{Smith's Garage}
Rick and Jerry arrived back in the spaceship after their investigation, Rick then dragged himself and said "Garage, play the relaxing tone"
"Did you find something, Sir?" the AI known as Garage asked, to which Rick just sighed. The AI played the music, and Rick started to drink again. I did not know where they went or anything about it since I only put secret cameras and headgear in the house. Rick after getting over his 'Defeat' started to look around and yelled.
"You glorified calculator! I'll invent a paradox just to shove it down your throat. Oh, wait—your ego's probably already choking on one!" Rick yelled, it pissed me off for a second but then I recovered and started to laugh. Rick, guessing that I was laughing at this, began to yell more to bait me into giving him my location. "You think this is funny? I'll show you something funny! I'll invent a machine to pull your future selves into this timeline and let them all punch you in your smug face for ruining their lives!"
{After an hour later}
Rick was finally tired of screaming at empty air, and I, starting to feel annoyed at Rick, stood off with each of our eyes narrowing. I took deep breaths and said to myself "Clam down, it is alright. If you do anything you will give up your location"
I turned off the video and went to eat one of my favorite treats: grandma's cookies. Although, her character in the original series came out in 2 different episodes and nothing much was shown of her except that she is a cuckold and all but now that it is real life, she is a good cook.
Especially her chocolate cookies are on another level. I even went around saying 'Come to the dark side, we have cookies here' all over the world. I even started the church of Cookies once but later dissolved it because they started a religious war with other religions. It quickly turned dark, anyways some new weapons needed to be made.
{Time skip}
I tuned in to watch Rick again as he tried to think of what the riddle meant…that is what I was expecting but what I did not expect was that he would show up on my front door.
"Grandpa Rick, you are much smarter than you look," I said as a compliment but then asked, "How did you find me so quickly?"
Rick smiling said "The riddle was a tough one but I simply invented something to tell me the answer to it. Meet the Riddle solver, it solves riddles like the one you made resolve"
"Simple, yet a good solution. Then you uploaded your consciousness using Morty's help." I said with a stroke of realization, I then laughed at it with Rick. "Alright then, let's end this mess shall we." I packed my things and pressed the red button on the consciousness of the dog to finally free it from the drugs. I even added some other drugs to calm the dogs down and explain what had happened to every single dog. It took a while before we convinced all dogs to move to another planet.
{Time skip}
The dog army started to move to another planet, even though they shot glasses and eyes of hatred towards me. I did not care, I just smiled at it. Soon you will be influenced by the backlash of the helmet and lose all memories of me and everything here anyway. This is not from me but the drug I put in there, taking the drug in large quantities can cause memory loss. Of course, Rick already made a cure but it will take a few thousand years to even witness the memory loss anyway so by then if they develop medicine enough it will be good.
Anyway, it is not my problem anymore since I have thrown them off to a different planet. It is up to them to find a way to survive, this was my exact thought when I walked away from them but why did I stop? I don't know myself.
"The dog-kind must not fall to the fate of humankind with its heartbreak and cruelty," Snuffles said as he shed a tear and said goodbye to Morty. I walked up to him, he looked at me with a little bit of conflict in his eyes.
"If you think that I would be angry at you for betraying me, then don't. I already knew that you were going to betray me so, you could say that I made you betray me. You are just fulfilling your purpose, and if I were you I would focus on medical, and neurological science with a little bit of focus on the military. As for the rest, Rick will give you some numbers to connect you to the interdimensional market." I said, I don't know exactly why I am doing it but I am doing it.
"What? Why am I ever going to do that?" Rick said indignantly.
"Grandpa, Please," I said looking at him, he just rolled his eyes and said reluctantly.
"Fine, but you owe me one"
Now, it is time for the government. I looked at the president of the United States of America, it was not Andre Curtis but Geen Bush, who was just a regular white man.
"Mr. Bush, May I know why you are here?" I asked feigning innocence.
"I think you know exactly why," He said with a stern tone and his eyes narrowing onto me. I can already tell that this is going to be a pain in the ass for me to deal with.