Alright, I am currently standing next to Rick in some shady, interdimensional casino where the drinks are weird, the air smells like a mixture of burnt hair and… well, burnt hair, and I've got no idea what's going on. Let's see where this all began…
I was on the rooftop of the house, minding my own business as I worked away on the improvement I was doing to my portal gun. The last time I used it, I went into a dimension where fucking improved version of ultron was trying to eliminate us. This time, however, I will make sure to perfect the multiversal travel function. Just as I was about to add an important part, the door slammed open, causing me to almost spill the fluids, but I was able to stop it due to me being –not to brag– good at everything.
"Richard, let's gamble," Rick said. I looked at the assailant who trespassed into my domain and nearly caused the entire universe to reach its premature end if it were not for me, again not trying to brag. I am honestly, quit annoyed at this movement because the us government is fucking my company up. I paid for their election, I am paying for their extravagant life style just so that they don't fuck my company but what do they do fuck my company.
"Not now, plus Las Vegas casinos are pretty boring. I went there once, and within one try, I figured out all of the formulas and was able to manipulate them," I said, trying to focus back on the important task of making my portal gun.
"Of course you did. Do you think you would be my assistant if you couldn't even do that? I mean, let's go to a real gambling palace. The I.R.S. casino, this is a monopoly casino which holds the largest events known to all being" Rick said, with a bit of excitement. I winced at the name really IRS, who names their casino IRS. It would be a lie if I were to say that I am not interested in this casino, and it just came at the right time. I was about to blow up the IRS office and blame it on Germany, but it seems the government's piggy bank was saved this time.
AN: Bro, I swear if it blows up. It got nothing to do with me, I ain't a terrorist; please don't send me to heaven in premium booking.
I will just make this place go bankrupt and then blow it up. Sound fun, right?
{Flashback end}
When we reached the casino, it looked like a fucking gambling den not a casinos but a straight up criminal den for all of the universes underworld to come together and have a party. It was bright, really bright; it was another sun for this place that outshone even its original and got along with the black space around it with the distant stars visible as they would be in the earth's atmosphere. We got out of the garbage spaceship. I need to build a better one, but for now, we got out of there and went to the casino entrance.
Rick's already five steps ahead of me, though. As usual. I should probably be used to it, but nope. Here I am, trailing behind him as he walks through the casino doors like he owns the damn place, with a swagger that can only come from being the most obnoxious genius in the multiverse.
"Alright, Morty 2.0," Rick slurs, not even turning back to look at me. Yeah, he calls me that sometimes, and it's another nickname that I'm not okay with. I would rank it as the top 3 worst nicknames I have, with Rick being in first place and Morty 2.0 being the second. He probably thinks it's because I resemble that idiot Morty, but it's because I'm smart—well, smarter than Rick. He just doesn't know it. "We're about to win big. you ready?"
"Win big? This place looks like a scam. What even is this place?" I say, staring around at the strange, pulsating neon lights and the assortment of weird creatures that look like they just crawled out of some experimental biology textbook of some Dr. Victor wanna be.
Rick stops and looks at me, eyes half-lidded. "It's the Casino of Eternity, genius. Best bets in the universe, run by the Quantum Bookie. These stakes are bigger than anything your Earth brain can even comprehend, which is why we're here."
"Wait, hold on," I say, rubbing my temple. "Did you just say Quantum Bookie? What kind of casino is this? I thought that the name was supposed to be IRS Casino." I asked. The entire reason for my presence in this place was to say that I made the IRS go broke. I mean, I could, but it would be a long and grueling battle that would honestly take less time if I were to bomb that place 2 times with level 2 anti bombs. I would name the two missiles "Big Boy" and "Thin man". AN: If you know what I did in that joke, keep it to yourself.
Rick just looks at me like I'm an idiot, which, fair enough, I kind of am. "Should have never trusted me in the first place? I thought you were a businessman, but I guess you still got fooled by me. HA, gullible. Any, this is the only casino that has the entire universe connecting it; here you can bet your soul, bet time, bet existence. You name it. But I'm not here to gamble, I'm here to win."
I rolled my eyes at his anatics. To be real, I had my doubts since the beginning, but of course, I acted like Morty…Fuck now I understood why he called me morty 2.0. "Well, since I am so gullible and innocent, why don't we play a game?"
"Sorry, Morty 2.0, already got someone to play a game. He has the stone," Rick said with his 'I am about to go nuts' smile.
"What stone? Infinity stone?" I said, with a light laugh.
"Shhhhh…be sensitive; there are some people who take it personally," Rick said, as we looked at what looked like a giant purple potato. I laugh, which draws his attention, but instead of quickly getting away, we bully it by calling it names like 'simp for death' or 'before snaping away half the life of universe, try getting yourself a barber.' By the time we were done, he had gone out of the casino, saying, "I will have my revenge."
"As for the stone, it is the legendary, Philosopher stone" Rick said after we bullied him out of the casino.