"No. I'm not leaving. I'm staying until Zeff recognizes me as a chef." Sanji said without looking at him.
"Hmm. Fine, I give up." Luffy said as he grabbed Sanji by the collar. Sanji shook him off and looked back at him.
"I can't leave yet...but someday I will. That's a promise." Sanji said.
"How about right now?" Luffy asked as Gin just watched them go back and forth.
"It's not the right time...not yet." Sanji said. They all looked out at sea for some time before Sanji mumbled, "There is one place." He then turned to the both of them with a wide smile. "Either of you ever heard of the All Blue?"
"The All Blue?" they asked. Luffy heard it before, but hearing a friend's dream was still nice. "You've never heard of it?" Sanji asked still smiling. Both Gin and Luffy listened as Sanji told them about this 'miracle sea' that has fish from all the Blues in it. That it was somewhere on the Grand Line and that he'd find it one day. While he talked, Zeff was looking at them all from above with a smile on his face. Sanji kept going on about the All Blue, but stopped when Patty shouted that lunch was served.
"Don't know how they still have food here." Gin said since he saw Luffy eat everything in sight earlier.
"Forget it. Let's eat." Luffy said as the trio left for the kitchen. They walked in, only to find that there were no seats available. They got themselves some food and sat on the floor before starting to eat. As they did, someone asked who made the soup.
"I did." Sanji said. "Good huh?" "Good?! This slop is good?" Patty yelled. "I'd be amazed if the customers didn't vomit from one taste!"
"What did you say?" Sanji asked with a dark look on his face, which got worse as other chefs said that his soup was horrible. It really got bad when Zeff agreed with the chefs, which caused Sanji to lose it and to start screaming at the geezer. Zeff shocked them when he finally used his hands to strike Sanji, who left in a huff.
"What are you all talking about?" Luffy asked in mock surprise. "The soup's delicious."
"Can't argue with you their...Captain." Gin said. It just felt strange calling someone else captain.
"Of course it is." Zeff said. "Sanji's a great chef. Everyone here does." All the chefs were then saying how great his cooking is. But no matter what we say, that kid's too thick-headed to listen." Luffy ate more soup as Gin listened. "Hey kid. You said you needed a cook for your ship right? I wouldn't ask anyone for this...but can you take that kid with you? To the Grand Line." He smiled as he said that it was Sanji's dream.
"Man boss." Patty said. "You sure made us put up quite the act."
"I thought we were found out because of your bad acting." Carne said.
"My acting?" Patty laughed. "Did you hear how bad you were acting."
"No way." Luffy said. Some of the chefs fell over at that, while Gin had starting choking on his food in surprise.
"What?" Zeff said, now sounding angry. "You said you wanted him to be your ship's cook earlier! What, he not good enough for you?"
"Oh, he's good." Luffy said. "But he wants to stay here and cook for this restaurant. I want him to join, but I won't force him." Luffy then started eating again before slapping Gin's back, making him cough up his food and breathe. Zeff was playing with his moustache as he spoke.
"So unless he agrees to come with, you won't take him huh?" Zeff asked.
"Right. More food please." Luffy said.
"Fair enough. But who knows if that hard-headed twerp will agree to join ya." Zeff said. Luffy asked for more food as his haki picked up on Sanji hanging outside the door. Sanji was trying to light up a cigarette, but failed as he sat with his arms on his knees and his head down.
"I can hear you all, you bastards." Sanji said in a quiet tone. Meanwhile, Luffy, Gin, and the chefs were eating, but were interrupted by something crashing through the wall. Everyone looked to see Yosaku stuck in the mouth of a Panshark, with Sanji underneath them both. "It's Yosaku." Luffy said in a calm voice. "You come for the food Yosaku?" Luffy asked with a smile.
"Do you even notice the Panshark that has him in his mouth?" Gin asked with a few sweatdrops. Everyone pried Yosaku out of it's mouth before they sent the fish away and gave Yosaku a blanket and some food.
"What are you doing here Yosaku?" Luffy asked. "Weren't you going after Nami?"
"Actually Big Bro, we couldn't catch up to Nami." Yosaku said. "But we did know where she was going. If it's that island, we're gonna need your strength Big Bro Luffy. Where we're going could mean death.
"I know where she's going Yosaku." Luffy said, stunning him a bit. "I also know why she did what she did."
"You...you do?" Yosaku asked. "Yeah, but it's something she doesn't like to talk about or have in the open." Luffy said, knowing how touchy a subject this was.
"Then we should get going." Yosaku said before he noticed Gin. "Uh, Big Bro Luffy?"
"He's part of my crew now." Luffy explained. "Anyway, let's go." All three were heading out to leave, but were stopped by Sanji, who was leaning against the rails.
"Your dream's crazy kid." he said. "But so is mine. Guess now's the best time to go. Why not start looking right now?" They all looked at him as he turned to them.