"Dude, I couldn't stop thinking about everything you told me last night." The disturbed voice of Jake reverberated in the ears of Quincy who groans in annoyance as he arranges his locker.
"I don't have time for this man, I have got a class to attend." Quincy protested while closing his locker before walking away with hurried steps.
"Right, right. I know but everything still seems so surreal to me. And no matter how many times you make it sound normal, I still find it difficult to assimilate." Jake said while catching up with Quincy's hurried steps. "I mean you are a freaking god for goodness sake. How do you expect me to really act normal about it?"
Quincy stopped his steps abruptly. "Dude, are you out of your mind. People are listening." He cautioned a he swept his gaze across the hallway to show Jake the number of students who stare oddly at the pair of nerds.
"Oh, sorry about that. I just got a little bit carried away." Jake apologies, his once high pitched tone now coming out as a whisper.
Quincy didn't comment any further on Jake's behaviour, rather he resumes his walking with Jake still trailing behind him.
"Tell me, when did you discover this new heritage of yours?" Jake asks as they walked into the classroom. "I mean did it just showed up unexpectedly or have you always known it was there?"
Quincy heave out a sigh. Why is he suddenly regretting his decision to tell Jake about himself? Even when he knows that sooner or later Jake would find out one way or the other, he prefers that he hadn't told his best friend who just kept on rambling about a matter he is to keep as a secret.
"What? Are you not going to tell me? Come on man, how did you know that you were going to be a god? Did you figure out yourself or did it suddenly show up?" Jake pesters as he repeats the question.
He is really dying for the need to quench his curiousity as he could barely get enough sleep last night while he ponders about the words Quincy revealed to him.
"Celeste told me. Somehow she knew about who I would become before I even find out."Quincy replies as a matter of fact.
"Celeste? One of the Seductive Four?" Jake utters out of amazement but soon a thought strikes his mind, "Wait a minute. Is she also like you?" He asks with brows raised out of surprise.
"Like me. What do you mean like me?"
"You know what I am talking about. Is she also like a god or goddess or you know, a being of divinity?" Jake questions while muttering the last part softly so that the students around them wouldn't hear what they are discussing about.
Quincy shook his head as he replies, "No. She is nothing like me. She is not a god but a nymph."
"A nymph?" Jake furrows his brows while pondering. "If she is a nymph then...."
Jake was unable to complete the words as the teacher, Mrs Sylvester, walks into the classroom. "Good morning everyone." She smiled while greeting before proceeding to the board to scribble some words on it. Apparently, the words on the board are relating to the lesson she is about to teach.
"In our last class, we discussed about the history of Celestial Falls and the circumstances surrounding it's existence. Today, we will be discussing about the earliest settlers of Celestial Falls." Mrs Sylvester informs while moving away from the board.
"Now, we all are aware that the earliest settlers of Celestial Falls are the Greeks, however, there are still pieces of information about them that we are yet to know. For instance, their customs and their traditions." Mrs Sylvester paused, making her words sink in before she continues with her teachings, "Who would like to tell us about some of the traditions of the ancient settlers? Anyone at all."
"Yes, Mr Quills." Mrs Sylvester calls out seeing that Quincy is the only one with his right hand raised. "What can you tell us about the Greeks who settled in Celestial Falls?"
"Firstly, it should be noted that unlike their American neighbours who believed in Christ and are therefore Christians, the ancient Greek settlers are mostly worshippers of the Olympic patheon as their ways and traditions are shrouded in the beliefs of this twelve gods." Quincy replies much to the surprise of Mrs Sylvester.
"Mr Quills, for someone who showed little to no interest in my last teachings, I am pretty amaze at the enthusiasm you show towards this particular topic. What made you change your mind?" The shock in Mrs Sylvester's voice is clearly evident as she questions Quincy.
"Well, like a good teacher once told me, the world is far larger than the spherical shape it possesses. Also, there are things which I witnessed that caused me to believe that certain phenomenon can not be explained with logic, no matter how hard I hate to admit it." Quincy said as he adjust his sitting position to make himself more comfortable.
"Uh, Well said Mr Quills. Also, I am quite intrigued about what you meant when you mentioned yourself about being witness to certain illogical phenomenon. Would you care to explain to the whole class, Mr Quills?"
"Unfortunately Mrs Sylvester but some things are rather better to be seen by oneself than to be heard. Besides, I doubt that the class might take my words for it if I am to tell them about the illogical things that tend to occur in this large world we live in." Quincy replies.
"I very well understand your plight, Mr Quills. Though it is a shame that you can't share your experiences with us, I still appreciate your change of heart towards the illogical." Mrs Sylvester said, thus proceeding with her lectures.
"As Quincy has said, the ancient Greeks settlers in Celestial Falls were worshippers of the Olympic patheon such that their customs and traditions are strictly shrouded in the ways of this gods. Also, there is a temple here in Celestial Falls that serves as proof for the religion of this earliest settlers."
"Permit me to ask Mrs Sylvester, where is the location of this temple? As far as I can tell, there has not been a mention of an ancient temple set up in Celestial Falls since I was born." Jake interjected with a question.
"You are quite correct Mr Whittemore. It is very difficult to believe that there exist in Celestial Falls an ancient temple which is due to the fact that the location of the temple is underground."
"Underground?" Quincy asks while a thought flash in his mind. He has this feeling that the temple Mrs Sylvester might be referring to is the same one he mistakenly fell into and awaken his potential.
However the fact that no soul in Celestial Falls has been able to discover this hidden temple is something that baffles him. This temple has been existing since the founding of Celestial Falls yet it remains hidden from the sight of it's indigenes when its foundation is clearly lain underground, in the woods which Quincy is sure that a lot of people pass through everyday. It just doesn't make sense.
"Yes, Mr Quills. The location of the temple is said to be underground even after it was proven otherwise by the futile search of several archeologists." Mrs Sylvester explains. "Perhaps Mr Quills, do you know something about this temple?" At the mention of this question, Mrs Sylvester has a probing gaze casted on Quincy as she awaits his reply with a subtle anticipation.
Quincy noticed the slight changes in his teacher's expression but he didn't think much about it. "No, Mrs Sylvester. I was just curious about why the setting of a temple would be underground. It just seem weird to me as most temples are usually built on land and not below it " He replies much to the disappointment of Mrs Sylvester which she perfectly hid.
"Okay then, for a moment there, I thought you actually knew about where the temple would be but anyways let's continue with the class now, shall we?" Mrs Sylvester asks before proceeding with her teachings.