Chapter 44 - :)CH44

"What was that?! You have a death wish or something? That gas will kill you within the hour." Krieg said as he laughed again.

"Wanna bet?" Luffy squeeked out. Then, aiming at Krieg, he exhaled the poison gas right back at Krieg with as much force as a small gale. Krieg held his ground, but was now blinded by the cloud of poison gas all around him. The gas blew away from him, giving him back his sight. He stared at Luffy, gapping really, to see Luffy perfectly okay. Luffy was looking over himself before smiling.

"HOW ARE YOU PERFECTLY FINE?!" all three of them screamed out. The chefs who were watching from the Baratie windows, along with the Krieg pirates with masks, were equally stunned.

"Well, I can't remember when it happened," Luffy said before he hit his chest with his hand. "But somewhere along my life, I became immune to poison." He said before he thought to himself. 'Phil was right. Even my immunity is still intact.' Everyone was staring at Luffy as if he was something that shouldn't exist, yet did. Luffy continued to laugh until it slowed to a stop and he got a serious look in his eyes. "Anyway, time to kick your ass Krieg." Luffy said. He then jumped onto the mast again before running toward Krieg.

"Sorry kid, but your luck has run out." Krieg said as he threw some bombs into the water. The exploded, causing a column of water to shoot upwards between Luffy and Krieg. Krieg then shot more spikes at Luffy through the water, hoping to kill him. He stopped his onslaught of spikes as the water came down, showing an unharmed Luffy who was holding one spike in his hand that was less than an inch from his head. "WHAT?!"

"My luck has run out huh?" Luffy asked with a smile as he flung the spike back at Krieg, knicking his cheek as blood fell. Luffy then started running toward Krieg and stretched his arm out. "GUM GUUUUM!"

"Go ahead and try!" Krieg shouted as he brought out a spiked caped. He smiled, thinking that Luffy couldn't hurt him. He was proven wrong when Luffy's fist collided through the cape and smashed into his face.

"WHAT?!" many of the spectators screamed as everyone was now holding onto their hands at the sight of it. Luffy stood there as Krieg fell to the deck.

"He punched him through those iron spikes?!" a chef yelled.

"Yeah, but look!" another chef said as he pointed at Luffy. "His hand's not even scratched!"

"How'd he pull that off?!"

"I think you have it the other way around Krieg." Luffy said as he stood over Krieg, who was starting to get up. "It's your luck that's run out."

"That kid's crazy." Sanji said from the Baratie. While Krieg was getting up, he remembered something Zeff told him before the battle started. To watch Luffy fight from start to finish. He then looked back at Gin, who watched in awe. He may not be a Krieg pirate anymore, but to see Krieg get hit so easily, he just couldn't fathom it.

"Is that so?" Krieg said before he jammed his shoulder plate into Luffy's chest and fired a cannon at point-blank range. "DIE!" Luffy didn't even bother moving as the smoke cleared, showing Luffy with his right arm raised over towards his left shoulder.

"No thanks." Luffy said before smacking Krieg down with the back of his hand. Krieg lay there in a slight daze as his crew stared in awe and horror.

"He's literally smacking Don Krieg around!" one of them said.

"This can't be happening!"

"You don't think...that kid is stronger do you?" one asked, whiched irked Krieg immensely. "SHUT UP YOU INSECTS!" Krieg shouted as he stood up. "THERE'S NO ONE STRONGER THAN ME!" He then put his shoulder plates together and turned them into what the Krieg pirates shouted as his ultimate weapon.

"He brought out the Great Battle Spear!" one cheered as the others followed.

"That thing's dangerous!" Gin said as he narrowed his eyes. "It explodes upon impact, and gets stronger depending on how hard you swing it." This worried Sanji, but Zeff remained neutral.

"That kid's toast." Sanji said.

"Nope." Zeff said. "Krieg can bring as many weapons as he wants, yet that kid won't fall, for he doesn't know fear." Both looked confused at what he said.

"Time to die you little shit!" Krieg shouted as he ran toward Luffy and swung towards Luffy's head. A split-second before impact, Luffy used his Iron Body and remained still as an explosion went off. The smoke cleared to show Luffy burned black, but okay. Frustrated, Krieg kept swinging and hitting Luffy with all his strength.

"Stand or fall," Zeff went on. "Life or death, with your very existense on the line, even the smallest hint of fear means death." Sanji and Gin just stared back at Luffy, who hadn't moved an inch. "When that kid fights, not even death scares him. Is it instict? Or a plan? We'll know if he lives."

"WHY...WON'T...YOU...DIE?!" Krieg screamed between swings. He swung again and set off another explosion. Though smoke covered around Luffy, Krieg looked like he was struggling to move. The smoke cleared to show that Luffy had grabbed the tip of the spear with his bare hands and was keeping it completely still, shocking all but Zeff. "What the- let go you turd!" "I've had enough of this Krieg." Luffy said as he tightened his hold on the spear tip, smashing it with ease.


"He broke it?!" Gin said in shock.

"I'm ending this." Luffy said before he shot his arm back, stretching it out far over the ocean before it stopped and pumped, making Luffy's body go red and steam up a bit.

"What the fuck?!" someone screamed as Luffy used Haki on his arm and brought it back at a blinding speed.