-"What do you mean you want to do an air hockey tournament?" Leo asked.
-"Well, I dunno what else to add. I just want to do a damn air hockey tournament." Roufail answered.
-"Yeah I get that, but the only place where we can do such a thing would be an arcade. The only arcade in town is at the mall, and for some reason we're banned for life from there." Leo elaborated.
The boys were in quite the conundrum. They wanted to host an air hockey tournament, as they thought it would be a fun new activity, however, the consequences from their actions during Episode 2 still haunted them, as they were banned from the only available arcade.
-"Why don't we blow the place up?" Riox asked.
-"Jesus, you damn master criminal, we are not gonna resort to the most illegal action every time we want to solve our problems." Leo replied.
-"Lame." Riox sighed.
-"How the hell are you even allowed to walk the streets with such a large criminal history?" Roufail asked Riox.
-"I change my haircut every time I commit a crime." Answered Riox, who currently had a pompadour.
-"That's enough?"
-"Apparently so."
-"Yeah whatever guys, we have to figure out a way to get to the mall." Tempest reminded the boys of their true objective.
-"But how?" Leo asked.
Tempest smirked.
-"I have sent Kewmed and Koulis out on a mission. They should return any minute now..."
-"What kind of mission is it?"
-"I recently discovered that the mall is owned by the father of a Jock Mafia member. Do you understand what I'm getting to?"
-"Wait... Did you send two of the least subtle individuals we know to spy on the mafia? WHAT THE HELL MADE YOU THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA?!" Leo yelled at Tempest.
-"See, here's the thing. Nobody we know would be resembling even the slightest bit of competency in such a mission. Koulis and Kewmed, however, are especially bad at it." Tempest began explaining.
-"I think you're explaining why your own plan is dumb." Leo interrupted him.
-"Shut up and let me get to the point of my decision. Koulis and Kewmed would be the two worst possible options... And that's exactly why I picked them! Nobody would expect them, which means that they won't be found out!" Tempest proudly finished his explanation.
Leo just stood there and stared at Tempest, with a look on his face that could be described as nothing short of confuzzled.
A few minutes of awkward silence followed, until a few knocks on the door broke the silence. Roufail got up and opened the door, and was confronted by Koulis and Kewmed who had just returned from their mission.
-"See guys? I told you there was nothing to be worried about. I assume nobody found you out, and you successfully got some useful info. Right?" Tempest asked Koulis and Kewmed.
-"Well, you're half right." Kewmed answered.
-"What do you mean?"
-"We got the info, but we were feeling too lazy to sneak back out, so we just ran through the main building and beat up everyone we saw up until here, just in case they were Jock Mafia members." Koulis explained.
-"I sure am glad I changed my haircut today." Riox remarked.
-"Well, assault on innocent people aside, what did you find out?" Tempest asked Kewmed.
-"Apparently, there is a signed document that states we are banned for life from the mall, and Lasios keeps it on him at all times."
Riox jumped up in excitement.
-"HELL YEAH! ALL I HAVE TO DO IS STEAL THAT THING AND DESTROY IT! That dude is a mafia leader or something right? This sounds fun as hell, I can start a gang war!" Riox said.
-"No no no, we aren't gonna have (another) gang war with the jock mafia. Although, given your comically long list of crimes, you should be more than capable of taking care of the document. I sure as hell didn't expect your skills to ever come in handy but here we are." Leo told Riox.
-"My skills are extremely useful on a day to day basis."
-"Yeah because you keep committing crimes on a day to day basis."
-"Whatever. Just tell me the plan and I'll be on my way."
The boys discussed it for a bit, until they returned to Riox and explained the finalized plan to him.
-"Alright, we'll..." Tempest began "You're gonna go to the jock mafia base of operations with your partner, find Lasios, steal the document, destroy it, and make a run for it, preferably without violently attacking everyone in sight. We're gonna be waiting in front of the mall, so just call us when you're done."
Riox clenched his fists.
-"Sweet! So who's gonna be my partner?"
Riox was facing the mansion. Near him was his partner, Nick.
-"God damn it." Nick exhaled.
-"What's wrong?"
-"Well... You'll figure it out." Nick sighed.
Riox didn't understand, but he didn't care enough, so he just told Nick the plan he came up with 2 minutes ago.
-"Alright so, we're gonna get inside, and, bear with me here, steal the document and then, here is where it gets tricky... We'll destroy it! Any questions?"
-"How does this qualify as a plan? You didn't make anything clear at all, it's like you came up with it two minutes ago! My dead dog could conjure a better plan!" Nick ranted.
-"Bleh, you said too much, I'm not about to waste time answering all that. We have a document to steal!" Riox shrugged him off, as the two of them made their way towards the front door of the mansion.
-"This is gonna go so badly." Nick sighed, again.
-"You see, this is what I'm talking about! I've told you time and time again that this pessimistic attitude of yours will be the downfall of our glorious duo!" Riox told Nick.
-"What the hell are you talking about? I literally have never seen you before, I only agreed to this because Roufail told me he'd give me the money he owes me."
-"Details. Now let's smash some documents!" Riox announced as he kicked the front door open.
-"See? It wasn't so hard." he exclaimed.
Nick just ignored him as the two of them made their way inside the mansion.
-"Wait... Something is bugging me." Nick told Riox.
-"Yeah... How the hell did they afford a mansion when they're all teenagers?" Riox said.
-"What? No, I mean, that is kinda weird I guess but that's not my point. We've been running for a while yet we haven't seen a single soul."
-"Huh... That is odd... Oh well, thinking about what can go wrong will only worsen our luck or something!"
And the two of them went on, completely unaware of the fact that Koulis and Kewmed had hospitalized almost every single jock mafia lackey, along with half the population of Soweiland.
Riox and Nick eventually made it to Lasios' office, who hadn't noticed them yet.
-"Okay, it is important that we find a way to take the document from Lasios without making him aware of our presence, after all, we don't want to get you involved in our beef with his gang for no reason." Nick whispered to Riox.
-"Yeah, I think a distraction would be the best way to do that." Riox suggested.
-"Oh. My. God. Yeah! That is the perfect way... Okay, what kind of distraction are you thinking of? Maybe we throw a rock near him and knock him out cold while he's checking out the source of the sound, or maybe one of us causes some commotion outside the mansion and the other sneak attacks him while he's checking out the aforementioned commotion. What do you think?"
-"I have the perfect plan!"
Riox then grabbed Nick by the legs, spun around and threw him against the wall, making a Nick shaped hole, as he yelled out
Lasios was in fact quite distracted by the man being tossed and breaking his wall, so he went to check what the hell was happening.
Riox used the opportunity to brutally beat up Lasios, making the distraction completely pointless.
Regardless, Riox managed to get the document, so he called the boys to inform them of his mission's resounding success as he tore it up right in front of the still conscious Lasios.
Leo, Tempest, Kewmed and Roufail were standing outside the mall when they received a call from Riox, informing them of his success.
-"Thanks Riox and Nick." Roufail thanked the two of them, while being completely unaware of the fact that Nick was currently still flying away from the mansion due to Riox's throw.
-"Are you really gonna pay him back?" Leo asked Roufail.
-"Fuck no. Anyway, let's go to the air hockey tournament now!" Roufail announced as the boys proceeded inside the mall and into the arcade.
There it stood... The Ice Hockey arcade game.
The tournament was this close to happening... But there were two annoying kids playing.
And so, the boys walked up to them, assumed their epic poses and serious faces... As they patiently waited for them to be finished, after all, a member of Le Gang would never harm any person for any reason.
And so, once the kids were done, the boys begun their tournament.
The first match was Leo versus Kewmed.
It could have the potential to be a good match, but Leo slipped on a banana peel that one of the annoying kids had comically placed in the perfect spot, snapping his neck, opening his head and suffering from a brain aneurysm.
-"Damn... That sucks." Leo said once he got up after two minutes of laying on the ground, only to find out that Kewmed had scored 700 points against him in the meantime.
Second match was Roufail versus Kewmed.
The match was hard fought, but in the end, Roufail was the more lifeless nerd, so he ended up narrowly winning.
Third match was Tempest versus Leo.
It could have the potential to be a good match, but Leo slipped on a banana peel that the other annoying kid had comically placed in the perfect spot, snapping his neck, opening his head and suffering from a brain aneurysm.
-"Damn... That sucks." Leo said once he got up after two minutes of laying on the ground, only to find out that Tempest had scored 70000 points against him in the meantime.
Final match was Tempest versus Roufail.
It was an epic match that fractured universes and broke the fabric of reality. The two friends had found a new sense of enjoyment in competing against each other in air hockey, as they were both insanely skilled at the arcade game.
Suddenly, however, the still airborne Nick flew into the arcade, breaking through the walls of the mall and landed on Leo, breaking every single bone in his body.
Also Roufail lost somehow idk I was too busy looking at Nick's dumbass absolutely demolishing Leo lmfao.
-"Good game, your skills were truly excellent." Roufail applauded Tempest.
-"Good it was, my friend." Tempest agreed, as the two of them shook hands and the boys epically walked out of the mall, never even realizing Nick had broken in through the wall.
Lasios was lying on the ground, bruised and defeated , when suddenly, he started smelling something burning. He conjured what little strength he had left to stand up, as he looked around and realized his mansion was on fire.
-"WHAT THE HELL?!" he shouted, before jumping out of the Nick Shaped Hole.
Lasios was a complete dumbass, so he forgot that his house was located 5 floors above the ground.
So once he landed and fractured whatever bone Riox didn't get to break, he turned around only to be met with the sight of his glorious mansion being engulfed in flames, with a very proud looking Riox standing a few meters away from him twirling a box of matches in his hand.
-"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" Lasios yelled at him.
-"Added arson to the list." Riox said.
-"Don't talk to me like that you… Bald idiot. Fucking bald fucking idiot baldie." Riox mercilessly insulted him.
-"You… YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" Lasios (who was more insulted about being called out for his atrocious hairline than he was about his mansion being burnt down) declared with tears in his eyes.
-"Bald idiot." Riox insulted Lasios one last time, punched him in the face and epically walked away into the sunset.