When they walked through the door, surprisingly, there was not a room, but a large field.This biome was covered in snow.Eris looked at Draken:
"Isn't this supposed to be a room, Draken?"
Draken sighed:
"So it can be in the red dungeons, don't go too far from me, let's take a walk, let's see what dangers await us."
Eris and Draken did a little reconnaissance, but it was very quiet, but Draken sensed that this silence was not a good sign, and as they walked, a group called "Ice Warriors" appeared in front of them:
"You must be their leader. The one in the middle, on the horse."
Their leader stepped forward.
"No wonder you found me!" said their leader.
"Cut the crap," Draken replied.
"Ohh, can you understand our language?" said their leader.
Eris looked at Draken:
"How can you understand them, Draken?"
Draken surprised himself.
"It must be my system, but it's still strange," he muttered to himself.
Their leader, keeping his face to Draken:
"Oops, that's a shame. We took someone with us because we thought he could understand the human language-"
Before the leader could finish, Draken ripped the head off the person he was pointing at with unimaginable speed.
"I just told you, cut the crap, or I'll take care of you," Draken replied in a cold voice.
"Ohh, just as expected of you. Sure, we won't keep you waiting too long, but we have more men than you do. Don't cry if you're defeated!" Draken held his face to Eris:
"Eris, can you handle the guards, I'll take their leader."
"It will be my pleasure, my Draken." Eris replied.
Their leader responded immediately:
"Then, shall we begin?!"
Before Draken was ready, their leader made the first attack, but Draken stopped it. He made another attack, but killed the leader's horse instead.
"Apparently, I can't defeat him right away."
"This is getting interesting. However, you are clearly not human, so why are you mingling with humans?" said their leader.
"For what?" replied the Draken.
"You don't even know who you are, we keep hearing a voice, telling us to kill people, but I can't hear it when I fight you." said their leader.
"You hear a voice? Something like inventory commands? He can't hear anything when he looks at me," Draken muttered.
"We don't need to fight. Let's have the best of both worlds. Surrender and we'll spare your lives, what do you think?" said their leader.
"I refuse." replied Draken in a cold voice.
"You plan to be our enemy? We outnumber you."
"Excuse me?" replied Draken.
A large and impressive aura appeared around him, and their leader paused for a moment.
"There is no point in fighting to the death."
"A death struggle? Really?" replied Draken sarcastically.
Their leader didn't wait long and ordered his army to attack. Since Draken was targeting the leader, he left the guards to Eris.Three archers were thinking of shooting Eris from the side, and the moment the arrow came out of the bow, Draken, at high speed, held the arrow in the air and cut the throats of all three archers and severed their heads.
"He is indeed capable of bragging, and their leader seems to be stronger than me." Draken said to himself.
Draken and the leader fought again in the center. The leader made a quick attack, but Draken parried it.
"I can't even beat him with Ignarok," Draken said to himself.
"My name is Ragnar. What is your name?" said Ragnar.
Draken, picking up his enchanted sword, said in a cold voice:
"Draken Nightfall."
After they both looked at each other for a moment, Ragnar attacked first, Draken moved in at the same time. They fought each other in the middle. Ragnar attacked from below, but Draken jumped and avoided the attack. Then he attacked Ragnar from the air. Ragnar parried the attack, crushed Draken's hand with his foot and made an attack. Draken dropped the blade. He stepped back a little. A new knife from the Inventory made a powerful attack, which Ragnar barely managed to stop. Draken kicked backwards at that moment, but Ragnar dodged it too. They began to fight, circling around each other. Ragnar saw Draken's opening, and kicked him. Draken flew off into the distance, but got to his feet without taking any damage.
"I love this exciting battle," said Ragnar.
At that moment Draken gave Ragnar a contemptuous look.When Ragnar looked up, he saw the fireballs coming from above.The big fireball hit Ragnar.
"Fortunately, Eris is buying me time.Next..." said Draken to himself.
Ragnar stood up and ran towards Draken. The snow around Draken blocked his view.
"What a bore. What a cheap trick!" shouted Ragnar.
At that moment, Draken launched an attack at Ragnar through the smoke.Ragnar was able to block some of the attack, but took little damage.Suddenly Ragnar's eyes turned red.
"Very interesting! I'll start by getting rid of you," said Ragnar.
At that moment Ragnar charged at the Draken again. Draken was parrying the attacks, but he couldn't stop one.
"You move too slowly. You are no match for me, you and that girl, ATTACK ME TOGETHER!" shouted Ragnar.
"Is that so?" replied Draken, and immediately went on the attack.
The two of them were again attacking each other in a fast fight, the battle was very tense and very fast.
"I'll take you down first, then that girl!" shouted Ragnar again.
Draken sent it back at him, and he was about to parry when he heard a voice behind him:
"Don't you think that's a bit boring, Ragnar?" said Draken from behind Ragnar.
And he plunged the knife into his chest. Ragnar stepped back:
"You underestimate me."
"You are indeed very strong, but your men are not."
Ragnar looked to the side and saw that his men were all dead. Eris had killed them all.
"But, if you die... Those men won't be a problem," Ragnar replied. And he attacked again.
It was war again. Draken and Ragnar were at each other's throats. Both were attacking each other, but both were stopping the attacks. At that moment, Draken threw his knife at Ragnar. Ragnar laughed:
"You fool, you threw away your weapon."
Ragnar was about to attack when he sensed danger coming from behind him. It was the knife Draken had just thrown. He stopped him at the last moment, but his own knife broke. Draken shouted:
Ignarok came out and started to grab Ragnar's hand and arm. He used his flames to burn him. The flame did a lot of damage to Ragnar, but Ragnar wounded Ignarok:
Before he could finish,Draken wounded him in the kidney.
"The outcome has been decided," Draken said coldly.
"Are you fucking kidding me?! It's not over." he said, pulling the knife out of his kidney.
"It has already been decided, Ragnar." Draken said in shock.
Ragnar couldn't stand it and breathed his last there.
"I told you, the outcome has already been decided. Have I finally defeated him?" Draken said to himself.
Eris ran to Draken and hugged him:
"Ahh, Draken. I was so scared that something would happen to you."
Draken smiled and said:
"As I understand it, we can exit this portal even now, we can pick up where we left off at any time, so let's stop here for now and go back."
Eris and Draken went through the portal and came out near the train station, where two S-rank hunters were waiting for them.
"I'm sorry, Draken, but I need to ask you some questions," one of the S-rank hunters said.
Draken said:
"I'm very tired now, I have to go home."
"This is not a request, it is an order!" shouted S-rank.
Draken looked coldly at him:
"Instead of interrogating me, you should be thanking me, I got the person I took with me safely out of the red portal."
S-rank calmed down a little:
"All right, please forgive my rudeness, we'll talk about it later, you can go home."
Draken and Eris set off. Draken drove Eris home. Eris looked at Draken:
"My Draken, see you later!"
Draken, surprised:
"OH, MY DRAKEN? Anyway, she must be nuts."
Eris, teasing Draken:
"I heard you, Draken."
Draken left laughing.This dungeon was getting more and more crowded.New enemies were being born.Draken had promised himself that Dimitri would finally be avenged.What will happen to him on this journey?