"What are you doing there?" came a voice from behind. It was Chae Rose. Draken quickly destroyed the knife in his hand:
"I almost got caught," he took a deep breath.
"I got lost and I don't know how, but I ended up here," Draken replied.
"Lost? Are you with the landing party? That's the head beast's room, please stay back."
"Chae Rose is not a normal person, she is capable of sneaking up behind me without me noticing..." Draken said to himself.
"Please go away from here now."
"Oh, I'm sorry." Draken walked past Chae and headed for the door, but Chae sensed something from Draken:
"Hey, wait a second."
Chae started sniffing Draken.
"He doesn't stink!" she reacted sweetly.
"Was there a problem?"
"Are you really a hunter?" she looked at Draken's card.
"E-level...Draken Nightfall..."
"Never mind, just be careful. It's a huge dungeon."
"Oh, yeah." Draken walked away.
"You got lost and ran into Chae the hunter? You lucky bastard. It's rare to even get a chance to talk to her once. She was worried that the Archbeast might come out of his room, so she snooped around. She even does that on her break. She's a very careful woman."
"Is that why she was there? The landing party can be so relaxed because they haven't seen the archbeast or felt its magical power, an understandable concern for the members of the assault party who know how frightening the archbeast can be," Draken thought to himself thoughtfully.
'Chae the Hunter has the ability to pick up a certain scent from hunters, which is obviously quite foul.'
'The scent of hunters?' Draken reacted with surprise.
'They say it's a unique physiological condition. That's why she covers her nose with a handkerchief. She's a strange woman, isn't she?'
"Is that so? She asked me if I was a hunter..."
At that moment Ragnar's words began to be heard in Draken's brain:
'There's a voice in our heads that speaks to us all the time to kill people. But I can't hear it in you.'
"Is this a similar situation to before? Not having a special scent like the other hunters and...monsters not hearing the kill command for me...because I awakened in a different way...the only being that can take advantage of the Inventory...so what does awakening mean?" Draken thought long and hard to himself.
'Well done, Mr Draken. You did very well. You were mining the mana crystals in such a way that for a moment I thought you were an excavator or something.'
'Thank you, sir.'
"Thanks to you, we finished two hours early. I didn't think we'd be done before the collection unit! I've met a lot of people while working in this business. This is the first time I've met someone like you. You're very talented in subtraction. I don't usually say things like this, but... would you like to work under me by any chance? I'll take special care of you."
"Thanks for the nice offer, but...I've got other things to do." Draken replied with a puzzled expression.
"That's a shame. How about tomorrow? Can you come to work tomorrow too?"
"Wait a second! Tomorrow? The hunters' guild is going to raid tomorrow?"
"Sure. Another A-rank gate. But tomorrow it will be a B-rank guild instead of an A-rank guild."
"B-rank guild? They're splitting their troops in two to clear the A-rank dungeon?" the Draken muttered.
"That's the power of the hunters' guild. The hunters' guild is probably the only guild in Korea that splits troops to clear A-rank dungeon."
"Where shall I come tomorrow?" Draken replied with a serious look.
"You made the right decision, Mr Draken! I will speak to the head of the business and ask him to pay you double."
"Yes, thank you," Draken replied, melting.
"Hunter Chae calling me at this hour? What's going on?"
"Can you find out anything about Draken Nightfall who's working the landing party today?" said Chae.
"E-rank is a hunter, a member of the unit?"
"Do you know him?" replied Chae in an excited voice.
"Well...Master Aiden wanted the same thing."
"Master Aiden too?" he said in a shocked voice.
"Yeah, he wanted to find out about this guy."
"Do you know why?" "
I can't say I do."
Chae hung up the phone. Looking at the moon through the window of the high-rise:
"There's something to this."
She threw herself on the bed, thinking to herself:
"Why was he different? Of all the hunters I've encountered...the first one...who smelled...good." said Chae, looking up at the ceiling.
Morning came. Draken came to work.
"Mr Draken, there you are. Let's make the most of this day."
Draken had a moment of déjà vu. He thought the staff looked like his old time team. He smiled secretly.
"I'd forgotten that feeling. This atmosphere takes me back."
"Good work this morning! We'll get some rest and start working in the afternoon."
At that moment, a hunter from the fighter unit approached them:
"Is it possible for one of you to help us? Our carrier hasn't arrived."
"They want one of us to be a carrier?"
"Do any of you want to enter the dungeon with the assault unit? It will be worth the risk when the raid is over." the young hunter asked again.
"I'll help," Draken called from behind.
"No problem, I have the courage to do it." Draken replied in a calm voice.
"What's his level?" asked the Hunter.
"E-rank is low, so we'll have to look for a replacement."
The Hunter smiled:
"No, he's coming."
"Thanks for coming with us. I'm Brian Folski. I'm the leader of today's raid."
"And I'm Draken Nightfall."
Draken put all the bags around his waist.
"Is it heavy?"
"No, it's fine."
"Doesn't look like he's struggling," Brian thought to himself.
"Yesterday's passage was big, but...is this one bigger?" Draken said to himself as he looked at the passage.
"Yesterday was the first time you did extraction work, wasn't it, so this is the second time you'll see an A-rank dungeon.The portal may be big, but the magical energy coming out of it is weaker than yesterday.If it was too dangerous, the B-rank unit wouldn't be able to overcome it." said Brian.
"Eleven A-rank hunters and six B-rank hunters. If it was any other guild, it wouldn't be split into two units like this," Draken thought.
"LET'S ENTER!" Brian called out to everyone.
As soon as they entered the Dungeon, Draken received a notification from the inventory.
"You have entered the Dungeon."
It was a big cave inside. The whole team was on their way.
"You don't have to worry, Brother Draken...our leader and everyone here are elite hunters." a girl said to Draken.
They continued on, Brian thinking to himself:
"Well...if I'm successful in today's raid, I'll be appointed as the official leader of the B-rank unit.I may not be like Master Aiden or Chae, but...I'm one of the best A-rank hunters.I can do this!"
Suddenly a voice came out of the darkness.The whole team moved into fighting position very quickly.
"To be ready for battle without any orders...that's the power of the A-rank assault unit!" Draken said to himself.
Suddenly, animals called 'Dungeon jackals' started attacking. The whole team fought against these jackals. They killed them all.
'What's the big deal? Why are there dungeon jackals in an A-rank dungeon?' asked Brian to himself.
'Is it very rare for jackals to appear in A-rank dungeons?' asked Draken.
'No, but... Dungeon jackals are C-rank monsters. Weak monsters cannot survive because they cannot defeat their prey.'
Suddenly, Draken's eyes fell on the neck of a jackal, which was wearing a collar.
'Is that a collar? These aren't normal coyotes. Someone's been feeding them.'
'That means someone left them alive for some reason, like to use them as hunting dogs,' Brian said.
'Maybe...my hunch is right...the real baddies are coming!' said Draken as he looked into the darkness.
Out of the darkness came the 'Great Orcs'. The whole team was terrified.
Unexpectedly, one of them threw his spear at Brian at high speed from a distance. Brian dodged at the last moment by pulling his shield, but his shield cracked.
'It's the Force!!!'
The whole team started to fight the orcs, Draken was standing behind, but the orcs had a very high resistance to spells and knives, and they took almost no damage.
At that moment one of the healers was trying to heal the arm of a hunter, when one of the orcs attacked, and just as he was about to attack,Draken cut the orc's throat with invisible speed.
'What happened?' said the Healer in surprise.