"Quincy, get over here!" The coach calls out the moment Quincy makes the seemingly impossible shot along with three other shots directly into the basket.
"What the heck was that? This is basketball not gymnastics." The coach berated with furrow brows as Quincy stood before him.
"I don't know coach. I was just trying to make the shot." Quincy stammer with confusion evident in his tone.
"And guess what? You did. You made the shot and you just got yourself a free pass to the game tomorrow night." The coach said with a smile much to the surprise of Quincy. "Congratulations boyo. Now get back out there and show me more of what you are capable of."
"Yes sir." Quincy replies, his body radiating joy as he makes his way back to the court.
"Congratulations dude, looks like you are off the bench. Welcome back to the team." Jake said while hugging Quincy.
"Thanks man." Quincy replies. During his moment of happiness, he subconsciously darts his gaze around only to come across a glare coming from the team captain.
Riley couldn't deny the fact that he was shocked at Quincy's performance. However, due to his ego, he chose to be more angry at Quincy than to care about the impossible stunts Quincy pulled while they were playing.
During the course of the game, Quincy had literally caused him to look like an amateur and though Riley would have made the excuse that it was because there were good players on Quincy's team, he knows deep down that the nerd is just that good that he had to receive the praises of everyone while he played.
This alone is enough to rile Riley up. He couldn't accept the fact that a mere rookie would steal his spotlight. So from that moment onward, he considers Quincy a threat. One that he must get rid of no matter the cost.
The atmosphere of the woods palpitated with the strong stench of dead chimaeras. The once dry and scanty ground of the forest flows with a thick and purplish liquid that gushes non-stop from the motionless body of the underworld creatures.
"Argh, I never knew these things could be so disgusting. They stink." Christine complains with contempt as she pinched her nostril to stop herself from breathing in the stink.
"The stink doesn't matter, Christine. Now we know why the Coven is in Celestial Falls. In other words, they won't stop until they get their hands in the Chosen Blood." Celeste said as she moved toward the hole that led to the hidden temple. The stink and stench emanating from the chimaeras seem not to bother her as she has a more serious matter to worry about.
"You do know that we can't always protect him Celeste. Besides, how can we if he is not ready to ascend to the calling?" Cynthia questions with doubt.
"It doesn't matter if he is ready or not. It is his responsibility and he is our responsibility." Celeste said ad a matter of fact. "Also, given with time and the training he would receive, he would come to terms with his duties. For now, we take things slow." Celeste said before jumping into the hole with the others right behind her.
"Do you think you can clear the debris, Christine?" Celeste asks as she notice the heavy blockade before them.
"Really Celeste, do you have to ask?" Christine replies cockingly before pushing the debris that clog together away from their path. "You are welcome." She grins while dusting her hands.
"Wow, what the hell happened to this place?" Christine asks as they walked into the main hall of the temple.
"Look. That might be the spot his awakening took place." Cynthia pointed out before walking towards a gigantic circular symbol engraved on the wall. The strange markings in the symbol has some kind of glow in them unlike the ones they passed by at the tunnel.
"It seems like the Greek settlers who built this place also knew about the divination." Christiana said squinting her eyes as she looks at the markings in the wall. "Do you think you can decipher the symbols, Cynthia?"
Christiana gave way to Cynthia who moves to have a closer look at the markings while Celeste simply examines the hall.
"This place must be over a century years old." Celeste mused as she looks around. "The fact that his awakening has something to do with this temple really means that the Greeks has it coming."
"So Cynthia, what are the meaning of the symbols?" Celeste asks casting her gaze on the strange markings without paying heed to the temple anymore.
"Uhm, I guess so. This one here signifies an eclipse." Cynthia said while pointing to a symbol that looks like a darkened sun. "This one signifies an earthquake and this last one indicates a tsunami." Cynthia concluded as she pointed to another symbol that looks like a wave.
"Right. Eclipse, earthquake and tsunami. Those were the phenomenon that took place when he awakened the god within him." Christiana stated.
"Also, they are the reason we knew about his triggered potential and if we knew about him through this occurrences, I am quite sure that those back at home would know about him too." Christine added.
"You are just about right Christine. It says here that the day which the Messiah shall arise, day shall turn into night and the ground shall shake as though the earth is about to rent itself. Then, and only then shall Olympus know that the reign of the true king is near." Cynthia reads.
"Also, another sign shall be given to Atlantis. The waters shall rise so greatly against one another and the ocean shall bare witness to this great day as the ocean shall rise above it's peak while moving as though it is set to destroy ships and devour islands. Then, and only then shall Atlantis know that the reign of the true king is near."
Celeste nodded her head in understanding, "That would explain the three symbols. The eclipse and the earthquake are occurrences to happen simultaneously in Olympus in the day the Chosen Blood is awaken while the tsunami is to happen in Atlantis."
"Okay, if most of these symbols are some sorts of phenomenon that are to take place when the Messiah arises, then what is with the fourth symbol?" Christine asks.
"I don't see any fourth symbol. What fourth symbol?" Celeste asks while observing the markings on the wall.
"Oh, you mean this. Cynthia, what does this symbol means?" Celeste asks with realization as she points to another marking which was distanced away from the rest of the symbols.
Cynthia looked closely at the marking and she suddenly felt a chill ran down her spine. Turning to look at the face of the others with horror, she replies, "This... This is the symbol of a bad omen."