Chereads / Journey to the West: I have Nine Golden Crows Inside Me / Chapter 17 - Chapter 15: The Sun God's Staff

Chapter 17 - Chapter 15: The Sun God's Staff

The treasures on the periphery, were piled up haphazardly on the ground creating an untidy view.

The treasures in this particular place, however, were displayed on shelves, and had layers of prohibitions set around them.

The difference was apparent at a glance.

Just by glancing at them, Jiang Chen was surprised: "There's so many treasures, even if I only just looked at all of them it'd take quite a while!"

At the same time, he also faced a dilemma, finding the Innate Fusang Wood among so many treasures was not an easy task, it would take significant time and effort!

After giving it some thought, Jiang Chen called upon the Tao Mirror.


The Tao Mirror floated up, flew out of Jiang Chen's Sea of Consciousness, and hung behind his head. At the same time, the dazzling illusion of a Great Sun appeared on the surface of the mirror.

In the blink of an eye, an aura unique to the Great Sun Golden Crow spread throughout space, swiftly filling every corner.

The Innate Fusang Wood originates from one of the Ten Great Prehistoric Spirit Roots of the Primordial Era, the Innate Fusang Tree, which grow on the Sun Star, accompanying the Golden Crow day and night, providing it a place to rest.

Legend has it that Di Jun and Taiyi were born from the Innate Fusang Tree. When the Ten Golden Crows were still in Heaven Court, they would perch on this tree as well.

After being accompanied day and night, the aura of the Great Sun Golden Crow has long been intimately connected with the Innate Fusang Tree.

Now, Jiang Chen, using the Tao Mirror, released the aura of the Great Sun Golden Crow. If the Innate Fusang Wood truly was here, it would definitely resonate with it, revealing its location.

Not long after, an anomaly came from the distance. Jiang Chen looked over to see a radiant golden light bursting forth, in the sky it intertwined to form an image of the Golden Crow taking flight.

Moved by this, Jiang Chen leapt promptly towards the source of the disturbance.

In his line of sight, he saw a piece of golden yellow wood of cylindrical shape, standing erect in the ground.

One could see it was covered with mysterious Great Sun Divine Patterns and around it, an aura of dazzling Sun True Fire enveloped it. Its scorching aura was so potent that Jiang Chen could feel it from afar.

If this object isn't the Innate Fusang Wood, what else could it be?

What a treasure!

Just by looking at its appearance, Jiang Chen knew that this must be a rare treasure.


Without hesitating, Jiang Chen walked forward, ignoring the scorching Sun True Fire. He grabbed hold of the Innate Fusang Wood, intending to pull it from the ground.


Feeling the Great Sun Golden Crow aura from within Jiang Chen, the Innate Fusang Wood started to violently tremble.

Then they saw the huge Innate Fusang Wood start to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye. It quickly transformed into a normal-sized wooden staff, falling into Jiang Chen's hands.

The Sun God Staff!

A postnatal Merit Treasure!

Quite peculiarly, when Jiang Chen took hold of the staff, its history naturally appeared in Jiang Chen's mind.

This treasure was named the Sun God Staff, crafted entirely from Innate Fusang Wood, and was a compensation item given to the Earth Emperor Shennong by the Dragon Clan.

At first, it was just an ordinary postnatal treasure. However, because Earth Emperor Shennong used this staff to govern the earth, it started to gather a trace of Merit energy. After many years, it gradually evolved into a postnatal Merit Treasure.

Moreover, because the Sun God Staff was with the Earth Emperor Shennong all year round, it was inevitably imbued with a touch of Imperial aura.

In other words, the Sun God Staff was not only a Postnatal Merit Treasure, but also an Imperial Treasure.

Even though the Sun God Staff was a postnatal object, the combination of these two attributes immensely increased its value. It wasn't inferior to an Innate Spiritual Treasure. In certain respects, it was even superior.

"What a treasure!"

Holding the Sun God Staff up to his eyes, feeling the vast power within it like a boundless sea, Jiang Chen couldn't help but exclaim.

Without exaggeration, if this power were to break out, it could crush Jiang Chen into dust in an instant.


Gripping the Sun God Staff, a feeling of blood connection emerged in Jiang Chen's heart, as if this magic treasure was a part of his own body.

This particular feeling undeniably indicated that Jiang Chen had completely refined the Sun God Staff.

Logically, considering Jiang Chen's current strength, facing such a powerful magic treasure as the Sun God Staff, he would at most be able to conduct a rough refining. Complete refining was impossible.

However, due to the Great Sun Golden Crow aura within Jiang Chen, the Sun God Staff mistook him for the real Golden Crow, and voluntarily recognized him as its master.

This allowed Jiang Chen to bypass the refining process directly, and thus completely mastered this powerful magic treasure.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

Trying to wave the Sun God Staff in his hand, Jiang Chen felt an unmatched power emanating from the staff. It was strong, fiery, with a touch of the dominance of a ruler, spreading around.

In an instant, the space surrounding him distorted.

"So powerful!"

Putting away the Sun God Staff, Jiang Chen's face was still unable to hide his excitement. With this treasure at hand, he would dare to fight even a heavenly immortal.


After obtaining the Sun God Staff, there was no need for Jiang Chen to stay here. Holding the Sun God Staff, he turned around without any hesitation and left.


"You really got this treasure?"

Outside the cave, the Jiang Family's elder ancestor looked at Jiang Chen, who was walking out with the Sun God Staff, and was a bit surprised.

He had merely pointed it out to Jiang Chen out of favor, not really expecting him to succeed. But unexpectedly, he did.

This was indeed a surprise.

You should know, the elder ancestor had presided over the Jiang Family treasure house for many years and in that period, there were many who had received his pointers. But getting the Sun God Staff, that was only Jiang Chen.

Just this fact alone, was enough to prove that Jiang Chen was exceptional.

"Haha!" Jiang Chen replied with an embarrassed laugh, "It's all thanks to luck."

The elder ancestor heard it, only gave him a deep look and didn't delve into the process. Instead, he turned his head and said, "Since you were able to take the Sun God Staff, it shows that you are qualified to participate in that matter."

"Come here and meet me in thirty years, and I will discuss it in detail with you."

After that, the elder ancestor didn't speak anymore.

What thing are you talking about?!

Seeing that the elder ancestor stopped speaking midway, Jiang Chen got anxious and asked: "What is the matter that the elder ancestor is talking about?"

He initially thought that the elder ancestor would explain, but the elder ancestor just played mysterious, "As for what matter, wait until you cultivate into Yang God before I tell you. Anyway, it's not a bad thing."

"Also, if you can't cultivate into Yang God within thirty years, even if I tell you about it, you won't be able to participate."

"In that case, it would be better not to say it and avoid needless worries."

Listening to the elder ancestor talk like this, Jiang Chen undoubtedly became even more curious about what was going on, making it so mysterious.