"Nice job Zoro." he said, knowing that the little dog's treasure was safe now. "Now it's time to deal with the rest of them. But first, we gotta go get Nami." He then started walking off towards where they went, but stopped and ordered Zoro to bring along Mohji and Riche to make sure they didn't attack the dog. Zoro shrugged as he went back and dragged them along on the ground. "YOU'RE ALIVE?!" screamed Mayor Boodle as he stared at the scene before him. Both Zoro and Luffy were unharmed, while Mohji and Richie were both on the ground, unconcious. Nami stared as well. If she hadn't of seen Luffy survive that Buggy ball, she'd thought they'd be dead as well.
"If I died at the hands of these weaklings, my reputation would never recover." Zoro said as he looked down at them both.
"That's good and all," Nami said before screaming "BUT WHY DID YOU BRING THEM HERE?!"
"If they were left alone, they might've attacked that pet store of Chou Chou's." Luffy said. All three of them looked at him as he went on. "You said so yourself that the pet store was all he had left of his master. Right old man?"
"That's right." Boodle replied as he seemed to have calmed down a bit. "It's his treasure." "And that's why I won't let anyone destroy it."
"What makes you think they were gonna bother the pet store?" Nami asked.
"That lion was eyeing the store while his master was flapping his gums." Zoro said in a bored tone. "I'm betting he was hungry."
Nami just stared at them both again. All her life, she thought pirates were nothing but scum, yet here were two pirates who fought to save the lives and treasures of people they didn't know. She couldn't wrap her head around the idea, nor could she try as the Mayor had started talking.
"I'm pathetic. You young kids are fighting for this town, while I just sit on my ass and do nothing!" he said before he began to explain the origins of the town to them. He told them about how they lost their last town to pirates. How they turned this empty field into the small town that they were standing in, and how it, and all the citizens, were his treasure. "And now, all that we've worked for is getting destroyed once again. I won't stand for it!" He then raised his spear into the air. "I am the Mayor of this town! I won't run while my treasure is being destroyed!" he said. Luffy, Zoro, and Nami smiled at the old man before he declared he would fight. Nami tried to stop him, knowing it was reckless. She let go when she saw him crying and he told her he knew it was reckless. He got a good thirty feet away before he up and collapsed onto the ground.
"W-what happened?" Nami asked before she felt a chill. She looked around and saw Luffy glare at the Mayor. "Did you do that?"
"How? Why?"
"He's a good man. He'll die if he fights Buggy, so I'll fight for him." Luffy said with a smile. Nami just looked at him before she sighed. "Fine, but don't forget. I get Buggy's treasure." she said. "But how did you knock him out from here?"
"I'll tell you later. Come on Zoro." Luffy said as he cracked his knuckles.
"Right." he said with a smirk as he tied his bandanna onto his head. "I've been dying for a fight."
"Those bastards!" Buggy said in a low threatening tone. He had long since recovered being slammed by his cannon, but he was still seething with rage. His crew were standing around petrified, afraid he would kill them if they so much as made a sound. They watched as Buggy could barely control himself. "They'll all die by my hands. I don't know who that guy with the green hair was, but those other two will pay. How dare Nami run off with them after joining my crew! 'Fight with my boss' my ass! She didn't laugh after she lit the cannon." His eyes shot open as he screamed at the top of his lungs. "AND WHO WAS THAT STRAW HAT BASTARD CALLING BIG NOSE?!"
"Calm down Captain." one of his crew pleaded. "First mate Mohji went to kill them, so they'll be dead in no time anyway."
Everyone froze in terror as sweat poured down their faces, while Buggy looked ready to kill as he looked in the direction that shout came from. He looked to see Luffy smiling up at him, with Nami yelling at him that it was suicide to call him that.
"WHO HAS A BIG NOSE YOU BASTARD?!" he screamed with bloodshot eyes. He then noticed Mohji and Richie, both unconcious and beaten, being dragged by a green haired man. "What?! Mohji lost to this trash?!" "C-captain. That man has three swords!" one of the pirates said in fear. "T-that's the pirate hunter. Roronoa Zoro!" he screamed, causing the rest of the crew to panic.
"Roronoa Zoro huh?" Buggy said as he glared at the three of them. Zoro looked up at them all with a bored expression.
"I think these belong to you." he said before throwing them both up at Buggy and his men, where they landed with a thud right behind them. Buggy looked back at the three of them.
"You dare to humiliate us like this? MEN, FIRE THE BUGGY BALL!" he screamed. His men obeyed as they shot the cannonball at the three. Zoro and Nami ran, while Luffy stayed put with a smile as it got closer.
"Gum Gum BALLOON!" Luffy said as he deeply inhaled, bloating out as he stopped the cannonball. Everyone besides Zoro stared in shock as Luffy bounced the ball back at Buggy, blasting everyone there as Luffy deflated to normal. "Bullseye."
"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!" Nami screamed.
"My Gum Gum Balloon." Luffy answered smiling. He was having fun watching them all freak out at his abilities a second time.
"OKAY, BUT HOW DID YOU DO IT?!" she screamed again as Zoro yelled at Luffy to warn them next time.
"A Devil fruit huh?" came a voice from the rubble. They all looked up to see that Buggy and another man were holding up two random pirates and Richie to protect themselves from the blast before dropping them. Luffy just looked at Buggy in disgust for using his men as shields while Nami looked back at Luffy.
"Did he say Devil fruit?" she asked. Luffy looked at her smiling before he said yes and stretched his cheeks out, surprising her.