"Hi. I'm Luffy." he said as Zoro sheathed his swords, watching to see what his new Captain could do. "Zoro. This is my first order. No matter what happens, don't interfere. Got it?" Zoro nodded, wondering what Luffy would do as Luffy walked towards Morgan.
"Hey Morbib."
"Right. How about a bet?" Luffy said. This got everyone's attention as Luffy smiled. "You win this fight, we die." "And if you were to somehow win?" Morgan asked, wondering what the scrawny kid would want.
"We get a boat and sail away with no problems. And since I'm a fair man, I won't move" he said as he placed his straw hat to his chest before closing his eyes and bowing his head "and let you have first crack."
Everyone was now gapping at Luffy, thinking he really was insane as Morgan smiled.
"Peh. Fine you little brat. NOW DIE!" Morgan screamed as he raised his axe. He brought it down towards Luffy with all his strength, ready to kill him then and there. Everything seemed to slow down as Morgan's Axe, which was the bane of everyone on the island, connected with Luffy's head before it shattered, stunning everyone.
"WHAAAAT?!" Morgan screamed in horror at the sight of his now destroyed axe. The marines jaws hit the ground while Coby had fainted. Zoro stood there, wide eyed at the sight. He then noticed that the top of Luffy's head that the axe struck had changed into a grayish black color before returning to normal. Luffy smiled as he placed his hat back on his head and made a fist.
"My turn." he said before delivering a punch to Morgan's gut, making him cough up blood as he was sent crashing into the marine base, smashing into his son who was looking for them with a gun. Everyone just stared at the hole, while Luffy laughed. "I win. One boat please." he said, holding up a finger. The marines all looked at each other before cheering about Morgan's defeat. Luffy just smiled as Zoro tapped Coby with his foot to wake him up.
()()()() Back in the pub, Luffy and Zoro were eating food like there was no tomorrow, while Coby had already finished.
"Ahhhh. That hit the spot." Zolo said. "Three weeks with no food sucked."
"If it was me, I'd be dead in three days." Luffy managed to say with a full mouth of food. "How can you eat more than me anyway?" Zoro asked.
"Please, eat all you want." Rika's mother said with a smile, happy that the town was free from Morgan's reign.
"I'm sorry. You're feeding me, even though I wasn't any help." Coby said.
"It's alright." she said.
"So Luffy. Who else is on our crew?" Zolo asked.
"Us." "Wait. Just...you and me?" he asked, pointing at them both.
"Our ship?" "Don't know yet." he answered.
"Well, this is a great start." Zoro said sarcastically. Before they could discuss more, the marines arrived.
"You two are pirates?" the new leader asked. "Yep."
"I see. As marines, we cannot harbor pirates, so we must ask that you leave this island immediately." he said, causing the villagers around them to go into an angry uproar.
"You guys were scared too."
"They're our saviors, as well as yours you jerk." "However, we will not report you to HQ. Also, for defeating Morgan, as per your bet with him, a vessel has been prepared for you."
"Alright." Luffy said before standing up. "Let's go Zoro." he said he walked towards the door, with Zoro right behind him.
"And what about you?" the marine asked Coby. "Aren't you their friend?" he asked. Coby just stared at them as he turned back to Luffy. "Is this guy your friend?" Luffy looked back at him before smirking.
"Actually, he's a cabin boy." Luffy said. Coby went wide eyed as Luffy began to speak about Alvida, wishing for him to shut up or they won't let him in.
"And Coby here, well he-" Luffy said before Coby punched Luffy.
"SHUT UP!" he yelled. Zoro smiled as Luffy looked at Coby with a grin. "You bastard!" he shouted before he started repeatedly punching Coby.
"Enough!" shouted the marine as Zoro held Luffy back. "It's clear that you guys are not friends! Leave this island at once!" he shouted. Both of them left while Coby lay on the floor, realizing that Luffy helped him yet again. He stood up, thinking that he needed Luffy's help in the end and asked himself if he was helpless.
"Sir. I wish to join the marines." Coby said as he stood up straight and looked the marine in the eye.
"Sir, I advise against this. Pirates are known to plant spies in the marines."
"I wish to join the marines to carry out real justice, and to stop all criminals!" Coby said with a steeled determination. The leader looked at Coby before tilting his hat down and stood next to him. "I've seen many a marine stronger than you die at the hands of pirates. This life will not be easy. You're in kid."
Coby smiled, realizing that his dream had finally come true.
"That was some bad acting." Zoro said as they loaded their stuff onto a small sail boat.
"Don't worry. He'll be fine." Luffy said. He was untying the boat, waiting for Coby to appear.