss him as Sanji's smiled through his tears.
"Rotten words." Zeff said with bloodshot eyes. "Real men should part ways without words, let alone tears." Sanji finally got in the boat after regaining some control.
"LET'S GO! SET SAIL!" Luffy shouted as they unfurled the sails and sailed off. Sanji was still crying as he waved back to them all.
"I'LL SEE YOU ALL AGAIN!" he shouted before smiling. "IT'S A PROMISE, YA CRAZY BASTARDS!" he didn't stop until they couldn't see the Baratie anymore.
"The weather's nice." Nami said as she sailed towards her home island. As she stared ahead on the bow of the Going Merry, her mind wandered to her friends that she had just stolen from. "Luffy...everyone." she chocked out as tears started falling from her eyes. "Maybe one day...they'll let me be with them again." She started trembling as she hugged herself. "If I ever meet them again...Bell-mere."
'Why don't I help you?'
Nami froze. Time felt like it stopped as she stared on at the ocean.
'You've seen how strong I am Nami.'
Nami fell to her knees as bottom lip quivered.
'I can beat him.' "Luffy..." was all she said before she cried her heart out to the heavens.
It was some time later as the four of them sailed to where Nami was. Luffy was jumping around on the tiny boat, Yosaku was looking blue in the face at where they were going, Sanji was sitting and getting annoyed at Luffy running around, and Gin was thinking of what was going to happen next.
"Will you sit down Luffy?" Sanji said. Luffy sat down at the bow of the ship again before turn to them all.
"So how much longer till we get there again Yosaku?" Luffy asked. Yosaku looked up at him.
"Quite a while." he said before he pointed at them all. "But still, you guys aren't taking this seriously! You said that you knew where Nami was going, and why she betrayed you, correct?!"