Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 19 - Chapter 17: The Mystical Bird Banner of Destiny

Chapter 19 - Chapter 17: The Mystical Bird Banner of Destiny


A lofty wailing sound suddenly echoed in Jiang Chen's ears. Then, he saw a gigantic divine bird materialize out of thin air, charging towards him.

"What is this...?"

Seeing the divine bird lunging, Jiang Chen was taken aback and quickly retreated. In a flash, he jumped out of the range of Great Qin Palace.

Seeing this, the divine bird did not chase him, but only glared at Jiang Chen with a humanlike expression, then disappeared.

"Mystic Bird!"

Outside of the Great Qin Palace, Jiang Chen, driven away by the divine bird, did not leave, but watched the flag on the gatehouse attentively, the Great Qin Mystic Bird flag.

The appearance of the divine bird was identical to the image on the Mystic Bird flag.

Without a doubt, that divine bird was a Mystic Bird!

The so-called Mystic Bird, a descendant of the Phoenix, is one of the well-recognized divine birds of Heaven and Earth.

Moreover, unlike other divine beasts, the Mystic Bird holds a particular significance to the Human Race.

The divine Mystic Bird descended, giving birth to Great Shang!

The Human Race's most potent dynasty, the Shang Dynasty, used the Mystic Bird as a totem.

Simultaneously, the foremost of the Five Human Emperors, Emperor Shaohao of the Golden Heaven Clan, also used the Mystic Bird as a totem.

In the early times of the Human Race, the Mystic Bird held a substantial role, even more significant than the Dragon Clan.



"The foundation of Great Qin truly runs deep!"

Gazing at the flying Mystic Bird flag and feeling the terrifying power encompassed within, Jiang Chen was deeply moved.

The Qin people worshipped black, leading everyone to believe that they worshipped the black dragon. But in fact, the totem of the Qin people has always been the Mystic Bird.

The flag flying in the Great Qin is not the black dragon flag, but the Mystic Bird flag.

The Qin people are descendants of the Shang people!

Great Qin carries on the legacy of the Shang Dynasty!

The Ji Family usurped power from the Shang people, established the Zhou Dynasty, and ruled the world for nearly a millennium.

Finally, it was destroyed by Great Qin, created by the descendants of the Shang people.

From Shang to Qin, it must be said that this is also a form of reincarnation.


If Jiang Chen's speculations are correct, this Mystic Bird flag is an invaluable treasure inherited from Great Shang by Great Qin — the Divine Mystic Bird Flag!

In other words, it's the totemic treasure of the Shang Dynasty!

As the treasure of the Shang Dynasty, the power of the Divine Mystic Bird flag must be unimaginably terrifying. With its protection, the Great Qin Palace is likely inaccessible for Jiang Chen.

Although, if Jiang Chen were to use the Yang God Staff, it's not a certainty that he couldn't force his way in. However, doing so would draw too much attention and go against his original intention.

If that's the case, it's better not to go in at all.

Of course, not going to the Great Qin Palace does not mean that Jiang Chen has given up on finding the Great Qin treasure vault. On the contrary, after seeing the Divine Mystic Bird flag, he is even more intrigued by the Great Qin treasure vault.

That is the treasure of the Shang Dynasty, the Divine Mystic Bird flag!

Great Qin's possession of it suggested that it once inherited the legacy of the Shang Dynasty.

If so, the value of the Great Qin treasure vault surely exceeded his wildest imaginations.

Thinking of these things, Jiang Chen was even more eager for the upcoming journey to the Great Qin treasure vault.

As for how to find the Great Qin treasure vault, he had an idea in his heart.

Why bother fixating on the Great Qin Palace?

In the city of Xianyang, there was no shortage of royal and noble families. Perhaps they held clues about the Great Qin treasure vault.

If nothing is found on one, just search for more. Sooner or later, he would find someone who knows something.

The Great Qin treasure vault, what a precious wealth!

Jiang Chen didn't believe he was the only one tempted. Anyone with a clue, even if they couldn't use it themselves, would find a way to pass it to their descendants.

And that was Jiang Chen's opportunity.

However, just as Jiang Chen was preparing to leave, the Destiny Mystic Bird Flag in the palace seemed to sense something. Suddenly, it turned into a light streak and landed into Jiang Chen's hand.


Looking at the Mystic Bird Flag in his hand, Jiang Chen was puzzled, not understanding how this treasure ended up in his possession.

"Could it be related to the Emperor's bloodline?"

Jiang Chen couldn't understand, but he couldn't reject the benefits that came to him either. He put away the treasure and disappeared on the spot.


After several days of searching in Xianyang, Jiang Chen finally found clues about the treasury of the Great Qin in the home of a declined royal family member.

It's the First Emperor's Mausoleum!

The treasury of the Great Qin is the First Emperor's Mausoleum!

During his reign, the First Emperor had built a huge mausoleum for himself outside Xianyang.

This news, as shocking as a strike of lightning on a sunny day, dispersed the fog in Jiang Chen's heart.


Under normal circumstances,

Why would the First Emperor build his mausoleum?

At this moment, Jiang Chen realized he had misunderstood something.

Coming from a later era, he had always thought it normal for the First Emperor to build a mausoleum. After all, emperors of all dynasties had done so.

But this is a mythological world, dominated by immortals and gods. The First Emperor was among the best and had long achieved longevity.

Given that, why would he need a tomb? The only explanation was that he was camouflaging something.

What appeared as a tomb was in fact a treasury for storing the vast wealth he had seized from the six states.

After confirming the location of the treasury, Jiang Chen left Xianyang immediately and rushed towards the First Emperor's Mausoleum.

A good half month had already been wasted. If he continued to delay, perhaps Liu Bang would have seized Xianyang already.

Upon leaving Xianyang, Jiang Chen instantly used Earth Escape Technique from the Five Elements Great Escape, diving underground and heading for the First Emperor's Mausoleum from there.

After all, the mausoleum was underground, so it was easier to get there from below without drawing attention.

After about the time for a pot of tea to be brewed underground, Jiang Chen suddenly realized there was a barrier ahead blocking his path.

At this moment,

Jiang Chen knew he had arrived at the First Emperor's Mausoleum.

The sudden barrier in front of him was surely the magical array guarding the mausoleum.

Indeed, whether it was a mausoleum or a treasury, there was no way that a place as important as the First Emperor's Mausoleum was left unguarded to prevent intrusions.


In front of the First Emperor's Mausoleum, Jiang Chen studied for a while, then summoned the Tao Mirror to forcefully break through the magical array and enter the mausoleum.

With the inheritance of the Xi Emperor, Jiang Chen certainly knew about magical arrays, and he was an expert in the field.

For this reason, he understood clearly that he couldn't break the array outside the First Emperor's Mausoleum.

The gap between Jiang Chen and the First Emperor was too large – so large that he could no longer understand the level the First Emperor was on, let alone decipher the array left by him.

He couldn't even understand it, what more break it?

Therefore, since Jiang Chen couldn't outwit the problem, he chose to force his way through.


A divine light flashed. The Tao Mirror, materializing behind Jiang Chen's head, emitted a brilliant Tao light that shone onto the magical array in front of the mausoleum.

In an instant, all the nuances of the array were clearly displayed by the Tao Mirror. Then, the Tao Mirror seemed to find a flaw in the array as it wrapped around Jiang Chen and shot towards a corner of the array.


A sound like that of shattering glass was heard. The barrier that had previously stumped Jiang Chen was effortlessly broken by the Tao Mirror, leaving a gap.

By the time Jiang Chen landed, the surrounding scenery had changed drastically, from the grayish ground to magnificent golden palaces.

Without a doubt, he had arrived inside the First Emperor's Mausoleum.

However, there was no joy on Jiang Chen's face after landing. Instead, his expression turned exceptionally grim.
