Chapter 13 - :)CH13

"Well, they hate us now. Best way to leave." Zoro said.

Luffy smiled as they sailed away when he sensed him, Rika, and her mother. "LUFFY!" Coby shouted before throwing him a salute. "Thank you for everything. I will never forget this kindness!" Luffy and Zoro smiled before the rest of the marines showed up and saluted them as well. Coby looked back at the leader, who looked back.

"You have some good friends there kid." he said. "Men, what we've done is a complete violation against all we stand for. Therefore, no food for three days." he ordered.


"SEE YA!" Luffy shouted as he waved them all goodbye. He then turned back to the sea, ready to get on with his adventure.

It had been two days since Luffy and Zoro left Shells town. They were sailing onto the next island, both starving.

"I'm so hungry." whined Luffy. "That's because you ate our food dumbass." grumbled Zoro. Both had talked about a few things. Zoro had asked if Coby could cut it as a marine. Luffy just smiled and laughed, saying he would be fine. Luffy knew all too well that Coby had what it take to be a marine. They both just lay there with their stomachs grumbling. While Zoro was thinking of food, Luffy was keeping his eyes on the sky. He then felt a presence in the sky and smiled. He and Zoro both looked and saw a giant bird flying above them.

"A bird." Zoro said.

"No, lunch." Luffy said as he stretched his arms to grab the top of the mast. "Gum Gum ROCKET!" Luffy yelled as he flew up at the bird. He flew up and smiled as the bird held his head in his beak. "Zoro. I think I'm stuck." he shouted.

"YOU DUMBASS! HOW'D YOU MANAGE TO DO THAT?!" he yelled as he started rowing the boat after them. He yelled out insults at Luffy while he tried to keep up, while Luffy just laughed as he was carried off.


Zoro looked to see three guys floating in the ocean, screaming for help.


"WHAT?!" they all screamed. They all grabbed on as Zoro passed and jumped inside.

"Oh you made it." Zoro said.

"YOU WERE GONNA LEAVE US TO DROWN!" they screamed. They then pulled out their weapons and demanded the boat, stating they were pirates. Zoro just looked at them with a dangerous look in his eyes. The three pirates, covered in bumps and bruises, then started rowing the boat for Zoro, stating that they didn't realize who he was. "Thanks to you idiots, I lost my friend. Just keep rowing." Zoro said in a bored tone before asking why they were drifting at sea. The three then told him how they were coming back from raiding a ship before they spotted another boat with a girl in it. She had offered them the treasure from the chest in her boat in exchange for food and water. They boarded her boat to find it empty while the girl had taken their boat full of treasure, leaving them at the mercy of a storm that she predicted. "She knew a storm was coming huh?" Zoro asked in interest.

"Yeah, and now we're in big trouble." one of the pirates said. "If we return to Captain Buggy empty handed, we're dead."

"Buggy?" Zoro asked.

"You mean you've never heard of Captain Buggy, the clown pirate?" another asked. "He's a monster who's eat a Devil Fruit."

"Is that so?" Zoro asked. ()()()()

Luffy was laughing as he looked around from a birds beak view. The bird was still flying in the sky as it approached an island. Luffy grinned as he looked down, trying to spot Nami. He didn't get to look long before the bird was shot at with a cannonball. The ball exploded, making the bird drop Luffy, who was laughing as he fell. He looked down and saw Nami and three other guys carrying weapons who were chasing her.

"INCOMING! Luffy shouted before he crashed into the ground between them. They all stared at the dust cloud from where Luffy landed, thinking he was dead. The dust cleared to show a laughing Luffy standing up and dusting himself off. "That was fun. I wanna go again!"

'It's that pirate from before.' Nami thought as she stared at Luffy. She looked back at the other pirates before grinning. "Boss. I'm so glad you're here." she said in a happy tone as she ran up to him and held his hand. "Thanks so much for coming to rescue me. I'll leave them to you." she said before she ran off. Luffy just stared at her running away before he looked at his hand. He smiled as that warm feeling came to him.

"She's getting away!" one of the pirates yelled.

"Who cares? We've got her boss right here." said another as he approached Luffy. "We'll use him to barter for that map she stole." Luffy didn't even look at them, still smiling as he thought of Nami. This irked the pirate as he punched Luffy in the back of the head, stating that the girl stole something from them. That woke Luffy from his thoughts as his straw hat flew off his head. He spun around, punching the pirate square in the jaw before catching his hat and placing it on his head.

"Do NOT touch my hat!" Luffy said. The other pirates charged him, only to meet the same fist that knocked out their friend. Luffy smiled as he dusted off his clothes before looking up at Nami, who had appeared on a roof ledge to see how the fight went. She didn't expect Luffy to be okay while the three pirates were on the ground unconcious.

"Whoa! You beat those three barehanded?" she asked.

"Yeah. They were pretty weak." he said as he smiled. "Nice to see you again Nami."

'I had wished they had beaten you senseless.' she thought as she glared down at him. "Whatever pirate." she said. She was about to leave, but saw Luffy fall onto his back. "Huh?"

"I'm so hungry." Luffy whined as he held his stomach. Nami just glared at him in thought before she sighed.