Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 16 - Chapter 14: The Being Who Once Contested the Emperor's Throne with Great Yu

Chapter 16 - Chapter 14: The Being Who Once Contested the Emperor's Throne with Great Yu

As he finished speaking, the jade plaque in Jiang Chen's hand automatically flew into the cave. Soon after, an old man dressed in hemp clothes walked out.

Upon seeing the newcomer, Jiang Chen quickly went forward to pay his respects: "Junior Jiang Chen, pays his respect to Elder Ancestor!"

The old man in front of him was not simple, and Jiang Chen did not know his exact origins, only that he was from the ancient times and held a high status in the Jiang Family.

According to the family records, this elder ancestor of the Jiang Family was the direct descendent of the Flame Emperor, his great-great-grandson, born during the last period of Emperor Shun and was a contemporary of the Great Yu.

The family records did not have much information about the elder ancestor, seeming to have been deliberately erased. But there were many legends about him passed down through the generations in the Jiang Family.

The most famous one was that when this elder ancestor was young, he contested for the imperial position with Great Yu. Although he eventually lost, this undoubtedly proved his strength.

Indeed, he was a loser, but who in the entire Human Race dared to underestimate him?

That was Great Yu after all!

Can anyone who contested the imperial position with him be a simple character?

This Elder Ancestor was a man of high spirits and pride. After losing the imperial contest to Yu, he felt ashamed to face anyone and chose to retreat from the world, living in seclusion by the Jiang River, and in passing, guarding the Jiang Family's treasury.

With the Jiang Family's ancestor guarding the treasury, which blind thief would dare cause trouble here?

The treasury could certainly be worry-free!

After the Elder Ancestor of the Jiang family came out, he casually glanced around and said, "So you're the youngster whose bloodline is awakened?"

The man in front of him could be said to be the most important person Jiang Chen had met since coming to this world. Therefore, answering his questions, Jiang Chen inevitably felt some nervousness, stumbling with his words.

"Yes, Elder Ancestor, that's right, it's me."

Upon hearing this, the Elder Ancestor of the Jiang Family took a careful look at Jiang Chen and couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.


"You're quite impressive, the concentration of your bloodline is higher than that of Zi Xuan, and almost catching up to me, truly extraordinary."

The old man carefully sensed Jiang Chen's arm for a moment, and couldn't help expressing some astonishment.

He was the tenth generation grandson of the Flame Emperor, so one could imagine the concentration of his bloodline, it was rare to find a match among humankind. But this descendent of the Flame Emperor of unknown generation had a bloodline concentration just about to match his, which was quite strange.

If he hadn't known the origins of the person before him, he would have thought that a progeny of the Flame Emperor had come.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen secretly cursed in his heart.

His Sun God Body wasn't caused by the awakening of any bloodline, it was derived from the Great Sun Golden Crow.

It was the power of the Great Sun Golden Crow that transformed him into the Sun God Body.

The Great Sun Golden Crow, this creature, can be said to be a naturally born Sun God. Jiang Chen devoured its power, and although he couldn't directly become the new Sun God, transforming himself into the highest grade of Sun God Body was more than sufficient.

If only Jiang Chen had fully refined the corpse of the Golden Crow, then his bloodline concentration, even if it didn't reach the level of Flame Emperor, wouldn't be far off.

Previously, Jiang Zixuan and Jiang Hong and others were weak and couldn't notice the abnormality in Jiang Chen's body. But this Jiang Family elder ancestor was different. With his ancient heritage and powerful strength, he spotted the abnormality in Jiang Chen at a glance.

"Elder Ancestor, this is all due to a fortunate..." Before Jiang Chen could finish explaining his carefully prepared excuse, he suddenly heard the elder ancestor's voice, as if he had suddenly realized something.

"This is…"

"Ancient Martial Arts!"

"So you're practicing the Ancient Martial Arts, no wonder your bloodline concentration is so high."

Who knows what the elder ancestor thought, but he seemed to understand.

But seeing him like this, Jiang Chen wouldn't foolishly remind him that he guessed wrong, that it had nothing to do with the Ancient Martial Arts, and only vaguely responded, "Maybe, I don't precisely know."

At this moment, the elder ancestor was caught in nostalgia, reminiscing about the glory days of the Ancient Martial Arts, and didn't notice the loophole in Jiang Chen's words.

Perhaps, he had noticed it but chose not to delve into it.

Jiang Chen, after all, practices Ancient Martial Arts, no matter how strong he can become in the future, he can only live for around ten thousand years.

Such a person, regardless of what secrets he may have, will eventually be buried with him.

Delving into it is meaningless.

Indeed, in the eyes of someone like the elder ancestor, who shares the lifespan of Heaven and Earth, Jiang Chen who can only live for at most ten thousand years, is as good as a dying man.

As a dying man, why should he worry about him and add to his own troubles?



"You may go now."

After who knows how long, the elder ancestor woke from his reminiscing, waved his hand at Jiang Chen, indicating that he should go to the Jiang family treasury.

"Yes!" With a respectful gesture to the elder ancestor, Jiang Chen walked towards the cave.

However, just as Jiang Chen was about to enter the cave, he suddenly heard the elder ancestor's voice filled with vicissitudes,

"I vaguely remember that at the deepest part of the Jiang family treasury, there is a piece of Innate Fusang Wood left by the Flame Emperor. If you are fortunate, you can take it."

Perhaps he was moved by Jiang Chen's practice of Ancient Martial Arts, the elder ancestor gave him an extra pointer.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen's steps abruptly halted, then he turned around with a look of joy, bowed to the elder ancestor, and said, "Thank you for the guidance, Elder Ancestor!"

Seeing this, the elder ancestor impatiently waved his hand, "Hurry up and go in! Although I told you where the Innate Fusang Wood is, whether you can get it depends on your ability."

Jiang Chen didn't mind. Those who couldn't take the Innate Fusang Wood didn't include him. The Tao Artifact could even take away the corpse of the Golden Crow, let alone a piece of Innate Fusang Wood.


Only after truly entering the Jiang Family treasury did Jiang Chen discover that the Jiang Family Treasury was really big, vast beyond sight, almost equivalent to a small world.

Yet in this small world, it was filled with various heavenly and earthly treasures. This showed the wealth of the Jiang Family.

And this was not all of the Jiang Family's wealth.

In the Fire Cloud Cave and the Celestial Realm, there existed another branch of the Jiang Family.

The strength of the Jiang Family was sufficient to rank in the top three among the human race.


Remembering the words of the elder ancestor, Jiang Chen rushed straight to the Innate Fusang Wood without even looking at the outer treasures after arriving at the Jiang Family treasury.

A half-day later, Jiang Chen finally reached the core of the treasury.

Looking around, the treasures kept here were of much higher grade than those on the outside. This was evident even without explicit comparison, just from the way they were displayed.