Chapter 20 - Chapter 18: Chu? Han?

The great hall is empty!

Someone has already come before me!

From the traces left in the great hall, it should have been filled with things. Yet, Jiang Chen didn't know who had arrived before him and cleared out the place.

He had always known that someone would have the same idea as him, targeting the Great Qin treasure vault. But Jiang Chen never expected that he would still be one step behind others despite the hustle.

"Damn it!"

He pounded his fist against a nearby pillar, feeling like he was about to explode with rage.


"What's that sound?"

Suddenly, a series of frantic fight noises came from ahead, attracting Jiang Chen's attention.

"Why is there a fight here?"

"Could it be..."

At first, Jiang Chen found it strange that there would be fighting noises within the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. But soon, he realized a possibility.

Perhaps the person who arrived before him had not yet left.

And with this thought, Jiang Chen headed straight into the depths of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. He wished to see who these bold people were, daring to seize food from his hand.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh…

Angered, Jiang Chen increased his speed to the extreme. His figure moved rapidly, accompanied by the whooshing sound of breaking the air, as if he was a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey.

It didn't take long for Jiang Chen to reach where the fighting noises were coming from. And what appeared before him was a group of soldiers from two different factions, fighting for the control of a large hall.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jiang Chen vaguely saw the large hall, packed with brand-new weapons and armor.

Apparently, they were fighting over these weapons, causing the big fight.

However, this has nothing to do with Jiang Chen.

Although those weapons looked impressive, each shimmering with a dazzling light and were rare treasures among common people, they still could not catch his eye.

Even the best worldly weapons were worthless to an immortal.

It's not surprising that Jiang Chen isn't interested.

These were standard-issue weapons, produced for equipping a large army. Unless Jiang Chen intended to launch a rebellion and establish a new world order, he would find no use for these weapons.

It was those who aspire to conquer the world who would love these weapons. After all, those who possess these weapons can assemble an elite force in no time.

Thinking about it, Jiang Chen noticed that the armor of these soldiers looked familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere before.

Upon careful reflection, he remembered. The armor was part of the information he had collected at the Yuelai Inn. They appeared to symbolize the forces of Chu and Han.

Chu? Han?

All of a sudden, Jiang Chen knew who had arrived here before him.

It must be Liu Bang and Xiang Yu!

They somehow received information about the Qin State treasure vault, therefore they immediately gave up the attack on Xianyang city, bringing their troops here to seize the treasure vault.

In this moment, Jiang Chen understood, that he had made the same general knowledge mistake again, confusing the history of his previous world with real events in this one.

Though the two worlds share similarities, they are not the same. In this world, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu are not ordinary people, but powerful masters.

After understanding this, Jiang Chen realized that since acquiring the Golden Crow's corpse, he may have been relying too heavily on information from his previous world.

This can't be good.

If the two worlds are different, how can the information from the previous world be entirely true?

Therefore, information from the previous realm can be used as a reference, but must not be treated as truth. Otherwise, he will pay a painful price in the future.

Having realized this, Jiang Chen adjusted his mindset. The impressions of his previous life gradually faded, making him blend more harmoniously with this world, no longer appearing out of place.

Upon putting his thoughts into perspective, Jiang Chen's whole appearance transformed, becoming more energetic.

Now he looked more like a man in his early twenties, rather than the gloomy man as before, who seemed like an old man.

"I'm about to break through!"

At this moment, Jiang Chen noticed the opportunity for a breakthrough. He could step into the realm of the Yang God any time. However, he did not choose to do so at this moment, rather suppressing the desire for breakthrough in his heart.

Now is obviously not a good time for a breakthrough. Because right now, he has more important things to do.

With a thought, the Tao mirror emerged from Jiang Chen's back, pointing at the large hall filled with weapons below, directly absorbing all of them.

Then, without paying any attention to the dumbfounded Chu and Han armies, Jiang Chen hurried towards the depth of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

If the Chu and Han armies were here, then Liu Bang and Xiang Yu must also be here. But since they were not around, there was only one possibility: they had gone to the deepest part of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

There is where the essence of the Great Qin treasure vault is located, and also the most precious place.

If Jiang Chen were them, the first thing he would do upon entering the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is to head to the deepest part of the treasure vault, taking the most precious treasures first.

That way, even if they lost the treasures in the periphery, they wouldn't feel too bad about it. After all, how can the peripheral treasures be compared with the treasures in the depths of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?

As a hero of his age, what Jiang Chen understood, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu also did.

If their soldiers were searching for treasures in the outskirts, yet they were not here themselves, this could only suggest one thing.

Hence, Jiang Chen hurried to the depths of the mausoleum. His aim is to seize some benefits from Liu Bang and Xiang Yu.

As for why he took those weapons, the reason is even simpler. He was like a goose plucking feathers, coming upon treasures without taking them was not Jiang Chen's style.

No matter whether he had use for them or not, he would collect them first.

Perhaps one day, Jiang Chen may want to play as an emperor, then these weapons will come in handy, right?

No one can predict the future.

On his way to the depths of the mausoleum, Jiang Chen came across a few groups of soldiers who were fighting over treasures. Without a doubt, those treasures that the soldiers were fighting for were casually taken away by Jiang Chen.

So that's what 'pluck the feathers of the passing geese' means!

After an unknown time, Jiang Chen suddenly felt two intense fluctuations coming from ahead, as if two powerful beings were fighting.

Immediately, he knew for certain that the two were Liu Bang and Xiang Yu. And in an instant, he imagined the course of their fight.

They must have crossed paths in the depths of the mausoleum and started fighting over the treasures inside.

But at the same time, it also showed that the treasures inside the mausoleum had not been taken by the two of them yet.

Otherwise, they would not be fighting, but one chasing and the other fleeing.

What a joke,

Who would not run after seizing the treasures? Stay and wait to be robbed?

This is exactly Jiang Chen's opportunity.