Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 14 - Chapter 12: The Heavenly Gang's 36 Laws

Chapter 14 - Chapter 12: The Heavenly Gang's 36 Laws

This was awkward.

Jiang Chen could not read the Innate Divine Script!

As an after birth spirit, how could he recognize a language that was born innately?

He had never even seen it, much less understood it.

At this time, the role of the Dao Mirror was demonstrated. Just as Jiang Chen was falling into self-closure, it gently trembled, emitting a hazy radiance.

Under the illumination of that light, Jiang Chen felt a mysterious wave rise to his mind, making him see things differently, as if he had suddenly become enlightened. Then, he turned his head to look at the Thirty-Six Laws of Heavenly Gang.

Upon looking, Jiang Chen indeed discovered a difference. The Innate Divine Script seemed to come alive in his eyes, twisting continuously, actively explaining to him the mysteries of the Thirty-Six Laws of the Heavenly Gang.

In an instant, Jiang Chen became fascinated, completely absorbed in these profound realizations.

By the time Jiang Chen came back to his senses, a month had already passed.

By this time, he had already grasped more than half of the Thirty-Six Laws of Heavenly Gang. Although they were all relatively simple divine abilities, for someone of his level in cultivation, it was an incredible achievement.

Through the ages, aside from sacred beings and the legendary Great Divine Transcendents, how many have practiced all of the Thirty-Six Laws of Heavenly Gang?

Most first choose one to practice, striving to perfect it before choosing another to practice. As for someone like Jiang Chen who practices all at once, that was rare.

It could only be said that the help the Dao Mirror gave Jiang Chen was immense, saving him unknowable amounts of energy and time.

And moreover, because he had the Dao Mirror, there would never be a case of 'biting off more than he could chew' for Jiang Chen.

Mirror, is just a mirror.

Dao Mirror, is the mirror of the Great Dao.

Holding the Dao Mirror, one can peer into the past and future, distinguish between life and death, discern falsehoods, and reflect upon myriad Dao.

Under the Dao Mirror, all Great Dao have no secrets to speak of. Anything it shines upon, regardless of the divine ability or law, all of its mysteries will appear clearly before Jiang Chen, helping him understand it faster.

It can be said, as long as the Dao Mirror is there, there is no divine power Jiang Chen cannot learn in the Prehistoric World.

What does privilege mean? This is it!



Upon seeing that his cultivation had reached its limit and continued training would not bring any more gains, Jiang Chen opted to end this session and stepped outside.

Leaving the courtyard, Jiang Chen arrived in the main hall. Seeing him, the shopkeeper hurriedly approached, whispering, "Young master, you've come out of seclusion! The information you requested about the Great Qin, we have already prepared for you."

With that, the shopkeeper took out a jade tablet from his bosom and handed it to Jiang Chen. All the messages gathered regarding the Great Qin were consolidated in this small jade tablet.

The so-called jade tablet is a tool developed by Jiang Chen, who found recording messages on bamboo slips too troublesome, specifically for storing information.

The creative concept originated from the legacy jade tablets in the cultivation novels Jiang Chen read in his past life.

By simply sweeping over it with his divine consciousness, he could record the information he wanted to pass on the jade tablet, making it very convenient. Compared to the storage devices in the later generations, it was undoubtedly much more advanced.

Truth be told, Jiang Chen had always wanted such a jade tablet when he was in his past life. However, due to the constraints of the Age of Dharma Decline and the lack of conspicuous Laws, he lacked the ability to do so.

But now, having arrived in the world of mythology, with ample conditions, he naturally wanted to satisfy his wish and create the jade tablet.

Not only that, according to Jiang Chen's plan, if his strength would be sufficient one day, he would then manifest all the treasures that only existed in novels into this world.

In Jiang Chen's past life, the treasures in the novels might just be fictitious things, never to appear in reality.

But this world is different. Here, transcendent power is not a fantasy, but a tangible existence.

This is a world of mythology, a world where cultivation is possible, populated by immortals, gods, demons...

In this world, as long as you are strong enough, there's almost nothing you cannot do. Therefore, those fictitious treasures in Jiang Chen's previous life might not be unable to truly be born in this world.

After all, the essence of practice is to transform the impossible into possible.

In terms of the power scale, the novel authors from Jiang Chen's past life could not be compared to the beings in this world.

But in terms of the spiritual aspect, their unrestrained imagination was something the beings in this world could hardly match.

Perhaps, these treasures from the novels are a precious fortune for Jiang Chen.


"Hmm, I understand." Jiang Chen nodded at the shopkeeper, indicating his understanding.

Then, he casually found a secluded corner in the main hall, ordered a pot of tea and a plate of snacks, leisurely sat there, and began to check the information in the jade tablet.

A sweep of his divine consciousness and the information in the jade tablet appeared in his mind, read one by one by him.

In the time of a cup of tea, Jiang Chen put down the jade tablet. Obviously, he was already familiar with the information inside. He was also well aware of everything that had recently happened in the Great Qin.

After analyzing these pieces of information, Jiang Chen gained a direct understanding of the situation in the Great Qin.

That is, a storm is brewing, and the big building is about to collapse!

The First Emperor fell, Xianyang City was destroyed, and almost all the ministers of the Great Qin were caught. Fortunately, a few ministers and generals escaped in the end.

However, although they risked their lives to escape, many sons of the First Emperor Ying Zheng lost their lives, and all the others sank underground with Xianyang City, their fates unknown.

As the saying goes, a country cannot be without a king for a day, nor a family without a master for a day.

So, those ministers of the Great Qin who were lucky enough to escape to heaven, made the only surviving son of the First Emperor, Hu Hai, the Emperor, known as the Second Emperor of Qin, ruling the Great Qin Empire.

The subsequent history is somewhat similar to the history Jiang Chen knew. Although there are some discrepancies, they weren't too far off.

After Hu Hai ascended the throne, instead of practicing benevolence, he was brutal and unkind, concocting conspiracy against ministers, killing people at will, leading the already unstable Great Qin Empire into further turmoil.

For a while, the world was again in turbulence, the families of the Six Kingdoms were ready to move, the people were full of complaints, the world showed signs of instability, and the Great Qin Empire was in a precarious situation.

And Hu Hai knew nothing about this!


The Great Qin is doomed!

This is the conclusion Jiang Chen made after compiling the information. The Great Qin was already irreparable, and with Hu Hai as its ruler, it was truly doomed.

However, this has nothing to do with Jiang Chen, he has no relationship with the Great Qin.