About two centuries ago, King Louis and his family resided in the realm of Devana. His sole daughter was Princess Rosalina. When a saint came to the kingdom, she was a teenager. King Louis held the saints in high regard and was eager to learn the prophecy concerning his Kingdom. The saint appeared in the court.
"Greetings, my king," he said. King Louis recognized the saint and inquired about the reason for his visit. The saint responded, "I have come to rescue you from your downfall."
Furious, King Louis yelled, "Explain yourself or I will have your head." Nevertheless, this did not dissuade the saint, who answered, "Devana, there have been a prophecy regarding your kingdom. When the moon shines its brightnest past midnight in two nights, your kingdom will experience the wrath of the heavens. Everything in its course will be destroyed, claiming countless lives and leaving none behind. Its journey is cursed with eternal loneliness and immortality for anybody who tries to halt it. Love will never be its friend, thus anyone who approaches it will ultimately perish." troubled, the King questioned, "Why is this happening? We did no one any harm." "Your ancestors have wronged heaven, not you," declared the saint.
The king inquired, "Can you advise us how to admonish ourselves for this? "Yes, monarch of mine. But I don't think the route will be to your liking," the saint answered. King Louis ordered, "Speak to me freely."
"You have to sacrifice your only daughter by marriage to a saint and to never see her again". The monarch became enraged and exclaimed, "How dare you suggest something so improper?"
"You must sacrifice what is most precious to you, thus your daughter," the patron saint that stated, intimidatingly, unfazed by the king's move.
When leaving, the saint recommended that they call for him when they had made up their minds . The saint's word left the courtroom unexpectedly silent but the King, still unprepared to believe it, marched out from the courtroom.
Two days had passed, and tonight the prophecy was supposed to come to pass. Princess Rosaline was quite young, so King Louis decided not to give her away.
Instead, he confined her in the deepest subterranean room, which his greatest engineer had constructed so that they might hide during battles. There were many things in the room that would be needed for years to come. The regal princess received his soul pendant from him. This will shield her in case of need, and the pendant will contain all of his powers in the event of his death. In order to employ the pendant powers, one must be directly tied to the bloodline.
Soul pendants hold half of your powers and are the purest form of magic, allowing you to access your inner soul. Every royalty in the realm of Devana is born with a gift, and you need the soul pendant of another royalty to activate your powers.
King Louis possesses the ability to channel air forms. This was something that very few people in the kingdom knew about, and it was later recognized as a long-standing myth. Princess Rosaline, who is still growing, is not yet aware of her soul powers. After giving the princess his word that he would return for her in the morning, King Louis suddenly departed.
At exactly midnight, the saints word came into action when the waves of the sea came rushing in, seeking the souls of people of the devana whose ancestors have violated the heavens in the past. It paid off its overdue obligation and left the realm empty-handed, leaving only the poor princess soundly dozing in her lonely bunk.
The Princess became concerned as time passed but she realized the prophecy had come true when her father failed to turn up.
As the years went by, she remained in her secure and secluded location and put what she had been taught to practice at her age. She used the old books as a reference to refresh her memory. She used all of the available resources to learn new information by heart.
She became an expert at military strategy and discovered the responsibilities of the ideal monarchy. With the passage of time, her patience eventually gave way and she was able to open the heavy tunnel doors by using the little button that was next to it.
After leaving the secluded place with her father's soul pendant and a few other necessities, she was met by the desert surrounding her. Not a single person in the area. In an instant, the entire kingdom disappeared. Her opening of the tunnel's doors caused the entrance to collapse. Now she was unable to return inside at this point and must face whatever was ahead of her.
Because she was the late, great King Louis' daughter, she felt empowered to live and exact revenge from the heavens. Her realm was being penalized for a transgression they had never committed.