Chapter 27 - :)CH27

"I got this Zoro." he said as the pirates were nearly upon them. They were a few feet away before Luffy looked up at them all. And then, before anyone knew what had happened, Luffy had let out a controlled blast of Haki at all the pirates. Time seemed to slow down as all the pirates, besides Jango, stumbled and fell, everyone of them unconcious. Luffy just smirked while the others felt their breath catch in their throats as they stared at Luffy wided eyed.

"Oi...Luffy." Zoro managed to say.

"What...was that?" Nami said as Usopp's jaw hit the ground.

"That," Luffy said. "Is Conqueror's Haki."

"Conqueror's Haki?" they all asked.

"It's very rare and said that only one in a million can use it." Luffy explained. "It's basically my willpower against theirs. Since my will was stronger, that happened." he said as he pointed his finger down at the unconcious pirates. "No way!" Usopp said as he, Nami, and Zoro stared at the scene before them.

"That's...impressive." Zoro said. Nami was stunned speechless as she glanced back and forth between Luffy and the pirates.

'No way. Maybe...' she thought before shaking her head. 'No! I almost have enough. I won't risk their lives. Besides...they're still pirates.'

"This...can't be happening." Jango gasped out. "How did this happen?!" he screamed. "If Captain Kuro sees this, he'll kill us all! He began to sweat before he heard two voices coming from the ship and got an idea. "Since it's come down to this...NYANBAN BROTHERS!" he shouted. At his words, two figures lept from the ship and landed right behind Jango.

"Sham here Captain Jango." said a skinny man with a hunch and green hair. "Buchi here. What's going on Captain?" said a fat man with a large bell around his neck. Both of them had clawed gloves and cat like features.

"Those kids up there are keeping us from our job." Jango said as he pointed at the four on the hill. "Deal with them."

"W-what?" Sham said as he shook in fear. "But we're just the watchmen."

"No way we can take them on." Buchi said as he coward next to Sham.


"What's wrong with those two?" Nami asked.

"They look ready to piss themselves." Zoro said as he walked forward a bit. "So who deals with who?"

"You can have them all to yourself Zoro." Usopp smiled as he waved a bit. "Yeah, have at em Zoro." Nami said smiling as much as Usopp. Zoro just grunted as Sham came running towards him, waving his claws in the air. He was sounding like a scared kid trying to act tough to a bully as he got closer. Zoro just watched with a bored expression as Sham got closer.

"Keep your guard up Zoro." Luffy said as he watched everything happening in front of him.

"Alright." Zoro said as went for his other swords, but blocked as Sham's cowardly farce faded and attacked him.

"Zoro!" Nami and Usopp shouted as Sham jumped back away from Zoro. Zoro noticed he was missing two of his blades, which were on Sham's back. Sham took his swords and tossed them down the hill. Zoro went to attack Sham, slicing his side before running for his swords, only for Sham to jump onto his back and hold him to the ground for Buchi to jump into the air and stomp his head into the ground. Zoro managed to evade in time before using his one sword to block Sham and Buchi's relentless attack.

"He'll be a scratching post soon." Usopp said as he loaded his slingshot and aimed at the brothers, but was stopped by Luffy.

"Those two will kill you if you do that." he said. "If you want to help, get Zoro his swords."

"I'll get them." Nami said as she made her way past the Zoro and the Nyanban brothers and ran for his swords, not noticing Jango walking up the hill with his ring out. Jango stepped on the blade just as Nami grabbed the blade. She looked up just in time to see the ring coming towards her, but stop just as it pierced the fabric of her shirt on her shoulder.

"That was too close." came Luffy's voice. Nami looked up to see that Luffy had grabbed Jango's arm, preventing Jango from hurting her. "Hey! Let go you bastard!" Jango yelled as he tried pulling away from Luffy before he turned blue and gasped. Nami just stared before she heard Sham and Buchi gasp in horror. She, Zoro, and Usopp all looked at where they were looking, while Luffy didn't budge as he knew who was there. "C-C-Captain Kuro!" Jango managed to squeek out.

"It's past the appointed time to attack." Kuro said in a calm voice from on top of the hill. "Yet, everyone is unconscious or being held off by children. He adjusted his glasses before bellowing out "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!"

"Ca-Captain Kuro!" Jango gasped, terrified at the sight of his former captain glaring down at him. He was sweating bullets as Kuro adjusted his glasses with the palm of his hand.

"Well Jango?" he asked in a low tone. "Care to explain all this?" "I-I-I don't know. All that punk in the strawhat did was glare at them and they passed out!" Jango screamed in panic. While he was screaming, many of the pirates began to stir and awake from Luffy's haki. Some looked around, wondering why they felt so cold before they saw Kuro and felt colder.