For the next year, Sinoca, Inamaru and Suchi all trained together. They went on missions together as well as joining different rebel towns . They got to know a lot of the rebel suppliers and became friends with them. They built a lot of trust in the rebel community. Sinoca decided that she would also take up archery to become a dual threat fighter. It took her about three months to become a high level archer. Although the team didn't discriminate, they often spent more time with the rebel groups that were more geared toward demons. The biggest reason for that was that the demon rebel groups tended to be more active than the human ones. Part of it was due to their arrogance, part due to their power, and part of it had to do with their bloodlust. Either way, it was always a treat for Sinoca when she got to spend time in human outcast posts. Sinoca got particularly close to one of the supply runners in one of the human posts. The human's name was Gus. He was a portly man, with a big scruffy beard and a black bowl cut. Was almost Sinoca's exclusive archer gear provider. One day, as Inamaru and Suchi were training, Sinoca went to the city to visit Gus. Unfortunately for her, when she arrived, Gus' wife told her that he was out. Sinoca decided to spend time in the city until Gus returned. As she was relaxing at a coffee shop, Sinoca noticed a woman with a general's uniform on. Sinoca got curious and followed the general. As she followed them, she realized that the general had rendezvoused with two other generals. The group looked to be heading in the direction of Gus' shop. As Sinoca noticed this, she ended up stepping in the group's path.
"So, what brings you guys to the beach hood," Sinoca joked.
"Move, traitor, or we will make you," the original women warned. The two generals at her side both drew their blades.
"That's funny, I thought that at this point you guys would be attacking me on sight. I guess you all know what would happen if you did," Sinoca teased. Sinoca drew her weapon and the general gave the signal for one of her comrades to attack. Sinoca blocked the incoming slash. She then tripped the general and kneed her in the face. The other general came charging in. They threw multiple attacks with the blade, but Sinoca blocked three times and then knocked her opponent's blade down with her own. Sinoca then followed up with a spinning stab through the chest, killing the general. The other general attempted to attack from behind, but Sinoca pulled the blade out and, without turning around, stabbed the incoming attacker in the chest, killing her. The original general starts to back up slowly.
"What's the matter, you aren't going to give it a try," Sinoca teased. The general then turned and ran. Sinoca then reached back and pulled out her crossbow. She aims it and hits the fleeing general on the shoulder. The general breaks the arrow off, but is unable to take the medal out of her arm. She sees that Sinoca isn't chasing her, so she decides to continue her escape. Sinoca started to walk away, looking at a leader with a red dot moving across it. She had a tracker placed in that arrow, so now she knew exactly where the enemy would be stationed. Sinoca went back to the hideout just in time to watch the latest battle between Inamaru and Suchi. Inamaru was trying to punch Suchi, but Suchi was doing a great job of parrying the attacks. Suchi slipped two of Inamaru's punches and countered with a high kick. Inamaru dyumbles. Suchi tried to counter with a spin kick, but Inamaru managed to get his arms up to block. Inamaru then attempts to rush Suchi, who side steps him and hits him with three quick kicks. Inamaru again stumbles, but he continues to chase after Suchi, who then tires into a cyclone kick, hitting Inamaru in the head and causing him to flip and land on his back. Sinoca calls the match.
"Inamaru, you can't always just push forward," Sinoca scolds, "come on. You are physically the strongest of us, you have to use your head sometimes." Inamaru just turns his head away. Sinoca sighs.
"So, how was your little trip into town?" Suchi asked.
"Eventful," Sinoca answered as she pulled out the tracker she was carrying. Sinoca then explained what happened between her and the generals as she was in town, and how she managed to get a tracker on the one who fled.
"Interesting, I wonder what business they have in this town," Suchi said, "it's not like they would consider this place a threat."
"I did notice that they were heading towards Gus' spot, I could see them looking at him as a threat," Sinoca theorized.
"He does make pretty nice gear, perhaps it's not even about being a threat," Inamaru said.
"What do you mean?" Sinoca asked.
"Think about it," Inamaru continued. "What if they thought of him as an asset? He's a brilliant and multifaceted forger. I could imagine them wanting someone like him on their side. Maybe they are here on a recruiting trip."
"They know he's part of the rebels," Sinoca said, "I doubt they think they could convince him."
"You'd be surprised by the delusion of the powerful," Suchi said. "I wouldn't be surprised at all if you thought that they could convince him. If not convinced, then bribe. If not bribed, then force. The DCU don't care how it gets done.
"I see your point, but what do we do," Sinoca asked, "it's not like Gus will be willing to just run away."
"I'm not sure, one thing is for sure, we have to stay in this area until this storm passes," Suchi said.
"Okay, Inamaru and I will go back to Gus' house," Sinoca said, handing Suchi the tracker. You check up on the generals and see if you can find anything else about their plan." Suchi nodded as the team went their separate ways.